Richfaces example projecttrabajos
Necesito realiazar una aplicacion prototipo que menu y funciones basicas de crud. El sistema debe presentar una interface y diseño profesional y moderna.
Necesito crea una plataforma web, android y ios con un tema de social network que pueda monetizar bajo suscripción y regalos entre usuarios y hacer una entrada para crear eventos con market place
Tengo unas imágenes en 3d de un proyecto arquitectónico, pero el proyecto sufrió algunas modificaciones, cuento con archivos .FBX, y necesito actualizar las imágenes y los archivos al nuevo proyecto. Requiero una imagen como la que subí, y además el archivo .FBX modificado I need an image like the one provided, and the modified .FBX file. The .FBX files provided belong to the previous layout. The .pdf is the new layout. I need the .jpg and the modified .FBX
crear un ejemplo en java de android para conectar a un webservice
Se trata de realizar la evolución de un desarrollo realizado en JavaJava EE 5 con Jboss Seam 2. La lógica de negocio está implementada con EJB y el acceso a datos con JDBC e Hibernate. El frontend está desarrollado con JSF 1.2 y RichFaces 3.3 Se trata de evolucionar el conjunto a la ultima versión estable de estos elementos. Naturalmente al tratase de un proyecto de media duracción (+6 meses) se incorporarán algunas nuevas funcionalidades al conjunto. Es un proyecto que puede simultanearse con otros proyectos que el desarrollador este realizando en la actualidad.
...arquitectura de la aplicación- Compromiso de aprendizaje y mejora personal continúa- Utilizar sus habilidades en programación para efectuar el diseño detallado y construcción de componentes- Proactividad, compromiso y actitud de servicio Requisitos Técnicos:- Graduado o próximo a graduarse en Sistemas o carrera afín.- Manejo sólido de Java y frameworks (deseables Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, JSF, Richfaces, PlayFramework, Scala).- Nociones básicas de Scrum u otras metodologías ágiles- Habilidades de análisis, modelado, y documentación.- Idioma Inglés (lectura)- Conocimientos avanzados de de SQL, experiencia en al menos 1 motor de base de datos- Experiencia comprobable en des...
proceso que tenemos abierto de Técnico de desarrollo de proyectos (programación) con al menos 2 años de experiencia. <br /><br />Las características del puesto y herramientas a manejar son: <br />- Tecnología J2EE<br />- Framework Seam basado en:<br /> * Apache Ant<br /> * Hibernate (JPA2)<br /> * Richfaces (JSF2)<br />- Lenguaje SQL Y HQL<br />- IDE de desarrollo Eclipse 3.0 o superior
Selección Analista Programador JAVA con experiencia en Jboss para interesante proyecto del sector Transporte.<br /><br />Tareas<br /><br />· Experiencia en 2 años en Weblogic 10.x<br />· Experiencia mínima de 2 años en migraciones de aplicaciones de Weblogic 10.x a Jboss/Wildfly <br />· Experiencia con SubVersion.<br />· Conocimiento medio-alto de Maven y Jenkins.<br />· Experiencia, mínima de 2 años, en JAVA EE 5 con las siguientes tecnologías: JSF 1.2 (incluyendo RichFaces), EJB 3.0 (incluyendo JPA), JAX-WS, log4j. <br />· Experiencia, mínima de 2 años en JAVA EE 7 con las siguientes tecnologías: J...
Importante empresa de IT te invita a formar parte de su equipo de profesionales como Desarrollador Java - J2EELic / Ing / Sistemas o a finExperiencia mínimo 3 a 5 años en proyectos de desarrollo Java - J2EEDesarrollando con J2EE, Servelts. Conocimiento solido en , JDBC, Servlets, JSP, J2EE, XML, JNDI, Web Services, Junit 4 JSF Richfaces, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAXFrameworks Struts, Spring, Hibernate, MVC BD Oracle, DB2 o InformixUML o Scrum, SVN, MavenInglés AvanzadoZona de trabajo: EU - NYSueldo de acuerdo a experiencia mas prestaciones superiores, crecimiento profesional!Si te encuentras interesado manda tu cv al correo mencionado con el asunto Desarrollador Java-EU-
...Experiencia mínima de 3 años en desarrollo web con Java en entorno J2EE- Capacidad de relación y de comunicación- Gestión del tiempo- Conocimientos de: •Tecnologías: o Java- J2SE- J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JNDI, Custom tags, etc.)-Persistencia: JDBC-Framework Struts-Diseño con patrones J2SE y J2EE-Servicios Web-XML-Generación de informes: JasperReports, iReport-Ajax-Lo4j-Ant-Valorable: JSFs, Richfaces, Seam, JPA, Hibernate, J2EE 6oWeb-HTML-Javascript-CSSoBase de datos-SQL-Deseable: PL/SQL, OracleoHerramientas de desarrollo-Eclipse-Deseable: TOADoControl de versiones-Deseable: SVNoServidores de aplicaciones-Deseable: Tomcat, GlassFish SE VALORARÁ - Conocimiento del sector logístico- Conocimientos en serv...
...mejora personal continúa<br /><br />· Utilizar sus habilidades en programación para efectuar el diseño detallado y construcción de componentes<br /><br />· Proactividad, compromiso y actitud de servicio<br /><br />Requisitos Técnicos<br /><br />· Graduado o próximo a graduarse en Sistemas o carrera afín.<br /><br />· Manejo sólido de Java y frameworks (deseables Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, JSF, Richfaces, PlayFramework, Scala).<br /><br />· Nociones básicas de Scrum u otras metodologías ágiles<br /><br />· Habilidades de análisis, modelado, y documentación.<br ...
