Baseline Power Cycle Analysis Condenser Optimization
Electrical engineer required and you should have idea about thermodynamics.
The project contains coding (EES, Python, Matlab, etc.). Its a system analysis project for thermodynamics.
I need a physics expert who can do these topics: -temperature -1st law of thermodynamics -kinetic theory of gases -heat,engines,entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics -electric fields -gauss's law -electric potential -magnetic fields -sources of magnetic fields -faraday's law
Hello can i deal with you outside this app ? I really need help with my thermodynamics exam and i would fall this subject because if this online learning I can pay you before to trust me , i really need help
In need of an engineering thermodynamics expert who has experience in advanced heat transfer.
Hello I have a thermodynamics and coding project that I need help with
I need someone who can help me with a thermodynamics and coding project
The application with relevance in chemical engineering thermodynamics. The project involves converting all the existing java code to equivalent code without need for external library. I included some code converted with Tangible Software converter as a starter to accelerate the conversion process.
Hi there I'm looking for someone expert in heat transfer or thermodynamics for a model using MATLAB. Details will be shared Thanks
We are looking for experts in Engineering Thermodynamics
I need a help of an expert of thermodynamics to create an Excel table for calculations. Basically I need to calculate the U value of some solid ceramic materials, taking in consideration different surface thermal exchange coefficients. Then I need to calculate the quantity of energy (kJ) necessary to heat such materials, considerating all the thermal properties of the solid element and ambient.
Physics test consists of 2 problems about thermodynamics, electricity, magnetic .... Etc
thermodynamics 2 project and need help in it
need help with physical chemistry and thermodynamics in masters level
Looking for a freelancer how has good talent in designing curriculum and also have excellent knowledge in thermodynamics. This project can done by a freelancer who is capable of: 1. Thermodynamics thermodynamic systems thermodynamic systems You should be able to investigate energy transfer in thermodynamic systems and applications of open- and closed-loop systems
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello , i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
Hello Talha M, i hope everything is well with you. I'm sending this message to help me in my physics test , it will be two problems on monday 7 December, 3 pm in hungarian time, it will be about electricity, thermodynamics and magnetic and i have just 40 min to solve them. if you are interested text me .
We have developed advanced energy efficiency coatings and surface cleaning products (15) used chiefly in HVAC and the built environment. Using state of the art chemistry NanoTechnologies that improves heat transfer, cleans surfaces, reflects IR. I am looking for a (retired) experienced chemical/mechanical engineer with working knowledge of thermodynamics, material science who can really help me write product marketing materials that fully capture the full range of benefits of these exceptional sustainability coatings and treatments. As an upstart I’m flexible, respectful, know my limitations and know the great value an experienced hand can bring to my mission. Look forward to meeting you.
I am looking forward to the experienced thermodynamics expert to design a Matlab or Excel model for SRK and NRTL calculations for flash calculations. I am looking for three models. 1) Assuming Ideal Solution 2) Assuming NRTL 3) Assuming SRK Please apply only if you are able to do this, and have good knowledge about Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
I want someone to improves and adds more information in the introduction and literature review.
Topic - Heat Engines (Engineering Thermodynamics) PPT presentation with 30-40 slides with pic
Explanation of the project as follows: 1- select ONE topic from the list below. 2- The report follows the Engineering reports’ format and has to cite/write references that are used in the project. 4. Calculation and drawing a graphic have to use MATLAB or any software. Content of report (The report must contain all items as shown below): 1. Introduction and Objective 2. Answers to all problems 4. Discussion on the result compared to the Second Law of Efficiency (Exergy) 5. Conclusion Submission: • Before 3rd December 2020 • The report should not exceed SEVEN pages and must be written in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. SEVEN pages exclude cover page, table of content and references. Plagiarism: 1. Each report will be checked by the Black Board’s Safe-assign. a. The group ...
Molecular Thermodynamics project, need to use Aspen Plus to calculate the activity coefficients using UNIFAC and NRTL methods( can add additional) , compare and analyse them.
Topics Covered: 1. Combustion Process in the Spark-Ignition Engine 2. Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 3. Combustion Process and Thermal Efficiency of Diesel Engines 4. Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System by Solar Energy Write-up: Your report should have the following sections: Introduction, theoretical analysis, design, results and discussion, and summa...a detailed thermal model. • Justify all equations and assumptions. • Discuss why this general design was chosen. • Discuss design specifics and cost. • Show why your design is optimal. • Cite with reputable sources (i.e. not Wikipedia, etc.). • Include any code used for the analysis in the appendices, such as Excel, Matlab, etc. • Include detailed drawings for accurate reproduction of your ...
Please see the description if you can help me. My budget is $10 (Please do not bid more than this) Duration: 24 hours Not more than 12 pages (inclusive of diagrams, pictures, graphs etc).
I need a physics expert. Topics of my project are as follows; -Temperature - 1st law of thermodynamics - Kinetic theory of gases - Heat, Engines, Entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics - Electric fields
Thermodynamics unit - BTEC Polytropic process Value of n
urgently i need a thermodynamics Brayton cycle expert and vapour compression refrigeration cycle
I need to do a thermodynamics project. It can be simple, any topic related to thermodyanmics (preferably statistical thermo) 4-6 pages long of English text (can be longer if use computer code)
I wanted to know if you can help me with a physics exam with the following topics: - Second law of thermodynamics: Process management, thermal machines, coolers, statements, the carnot cycle. - Second law of thermodynamics: Entropy, microscopic interpretation of entropy. - Oscillations: Introduction to oscillatory motion. Simple Harmonic Motion. The simple harmonic oscillator equation and its solution. Energetic considerations. Applications: simple pendulum, torsion pendulum, physical pendulum.
I need you to write some content for a website.
I’m looking for someone who familiar and expert in •The Problem: Global Warming •A Framework for analysis and synthesis of zero-emissions technologies/The electricity Grid •Finance & LCOE •Economics & Thermodynamics •Nuclear Energy •Solar Energy Collection •Hydroelectricity •Energy from Wind and Waves •Geothermal & Storage •Life Cycle Assessment •Pathways to Zero Emissions
I want tutor to explain me main concepts on video call about thermodynamics for 2 hours.
i need someone good in thermodynamics for as short task
The topics will be sent with a time limit for thermodynamics chemsitry questions
I'm a PhD student, looking for feedback on an article I've written for publication. The topic is thermodynamics, with a specific focus on entropy. If you respond, you should have experience or an understanding on these two. The article looks at non-linear systems far-from-equilibrium that generate dissipative structures through self-organization (in the vein of Prigogine). I'm specifically wondering if you have a mathematical understanding of "probability of bifurcation." I'm also adding "low-recurrence" to the picture (if you don't understand, not a problem, as we can talk about this later). I'm looking for the person to read the finished paper, review the theory and math, and provide comments on whether the math holds up, and if...
I want some questions to be solved - Math - probability (Bayes theorem) Chemistry - Thermodynamics (high level)