Node.js is an open-source cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to easily deploy JavaScript based applications and services. Node.js is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and can be used to create server-side applications that are secure, scalable, fast and efficient. Node.js Developers have the skills to build secure and performant web applications that can handle large volumes of data in an efficient way.

A Node.js Developer is a skilled programmer with experience in building modern web applications that employ technologies such as Node.js, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. Node.js Developers are responsible for developing server-side web applications, creating user interfaces for websites or web applications, and developing APIs for servers or browsers. These developers also create custom plugins and modules that extend the functionality of existing applications or websites.

Using to recruit Node.js Developers highly skilled at developing web applications is a great way of getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

Here’s some projects that our expert node.js Developers made real:

  • Creating websites with complex functionalities
  • Hosting applications on cloud environments
  • Extracting text from scanned documents or images
  • Building web scrapers
  • Setting up chatbot integrated with OpenAI API
  • Developing user interfaces for websites
  • Developing APIs for server/clients
  • Setting up projects in PC

If you're searching for a Node.js Developer to join your team, hiring an experienced freelancer on would be an ideal choice for completing your project quickly and efficiently with high quality results. It takes only minutes to post a project; after that you will be able to connect to potential freelancers who have the skills and experience needed for your projects. Hire a freelancer on Freelancer now!

De 274,082 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro node.js Developers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
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Node.js is an open-source cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to easily deploy JavaScript based applications and services. Node.js is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and can be used to create server-side applications that are secure, scalable, fast and efficient. Node.js Developers have the skills to build secure and performant web applications that can handle large volumes of data in an efficient way.

A Node.js Developer is a skilled programmer with experience in building modern web applications that employ technologies such as Node.js, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. Node.js Developers are responsible for developing server-side web applications, creating user interfaces for websites or web applications, and developing APIs for servers or browsers. These developers also create custom plugins and modules that extend the functionality of existing applications or websites.

Using to recruit Node.js Developers highly skilled at developing web applications is a great way of getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

Here’s some projects that our expert node.js Developers made real:

  • Creating websites with complex functionalities
  • Hosting applications on cloud environments
  • Extracting text from scanned documents or images
  • Building web scrapers
  • Setting up chatbot integrated with OpenAI API
  • Developing user interfaces for websites
  • Developing APIs for server/clients
  • Setting up projects in PC

If you're searching for a Node.js Developer to join your team, hiring an experienced freelancer on would be an ideal choice for completing your project quickly and efficiently with high quality results. It takes only minutes to post a project; after that you will be able to connect to potential freelancers who have the skills and experience needed for your projects. Hire a freelancer on Freelancer now!

De 274,082 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro node.js Developers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
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    161 trabajos encontrados

    Tenemos un proyecto de 4 meses y con posibilidad de seguir en la empresa. El proyecto es para la creación de un ecommerce, el cual contará con: - App Móvil (Flutter ó Expo) - Api (Nestjs con Nestjs-query - Typeorm) - Administrador web (Nextjs con Refine) - Integración con pasarelas de pagos (Nuvei) - Integración con software de facturación Con respecto al API se necesita tener conocimientos de Tenancy, manejo de sesiones con JWT tokens, manejo de roles con RBAC. Con el inglés se necesita que pueda leer la documentación de las librerías a usar. Conocimientos adicionales que tendrán un plus al momento de evaluar: - Docker - Kubernetes - Railway - Google cloud platform

    $3838 Average bid
    $3838 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    Necesitamos desarrollador freelancer - remoto para proyecto de migración de sistema a tecnología react.js. 45 VB.NET Forms hacia 45 React.js web Forms. Tenemos la plantilla pre definida Necesario github

    $465 Average bid
    $465 Oferta promedio
    41 ofertas

    Estoy buscando un desarrollador web competente para crear un sitio web que permita privatizar un bot de trading de Deriv. El objetivo principal del sitio es proteger el código del bot, ofreciendo a los usuarios una experiencia controlada y segura donde puedan operar sin acceso directo al código. El sitio debe incluir un sistema de autenticación de usuarios, permitiendo el acceso solo a clientes autorizados, y ofrecer una interfaz intuitiva que facilite la interacción con el bot. Requisitos clave del proyecto: Autenticación de usuarios: Implementar un sistema de autenticación seguro con nombre de usuario y contraseña. Idealmente, usar OAuth o JWT para garantizar la protección de los datos de los usuarios. Protección del c&oac...

