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2,000 filenet bpf case study trabajos encontrados

...maximum. The songs have to be unique, new creations. They have to be just instrumental music, without Voice. On the other hand, the 15 have to be of the same musical genre, which you can choose: Relaxation music, reggae, electronic, dance hall. Tracks must be configured in 1 of the following ways: - High Quality MP3 - 320kbps - 44.1khz - FLAC 44.1khz The original audio track has to be sent. In the case of using the audacity software, the project where the rhythms meet must be delivered....

$56 Average bid
$56 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas
case personalizado
Finalizado left

quiero una web simple y facil de usar, en la que una persona desde su iphone pueda subir una foto para personalizar un case de iphone y tambien pueda hacer sus pedidos

$443 Average bid
$443 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

...the designer. Selection Process: The interested designer is expected to send us a sample of what his work would be like. In the following link () there is a picture of a Rolex Submariner. Two proposals (layers that can be superimposed) are expected as shown for each customizable part of the watch (bezel, lugs, dial, case, central and outer link). See the attached file as a guide. WE DON'T REQUEST A SAMPLE WITH COMMERCIAL VALUE, JUST A TEST OF THE QUALITY OF WORK. WE KNOW THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO WORK WITH EXAMPLES, WE ONLY ASK FOR A TEST OF WHAT THEY WOULD DO IN ANY FORMAT. PDF FOR EXAMPLE WITH THE FINAL RESULT WOULD WORK. ------------------------------Español ------------------------------------- Somos una

$1211 Average bid
$1211 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

Somos una empresa comercializadora de relojes de lujo que en adición presta el servicio de personalización de estos mismos con diamantes. NO NECESITAMOS CREAR LA APLICACION, SOLO LAS IMAGENES Estamos creando una aplicación que da la posibilidad a nuestro cliente de seleccionar un reloj específico y añadirle diamantes en partes esp...por el diseñador. Proceso de Selección: Se espera que el diseñador interesado nos envíe una muestra de cómo sería su trabajo. En el siguiente enlace ( )hay una foto de un Rolex Submariner. Se esperan como muestra 2 propuestas (capas que se puedan superponer) por cada parte personalizable del reloj (bezel, lugs, dial, case, central and outer link). Ver archivo adjunto como gu&...

$937 Average bid
$937 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas order to increase seo, lower bounce rate and get better conversions. The project must be previously analyzed and the job candidate must have a wide experience with proven ability to analyze, draw a line of improvement and implement the desired changes. I am not looking for someone who can simply perform the requested tasks, but part of the job should be to present an improvement project and study options before deciding on the line of work. Abstain large agencies for exorbitant budgets. Precise freelancer profile with the desire to work, positive previous reviews, and decisive. ...

$609 Average bid
$609 Oferta promedio
36 ofertas
Creacion de Logo
Finalizado left members (apart from the holder) and as a bonus, a handle will be given to the holder and one of their beneficiaries who will have QR codes and the call center line printed so that in case of an accident or emergency, anyone can scan the code or call the service line to get health alerts such as blood type, diseases, allergies, medications you take and a family member's contact phone number to contact in case of emergency. Our goal is to give our clients the possibility to connect them with different types of services or products (Mainly health) at more favorable prices and to provide peace of mind in case of emergency so that medical personnel have important information about the client and can quickly contact a familiar to give notice. The name of the p...

$94 Average bid
$94 Oferta promedio
28 ofertas
Trophy icon Desarrollo de logo
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Requiero un logo y la línea gráfica para la empresa Nuberus que tiene como misión apoyar en la gestión operativa de las empresas a través de la innovación de tres tecnologías: prototipos 3d, el...tecnologías: prototipos 3d, electrónica y desarrollo en la nube de sistemas de información. La misión de la empresa es brindar servicios de soporte a la operación de nuestros clientes creando tecnología hardware y software mayormente B2B y algunos casos B2C por ejemplo seguridad, control de calidad, logística, puntos de venta entre otros. The new feedback is related to letter that should be lower case and rounded such as airb&b, costco, etc Nuestro logo será impreso en materiales ...

