With a deep understanding of analogue circuits, PCB design, and a specialization in industrial automation, I’m confident that I can provide you with the precise LVDT Signal Conditioner you need for your automation application. Over the years, I’ve consistently designed functional and reliable signal conditioners meeting specific requirements. Additionally, my familiarity with OPAMP design aligns perfectly with your project.
Specifically regarding LVDT technology, I have worked extensively with various types of probes including Half Bridge probes like TESA GT21. This expertise combined with my knowledge of discrete analog designs and ability to meet high precision benchmarks gives me a distinct edge for this project.
Finally, I pride myself on delivering comprehensive results so you can expect not just a circuit diagram, PCB layout and BoM file but also an extensively tested solution. As we embark together on this project, you can trust me to deliver nothing short of top-notch quality and ensure it moves smoothly into production.