    $1111 Average bid
    $1111 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a remote blockchain developer to build a layer 2 blockchain project. The main purpose and stage of the project are yet to be determined. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in blockchain technology - Experience with smart contracts - Knowledge of various blockchain platforms (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Hyperledger) - Problem-solving skills - Ability to work on an idea/concept stage project Although the specifics of the project will be discussed further during the interview process, kindly request access to the requirements document through the below link: J

    $4333 Average bid
    $4333 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build an E-commerce website using for both frontend and backend, with additional backend development in Java. I've got the wireframe and design ready for you. Key Requirements: - Implement essential e-commerce functionalities such as: - Shopping cart and checkout - User account management - Product search and filtering - Integrate with various third-party services, including: - Payment gateways - Shipping providers - Email marketing platforms Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in and Java - Strong background in e-commerce site development - Experienced with third-party service integration - Able to work with provided wireframes and designs.

    $1295 Average bid
    $1295 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    We are looking for an experienced developer to optimize the integration of a time-series database (InfluxDB) with our React Node.js application. Our InfluxDB stores hundreds of thousands of data points per variable each month, but fetching this large dataset is causing delays in data retrieval, leading to high memory usage and frontend crashes. The goal is to efficiently fetch and display large datasets within the app without overloading the browser or increasing memory usage. We expect the solution to include pagination, data streaming, or other techniques to ensure smooth performance. Deliverables: Optimized data fetching from InfluxDB. Smooth rendering of large datasets in the frontend (React). Possible implementation of pagination, lazy loading, or data streaming to prevent memory o...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I need a professional data analyst who can assist in extracting specific data from a local restaurant sales service application. Key Data to Extract: - User Data: Personal details such as names and emails, as well as usernames and passwords. - Point of Sale Data: Sales records and employee information from various outlets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Data extraction and analysis - Familiarity with local sales service applications - Strong attention to detail - Ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and integrity.

    $733 Average bid
    $733 Oferta promedio
    60 ofertas

    I'm looking for a developer to create a Ripple-based fund transfer system. This platform should cater primarily to individual users, allowing them to send and receive payments seamlessly. Key Requirements: - The system should be built on the Ripple protocol, ensuring efficient and reliable fund transfers. - A user-friendly interface is crucial, as the primary users will be individual, non-technical users. - The system should only support a single currency at this stage, with potential for future multi-currency support. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ripple and its associated technologies. - Strong experience in developing user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge of single-currency payment systems, with a vision for future scalability. Your bid should reflect your understanding of th...

    $519 Average bid
    $519 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    We are seeking experienced full-stack developers to support the maintenance and enhancement of our existing Angular application, which is used for managing cash register devices. This is a long-term engagement with an expected commitment of 20-40% capacity, equating to 8-16 hours per week. Candidates should have strong English communication skills, both written and verbal.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta promedio
    70 ofertas

    I need a fund transfer function developed using Node.js that leverages the XRP ledger, primarily for personal use. The system should also integrate a notification system that alerts me of transactions via IPN (Instant Payment Notification). Key Requirements: - Proficient in Node.js and familiar with XRP ledger - Capable of creating a simple, reliable fund transfer function - Integrating a robust notification system (IPN) Ideal Skills: - Node.js Development - Cryptocurrency knowledge, especially XRP - Experience in creating notification systems - Strong understanding of personal fund transfer needs

    $132 Average bid
    $132 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    Redeploy a Logistics Management System originally developed under the old company name, for deployment under the new company. The process will involve both the development and DevOps teams. Below is the step-by-step breakdown of tasks to ensure a smooth transition and deployment into AWS: 1. Familiarize with the Project and Architecture The development and DevOps teams must gain a full understanding of the system's architecture, its components, and how they integrate. 2. Import Repositories to New GitHub Account The existing codebase, currently in the form of files from the previous GitHub, needs to be imported into a new GitHub account. This includes all repositories for both frontend and backend. 3. Provision MongoDump and Environment Files We will provide the necessary MongoDump...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta promedio
    89 ofertas

