Adobe Illustrator is a powerful creative suite used by professionals around the world for illustrations, logos, icons, infographics, and more. Whether it’s developing a new logo, creating a website banner, or designing elements for a presentation, an Illustrator can help you complete your project in clean and timely manner.

It’s no wonder that so many businesses rely on an experienced Illustrator to bring their projects to life. By hiring a certified freelancer on you can review portfolios online and discuss the project before finalizing decisions with the prospective candidate. For projects requiring extended work on complex illustrations or icons within an overall theme clients can save money and energy by trusting the experts on Freelancer.

Here's some projects that our expert Illustrators made real:

  • Designing logos and creating style guides
  • Creating professional icons set
  • Developing characters and UX/UI elements
  • Bringing raster artwork into vector format
  • Enhancing existing visuals

Adobe Illustrator is the tool of choice for many creative designers, simplifying complex compositions without losing the original concept or personality behind them. Our certified freelancers have the expertise to help visualize your ideas and make them real in no limit of time with maximum accuracy.

If you are looking for intuitive design solutions to help take your project to the next level look no further than our talented illustrators in With easy job posting access and effective candidate communication, we provide the necessary tools to achieve maximum efficiency in your workflow from start to finish. Post your own project now and let an expert Illustrator handle the rest!

De 689,675 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Illustrators 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Illustrators

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful creative suite used by professionals around the world for illustrations, logos, icons, infographics, and more. Whether it’s developing a new logo, creating a website banner, or designing elements for a presentation, an Illustrator can help you complete your project in clean and timely manner.

It’s no wonder that so many businesses rely on an experienced Illustrator to bring their projects to life. By hiring a certified freelancer on you can review portfolios online and discuss the project before finalizing decisions with the prospective candidate. For projects requiring extended work on complex illustrations or icons within an overall theme clients can save money and energy by trusting the experts on Freelancer.

Here's some projects that our expert Illustrators made real:

  • Designing logos and creating style guides
  • Creating professional icons set
  • Developing characters and UX/UI elements
  • Bringing raster artwork into vector format
  • Enhancing existing visuals

Adobe Illustrator is the tool of choice for many creative designers, simplifying complex compositions without losing the original concept or personality behind them. Our certified freelancers have the expertise to help visualize your ideas and make them real in no limit of time with maximum accuracy.

If you are looking for intuitive design solutions to help take your project to the next level look no further than our talented illustrators in With easy job posting access and effective candidate communication, we provide the necessary tools to achieve maximum efficiency in your workflow from start to finish. Post your own project now and let an expert Illustrator handle the rest!

De 689,675 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Illustrators 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Illustrators


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    1,017 trabajos encontrados

    Se realizó el diseño del logo, papelería esencial y stickers para que la marca pueda comercializar sus productos.

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Oferta promedio
    46 ofertas

    Buscamos diseñador gráfico para actualizar el dossier corporativo de nuestra empresa. Somos una empresa líder en proyectos integrales de rotulación, especializados en soluciones visuales y de diseño para diversos tipos de negocios. Estamos en busca de un diseñador gráfico talentoso y con experiencia para actualizar nuestro dossier corporativo. El objetivo es reflejar la simplicidad y claridad visual que caracterizan nuestros proyectos y servicios. Requisitos del proyecto: - Actualización del dossier corporativo: basándote en el dossier original que proporcionaremos en formato editable, necesitarás realizar actualizaciones específicas que detallaremos en las instrucciones adjuntas. - Estilo de diseño: n...

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas
    Ilustración isométrica
    5 días left

    Preciso de varias ilustraciones isométricas. La informacion que doy es la imagen real y las ilustraciones en alzado y perfil junto con las medidas.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    Tengo que hacer varios dibujos en perspectiva isométrica. Proporciono la imagen real del producto. Y el dibujo de un alzado y un perfil. La oferta es por 10 dibujos isométricos.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    necesito una vela con forma de rompecabezas, aspecto tierno, tonos pastel claro, sencillo Adjunto modelo

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    Tengo un proyecto de tienda de iphones usados y accesorios, también tecnologia, y necesito un logo para las redes. No busco nada en especifico, lo dejo a su imaginación.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    72 ofertas

    hola ! tenemos 3 restaurantes en Querétaro México y necesitamos un cambio de imagen. Dos de los restaurantes ya están muy consolidados y llevamos 10 años en el mercado con ellos, el tercer restaurante lo vamos a abrir en un mes. Necesito de entrada realizar los manuales de imagen e identidad de cada marca +realizar 4 flyers genéricos para cada marca que nos sirvan como base creativa para posteos en redes sociales y por último necesito el diseño del menú del restaurante nuevo. Los 3 logotipos ya están hechos, esos no se cambian.

