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    Estado del trabajo
    2,000 coral consultancy trabajos encontrados India is incredibly diverse, encompassing a wide range of crops from rice and wheat to tropical fruits and exotic spices. Therefore, our business would be designed to adapt to these diverse needs, offering specialized solutions for each type of crop and region. In terms of services, we would offer a full range of pest control solutions, ranging from detailed inspections and personalized consultancy to specific treatments and ongoing monitoring. Additionally, we would commit to using methods and products that are safe for the environment, people, and crops, ensuring sustainable and healthy agricultural production. The initiation of our business would begin with careful market research and thorough analysis of the needs and demands of farmers in different regions of India. Wit...

    $268 Average bid
    $268 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    El proyecto se enfoca en los servicios de tutoría, asesoramiento académico e investigación en las áreas de lectura y ciencias, así como en diseño y ilustración personalizados. El objetivo profesional del proyecto es brindar orientación y apoyo virtual a través de una amplia variedad de servicios, que incluyen diseño de logotipos, ilustraciones, folletos, publicaciones en Instagram, invitaciones para eventos, carteles, infografías, catálogos, tarjetas, boletines informativos, currículums y miniaturas de YouTube para marcas personales. Además, el proyecto ofrece servicios de optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) de Google, publicidad en Facebook e Instagram, conocimientos en Wo...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    Queridos colegas: Espero que se encuentren bien, Nos encontramos trabajando en un proyecto Alemán-Español muy grande, con más de 200,000 palabras para traducir. El contenido es génerico (e-commerce), y con propósitos vinculados a Machine Learning. Por favor comenten cuantas palabras pueden traducir en tres semanas, y cuál sería su mejor cobro por p...vinculados a Machine Learning. Por favor comenten cuantas palabras pueden traducir en tres semanas, y cuál sería su mejor cobro por palabra. Por favor, también comenten cuál es su nivel de Alemán y cuán cómodos están traduciendo del Alemán al Español de México. Igualmente por favor envíen su CV actualizado. ...

    $605 Average bid
    $605 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas
    Implementacion HUBSPOT
    Finalizado left

    Estamos impmementando el marketing hub de hubspot en un cliente y necesitamos de una persona que sea super usuaria y lo haya implentado. We need a certified Hubspot Marketing Hub Expert We are consultancy firm delivering services on pipedrive CRM to our client. Recently We sold a hubspot project and We became hubspot partners. Client indystry: tech services Scope: 1) Help us understand about Hubspot Multiple domains : dkm and spf 2) helps us configure sequence email on Hubspot 3) help us understand and configure lead sCoring on hubspot

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Buscamos programadores para crear API Y SDK.// We are looking for programmers to create API AND SDK. Somos una CONSULTORÍA DE SALUD - actividad & Conectividad. Desarrollamos pulseras para Health Care de posicionamiento interior y otros. En concreto buscamos los modelos de DUSUN// We are a HEALTH CONSULTANCY - activity & Connectivity. We develop bracelets for interior positioning Health Care and others. Specifically, we are looking for DUSUN models:: Smartwatch - DSS W-010 WIFI GATEWAY DSGW 030-2 LTE GATEWAY DSGW-404-2 ver imagen// view image:: :r1699342706919747248&th=17cc147c8b1fe2e4&view=fimg&fur=ip&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ9zKV8qIMBmCWf5CekhSxoGsCGnTfBHBNLgc4TpQVcXHIbgNo

    $259 - $776
    $259 - $776
    0 ofertas

    Buscamos programadores para crear APPSHEET.// We are looking for programmers to create APPSHEET. Somos una CONSULTORÍA DE SALUD - actividad & Conectividad. Desarrollamos pulseras para Health Care de posicionamiento interior y otros. En concreto buscamos los modelos de DUSUN// We are a HEALTH CONSULTANCY - activity & Connectivity. We develop bracelets for interior positioning Health Care and others. We work with POUCHPASS smartwatch Tenemos una tabla de datos, es muy simple y nos gustaría crear una App para visualizar los datos. // We have a data table, it is very simple and we would like to create an App to visualize all the data. Presupuesto desde// Budget from: 250 € a convenir// € 250 to be agreed Puede ser idioma inglés y español...