    We are looking for a talented freelance web designer and developer to create a professional, user-friendly website for our stitching and tailoring coaching business. The website should be visually appealing, functional, and easy to navigate, with a focus on promoting our courses, showcasing student work, and attracting new clients. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop a responsive website for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Incorporate branding elements such as logo, color scheme, and design preferences that reflect the nature of our business. Create pages including (but not limited to): Home: Overview of the business, introduction, and key offerings. About Us: Information about the coaching business, team, and mission. Courses: Detailed descriptions of the various stitching and ...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas
    Mean Stack Developer Needed -- 2
    6 días left

    Project Details I need a MEAN stack developer who has very good knowledge in node.js and angular . My project is at ending stage . I need developer to fix issues and help in process to make application live . It will be a long term project if developer proves to be worthy . My application has following webstack - Node.js -Express -MongoDB -Angular It would be nice , Person has a good working experince in WEBRTC , chrome extension , powershell The project is time-sensitive and will require a dedicated developer to assist in expediting the process of completion. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in full-stack development with the MEAN stack - Ability to prioritize tasks and deliver results under tight deadlines - Excellent communication skills for collaboration and updates on project progr...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Oferta promedio
    118 ofertas

    I'm experiencing issues with my frontend sending data to MongoDB. Specifically, certain values aren't saving properly. I need an expert who can help identify the problem and rectify it. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MongoDB and - Strong understanding of data handling and submission processes - Excellent problem-solving skills Please only bid if you can demonstrate relevant experience and have a proven track record of troubleshooting similar issues.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    33 ofertas

    I'm looking for a Frontend Developer with expertise in Blockchain technology to help integrate blockchain into an existing application. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate blockchain technology into the user authentication process of the app. - Ensure seamless functionality and user experience post-integration. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in frontend development. - Previous experience with blockchain technology, specifically in integrating it into existing apps. - Skills in enhancing user authentication processes using blockchain. Please note: The specific blockchain platform for integration has not been decided yet. Your input and expertise in choosing the most suitable platform will be highly appreciated.

    $70 / hr Average bid
    $70 / hr Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create a robust trading platform akin to Tradetron, specifically tailored for both the Indian stock and cryptocurrency markets. Key Features: - Automated Trading Strategies: The platform should support the deployment of various trading strategies automatically. - Backtesting Capabilities: I need the ability to test these strategies against historical data to evaluate their effectiveness prior to live deployment. - Real-Time Market Data: The platform must provide up-to-the-second data to ensure trades are based on the most current information. Deployment: This platform should support a hybrid deployment model, allowing for both cloud-based and on-premises server usage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating trading platforms. - Experienc...

    $2241 Average bid
    $2241 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    UNICAMENTE FREELANCERS DE URUGUAY. Necesito integrar sistarbanc a mi web

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas
    JS Expert Needed for React & Node
    6 días left

    I need a seasoned JavaScript professional to troubleshoot and resolve various bugs and issues within my application. Your expertise in React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend will be critical in enhancing the overall performance and functionality of the application. Ideal Skills: - Advanced knowledge and experience in JavaScript - Proficiency in React and Node.js - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience in UI/UX debugging - Performance optimization skills Please note that specific areas of focus will be determined during the fixing process. Your ability to adapt and address issues as they arise will be key to the success of this project.

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Oferta promedio
    40 ofertas

    I am looking for a skilled software developer to create a middleware application that will connect the Poster POS system with a Datecs FP700 fiscal printer. This project aims to facilitate the seamless printing of sales receipts from the POS system onto the fiscal printer. Key Project Requirements: - Receipt Printing: The middleware should enable the printing of sales receipts on the Datecs FP700 fiscal printer. - Sales Receipt Handling: The middleware should specifically manage the printing of sales receipts. - Detailed Receipt Printing: The middleware must ensure that the printed sales receipts include an itemized list of products, tax information, and customer information. Ideal Skills and Experience: - API Integration Expertise - JavaScript/Node.js Development - Experience with Seria...

