Kindly consider my bid for developing your "Sports Betting Website" as in past we already have developed large scale |Sports Betting| |Cryptocurrency| |CS:GO Gambling| |Bitcoin Exchange| |Ecommerce| |Food Delivery| |Social networking| |Adult| |Student| |Real estate| |Video Chat| |music community| |Gay/lesbian community| |Dating| |escorts/model| and many more websites & mobile apps.
We are expert in BOOTSTRAP, HTML5, PHP/MYSQL, ASP.NET/SQL, C, C++,Python, Angular, React, Mongo, Java, NodeJS, BOOTSTRAP to WORDPRESS, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS2, CSS3, Android & iOS, JAVASCRIPT, Responsive, Flexible, Layout, 1140 CSS Grid, WAI 2.0 / Section 508 so we are perfect for this project.
Looking forward to hear back from you.
Best Regards,
Raghav, IMS