    $259 - $776
    $259 - $776
    0 ofertas

    Hola asadkhan3533, vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos discutir cualquier detalle por chat.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Estamos buscando un director de Coro para un grupo de canto coral. El coro es online. El director de Coro dirigirá los ensayos y a los coralistas a través de nuestra plataforma online, sin necesidad de impartir las sesiones de forma online. 2 días a la semana. Indispensable titulación en Dirección Coral y experiencia acreditable. Se solicitará enviar currículum vitae. Si has leído y entendido la la oferta, escribe "Me apasiona la Dirección Coral" al comienzo de tu oferta. De otra forma no será tenida en cuenta. Gracias.

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    hola te ofrezco mis servicios

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola asadkhan3533, vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos discutir cualquier detalle por chat.

    $240 Average bid
    $240 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Estamos buscando un influencer para promover un coro y conseguir nuevas incorporaciones. Debe tener seguidores y alcance entre personas que estén interesadas en el canto y la coral. Llegaremos a un acuerdo flexible según el alcance y estableceremos un fijo o unas comisiones altas garantizadas. Trabajo serio. Abstenerse curiosos.

    $344 Average bid
    $344 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Hola asadkhan3533, vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos discutir cualquier detalle por chat.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    casa capa coral
    Finalizado left

    construccion y licencias para administracion de la obra y permisos

    $153 Average bid
    $153 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas
    Solución en wordpress
    Finalizado left

    ...9 Necesito crear campos repetitivos según la cantidad seleccionada en un campo de texto (cantidad de productos a comprar) Por ejemplo si elige 5 en la casilla de la talla S, se deberían de generar 5 campos para rellenar nombres y números en esos campos Sitio web de referencia que si realiza esa acción correctamente: esta es mi web que no realiza dicha acción:

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas
    Trophy icon Diseño Logo con Ilustraciòn
    Finalizado left

    Requiero Logotipo para el nombre AguaMala, Agua Mala es el nombre que se le da a la medusa de mar, (jellyfish) se requiere para un restaurante el cual tendrá un concepto de colores claros, frescos, vivos, con un toque similar a los resto lounge de Miami Beach. se tiene pensado que juegue con colores: Almendra, Azules claros, Coral... Estamos abiertos a propuestas, el texto del nombre debe ir acompañado con una ilustraciòn de una Agua Mala y un eslogan de Mixology & kitchen. Por favor 100% original, tomaremos muy en serio las propuestas, subo algunas imágenes de referencia para fuentes, textos e ilustraciòn.

    $80 Average bid
    119 participaciones

    Hola FixIT Consultancy, vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos discutir cualquier detalle por chat.

    $217 Average bid
    $217 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Desarrollador Web
    Finalizado left

    ...ingresos de terceros a través de koworkmapu y podrá ser visible en la web de AOA Chile. ¡Hace el bien sin mirar a quien! Saludos cordiales Rodrigo Rojas Fundador de Agro Mapu & AOA Chile We’re looking for a freelance web designer with at least one year of verifiable experience. For checking this, we need to see portfolios or resumes. The designer will work with a Chilean organization with consultancy, advisory, and management projects related to the rural organic world. The designer we require must have experience in advertising graphic design, digital marketing, and social media strategies. As this is a long-term job, the designer should work in a team, with commitment and collaborative and responsible communication. The works to be carried out...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    Hello, I need an onsite online consultancy (through meet or zoom) to generate all the necessary Conversions for my google ads campaign (with google tag manager and analytics), and I wanted to know if you could help me? To do this, I would need to know, how much would you charge per hour ?, and more or less your hours of operation. Hola, Necesito una asesoría online onsite (a través de meet o zoom) para generar todas las Conversiones necesarias para mi campaña de google ads (con google tag manager y analytics), y deseaba saber si vos me podrías ayudar? Para ello, necesitaría saber, cuanto cobrarías por hora?, y más o menos tus horarios de atención.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    ...páginas de algunas escenas, así como ilustraciones que retratan a los "infectados" de la historia) aparte también rodé un "teaser" El proyecto del cómic a lo "Creepy" ya lo he comenzado dibujando alguna historia, pero es que tengo sobre unas 30 y no doy a basto, aparte que siempre enriquece que haya varios estilos de dibujo en una obra de tipo "coral" al estilo la publicación "Cthulhu" de Diábolo Ediciones. En principio el proyecto del cómic "Creepy" al ser historias cortas (4 a 8 páginas) lo planteaba como colaboración (yo también colaboro en un fanzine de cómics y que te publiquen en papel ya es una satisfacción) pero para la no...