    $386 Average bid
    $386 Oferta promedio
    33 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional to implement robust security measures on my education website to prevent the download of pre-recorded lectures. This is to ensure that registered users can only stream content without the ability to download it using third-party tools like IDM. Key Requirements: - Implement video protection for both desktop and mobile platforms - Ensure security measures are only applicable for registered users Ideal Skills: - Web security - Video streaming protection - Experience with education website development

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I'm looking for a full stack developer to join my team on a full-time basis. The primary focus of this role will be developing applications and games. The ideal candidate should be proficient in JavaScript, React, and NodeJS. Additionally, familiarity with AngularJS and NodeJS is highly preferred. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating with our design team to create engaging, user-friendly interfaces - Developing efficient and scalable backend systems - Assisting in the development of mobile applications and games Key Skills: - MERN - Strong proficiency in JavaScript, React, and NodeJS - Experience developing applications and games - Familiarity with AngularJS and NodeJS This is a great opportunity for someone who is passionate about creating enjoyable and innovative apps and games....

    $2549 Average bid
    $2549 Oferta promedio
    67 ofertas

    I'm building a Lab Management System with React and Node.js using Sequelize. I'm struggling with defining one-to-many associations in the models, particularly concerning clients and their jobs. I need expert guidance to troubleshoot and refactor my code.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I'm seeking a blockchain expert to develop smart contracts for Ethereum to manage tokens for an AI project. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage tokens through smart contracts. - Develop using standard token contracts: ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155. - Implement various functionalities for token management including minting, burning, and pausing transfers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Ethereum and smart contract development. - Familiarity with ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155. - Experience in token management and blockchain technology. - Previous work on AI-related blockchain projects would be a plus.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    56 ofertas
    Apify Actor Development
    6 días left

    We are an Australian company seeking a freelancer with Apify experience to extract data from various Australian websites for analytics purposes. **Apify expertise is essential.** The project involves: - Building an Apify actor that inputs data into a website's API. - Developing the actor to handle bulk runs on a schedule, using a spreadsheet of inputs. - Ensuring the actor operates reliably with proxy support. Initially, we will build one actor. If completed efficiently, we will expand the contract for additional actors. An ongoing service contract for actor maintenance is available to the winning bidder. Applicants should showcase previous Apify actors they’ve developed.

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta promedio
    78 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced React developer to transition my current trouble ticket tracking website from using PrimeReact components to ShadCN. The project should utilize the chat at for building components. All style and colors in the current code base should be ignored. Recreate the functionality with the default styling from ShadCN and Converting the table component will most likely the hardest part as it has filtering, sorting, lazy loading, pagination, etc. ShadCN does not provide this out of box, but I got to create a component that would do everything. I'm a one person company building an open source toolset. All the code to date has been written by me. I'm taking on closed source work that will depend on these packages. Looking for good help to work o...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta promedio
    100 ofertas

    Projeto: Desenvolvimento de Sistema de Controle de Ponto - JavaScript, Node.js e MySQL Estou em busca de um desenvolvedor para criar um sistema de controle de ponto baseado em web, utilizando JavaScript, Node.js, e MySQL, com funcionalidades semelhantes às oferecidas pela plataforma Factorial. O sistema será utilizado para o registro e gestão de horas trabalhadas dos funcionários, com foco em flexibilidade, personalização e facilidade de uso. Requisitos do projeto: 1. Registro de ponto com múltiplas opções: Bater ponto por senha (login individual), Leitura de QR Code, Aproximação de Token (NFC ou outro método similar). 2. Calendário de Presenças: Visualização das presen...

    $187 Average bid
    $187 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    I'm in need of a Crypto Gateway Server Application that can facilitate two-way conversions of M0 and M1 funds to USDT on the global server. The file contains fiat funds which will be converted. Key Requirements: - Programming Language: I prefer the server application to be developed using either Node.js (slightly preferred) or Python. The developer should possess expertise in one of these languages and be capable of writing well-structured, efficient code. - Payment Gateway Integration: Integration with a payment gateway is essential to receive payments in USDT seamlessly. The developer must have prior experience with payment gateways and be adept at integrating them into applications. - The ability to handle two-way conversions: converting M0 and M1 funds to USDT, and the reverse...

