”Seeking good quality assignments in AngularJs/NodeJs/PHP/Ionic/PhoneGap with Rest Service Development"
Over the last 7 years I have developed and deployed a wide range of products for mobile websites, e-commerce and hybrid applications using AngularJs, HTML, PHP, Ionic Framework, PhoneGap,NodeJs and MySQL. This includes websites for real state companies and small businesses.
”Seeking good quality assignments in AngularJs/NodeJs/PHP/Ionic/PhoneGap with Rest Service Development"
Over the last 7 years I have developed and deployed a wide range of products for mobile websites, e-commerce and hybrid applications using AngularJs, HTML, PHP, Ionic Framework, PhoneGap,NodeJs and MySQL. This includes websites for real state companies and small businesses.
Technologies and platforms :
CSS Frameworks
• Frameworks: Compass & SASS, Bootstrap, Less
• Frameworks: AngularJS & Jasmine Testing Framework
• Design Patterns: MVC, MVM, MVVM, AMD
• Libraries: jQuery, Knockoutjs, RequireJS, Modernizr, Underscore, d3.js
• Tools: JSLint, JSHint, JSDoc, UglifyJS, Grunt,Bower, Gulp
• Web Services & APIs: AaWS, REST, SOAP, Social API
Back End
• Languages: PHP
• Frameworks: Zend, CodeIgniter, Laravel, CakePHP, YII
• Databases: MySQL
• Wordpress, Joomla, Magen
• Version Control: SVN, GIT
• Tools: Jira, Confluence, bitbucket, github
• IDE: Sublime, Eclipse, Netbeans, Dreamweaver, Sublime Text2,3, NetBean , Zend Studio, WebStrom, Notepad++
• Operating System: Mac,