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Somos una fábrica de pinturas en Paraguay llamada Puras Pinturas Paraguayas S.A. Fabricamos la marca Pinturas Montana, marca proveniente de Venezuela. Buscamos diseñadores que creen una aplicación para teléfonos móviles y que actualice nuestra página web () Aplicación Debe ...con la cámara del móvil Club del Pintor con usuario y sumatoria de puntos acumulados Espacio con videos y tips de pintura Ubicación geográfica de las Tiendas Montana en Paraguay Calculadora de costo total de materiales Vínculo a nuestras redes sociales Precio por desarrollo para sistemas Android y IOS Página web Lo mismo que la aplicación Recomendamos revisar las aplicaciones y webs de SUVINIL, CORAL, ALBA y Ben...

    $1541 Average bid
    $1541 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    ...detalles de la propiedad: - Plantilla: Trayectoria: - Es una nueva página con bloques de página de inicio: Diseño: Exclusivas - Diseño: - Plantillas:

    $598 Average bid
    $598 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas
    Trophy icon Diseño de Logo y icon
    Finalizado left

    Requerimos diseño de un logo y un icono ( version simplificada del logo ) para la marca: Coral Jazmin que es usada para promocion de Villa Vacacional de Lujo en Playas del Caribe. Se desea un logo sencillo, abstracto y sofisticado que exprese la sinergia entre las palabras de la marca: La flor Jazmin y Piedras de Corales / Arrecifes Coralinos. Coral Jazmin intenta expresar: Jazmines de Coral

    $90 Average bid
    Garantizado Concurso principal
    106 participaciones
    Trophy icon Diseño web de consultora de ingeniería
    Finalizado left

    English: I am looking for the design of a website for a new civil engineering consultancy (mainly in road infrastructure). As it`s new, projects will be created, so you should be able to add them to the website. Also the team of people will grow, so you should also be able to add it. It has to be a sober and professional design. Since today the cell phone is used a lot, we are interested in looking good from these. As you will see, we need to suggest the best possible solution. Company name: CREAR INGENIERIA (something like create engineering). I clarify that it is a consultancy that carries out projects and not a construction company. IMPORTANT: I ​​would like the site to allow adding projects without the need to edit the site itself, perhaps taking the data from an externa...

    $110 Average bid
    Destacado Garantizado
    23 participaciones
    Zoológico de animales
    Finalizado left cascabel, serpiente boa, serpiente cobra, lagarto, iguana, cocodrilo, gusano, lombris, araña, tarantula, escorpion, caracol, pulpo, calamar, cienpies, mariposa, escarabajo, saltamontes, grillo, cucaracha, hormiga, aveja, avista, medusa, delfin, tiburon, pez martillo, ballena, langosta, camaron, pez dorado, pez espeda, orca, mosca, gaviota, vuitre, llama, caballito de mar, camaleon, coral, almeja, ...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    Es para regalar a una asociación, que gestiona unos locales públicos, el nombre es: "ATENEU SAGRERENC" segundo nombre o apodo, en fuent...locales públicos, el nombre es: "ATENEU SAGRERENC" segundo nombre o apodo, en fuente más pequeña "ESPAI 30" que es como se le conocía antes, y como lema también en fuente más pequeña "La casa de tots" con los colores del grafiti de la fachada que tiene Son unos espacios en que se pretende que halla de todo tipo de manisfestación cultural, exposiciones de fotografía, pintura, teatro, cine , canto coral, conciertos varios, talleres de todo tipo, incluidos de tecnología un poco avanzada en cuanto a comunicaciones, visió...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Oferta promedio
    50 ofertas

    Buscamos una persona que hable perfectamente islandés y español para acompañarnos y hacer de intérprete.<br /><br />Fechas: Del 23 al 29 de mayo en Tenerife<br />Vuelos, alojamiento y dietas incluídos<br /><br />Esta persona acompañaría a un grupo coral durante el Festival Coral que celebramos en Puerto de la Cruz. Se alojará en el hotel, nos aompañará a los diversos conciertos y excursiones que hagamos y servirá de enlace entre los miembros del coro y la organización.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Automation Tester
    Finalizado left

    Tata Consultancy Services es una empresa de servicios de TI, consultoría y organización en soluciones de negocios que ofrece resultados reales a los negocios globales, asegurando un nivel de certeza que ninguna otra compañía puede igualar. TCS ofrece una cartera integrada de consultoría en servicios TI, BPS, infraestructura, ingeniería y servicios de control de calidad. Todo esto se ofrece por medio de su exclusivo Global Network Delivery Model™ (Modelo de Entrega en Red Global), reconocido como el parámetro de excelencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones. Como parte del Grupo Tata, el conglomerado industrial más grande de la India, TCS posee más de 319,000 de los consultores de TI más capacitados del mundo en 4...

