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Myrsíni F.
Tester, Translator, Customer Service Agent
$8 USD / hora
Greece (12:23 a. m.)
Se unió el junio 3, 2022
$8 USD / hora
I'm an experienced Customer Service Agent (4 years) and I also have project-based experience in translation (English to Greek and vice versa), transcription (for both these languages) data entry, and search engine evaluation in a span of 5-6 years. I also perform QA testing and provide UX feedback.
1. Connecting external and internal clients to facilitate the property viewing process
2. Building external clients' profile to tailor company offerings to their needs
3. Performing administrative communication between external partners and decision makers
4. Providing support and information to prospective leads through phone, chat, email and social media
ago, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 6 meses
Search Engine Evaluator
ene, 2021 - Presente
4 años, 1 mes
ene, 2021 - Presente
4 años, 1 mes
Evaluating search results in relevance to queries
Filtering appropriate content for ads
Proofreading results for digital assistants
ene, 2021 - Presente
4 años, 1 mes
Customer Service Representative
dic, 2021 - may, 2022
5 meses
dic, 2021 - may, 2022
5 meses
Providing primary customer support to internal and external customers through email.
Resolving customer issues directly through first level technical support.
Improving the knowledge base for internal and external customers through article feedback.
dic, 2021 - may, 2022
5 meses
Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistimion Athinon
2015 - 2021
6 años
History and Archaeology
2015 - 2021
6 años
Vellum Diploma in Customer Service
Vellum Global Educational Services
Customer Service - Basic Principles
Providing excellent customer service
Customer service in the hospitality industry
Customer service in the retail industry
Customer service in the public sector
Unicert Primary
Certification for the following applications
MS Access 2016
MS PowerPoint 2016
MS Word 2016
MS Excel 2016
MS Outlook 2016 (and Internet Explorer 11)
General Use of PC and File Management
Social Media Copywriting using Storytelling
I have learned the theory and practical aspects of using basic storytelling principles, for the purposes of social media copywriting for businesses and organizations.
US English
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