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Oferta promedio
    40 ofertas

    Estamos buscando un freelancer experimentado en diseño gráfico y maquetación de libros para crear una presentación visual atractiva y profesional de un libro cristiano de devocionales de 29 días. Este libro está orientado a fortalecer la fe y brindar inspiración a través de reflexiones diarias. El freelancer deberá encargarse de: Diseño de Carátula: Crear una portada que capture la esencia espiritual y motivadora del libro, usando elementos visuales que resalten la temática cristiana y de devoción diaria. Maquetación Interior: Estructurar el contenido para una lectura cómoda y ordenada en formato Kindle y papel, asegurando que el diseño interior sea armónico, fác...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas
    Trophy icon Logo Damalei - 08/11/2024 17:54 EST
    2 días left

    Buscamos un logotipo para un cuarteto musical de cuerda, compuesto por 4 niños. Podría ser un instrumento, una nota musical de fondo, con el nombre del cuarteto (Damalei) con una fuente artística de trazo fino y elegante y nos gustaría que aparecieran 4 estrellas simbolizando a los 4 componentes del cuarteto, todo ello integrado en una creatividad que fusione esas 3 cosas (símbolo musical, nombre y 4 estrellas). Estamos abiertos a propuestas. Nada de logos muy cargados. Algunos ejemplos 1. Un texto de trazo fino con el nombre Damalei fusionado con un violín 2. Una imagen de violín tumbado mitad violín la otra mitad el texto Damalei que hace la forma del violín con el texto

    $25 Average bid
    297 participaciones

    Estoy buscando un diseñador gráfico talentoso, experto en Photoshop o Adobe Illustrator para crear un sitio de comercio electrónico para la venta de puertas de ducha de vidrio templado y accesorios, incluyendo jaboneras de vidrio, estantes y tableros. El sitio debe reflejar un diseño moderno y elegante, con un tono profesional y formal en sus imágenes de banner-carrusel. Responsabilidades Clave: - Desarrollar un sitio de comercio electrónico que muestre nuestros productos de manera eficiente. - Crear una línea gráfica integral para el sitio, manteniendo la armonía con la plantilla elegida (). - Diseñar 7 imágenes de carrusel y 6 imágenes estáticas para representar diversas características y co...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    Director de Contenido y Branding Freelance para Inmobiliaria que trabaja en España ( Tarragona y Barcelona) Las necesidades estas descritas, solo prosupuestos cerrados de precio al mes por los servicios NO NEGOCIAMOS. Hispano parlantes solo ( NATIVOS) ¿Eres un experto en estrategia de contenido, branding y creación audiovisual? ¿Te apasiona transformar la visión de una marca en contenido visual impactante? En nuestra inmobiliaria, reconocida por su valor añadido, transparencia y profesionalidad, estamos buscando un Director de Contenido y Branding Freelance que se sume a nuestro equipo y eleve nuestra presencia en el mercado. Responsabilidades clave: Desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias de marca alineadas con nuestros valores centrales. Crear con...

    $407 Average bid
    $407 Oferta promedio
    43 ofertas

    I need a detailed document outlining our brand style guidelines and tone-of-voice. The primary purpose of this project is to ensure consistency across our marketing materials. Key Elements to Include: - Logo usage - Color palette - Typography - Tone-Of-Voice (this work has been completed in a seperate document, we need this to be included in the Comprehensive Brand Style & Voice Guide Our brand voice is casual and friendly, so the tone of the document needs to reflect this. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in brand development and design, with a keen understanding of the importance of brand consistency. Your ability to articulate our brand voice in a clear and engaging manner will be key to the success of this project. I would like you to use the fonts, styl...

    $203 Average bid
    $203 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    I'm looking for a modern brand design for my telecommunications business. This includes a logo, stationery, email footer and business cards. The design should be in black and white, consistent with our company colours. Key Requirements: - A modern style brand design - Incorporation of the company name and a symbol or icon in the logo - Conveying a message of reliability through the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern brand design - Strong graphic design skills - Excellent understanding of brand messaging I am open to your suggestions for symbols or icons in the logo. The design should incorporate abstract geometric shapes. The project should be completed within 2 weeks.

