Necesito desarrollar una web muy visual (fotos y video), poco texto para tienda de moda que tiene alguna funcionalidad que requiere ser programada (Desplazamiento lateral de la pantalla con menú derecha y desplazamiento en el pie de página para presentar menú de marcas) La web debe ser una One Page con desplazamiento hacia abajo y efecto paralax (4 opciones) más los menús laterales y en el pie de página.
Total 50 páginas (home, moda, deporte, contacto, 46 páginas para 46 marcas)
La página debe ser responsive y muiltiidioma (5 idiomas)
Una vez aprobado el presupuesto entregaremos el documento con el diseño y todo el material para construir la web.
* Nota:
- Precio para 1 solo idioma y poner aparte precio por idioma adicional.
- Precio para hacer la web adaptando a una plantilla existente en wordpress.
- Precio para hacer la web adaptando a una plantilla existente en wordpress, pero programando parte de la web (menús laterales y menús en pie de página.
Hello, I have read what you exactly need, however I would like to ask you a few questions. I do work smart and do not rest until I get the job done.
Please feel free to ping me anytime so we can have a detailed discussion and finalize our budget and timeline.
I will deliver in best possible way.
Thank you.
We read your job post and most interested in your project because we expert developer in our team and will provide you exact as you want.
Reply for more discussion and start soon...
DON'T AWARD PROJECT BEFORE DISCUSSION, its pretty simple for me but I have few questions to ask, knock me for further discussion, we have 5 years experience in this skills thank you!
Hello Sir!!
Thanks for posting your job here. Let me introduce myself. I am expert in Bootstrap, HTML, HTML5, Javascript, PHP, Web design and WordPress. You can choose me to do the task. I am new in freelancer but level 2 seller on Fiverr as a Designer and WordPress developer. May you give me a chance to to be your assistance with the job.?
Best Regards
We are running a well-reputed software house which consists of professional UI designers and developers. We have extensive experience in building incredible PHP based websites, Wordpress Websites web apps with a team of professional developers.
We can assure you that we have all the skills and expertise that you require.
We believe in 100% satisfaction to the customers by accomplishing their requirements.
Hassan and team.