$150 Average bid
Urgente Garantizado Concurso principal
345 participaciones

Desarrollo existente con PHP, MySql, Android app Requiere mantenimirnto y actualizacion. Contrato manual. Diaponibilidad 24 x 7 en case sensitive emergencias

$29473 Average bid
$29473 Oferta promedio
31 ofertas

...necesito pocos en principio, y de ver que funciona, realizar mas diseños en el futuro. I need a graphic designer to make 100% original designs for T-shirts, with the size and topic I will tell you if you are interested. Payment would be for every design, would only need 1 design, don't need different drafts, and I am willing to pay 8 euros/design, since I only need few of them for the moment, and in case it works, to have a long working relationship....

$18 Average bid
$18 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas

...images. Admin features 1. You can register new employees, create their profile and add more information 2. You can customize the work calendar, mark different shifts, holidays, etc. 3. You will be able to see personalized reports of working hours of your employees, calculate the total of worked hours, holiday hours, and more. 4. You can modify/edit the tracked working hours in your calendar in case of any errors Users: 1. You can track your work hours by checking in at arrival and checking out at departure. 2. You can access your calendar and consult your work schedule. SPANISH: APLICACIÓN WEB PARA EL REGISTRO DE CONTROL DE HORAS EN TRABAJOS Funciones: la aplicación ofrece la capacidad de rastrear las actividades de entrada / salida de los empleados p...

$684 Average bid
$684 Oferta promedio
31 ofertas

Requisitos: Time New Roman, letra 12, 1.15 espacio Fecha limite: Miercoles, 30 de octubre de 2019, 10:00 AM Adjunto hay un documento en microsoft word con una serie de preguntas (8 en tota...Fecha limite: Miercoles, 30 de octubre de 2019, 10:00 AM Adjunto hay un documento en microsoft word con una serie de preguntas (8 en total). Debes leerlas bien y contestarlas usando referencias primarias o secundarias. Se permite usar blog como referencia también, pero solo en la parte del caso (pregunta #4). Enlaces que pueden ayudar a contestar la pregunta #4 (buscar mas):

$79 Average bid
$79 Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

Study to measure the modification of advertising in the social networks of the Puerto Rican business sector Ya tengo la primera parte de la investigación. Solo falta Marco conceptual, teórico y referencial. Para más información estaré proporcionándola con mucho gusto por chat.

$111 Average bid
$111 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...en este caso. Dispongo del archivo .zip con la extensión y sus archivos. English: This is a chrome extension developed in Java, the procedure is as follows: 1º Access a profile of Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, sx and Tumblr. 2nd The extension recognizes the number of images that profile has, in the case of Pinterest its "Images" pins 3rd The extension gives you the option to download up to a limit of 250 images. The job would be to remove that limit so you can download them all in this case. I have the .zip file with the extension and its files....

$31 Average bid
$31 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...information system that optimizes the processes and procedures of the areas of production and sales of the Company PROINSUMOS S.A, in order to reduce all types threat, reduce costs and increase profits in the short term. I would very much like you to consider these characteristics at the time of the quote It is required in the quotation for the development of the new information system Viability study Information System Development Design for sales and distribution modules Adaptive design for the user Training workshop...

$1247 Average bid
$1247 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...of a watch parts (attached references images). The manufacturing method of this watch case will be by additive manufacturing; hence, it can be more freedom regarding the used forms. Try to look some examples of what it is possible to do with this kind of fabrication. Watch case material: Titanium Bracelet/strap material: To be defined, but it has to be any ecofriendly material. The bracelet/strap design is optional, but if you believe that your design must be together with the bracelet/strap it will be accepted nevertheless. The watch movement geometry will be circular. The watch case must not be superior to a width of 44mm WITHOUT including the crown. If your design shows the case back, this one will have a mechanic movement, therefore...

$123 Average bid
13 participaciones
Diseño de un reloj
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Este proyecto reposa principalmente en el desarrollo del case o la caja del reloj de pulsera. Estamos buscando algo creativo y original ( Una pista puede ser la optimizacion topográfica ) ya que su fabricación no sera a través de un método convencional. Puede ser solo una prestación simple en 3D, o un trabajo integral con la modelado 3D y planos 2D respectando cotas y otros parámetros.

$544 Average bid
$544 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas
desarrollo sitio web
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Cuento con un sitio web que encargue para una empresa de personalización de case fundas para celulares, necesito corregirlo, finalizarlo y en lo posible contar con un administrador customizado donde pueda crear categorias, producto, tipos de case, este sitio lo desarrollaron en wordpress y woocommerce y no eh podido con el, ya que no me da muchas opciones y el administrador lo veo muy complicado y dificil de entender.