    $198 Average bid
    $198 Oferta promedio
    60 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create unique, hand-drawn and artistic band art and a logo for promotional and marketing purposes. This project also involves the incorporation of abstract designs into our band art and logo. Key Requirements: - Expertise in hand-drawn and artistic design - Innovative approach to abstract design - Experience in creating promotional and marketing material - Ability to create unique designs for merchandise and album covers Your creativity and design skills will play a crucial role in helping our band stand out in a competitive market.

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta promedio
    61 ofertas
    Trophy icon ASAP - Fat Cat Smoke Logo Design
    6 días left

    I need a white background and the logo needs to look good on this website - replace this logo

    $25 Average bid
    25 participaciones

    Проєкт: Редагування книги та створення дизайну для публікації на Amazon KDP Маю рукопис книги у форматі DOC українською та іспанською мовами. Потрібно виконати наступні завдання: 1. Редагування та підготовка тексту: Граматичне та стилістичне редагування: Перевірити обидві версії книги (українську та іспанську) на наявність граматичних, орфографічних та стилістичних помилок. Текст має бути легким для читання, з правильним використанням мовних зворотів. Структурна редакція: Впевнитися, що структура книги (вступ, глави, висновки) відповідає стандартам Amazon KDP, включаючи нумерацію сторінок, розділові лінії та форматування. Форматування для Amazon KDP: Підготувати текст у форматах, що підтримують публікацію на Amazon KDP. Це включає підготовку книги для електронного формату Kindle (.mobi, ...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas
    Trophy icon High-Res Sticker Design
    2 días left

    I need a high-resolution version of our sticker. It should include our address and phone number underneath: 3/70 Flinders Pde, North Lakes PH: 07 3203 2244. The sticker needs to be delivered in JPEG format, and designed for both print and digital display. Key requirements: - Use of our company colors - Awareness of design for print and digital - High attention to detail for the address and phone number Ideal candidates should have experience in graphic design, specifically in creating high-resolution stickers. Please ensure to have a portfolio containing similar work.

    $13 Average bid
    9 participaciones
    Trophy icon Book Cover Design on Insomnia
    13 días left

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a book cover for my upcoming book on Insomnia. The cover needs to be modern, eye-catching, and inviting, yet informative. Key aspects to consider: -current top-selling books on Insomnia and Sleep -not too-clinical -relevant to the genre -impress me with something that stands iut

    $50 Average bid
    25 participaciones

    I'm looking for a talented illustrator to bring to life the first book in a series about a six year old girl who loves all things magical. This series will explore fairy lands, princess castles and rainbow adventures, with a few puppies sprinkled in for extra fun. Key Requirements: - Illustrations should be colourful and suitable for a six year old - A strong emphasis on the colours pink and purple - Cartoonish, yet whimsical style that appeals to young children - Ability to illustrate vivid, enchanting scenes such as fairy lands and princess castles - Experience in children's book illustrations is a plus - Include detailed elements that add depth to illustrations, such as background flora, textures, and patterns. - Design imaginative and fantastical settings that transport chi...

    $235 Average bid
    $235 Oferta promedio
    66 ofertas

    We are looking for a talented and creative graphic designer to join our team on ongoing projects. If you have an eye for detail, a passion for design, and experience creating engaging visual content, we want to meet you! How to apply: If you are interested, please send your portfolio and a brief description of your experience through Freelancer. For more information about our company and the projects we carry out, visit our website: Requirements: • Proven experience in graphic design • Mastery of tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and other design programs • Ability to work as a team and meet established deadlines • Portfolio of previous works Benefits: • Opportunity to work on diverse and exciting projects • Coll...

    $357 Average bid
    $357 Oferta promedio
    57 ofertas

    I'm in need of a professional email signature for Gmail. The signature should reflect a professional tone and style. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of my Name and Title - Company Information - Contact Details - Links to my social media profiles Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Email Signature Design - Understanding of Professional Branding Please note, the social media links should be cohesive with the overall professional aesthetic of the signature. I look forward to seeing your creative proposals. looking for something similar to the attached email sigmature but i will listen to your suggestions

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    55 ofertas

    I need a complete set of modern and minimalist banners for my social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and a landing page banner. These should be designed according to the specific size requirements of each platform and should be high quality. In addition, I'd like a business card designed as well. Key Requirements: - Banners for various social media platforms - A landing page banner - A business card design Design Style: - All designs should adhere to a modern and minimalist style - Use of specific brand colors (I'll need assistance choosing these) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Social Media Banner Design - Business Card Design - Brand Color Consultation The business card should include the logo and contact details.

