Experienced Data Engineer with 2+ years of demonstrated history working in the development and implementation of data warehouse solutions. Proficient in designing, building, implementing, testing and optimizing machine learning and deep learning models using python. Expertise includes managing large sets unstructured data wrangling, Annotation, Labeling, Cleaning, processing, analysis, data verification, data visualization, and storytelling with data. I like organizing the data and finding relationships between the variables, as well as thinking critically and logically about the problems the data might present. I spend my time finding trends and seeking patterns to uncover new opportunities in data.
Areas of Key Expertise:
- Data modeling and Statistical analysis
- Data Cleaning and Data visualization
- Data Annotation/Labeling
- Deep Learning Models training
- Data Pattern and trend identification
- Data Exploration and CVAT Segmentation
- RoboFlow Annotation
- Machine Learning Model Training
- Python Scripting
Programming Skills: Python, SQL
ML Models: Tensor Flow, Scikit Learn, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, Random Forest
Databases: Postgre SQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Database solutions, Google Big Query
Tools: MakeSence AI, Tableau, VGG labeling, LableMe, RoboFlow, CVAT, Click Me, Excel