$188 Average bid
$188 Oferta promedio
47 ofertas

Necesito un estudio de integración tecnológicas para cubrir ciertas necesidades empresariales, sobre todo en soluciones de ciberseguridad y cloud. ____ I need a technological integration study to cover certain business needs, especially in cyber security and cloud solutions.

$1272 Average bid
$1272 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...evaluate all the options without using the exhaustive method. The problem basically deals with the following: Before it is necessary to understand the following, the same letters make up 1 packet, but there is also a restriction variable where only M packets can be passed, for this case M is worth 2 M = 2, that is, only packets can pass where the letter is not repeat more than 2 times 1. I have an arrangement C C D F B B B A C A E A 2. I need to know which is the best range where more packages pass 3. For this case the best range is: 1 - 10 {C D F B B B A C A E} Explanation of why is the best range, remember that the same letter makes a package C = 2 D = 1 F = 1 B = 3 Does not comply with the restriction of M = 2 this means that it is not counted as a package should be...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 ofertas

busco PM que me ayude a realizar business case y todos los planes correspondientes a un proyecto de migración de un crm de importante empresa de tecnologia

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta promedio
4 ofertas

.../ Port or DNS or proxy URL, etc PS: It is not accepted to condition the connection between smathphone and local network with other programs outside those mentioned in this project Payment conditions: The freelancer will deliver the source code of the programs involved (total or partial reproduction is prohibited, non-free software). PS: The QR code must be compatible with any QR reader app. In case a special QR reader app is required for the new QR code, the freelacer must deliver the app and guarantee that it does not require special permissions (root) to be installed....

$181 Average bid
$181 Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

Necesito un sitio web nuevo. Necesito que diseñen y construyan un sitio web para mi pequeño negocio de venta de case personalizados para celulares y botón de pago. @pintcase Fb/Pint

$176 Average bid
$176 Oferta promedio
21 ofertas

...provide them in excel and we can work the categorization, we will provide excel sheets to your load. Freelancer has to ensure the correct upload of products and information. 10. Categorization of products. the e-commerce will be for dental students, then it will be necessary to structure the e-commerce so that the clients can search and select products based on the different universities where they study. It should also be possible to search by product families, and a general search engine where all the e-commerce products can be searched. 11. Integration with the api of our NACEX shipping provider requirements: - daily communication if necessary - project has to be ready for 15th june - complete support during 5 months after e-commerce is ready

$634 Average bid
$634 Oferta promedio
36 ofertas

...they have with these technologies and with which they recommend doing it in a more efficient way, since we understand that you will have other jobs (we need to know approximately hours hours they can demand our work) then we will negotiate the price of their work and mode of payment based on what expertise and in what time you can achieve the objective, I also tell you that as an example in our case we would like to do the workshoop under Trello and Slack since it is not new for us and maybe other partners collaborate . Thank you very much for your time and I hope to be able to work together and be in contact, be free of opinions or criticism since it is our first project via for those interested in hydroponics. Please do not hesitate to contact me as it is the nex...

$10 Average bid
4 participaciones
Ediciòn videos Chroma
Finalizado left videos que ya hemos editado: Requeririan animacion, efectos, rotoscopia, mejorar resolucion. Idea para copy o integracion animada en los case del video:

$152 Average bid
$152 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

Me interesa grabar un caso de exíto de algunos de nuestros clientes, que han tenido con nuestro producto que es una plataforma online. Quiero hacer un vídeo de este estilo: Saludos!

$341 Average bid
$341 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

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Destacado Sellado Concurso principal

...system Correct answer: C C is correct, because corrective change is one of the modification-related triggers for maintenance. We decided to correct the software by fixing the bug. A is incorrect, because we do not upgrade software, we have to fix it. B is incorrect, because we do not perform any migration activities. D is incorrect. As in fact it is a trigger for maintenance in case of the IoT systems, this is not a case—we need to fix a defect, and we do not introduce any new or modified things into the system. DEBE QUEDAR ASI: Durante el proceso de pruebas para un software de Internet de las Cosas (IoT), se descubrió un defecto, pero no fue corregido debido al limite de la fecha de salida. Después de la salida, a la fecha no ha causado un fallo. Un...

