Estoy buscando un experto en: Blockchain de TRON, la billetera de TronLink y Contratos inteligentes, para que me venda el servicio de asesoría con el objetivo de solucionar un problema de una DAPPs ya creada.
El problema consiste en que la Dapp se comunica con el contrato inteligente ejecutando métodos de pago, pero dichas transacciones no están quedado reflejadas en la billetera de TronLink, solo en el contrato inteligente y se necesita que se vean reflejados en ambas partes.
Preferiblemente la asesoría sea en español.
I am looking for an expert in: TRON Blockchain, TronLink wallet and Smart Contracts, to sell me the advisory service with the aim of solving a problem of an already created DAPPs.
The problem is that the Dapp communicates with the smart contract by executing payment methods, but these transactions are not reflected in the TronLink wallet, only in the smart contract and need to be reflected on both sides.
Preferably the advice is in Spanish.
Dear hiring manager.
Thank you for the job post.
I have experiences of 10 years with Angular.js. As a full stack developer, I have completed many projects from scratch.
Please discuss about the project requirements in more detail.
Looking forward hearing from you.
Best Regards.