    $1174 Average bid
    Destacado Urgente Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    $1174 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    I am seeking a developer to create a multi-service platform aimed primarily at enhancing user engagement. This platform will cater to three types of users: real estate agents, wellness providers, and end consumers. Key Features: - Interactive Maps: These will be essential for the real estate aspect of the platform, helping users visualize properties. - User Profile Management: This will allow for personalized experiences and interactions on the platform. - Live Chat Support: An essential feature for immediate assistance and enhancing user interaction. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing interactive, user-centric platforms. - Prior experience in real estate or services platforms will be a plus. - Excellent skills in integrating live chat support and user pro...

    $7983 Average bid
    $7983 Oferta promedio
    87 ofertas

    I'm in need of a comprehensive portfolio website built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). This site will primarily serve as a platform to showcase my work to potential clients, so it needs to be professional, user-friendly, and responsive. Key Features: - An 'About Me' section detailing my professional background and skills - A 'Contact Information' section for potential client inquiries - A 'Dashboard' for interactive user experience - 'Login' and 'User Manager' functionalities to handle visitor accounts - A dedicated landing page to display a rate sheet (in PNG format) - A page to upload the rate sheet - A 'Service' page to request payouts, statements, etc., with integrated email notifications - An interac...

    $2826 Average bid
    $2826 Oferta promedio
    238 ofertas

    I need a Node.js developer to create an OYO-like model for a Paying Guest (PG) accommodation in just one day. The project will primarily focus on user authentication, and the developer has the flexibility to create a new database as per the requirements. The model will use MongoDB as the database. Key Requirements: - Strong proficiency in Node.js - Need property registration and room types - Experience with user authentication systems - Ability to design and implement a new MongoDB database - Ability to deliver the project within a tight deadline The ideal candidate will be a skilled Node.js developer with a solid understanding of user authentication systems and MongoDB. The ability to create a new database and deliver the project within a 2 days is crucial. Please only apply if you�...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    I need a skilled developer to create an internal use web application built with React and Node. The application will need to handle data management, user authentication, and provide reporting and analytics features. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and Node.js - Experience in web application development for internal use - Strong understanding of data management systems - Expertise in implementing user authentication protocols - Capability in developing reporting and analytics tools

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Oferta promedio
    99 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with strong Angular expertise to create a custom Application that interacts with the Facebook Ads Library API. The tool will fetch all ads from the API and allow us to apply a wide range of additional filters before downloading selected ads with a single click. The filters we need to implement include: - Ad category - Date range - Advertiser name - Media Type - Page Name - Likes on Page - Domain URL - Estimated Spend - Language - Country Ultimately, the primary function of this tool will be to enable us to filter ads after they have been fetched and download them. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Angular and SPA development - Experience working with APIs, particularly the Facebook Ads Library API - Strong understanding of web-bas...

    $357 Average bid
    $357 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I need a skilled developer to connect a template with Supabase. I got a dashTail admin dashboard template () and I want to integrate the login page () with a supabase backend. This tiny job is to connect the login page of the local template running on my machine to supabase using anydesk. Key Requirements: - Proficient in and Supabase All bid higher that $20 will be dismissed

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    45 ofertas

    I'm in need of a seasoned MERN stack developer to help with my project. Key Tasks: - Backend Development: The primary focus will be on API integration, specifically creating an internal API for frontend connection. - Database Management: Using MongoDB, you'll be responsible for managing and retrieving product details that the frontend needs to fetch. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Node.js, AWS, and MongoDB - Extensive experience with MERN stack - Strong background in backend development and API integration - Ability to manage and manipulate data effectively The ideal candidate will be able to seamlessly integrate the backend with the frontend, ensuring that product details are fetched efficiently and accurately. If you have a deep understanding of the MERN stack and ...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    Satta Matka Auto Result API, available at , offers a comprehensive set of services tailored for Satta Matka platforms. These services provide automated, real-time results and data management solutions for a variety of Satta Matka games, including Kalyan, Main Mumbai, Milan, Rajdhani, and many others. Here’s a detailed overview of the services Call 8585814444 Auto Result Service: Provides real-time, automated Satta Matka results for different markets. Results are updated quickly to ensure accuracy and reliability. Live Result Service: Displays live results as they happen, allowing users to stay updated with the latest outcomes from various markets like Kalyan, Milan, and Rajdhani. Market Opening & Closing Time Updates: Offers automated updates for market opening and closing t...