$74 Average bid
$74 Oferta promedio
34 ofertas

...system Correct answer: C C is correct, because corrective change is one of the modification-related triggers for maintenance. We decided to correct the software by fixing the bug. A is incorrect, because we do not upgrade software, we have to fix it. B is incorrect, because we do not perform any migration activities. D is incorrect. As in fact it is a trigger for maintenance in case of the IoT systems, this is not a case—we need to fix a defect, and we do not introduce any new or modified things into the system. DEBE QUEDAR ASI: Durante el proceso de pruebas para un software de Internet de las Cosas (IoT), se descubrió un defecto, pero no fue corregido debido al limite de la fecha de salida. Después de la salida, a la fecha no ha causado un fallo. Un...

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta promedio
38 ofertas

...Francesa of Miraflores, tourists and residents from all over the world.  I give lessons in Miraflores, San Isidro and San Borja, districts near to Surco. FEES: 1 hour S/. 50 10 hour package S/. 470 20 hour package S/. 800 Study Material is included. *The half of Payment is in advance and the other half at the end of the package. Cancellation of a class must be made at least 1 day before class time, otherwise it is charged that class-hours. Contact me: carolsuarez82@ Telephone number: 959428813 Carol Suárez. INFORMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Soy traductora de profesión y me dedico a dar cl...

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 ofertas

...Series, ciencia, comics, fan art, frases, todo lo que se le pueda ocurrir, orientado en vertical adjunto algunas ideas. pagare por diseño 0.30 usd necesitare mas de 10.000 diseños y a futuro mas. (no imagenes googleadas) las ire pagando en grupo de 33 imagenes = 10 usd) si la imagen no es lo suficientemente buena te pagare pero no necesitare mas del mismo diseñador. solo necesito la imagen no el case de fondo. gracias....

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

...(flight search) those searches looking for products in other websites. This time there are no hotel searches or flight searches, in this time I need website of appliances search such as TV, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. and I know that a search algorithm of that size is very expensive. As I understand that the webpage with a large algorithm is very expensive so I will also do my work and will study the markets of the appliances and I will upload to the website all the information that I collect from physical stores and online stores. but I also want to remind that the website needs to perform the online search in other web pages. The web page can be used to have a very large capacity to store many databases and I have a lot of information so the user can enter easily and ...

$634 Average bid
$634 Oferta promedio
27 ofertas
Diseño de Logotipo
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Fox & Wolf es una marca de ropa streetwear con influencia oriental particularmente corea del sur y japon dirigida a un publico joven entre 15 y 25 años con gusto por el skate la fotografia callejera y el ambito industrial. Buscamos un isologo minimalista (estilo off white) que sea de facil integracion en las distintas prendas de la marca (gorras, hoodies, playeras manga larga y corta, case de celular, posters, tablas de skate)

$51 Average bid
$51 Oferta promedio
45 ofertas

NEEDS to a person who has KNOWLEDGE to the Laws of Delaware to study a potential intimation to a company based in Delaware that does not meet the Contra to possessing between the Company and a seller of the same. A person who knows well the laws are precise and THE PROCEDURE to s in that State, to act is to s cases and can recommend the feasibility initiate some action or if you really worth doing anything. It would be ideal is to , an attorney who move in the world of buying and selling aftermarket revenue even tos massive, you have cases to contribute from companies such as Ticketmaster, Stubhub, Viagogo, et cetera. Necesito una persona que tenga conocimiento sobre las Leyes de Delaware para estudiar una potencial intimación a una empresa radicada en Delaware que no cump...

$236 Average bid
$236 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...comerciales, donde el cliente accediendo a ellas podra diseñar un case o funda para su celular, una vez finalizado el diseño, el operario del kiosco procedera manualmente a finalizar el pedido e imprimir el case con la imagen seleccionada y editada por el cliente, en pasos este seria el proceso: 1) Selecciona un modelo de smartphone mediante las marcas y modelos ingresados en el App, ademas tendra una vista de destacados con atajo a los modelos mas recientes. 2) elige el tipo de impresión deseado para su case puede ser parcial png / completa jpg 3) una vez seleccionado el tipo de impresión selecciona los case disponibles para el tipo de impresión seleccionado los cuales serán visibles mediante una vista previa del ti...