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta promedio
    127 ofertas
    Trophy icon Realistic Church Image Recreation
    6 días left

    PLEASE!! Look at the reference design sent and make the spacing, etc., the same as the image sent I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to recreate an AI-generated image for me. The image should be realistic and as it's intended for church broadcast. Requirements: - Provide the recreated image in source files suitable for TV (1080p and 4K), tablet, and mobile phone - Deliverables should include PSD format source files and font files Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Photoshop, Illustrator) - Experience in creating realistic images - Understanding of church-related imagery and symbols - Ability to provide files in various formats and resolutions

    $30 Average bid
    17 participaciones

    I am looking for a professional Photoshop expert to edit a family photo to include my husband. - The purpose of this edited photo is a personal keepsake, so it is important that the final product looks realistic and not overly edited or artificial. - I have a specific photo of my husband that I would like to be used, so clear communication and understanding of the task will be essential. - The ideal freelancer for this job should have a strong portfolio in realistic photo editing, excellent communication skills, and a keen eye for detail. I look forward to working with you to create this special keepsake.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas

    I need a professional logo designed for my website and business card. I have some ideas regarding colors and specific symbols or icons I want included, but I need guidance on the overall design and color scheme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Branding and Identity - Logo Design - Color Theory - Minimalist Design - Understanding of Industry Elements - Creativity in using specific symbols or icons

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta promedio
    88 ofertas

    I'm in need of a Christmas design that creatively incorporates our freight forwarding theme. The design should feature a ship, plane, and a truck, all set within a joyful and festive Christmas backdrop. must include below details,: "on behalf of all the ICS Global Staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Safe an Happy New Year, Operating Hours: Tuesday - 24th - December- 08:30 -12:00 Wednesday -25th - December- Closed Thursday - 26th - December -Closed Friday - 27th - December - 08:30 - 5:00pm Monday - 30th - December - 08:30 - 5:00pm Tuesday - 31st - December - 08:30 - 5:00pm Wednesday - 01st - January - Closed Thursday - 02nd - January - 08:30 - 5:00pm Key elements to consider: - The design should include: a ship, a plane, and a truck. and a Christmas Theme - The design...

    $9 Average bid
    3 participaciones

    ⚠️Please read carefully. Important: dark and light variant. Name Hanbazar Do not display.⛔️ Maybe objects or letter H (H and B). Please, look to screenshot image ☝️ I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a modern, innovative logo for my new project. Project name is Hanbazar. Hanbazar is online free board for ads about sale/buy. The primary color palette can be found in the attached screenshot and should be used creatively to embody the spirit of the project. Key Requirements: - Strong design portfolio, particularly in modern and innovative styles - Ability to interpret and utilize provided color palettes - Excellent communication skills to understand and deliver on the project vision. The ideal logo will be sleek, professional, and representative of a forward-thin...

    $42 Average bid
    234 participaciones

    I'm looking for a talented storyteller and illustrator who can help me create a captivating storybook for pre-teens, featuring three unique characters in a thrilling fantasy set in an enchanted forest. Key Requirements: - The story should be suitable for pre-teens (8-12 years), combining elements of fantasy with relatable themes and messages. - Illustrations should be engaging and fit seamlessly with the narrative. - Experience in children's literature and understanding of the targeted age group's reading level and interests is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Storytelling - Illustration - Understanding of fantasy genre - Experience in creating children's literature - Ability to create relatable characters and themes

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Oferta promedio
    84 ofertas

    I need you guys to recreate a logo for us. We are rebranding our company to "AE Window Fashions". I uploaded the original logo. AE shutters. Keep it similar. We are open to a color change. Maybe keep the blue and Red.

