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Cómo contratar a un excelente JUCE Developer freelance
JUCE (Jules’ Universal C++ Environment) is a world-leading open-source C++ development framework used by musicians and audio engineers to create the most advanced music and audio production applications. It is a comprehensive set of modules and functions which allows experienced C++ developers to create applications quickly and with higher levels of quality then existing traditional development processes.
If you are looking for a JUCE Developer, they could take on tasks such as audio plug-in prototyping, instrument/software sound design, audio engine porting, cross-platform GUI/plugininterfaces creation, prototyping and more. Before hiring a Freelancer, you should know their JUCE experience level and requirements. Interview potential JUCE Developers to ensure that their skillset is the best fit for your project. At current market rates the cost of hiring a JUCE Developer range from $25 to $85 per hour depending on the complexity of the project.
Hiring a qualified JUCE developer on Freelancer will minimize the risk of costly turnaround times and buggy codebase since each professional has successfully passed our pre-qualification process. So why not hire a reliable JUCE developer from Freelancer today?