    0 ofertas

    ...mary usa -lago mcdonald usa -cascadas de multnomah usa -mammoth hot springs usa -falla de san andrés usa -salto de bridalveil usa -lago tahoe usa -secuoyas gigantes usa -parque nacional valle de la muerte usa -monument valley usa -gran lago salado usa -parque nacional del bosque petrificado usa -cañón del antílope usa -cavernas de carlsbad usa -árboles mariposas México -barrera de coral de belice belice -isla del coco costa Rica -blue lagoon jamaica -delta del orinoco venezuela -archipiélago de anavilhanas brasil -el pantanal brasil -parque nacional sangay ecuador -desierto de sechura perú -quebrada de pachacoto perú -machu pichu perú -altiplano perú -desierto de atacama chile ...

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Oferta promedio
    65 ofertas

    Este es el proyecto del cliente Sr, Luis Ángel Coral Lopez, el proyecto se basa al concepto del cliente que pedía una casa lisa en tonalidades claras, el cual le di un ejemplo al estilo minimista y era el correcto. Los detalles de la casa son lisos y puros manejamos cristales grandes para dar esa sensación de un espacio libre y amplio, contemplamos una viga T en la parte posterior de la casa para romper el esquema de colores claros y remarcar el área social como lo es el comedor.

    $1625 Average bid
    $1625 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas
    Desarrollo en c#
    Finalizado left

    Experiencia en lenguajes de programación con enfoque en desarrollo y análisis orientado a objetos sobre lenguaje de programación .Net, J2EE, manejo de bases de datos SQL y Oracle, persona responsable, comprometida con los proyectos asignados, adecuado manejo de rela...programación con enfoque en desarrollo y análisis orientado a objetos sobre lenguaje de programación .Net, J2EE, manejo de bases de datos SQL y Oracle, persona responsable, comprometida con los proyectos asignados, adecuado manejo de relaciones interpersonales, dispuesta siempre a dar lo mejor para cumplir con las obligaciones asignadas y metas de la compañía. Realice mis prácticas en Tata Consultancy Services desempeñándome como Analista, ...

    $823 Average bid
    $823 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled interior designer with expertise in 3D design to create a modern office space primarily for client meetings for the director of the company. The design should be cost-effective yet impressive, suitable for a director's o...the office layouts. In total 4(four) 3D models. 4. Working drawings like ( electrical/ wood/ etc) for the wall and ceiling designs should be attached as well. All the best. May the best man/ women win. ****** Just as an additional benefit for the winner, the winner will automatically be shortlisted for a bigger hotel project, that the company is making in gurgaon. complete interior designing consultancy ight be awarded to the winner. Preference only will be given to the winner, no gaurantee that the hotel project maybe awarded to ...

    $175 Average bid
    Garantizado Concurso principal
    13 participaciones

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in the import/export of perishable goods. The project will primarily focus on customs clearance and freight forwarding. Key Responsibilities: - Facilitate the import/export of perishable goods - Manage customs clearance processes - Coordinate freight forwarding Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in peris...will primarily focus on customs clearance and freight forwarding. Key Responsibilities: - Facilitate the import/export of perishable goods - Manage customs clearance processes - Coordinate freight forwarding Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in perishable goods import/export - Strong knowledge of customs regulations - Excellent freight forwarding coordination skills Please note that trade consultancy services may not be necessary...

    $305 Average bid
    $305 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    I'm seeking a designer with experience in creating a freeform parametric ceiling for cnc cutting. The ceiling's primary purpose is to enhance the aesthetics of the space. Key Requirements: - The design should incorporate geometric patterns, reflecting a modern and minimalistic style. - Use of hdmr materials is pref...geometric patterns, reflecting a modern and minimalistic style. - Use of hdmr materials is preferred. The designer should have knowledge about the properties and potential of these materials in ceiling design and construction. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in parametric design software. - Experience with freecam design. - Understanding of geometric patterns and modern minimalistic style. - Experience in coral draw for cnc cutting - Knowledge in working with ...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a consultancy website for the health and fitness sector. Key Features: - Service Description Pages: Detail the various consulting services offered. - Client Testimonials: Showcase past clients' success stories and experiences, building trust and credibility......... in the future not needed immediately. -more like a personal life coach sold as a single package. i would need the capability payments and refunds. standard email and bulk email capability also The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in building e-commerce sites. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Oferta promedio
    245 ofertas
    Android/PoS Consultancy
    5 días left