    $40 Average bid
    51 participaciones

    Hello Designers! I'm looking for an experienced graphic designer to help me turn an AI-generated design for boxing gloves into a print-ready file. The current design is in a raster format (JPEG/PNG) and needs to be converted into a high-quality vector format (AI, SVG, EPS) suitable for production. Project Requirements: Vectorize the Design: Accurately and cleanly convert the AI-generated image into a vector format so it can be scaled without quality loss. Color Correction and Adjustments: Adjust colors as needed to ensure they match industry-standard print colors (Pantone if necessary) for precise reproduction in printing. Adapt Design to Fit the Glove Shape: I’ll provide a technical drawing/template for the glove if needed. The design should be adapted to ensure it fits well...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Oferta promedio
    93 ofertas

    As a newcomer to freelancing, I'm seeking assistance in establishing my footing in the industry and achieving my targets. My primary interest lies in graphic design, specifically in modern logo design. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern logo design - Experience with mentoring newcomers in freelancing - Ability to provide strategic advice on achieving targets - Understanding of the broader graphic design field Your role would not only involve designing a modern logo for me, but also guiding me on how to navigate the freelancing landscape effectively. I look forward to your proposals.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta promedio
    40 ofertas
    Trophy icon Ice Cream Scoop Sketch Contest
    6 días left

    I'm holding a contest to find a skilled sketch artist, with or without 3D design experience, to help create variations of my ice cream scoop, designed for scooping hard-frozen ice cream with ease. Key features of the scoop are: 1) An elongated scoop head, about 3 inches long and fairly narrow. 2) A bottom end shaped to act as a stopper for the index finger, enabling the user to press down with their finger to cut through hard ice cream with ease. Contestants should submit multiple sketches that interpret these specifications. The winner will be the entry that has the best functionality, ergonomics, and a simple, modern aesthetic. AI generated images will be rejected. The scoop is preferably made by cutting, bending, and shaping a sheet of stainless steel, but it can also be a tradi...

    $55 Average bid
    7 participaciones

    I'm looking for a modern-styled T-shirt design for our Blue Collar Crue clothing line. The design should incorporate the phrase "because the bills don't pay themselves". This is a new product for us, so while we want a high-quality design, we do have a limited budget. Key aspects of the project: - Style: The T-shirt design should be modern, appealing to a wide audience. - Color: The primary colors should be blue and black. - Placement: The design should be placed on the back of the t-shirt Ideal candidates for this project would have: - Experience in modern T-shirt design - A portfolio that includes work with similar styles and phrases - An understanding of budget constraints without compromising quality.

    $143 Average bid
    Garantizado Sellado
    160 participaciones
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Trap 2 Corp
    2 días left

    I need a skilled logo designer to craft a unique and meaningful logo for my brand, "Trap 2 Corp". The logo should symbolically represent a transformative journey - progressing from humble beginnings to corporate success. For reference of the word “trap”, look at this google images site: Key requirements include: - A design that visually depicts "Trap" on one side which should be gloomy, something to signify "2" in the middle, and "Corp" on the other which should be bright and uplifting. - A versatile design allowing for easy color adjustments to suit different merchandise styles. The desired tone of the logo is motivational and inspiring, encapsulating the story of rising from adversity to professional triumph. I look forward to se...

    $10 Average bid
    63 participaciones

    As the leading course provider in Scandinavia, I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can create minimalist and clean Instagram posts for my course updates. These will primarily be infographics, and should also be optimized for Facebook. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating sleek, minimalist infographics and graphic e-posters, visually appealing and modern - Experience with designing for Instagram and Facebook - Ability to visually communicate course differences in a compelling way - Open to ongoing work as my course evolves and other, new projects in the loop. chance of becoming our chosen graphic designer. I'm looking for someone who can deliver aesthetically pleasing designs that can help convey the value of my new course compared to previous versions. The ide...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Oferta promedio
    87 ofertas

    I'm looking for a modern logo for my soccer team, FC Inter. The logo should primarily use black and sone other colour. The design should be unique and interesting. Key Features: - Modern Style: The logo should embody a sleek and contemporary design. - Color Scheme: Predominantly black and pastel green. - Unique Element: Incorporate either a player or an animal executing a bicycle kick, or another cool design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Expertise in modern design principles is essential. - Creativity: Ability to think outside the box and create a unique logo. - Understanding of Sports Branding: Previous experience in designing sports team logos would be advantageous.