$1841 Average bid
$1841 Oferta promedio
32 ofertas

...OnBase REQUISITOS Hyland OnBase Administrator versión 16 o superior Configuración y resolución de problemas de OnBase Workview Experiencia de solución de problemas y desarrollo de flujo de trabajo de OnBase Experiencia con la configuración del cliente web OnBase, la unidad del cliente, el cliente pesado y los módulos de software de escaneo OnBase Unity Forms Desarrollo del módulo OnBase Case Manager Experiencia en desarrollo de API OnBase OTROS Diseñar y desarrollar soluciones Workview. Ayudar con las pruebas y el despliegue de las actualizaciones del sistema OnBase. Asistir en la configuración del producto requerida para los nuevos proyectos de implementación de OnBase dentro de la empresa Desarr...

$41 / hr Average bid
$41 / hr Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...Hyland OnBase REQUISITOS Hyland OnBase Administrator versión 16 o superior Configuración y resolución de problemas de OnBase Workview Experiencia de solución de problemas y desarrollo de flujo de trabajo de OnBase Experiencia con la configuración del cliente web OnBase, la unidad del cliente, el cliente pesado y los módulos de software de escaneo OnBase Unity Forms Desarrollo del módulo OnBase Case Manager Experiencia en desarrollo de API OnBase OTROS Diseñar y desarrollar soluciones Workview. Ayudar con las pruebas y el despliegue de las actualizaciones del sistema OnBase. Asistir en la configuración del producto requerida para los nuevos proyectos de implementación de OnBase dentro de la empresa Desarrolla ...

$3891 Average bid
$3891 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas
Trophy icon Diseño App Android Pint.
Finalizado left

...Móvil en tamaño de tablet de 10`` el diseño del app es para que el cliente pueda diseñar como desea el case de su celular, para ello el diseño debe guiar en lo siguiente: 1) Selecciona un modelo de smartphone mediante las marcas y referencias. 2) elige el tipo de case/funda para móvil entre colores y modelos los cuales se veran con el precio que corresponde a cada uno. ( en este punto solo tendran color o transparencia no imagenes. 3) selecciona una imagen de nuestra Galeria de imagenes mediante títulos, subtítulos, vista previa... etc. 4) si no opta por las imagenes de nuestra galeria puede ingresar a sus redes sociales o email a descargarla 5) una vez seleccionada la imagen y el case modelo de su smart...

$190 Average bid
Garantizado Sellado
4 participaciones
Trabalho acadêmico
Finalizado left

Oito questões sobre um case da perdigão

$166 Average bid
$166 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas
Trophy icon Crear una Cartoon (mascota Corporativa)
Finalizado left

Create a corporate mascot, the idea is to create a toon from the currency that is Create a corporate mascot, the idea is to create a toon from the currency that is our logo to be able to make video something similar to this video that I leave here as an example. Include video ;v=gOTHntjU5wE In our case it would be turning the coin into a corporate mascot, that is to say, adding arms and legs, better said what is necessary. textured development of shaders rigging system internal controls rendering lyp sinc modeling Crear una mascota corporativa, la idea es crear un toon desde la moneda que es nuestro logo para poder hacer video algo parecido a este video que le dejo aqui de ejemplo. Incluir video ;v=gOTHntjU5wE

$400 Average bid
16 participaciones

Tenemos diversas necesidades de diseño para material principalmente digital pero también impresos. Por ahora, nos urge elaborar un "case study". Rediseñar una página web, publicidad para facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. En este tema, lo que vende es un book que nos pueda mostrar para tomar la decisión. De preferencia en Behance. Saludos

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

...Android Emulator for Windows. 2) Target App is a Windows desktop application. We want to obtain source app events, clicks and movements then convert each one into target apps clicks and keywords inputs. We are getting source events analyzing images from the app: a) making a copy of the screenshots (print screens) from the source app b) making an OCR from some sections of the screenshot c) define the case logic (what to do) according to the text obtained from the OCR process d) execute click and key inputs on the target apps We need someone to complete the code, improve OCR process speed and analyze if it is possible to complete the project. The code is Visual Studio C#. Programador experto en C# con experiencia en manipulación de imágenes y OCRs Tenemos 2 aplicac...