    I am looking for someone with experience in Android App Development, preferably for a PoS. I want to connect my app with PoS machine's in-built printer. We are looking for consultancy or development assistance for only this functionality. We are building our app in react native. If the work is good, and you are available, we can hire on contract for 2 months for a similar project.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional who can assist in drafting a compatibility statement for a potential business partnership. This document should evaluate...potential business partnership. - Contract Type: The final output should be formatted as an employment contract, as this partnership may lead to a formal employment scenario. - Key Elements: The compatibility statement should incorporate elements typically found in an employment contract, particularly job responsibilities. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in business consultancy and contract law. They should possess strong analytical skills to assess partnership compatibility and the ability to articulate this in a formal contract. A background in HR or experience drafting employment contracts would be hig...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a multi-page WordPress site for my new consultancy firm. The website should embody a corporate and professional design style. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a comprehensive and intuitive navigation menu - A design that exudes professionalism and corporate appeal - Responsive and optimized for various devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and web development - Strong understanding of corporate web design - Experience in creating multi-page websites with navigation menus Please note that the main purpose of the consultancy was not specified, so I would appreciate a web developer with insight into appropriate consultancy themes for the categories of 'Business Strategy', 'Marketing...

    $437 Average bid
    $437 Oferta promedio
    274 ofertas

    I'm looking for a classic and formal logo for my start-up consultancy, "MeiPor Solutions". The consultancy is geared towards assisting technology start-ups or companies aiming to scale up with innovative management solutions. The name "MeiPor" is derived from a Tamil word meaning 'true effort' or 'meaningful action'. Key Requirements: - Style: The logo should embody a classic and formal aesthetic, reflecting the seriousness and professionalism of a consultancy firm. - Color Scheme: A blue and white palette is preferred. The blue should convey trust and dependability, while the white adds simplicity and purity. - Design Elements: The logo can be text-only or abstract. The typography will play a crucial role in conveying the ...

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Oferta promedio
    126 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented web designer to create a complete website for my legal consultancy, Law Land. The main purpose of this website is to generate leads, so the design needs to be focused on attracting and converting potential clients. Key Requirements: - The website should include a Contact form for potential clients to reach out. - The overall design style should be Professional and Corporate, reflecting the nature of our services and our brand image. - The site needs to be user-friendly, intuitive, and optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for corporate or professional services. - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies and effective web design techniques for this purpose. - Excellent a...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Oferta promedio
    132 ofertas

    ...**end-to-end services** (content provided) - Use infographics, icons, and other visuals for engagement - **Why Choose Us:** - Highlight key differentiators (time-bound success guarantee, expertise, etc.) - **Success Stories/Case Studies:** - Include space for 2–3 success stories with accompanying visuals - **Process Overview:** - A step-by-step visual representation of our consultancy process - **Back Cover:** - Closing statement, contact details, and a call-to-action 3. **Visual Elements:** - **Color Palette:** - Primary: Deep Navy Blue (#0B2545) - Secondary: Metallic Gold (#C5B358) - Accent: Crimson (#DC143C) - Background: Pure White (#FFFFFF) - **Typography:** - Headlines: Playfair Display - Body...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta promedio
    162 ofertas for my IT services business. The site should be sleek, mobile-responsive, and optimized for performance. Key aspects of the project include: - A black theme with a professional IT focus. - A fully responsive design for all devices. The website should consist of: - A Home page providing an overview of our services. - A consolidated Services page detailing our offerings: Data Recovery, IT Consultancy, Firewall Assistance, Web Hosting, and Email Hosting Support. - About Us and Contact Us pages, the latter equipped with a form and map. - Placeholder pages for future additions. Features to be integrated: - Contact Form and Service Inquiry Form. - SEO-friendly, fast-loading design. - Links to our social media (please propose which ones are commonly used in the IT industry) ...

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Oferta promedio
    129 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented and experienced website designer to create a professional and user-friendly website for my business consultancy. Key Requirements: - The website should clearly articulate the different services we offer. - It should have a clean, modern design that reflects our brand and appeal to prospective clients. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing consultancy service websites, particularly in the business sector. - Strong portfolio demonstrating skills in creating service-oriented, easy-to-navigate websites. - Excellent understanding of SEO and responsive design.