    $314 Average bid
    $314 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    I need a talented software developer to create an e-commerce mobile app based on a unique idea I have. Essential Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app will need a secure and user-friendly payment system. - Product Search and Filter: I want to offer users the ability to easily find and sort products. - User Reviews and Ratings: A crucial aspect of the app will be allowing users to provide feedback on their purchases. Ideal candidates should have a solid background in mobile app development, particularly in the e-commerce sector. Experience with payment gateway integrations and creating user-friendly interfaces is a significant advantage. Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $1508 Average bid
    $1508 Oferta promedio
    99 ofertas

    I'm looking for a highly skilled full-stack developer to help improve our existing Node.js and Javascript application. This project will primarily focus on enhancing the user interface, so experience in UI/UX design is a plus. Key responsibilities will include: - Full-stack development with a focus on backend connected with MongoDB - Improving the existing application’s user interface - Using GitHub for version control and collaboration Ideal candidates should: - Be highly proficient in Node.js and Javascript - Have extensive experience with MongoDB and backend development - Be familiar with GitHub - Have a keen eye for UI/UX design Please submit your proposal if you believe you meet these requirements.

    $2449 Average bid
    $2449 Oferta promedio
    101 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled MERN developer who can assist with front-end (React.js), back-end (Node.js and Express), and database (MongoDB) components of multiple applications. The primary focus will be on developing e-commerce platforms and business management tools. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in the entire MERN stack - Proven experience in developing e-commerce platforms - Background in creating business management tools - Ability to work quickly and efficiently - Competitive pricing Ideal Candidate: - A developer who can deliver high-quality work at a fast pace, and is open to a long-term collaboration.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta promedio
    178 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can convert my existing Node.js project into React.js. The current project primarily handles data processing and includes a complete codebase ready for conversion. Key Project Details: - The project is centered around data processing, so an understanding of how to handle and process data within React.js is crucial. - There's currently no user interface to convert, but the developer will need to create one from scratch without design mockups or style guides. This requires a strong sense of UI/UX design and the ability to create a user-friendly interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js and React.js - Strong UI/UX design skills - Experience with data processing in JavaScript - Ability to work independently without design guides - Goo...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Oferta promedio
    35 ofertas

    We are seeking an experienced developer to create a fully functional eCommerce website for our athleisure brand Nature Fit, specializing in sports and casual shoes. We currently offer products for women but plan to expand to men’s and kids’ categories in the future. The website should be built in React for the storefront and include an admin portal for managing site contents, such as banners, product listings, and prices. Key Requirements: Front-End: Build an interactive and responsive website using React. Admin Portal: Create a user-friendly portal for managing content (banners, product listings, categories, and pricing). Database: Develop a secure database to store product details, customer information, and other relevant data. User Access: Implement features for customer re...

    $349 Average bid
    $349 Oferta promedio
    53 ofertas

    I need a Mern Node MongoDB-based account management system. Key Features: - Stock Tracking: The system should be capable of tracking inventory in real-time, ensuring accurate stock levels. - Order Management: It should handle all aspects of order processing, from initiation to fulfillment. User Roles: - Administrator: Only an administrator will have access to this management system, so it's crucial that the system is secure and user-friendly for an admin interface. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Mern Stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js) - Extensive experience in building secure, robust management systems - Strong understanding of stock tracking and order management systems - Previous experience designing intuitive admin interfaces

    $221 Average bid
    $221 Oferta promedio
    106 ofertas

    I'm looking for a Python developer skilled in web automation using Selenium. The project involves creating a Python script that automates T-Mobile IMEI checks. Here's what the script needs to do: - Log into T-Mobile's website - Navigate to the device status page - Input the IMEI - Return both the basic IMEI status and detailed device information in a JSON response The source of IMEIs will be from an API, so experience with API integration is a plus. If the IMEI is invalid, the script should simply return an error message and continue with the next IMEI. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Python and have prior experience with web automation and API integration. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $482 Average bid
    $482 Oferta promedio
    96 ofertas