$190 Average bid
$190 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...plana, y que no me den datos o acciones a seguir para resolver un problema, o un dato curioso. Estructura: Empezar la primera línea con un dato tan llamativo que se quiera seguir leyendo. Proveer la solución o respuesta a esa duda que se dio al inicio. Incluir una fuente y cerrar con una conclusión. Ejemplos: 1 How to get people to work for you 3x better? It is possible according to a study. It requires that you leave aside the management mindset and treat your workers as a coach leading them towards the right direction. It's all about motivation. Motivate your workers, and they'll go the extra mile for your business every time 2 Direct obsolete marketing strategy? Well, although you may think

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Oferta promedio
21 ofertas

...and if we are going to invest money in this, all these details should be taken care of. Now, with regard to the apps that should be Android and IOSS is to say that should run for all devices of both languages ​​or platforms, we are open to suggestions that they are native, hybrid or mixed? The framework will depend on the objectives and priorities of the app. Accepted the proposal to be the case, once we start working should give us work plans, platforms and languages ​​to use, exact delivery times, etc. There are many varieties of apps, the development of applications is complex, more if you want to do well and avoid programming errors when it is already active or for sale. For an app it is important the database that is managed and the scope of it, depending on the objec...

$1216 Average bid
$1216 Oferta promedio
28 ofertas

I need to divide PDF documents into individual TXT files, design applications + letters that identify the end of each...Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires; Director Suplente a Bárbara Regina Schiano, CUIT 27-35402856-0, con domicilio en la calle O’Higgins 1419, Quilmes, Partido de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Cecilia María Alessandri – Contadora Pública Qs. 89.699 NOTE: The letters used to identify the end of the text part are not aleatory. There are +140 combinations of two letters (Capital+Lower case + "." OR Capital + "." +Capital + ".") that identifyes cityes of Buenos Aires Province. The RegexExpression is OK, But I will use it to split the PDF, from its TXT converted with an OCR, using VB.Ne...

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas
Trophy icon Marca Personal Juan Carlos Julio E.
Finalizado left

At the moment I am embarking on a career in coaching, focused on corporate image, sales and commercial and personal finance in the city of Panama. The specific market niche is Millenialls and people who are potential entrepreneurs between 18-28 years, so in this case I would like the logo to be something young and professional. LOGO 1: I need the design of my personal logo, which must have my name (Juan Carlos Julio). I always wear glasses and a tie, which is why they are two elements that identify me as a professional (photo attachment). So if you could integrate the glasses and the tie, to my name. or to make a single silhouette of the tie and the lenses that simulate my figure, would be creative. The colors that I like are black, wine red and grayscale. LOGO 2: In addition,...

$100 Average bid
35 participaciones
Build me a website
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We need a wordpress based website with content and pictures sent by us, with our brand's manual, with font type, colors and more. We need the website in Spanish. However, we speak fluent english in case of a direct conversation or instruction.

$161 Average bid
$161 Oferta promedio
45 ofertas
Programador mikrotik
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...EXCLUSIVE USE of data ONLY for uploading. *The idea is to sum download speeds of ADSL, and sum uploads speeds of ADSL + 4G *Example. WAN 1 = ADSL 1, WAN 2 = ADSL 2, WAN 3 = ADSL 3, WAN 4 = 4G, LAN 5 = CONECTION TO PRINCIPAL SWITCH. *WAN 5 (4G) Must work limited or blocked with downloading. -At a fisrt stage, we would use only WAN 1(ADSL 1) y WAN 4(4G), but WAN 2 y WAN 3 should be available just in case we need a beter bandwith in the future. -In the company we have several "switches" and a total of 26 connected devices, there are machines, computers, printers, smartphones, etc... in Linux, Windows, IOS y android... -Local network should work in -at this moment, ADSL 1 is working in ROUTER ASUS DSL-AC52U -at this moment, 4G 1 is -at this moment, 4G 1 is workin...

$144 Average bid
$144 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas The study will work a lot with the terms "Health, healthy, motion, academy, training, etc." It requires clear colors and that transmit light and transparency. We do not want dark colors or remember hard training. To help you, a term to define would be "individualized", it will not be a gym, this is going to be a study of personal training, in which from the moment the person enters the door goes to receive a personalized and individualized attention, seeking to solve your interests, needs and objectives being attended by health professionals and physical exercise to offer a quality service and guarantees and said professional will accompany you throughout the process of achieving of your objectives. The name is "Health in move&q...

$123 Average bid
39 participaciones

I am looking for someone who can create to me a Faucet game, this one is an example: I need someone who can made me any original script 100% functional, who can solve me bugs in case they exist, compatible with Coinpayments. I want a simple script with custom functions with clean and simple design. If you want to speed up the process you can start from a script that I have created in Russian and you would accommodate it and translate it into English or Spanish because it is full on Russian. If the selected person does a good job, they will be given others of greater importance gradually. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estoy buscando a alguien que puede crear

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas