Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Milan Vujovic, I'm Electrical Engineer from University of Belgrade. I've been working as Embedded Software Developer for 4 years thru which I gain experience in writing firmware in C, C++, Python and MicroPython for different boards like STM32, ESP32, Cypress, nRF, Pycom and Raspberry Pi. Experience in PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, PSoC Creator and Segger IDEs. I've knowledge and great experience of communication protocols like BLE, MQTT, HTTP, LoRa, I2C, UART, SPI. I've worked with freeRTOS as well. Knowledge of a variety of different sensors: Temperature, Non-contact IR Temperature, Air Quality, PIR, Light, Camera, Respeaker Microphone. Creation of custom BLE services and characteristics on client and server side. Implementation of PowerBI, Microsoft Azure IoTHub, Computer Vision, Storage