I have a site running on asp adn access database (.mdb). I want to develop a web based pages to help me taking notes during my sessions. I am a psychotherapist.
Session starts with complaints (category 1). first page has only an empty field. As sson as the doctor starts typing, the program (page, software) starts searching the category 1’s table and displays the recommended records. Doctor selects one of the showns or types a new complaint. the program records the new complaint to the complaints table.
After recording the complaints, three other fields occurs. Doctor enters text in these fields: start, procedure, course, volume
On the next page doctor enters an event (category2) related with this complaint. On the event page, there is an empty field again for text entry. But also below it, there are prerecorded events with the same complaint (if there is). If it is a new complaint, doctor starts typing, but here also program searchs the events table and shows the related records with the text being typed in the field. Doctor selects one of them or types a new one. The new one is also added to the events table.
there are two additional fields for the event: date and with whom
Thoughts: Category 3
On the third page the doctor enters the thought/s related with the event. There may be more than one thoughts for an event. Ifthere are records of thought about the same event, page displays them, and doctor selects from the list or can enter text. While typing, page also brings related with the typed letters or words. Doctor can chose one of them or can enter a new one. The new thought is also added to the thoughts table.
After recording each thought, 5 links comes to the screen near that thought.
1st Link: Technic 1: When clicking this link, a new page opens and the clicked thought appears at the top of the page. An empty field is below this thought. Here, doctor can enters a related thought and near that field there is an list box which doctor can chose from two options: “a belief” or “a schema”. If “a belief” is chosen, that related thought appears at the bottom of the first thought and below this new related thought the empty field occurs again. If doctor writes another related thought and choses “a belief” again, the same procedure repeats, until doctor choses “a schema”. When “a schema” is chosen two additional list box appears. Doctor choses then name of the schema and the name of the mod from these list boxes. After that two links occur. the first one says: continue with the thought; the second one says: continue with the schema. Clicking the “continue with thought” brings us to the thoughts page, here the technic 1 button’s color is different, which means that this link is visited. If “continue with schema” is clicked, that schema thought is added to the thoughts list on the thought page. Except the first technic, all other tecnics can be applied to the schema, like other thoughts.
2nd Link: Technic 2: Evidence/Counter Evidence Page
here, again, the thought is displayed at the top. There are two empty fileds below the thought. And also there are recommendations below the evidence and counter evidence fields, if that thought is worked before (if there are recorded evidence and counter evidences recorded with that thgought). Doctor can chose from recommendations or types a new one. (***) After entering evidences and counter evidences, doctor fills the “alternative thought” field which is below evidence. And there are also recommendations for alternative thought if recorded with that thought before.
3rd Link: Technic 3:Cost/Benefit Analysis Page
If doctor click this 3rd link, it goes to cost/benefit page, thought at the top and two empty fields below it, with recommendations if there are. Or doctor types new costs or benefits to the fields.
Coping: Category 4:
Homework: Category 5
Homework Monitoring:
The last three is just titles and they are more simple. I attached a ppwnt file to make it more understandable
just as you r - i am a solid professional too :)
ur description seems unambigous n to-the-point. hope it would be done correct n in-time. i offer ongoing free support till u get comfortable with the new module.
thanks n bye.