    I'm in need of a seasoned developer to enhance my revenue-generating mobile and web platform, specifically focusing on improving cloud server opportunity is available for those living in Mumbai or willing to relocate, and we will provide an apartment for relocation. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the cloud server for better efficiency and reliability. - Potentially implementing new user interface elements and additional backend functionalities, if necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js + MongoDB for backend development. - Experienced in managing cloud servers. - Skilled in React.js + for frontend development. - Previous experience working on mobile and web apps. Please note that while there are no current specific issues with the platform, proactive enhancements and ...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta promedio
    43 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer to incorporate a Bitcoin payment gateway into my current processing system, which has been constructed using Laravel and Node.js, Docker, and Traefik. It is essential that the successful candidate has a solid understanding of blockchain technology and is well-versed with the BlockCypher API. Key Requirements: - Integration of a Bitcoin payment gateway specifically for one-time payments - Payment processing capacity - Real-time transaction validation for these payments Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel and Node.js - Proficiency in using Docker and Traefik - Familiarity with blockchain technology - Experience with the BlockCypher API - Skillful in creating and managing payment processing systems

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta promedio
    61 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented programmer with a strong focus on WebRTC and JavaScript. If you have a knack for coding and can deliver high-quality work, I want to hear from you. Your skills will help me to find skilled people for my project.

    $2420 Average bid
    $2420 Oferta promedio
    126 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced Node.js and Vue.js developer to help me add subscription management features to the payment processing system of my existing application. Key Responsibilities: - Implement subscription management capabilities within the current payment processing system - Pair program with me to ensure thorough understanding and knowledge transfer Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js and Vue.js - Extensive experience with integrating Stripe for payment processing - Strong understanding of subscription-based models and their implementation in software This project is perfect for an individual freelancer who enjoys collaborative work and has a knack for enhancing application features. Your technical expertise will directly contribute to the growth and improvement of m...

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Oferta promedio
    90 ofertas

    I need an expert in AWS who can assist in migrating my app's backend from Vercel to AWS to enhance performance. The job will also involve hosting two dynamic websites with a database on AWS, ensuring they're configured properly and optimised for the best performance. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate the app backend from Vercel to AWS using AWS Lambda. - Host 2 dynamic websites with a database on AWS. - Enable push notifications for a React Native app on both Android and iOS. - Ensure smooth transitions during the migration process. - Optimize performance post-migration. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of AWS and its services, particularly AWS Lambda. - Proven experience in backend migration and website hosting. - Proficient in setting up and configuring dynami...

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas
    need to solve ssl issue
    5 días left

    the project is hosted in AWS and the domain is taken from the Godaddy, the hole project is built on node now the data is not loading in backend and frontend anyone can able to solve this issue

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a personal blog for me using Node.js. The primary focus of this blog will be to share professional and career-related content. Key Requirements: - Implement Google Sign-In and additional social media accounts for user authentication. - Design the blog such that only registered users can access the full content. Unregistered users should only be able to see 5% of any given blog post. - Include features such as markup formatting for posts, CRUD operations for content management, and a 'Buy Me A Coffee' integration for reader support. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Node.js is essential, with a strong understanding of server-side JavaScript. - Experience with social media API integration for user authentication. - Familiarity...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas

    I'm seeking an expert to develop a comprehensive device management system for my Pyrolysis systemand to create a CAD/Node-Red files. See the image attached. On RS485 Key responsibilities will include: - Creating a system for monitoring the status of the device. - Implementing remote control capabilities for the device. - Designing an alert notification system for various scenarios. - Write and prepare CAD and Node-red - protype Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in IoT device management. - Proficiency in CAD and Node-Red. - Skills in developing monitoring systems and alert notifications. - Ability to implement remote control features. This project is crucial for efficient management of my IoT system. Your expertise will enable seamless control and monitoring of the ...

    $430 Average bid
    $430 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

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