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta promedio
    128 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional to assist in crafting a compelling pitch deck aimed at attracting investors for my startup, currently in its i...will take the lead in conducting thorough market research and presenting key insights into the executive summary, market analysis, and competitive landscape sections of the deck. Key Responsibilities: - Create a captivating executive summary - Conduct comprehensive market research - Analyze and present the competitive landscape Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in startup consultancy or investment relations - Exceptional understanding of market analysis - Proficiency in creating visually appealing and persuasive pitch decks - Excellent research skills and ability to distill complex data into compelling narratives. bu...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    [Must Read and Write Custom Proposal ] [AI Proposal will not be accepted] [No Direct Email / Call, I will only entertain Proposal here] I'm seeking a professional with expertise in lead generation specifically for an IT consultancy specializing in high-end website and application development. Objectives: - Primarily, the goal is to generate qualified leads that can transform into high-value clients. Preferred Methods: - The most effective and preferred methods for lead generation are email marketing, LinkedIn marketing, and reference marketing. - Experience in these platforms and proven success in generating leads through them is crucial. Target Audience: - The focus of this campaign is on small and medium businesses. - Understanding the needs and challenges of these b...

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    [Must Read and Write Custom Proposal ] [AI Proposal will not be accepted] [No Direct Email / Call, I will only entertain Proposal here] I'm seeking a professional with expertise in lead generation specifically for an IT consultancy specializing in high-end website and application development. Objectives: - Primarily, the goal is to generate qualified leads that can transform into high-value clients. Preferred Methods: - The most effective and preferred methods for lead generation are email marketing, LinkedIn marketing, and reference marketing. - Experience in these platforms and proven success in generating leads through them is crucial. Target Audience: - The focus of this campaign is on small and medium businesses. - Understanding the needs and challenges of these b...

    $7 - $18
    $7 - $18
    15 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in identifying universities globally, specifically those with excellent program-specific rankings. Your role will primarily focus on: - Selecting appropriate universities that align with my academic and career aspirations. - Providing comprehensive insights on the reputation and ranking of these insti...rankings. Your role will primarily focus on: - Selecting appropriate universities that align with my academic and career aspirations. - Providing comprehensive insights on the reputation and ranking of these institutions. Ideal candidates should possess strong research skills, familiarity with global university rankings, and insight into program-specific reputations. Experience in educational consultancy or university admissions is hi...

    $452 Average bid
    $452 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    I'm looking to develop a web-based service marketplace specifically tailored for consulting services. The platform should allow users to create profiles and portfolios, list consultancy services as products, and include a secure payment processing system. Key Features: - User Profiles and Portfolios: Users should be able to create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and previous consulting engagements. - Product Listing: The platform should allow for the listing of various consultancy services as 'products'. - Payment Processing: Integration of a reliable and secure payment system is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in web-based software development, particularly in creating service marketplaces. - Proficiency i...

    $2425 Average bid
    $2425 Oferta promedio
    48 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website with features like appointmet booking, Payment gateway, Article writing etc Key requirements: - Knowledge of best practices for site development, including user-friendly design and mobile-responsiveness. - Understanding of SEO principles to ensure the site is search engine friendly. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Oferta promedio
    55 ofertas

    ...simple home page website for a consultancy company My vision for the logo is a timeless, classic, and elegant design that reflects the nature of our consultancy work. The home page should include: - Our company's mission and values - A comprehensive list of the services we offer As I currently do not have a set color scheme or branding guidelines, I would appreciate assistance in creating these. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in logo creation - Experience in web design, specifically creating home pages - Ability to conceptualize and create a cohesive branding scheme - Understanding of modern design software and tools - Strong communication skills to understand and interpret my vision. My consulta...

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta promedio
    103 ofertas

    I am looking for a skilled designer and developer to create a visually impactful and high-functioning website for my consultancy. I can provide website examples to help define the desired look and feel. Design Services: ● Logo Design: Create a minimalist logo that reflects the consultancy sector. ● Business Card Design: Design a professional business card that complement the logo. Website Development: ● Front-end: ○ Develop a fast-loading and user-friendly website using modern frameworks like React or Vue.js. ○ Implement responsive design for seamless viewing across all devices (desktop, mobile and tablets). ○ Optimize website performance through image optimization, code minification, and caching. ● Back-end: ○ Build an efficient and scalable backend using L...

    $283 Average bid
    $283 Oferta promedio
    138 ofertas