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M B.



Web Developer

$20 USD / hora
Bandera de
Pakistan (11:54 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el julio 31, 2023
$20 USD / hora
Hi Sir, I am Bilal. I am Professional Web Developer carry out 2 years of Experience but relatively new here on this Platform. I have been developing WordPress websites for two years. Now i am expert at making full fledged responsive websites in WordPress. plus i am passionate in doing my assigned work. Lets start then The custom WordPress website design, strategies and advice that I provide upon delivery guarantees that you will get the most out of your new website + see the benefits straight away. You will be able to make changes easily and add content when you [login to view URL] can always expect a professional and a timely service from my side. If you have any questions, feel free to get back to me. I'll respond as soon as I can. I am Expert in WordPress Woo-commerce Shopify Big Commerce eCommerce HTML CSS PHP SEO If you have any questions, feel free to get back to me.I'll respond as soon as I can. Please don't place any order without discuss with me. I will not outsource only work on freelancer.
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Web Developer
ene, 2020 - jun, 2020
4 meses, 30 dĆ­as
C.Institute of Technology
ene, 2020 - jun, 2020
4 meses, 30 dĆ­as
I am working on website full website creation and customization. This institute was really helpful in my learning process. Now I am a full fledged developer can work on freelancer.
ene, 2020 - jun, 2020
4 meses, 30 dĆ­as
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
2014 - 2018
4 aƱos
Bandera de
2014 - 2018
4 aƱos
Web Development
C.Institute of Technology
They awarded me as a certificate of Web development when i finish my course.
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