    $31 Average bid
    97 participaciones
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Pet-Centric Brand
    4 días left

    I need a logo for my company: Yours Furever; that represents the warmth and bond between pets and their owners. This logo should reflect our emphasis on customization/personalization, ideally incorporating playful elements related to dogs, pets, or the concept of 'forever love.' Key requirements: - Subtle incorporation of wordplay with 'Fur' and 'Ever,' using elements like a stylized paw, heart, or infinity symbol - A friendly, clean design that is easily recognizable - Color palette that feels cozy and inviting, with versatility for clothing, eco-tote bags, and digital platforms Ideal skills include graphic design, understanding of pet-owner dynamics, and ability to create warm, inviting, yet professional designs. Prior experience with logos for pet-relate...

    $10 Average bid
    61 participaciones

    I'm in need of a talented artist who can create a realistic pencil sketch of an apple and a pear for a card. The design should be simple and classy, and fit for a greeting card. I want it to have the word Costermonger across the top The sketch should fit a standard postcard size. The sketch should be in portrait orientation.

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta promedio
    84 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled artist who can create realistic pencil sketches of an apple and a pear for personal use. The sketches should be done in graphite pencil. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating realistic pencil sketches - Proficiency in using graphite pencil - Prior experience in sketching fruits or similar subjects - Ability to deliver high-quality sketches suitable for personal display The sketches should be 8x10 inches.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta promedio
    54 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern, minimalistic logo for my business. (Watermark for website images - Transparent) Looking to find a professional designer who I can use for future tasks. Need it in both PNG, PSD and adobe Illustrator formats. I need it similar to that example attached here or please feel free to create a better one. I would prefer a get a better version of that. Will be utilized for the website So match the style. You can send it as image as soon as I approve I will pay and then I need it in PSD format. Key Requirements: - Design a simple yet impactful logo that reflects a professional image. - Present the logo in a way that communicates a sense of trust and reliability. - Ability to understand and implement a custom color palette which I w...

    $50 Average bid
    148 participaciones

    I would like multiple faces painted (3 x 3 inches)

    $307 Average bid
    $307 Oferta promedio
    74 ofertas
    Trophy icon Modern Logo Redesign for Rebranding
    6 días left

    I'm seeking a talented designer to give my current logo a modern makeover. The redesign should retain the original color scheme, but everything else is up for creative interpretation. The purpose of this redesign is to facilitate a rebranding effort. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in logo design and rebranding - Proficiency in modern design trends - Ability to work with existing brand elements is a industrial company if you can add designs like cutting tools sprockets etc etc The redesigned logo should be: - Recognizable in the new brand context - Visually appealing - Memorable

    $35 Average bid
    96 participaciones
    Trophy icon Logo Design - 12/11/2024 16:30 EST
    6 días left

    Hallo, ich suche für mein IT Unternehmen ein Logo. Es soll modern sein. Der Name: comsystem IT

    $53 Average bid
    228 participaciones

    Membuat logo atau desain semenarik mungkin

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Finance Podcast
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a clean, fresh, and modern minimalist logo for my finance podcast, "Meeting of the Minds". The logo needs to connect with the color scheme and theme of Minds Capital's logo. Key Requirements: - A professional, minimalist design suitable for a finance podcast - The logo should be both a symbol and a text-based logo Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly in the finance sector - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to create professional-grade designs - Experience working with color schemes of existing brands I look forward to seeing your bids and portfolios.

    $70 Average bid
    310 participaciones

    I need a skilled photoshop expert to replace the ~pointy~ trees in the background of the emerald city photo with the money trees from another image. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in graphic design and a keen eye for detail. Experience with integrating elements seamlessly into a photo is a plus.

    $50 Average bid
    Destacado Urgente Garantizado
    72 participaciones

    a unique and one of a kind logo for an agency who offers best energy prices (electricity and gas) company name: ENERGIEAGENT possible slogan: EINFACH - KOSTEN - SPAREN

    $50 Average bid
    199 participaciones
    Trophy icon Fun & Vibrant Save-the-Date Flyer
    4 días left

    I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a fun and vibrant 'Save the Date' flyer for two upcoming events on one split half-and-half flyer. The design should be engaging, using bright and bold colors to capture attention and embody a lively spirit. The design should also be a split of two old flyers using QR codes for both sides. One side will be the Black History VYBS Day, and The Other Half will be the All Valley Black Grad. So it is almost like two save the dates in 1 flyer. Use the QR code and bitly link on the flyer as well. Please use some of the images in the zip folder for each side. This is most important. Key Details to Include: - Event date and time - Event location - RSVP details Black History Celebration and VYBS Day Info: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 · ...

    $45 Average bid
    18 participaciones

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