.../>Compromiso de aprendizaje y mejora personal continua<br />Utilizar habilidades en programación para efectuar el diseño detallado y construcción de componentes<br />Proactividad, compromiso y actitud de servicio<br /><br />Requisitos Técnicos:<br /><br />Graduado o próximo a graduarse en Sistemas o carrera afín.<br />Manejo sólido de Java y frameworks (deseables Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, JSF, Richfaces, PlayFramework, Scala)<br />Nociones básicas de Scrum u otras metodologías ágiles<br />Habilidades de análisis, modelado, y documentación<br />Idioma Inglés (lectura)<br />Conocimientos avanzados de de SQL, experiencia...
...formándote y crecer profesionalmente, así como de formar parte de un equipo joven y en pleno desarrollo de proyectos innovadores tecnológicamente para grandes empresas. Experiencia mínima: 3 años en proyectos similaresConocimientos y experiencia requeridos en tecnologías J2EE y -Persistencia: Hibernate-Conocimientos medios-altos SQL-Framework Spring (MVC, Security, Data, WebFlow)-Servlets, JSP-JSF (RichFaces y/o PrimeFaces)-EJB 3.0-JMS-IBM Rational Application Developer-Conocimientos en Servicios Web (SOAP: JAX-WS y/o REST: JAX-RS/REST)Se valorarán:-Certificación Oficial en Java-Conocimientos en tecnología frontal web: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Dojo-Experiencia en Servidores de Aplicaciones (Websphere, Weblogic...
I need an infographic for a system called conektame can find more information in I need the following information in addition to a design that explain each point and letter size attracts attention and fully configure it for my text and images that can be manipulated in Photoshop: 1.- What is Conektame? Turn your Wi-Fi connection in a modern marketing tool 2.-How does it work? A drawing illustrating and text that says A) the client requests to connect to the free wifi B) the client connects to the wireless network without Internet access C) the system asks him conektame like, follow or answer a short survey D) reward for their customers free wifi 3. Know your customers With our extensive range of tense to access individual reports and statistics about your customers to mor...
Se busca un programador. Conocimientos mínimos requeridos: HERRAMIENTAS DE DISEÑO. Photoshop, Illustrator * PROGRAMACIÓN. PHP, v CSS, jQuery, javascript, html5 * BASES DE DATOS. mysql * CMS. Wordpress, Prestashop, Joomla Otros conocimientos deseados: *Eclipse IDE, 3DStudio, * Swift3d, *JSF, RichFaces., ActionScript *ERP *Aplicaciones móviles
Software que permita la gestión de usuario, perfiles, roles; la base de datos debe de ser en postgres 9.2, utilizando hibernate, spring, richfaces y google earth para georeferenciar a los usuario.
I'm looking for a designer to create a logo based on the example I will provide. The logo will consist of the text and a towel. Specific Requirements: - For the 1000x600 image: The towel should be placed before the name “LENE,” with no “towel store” text underneath. The towel’s colors should remain the same as in example. The background should be transparent. I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. Please start your proposal with the word 'towelz' so I know you actually read the task, thanks. - For the 500x500 image: The towel should be placed above the text. The background should be transparent, and I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. - Favicon: It should featur...
Milk business ideas in investment of 10 lakhs
Please do other mascot for this kebab owner in order to use it on our social network and website Please use the same style as attached. You just need to change his expression and posture (4 visuals). We also want to create 4 visuals with a kebab spit as a same style of the mascot. Please alsways integrate the logo 83 attached on the kebab spit and on the tshirt of the guy. Remember, do not change the whole style, just change the face, expression and posture for the owner mascot ! For the Kebab spit, please create vectorials as the same style What we need, summarized: - 8 new visuals with cartoon style as the style attached - use nice and funny creation, like with a kebab spit who has a face, with the guy or without the guy, with the 83 logo - please be creative and funny ! See example...
I'm in search of a designer who can help me create eye-catching graphic prints for a new line of sportswear t-shirts. (NO AI) see image Key Responsibilities: - Develop creative and unique graphic designs for t-shirts - Ensure designs are suitable for sportswear and casual wear - Understand and incorporate current trends in sportswear and graphic design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong portfolio in t-shirt and sportswear design - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively I am looking for original, visually appealing designs that can stand out in the competitive sportswear market. Please provide samples of relevant past work.
Overview: • Setup the Arduino framework for the py32f003 MCU. • Integrate and test the nRF24L01 module with the MCU. • Develop and build a working example program demonstrating communication via the nRF24L01. • Provide basic overview documentation of the setup and testing process. • Skills required: Embedded C Programming, Arduino IDE. • Timeline: Complete within one week. Published py32F003 nRF24L01 with RF24 library avilable. Link will be shared Deliverable: that the freelancer should either perform a remote setup of the final working project environment or provide a virtual image of the IDE environment with the working project.
Hello, we need a presentation made through canva that displays screenshots from different website that have ads that we will provide you displayed in the appropriate locations. I have made a quick example to show you exactly what we want. This project should be easy to complete. If there's any data missing in the sheet provided, just skip and move onto the next one. There should be up to 100 slides
These are some samples created by AI - I really like the one marked sample cover - however, there are great pieces I enjoy in each of these. I like the idea of the back, but I'm unsure how that would work with the sample cover - so I'd be open to sharing more about my book, character descriptions, and possible scenes that take place in the woods to be more cohesive
I'm running a Shopify store selling personality-based products like actor T-shirts, calendars, NBA posters, etc. I'm in need of a PPC expert who can help me run Google Ads to increase my sales. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Google Ads - Also Facebook ads - Experience in e-commerce - Understanding of targeting teens and young adults Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of increasing sales through PPC - Familiarity with apparel and personality-based product advertising - Ability to create engaging ads that resonate with my target audience
We need to take the attached existing thumbnail and adjust it with the following details: Update to text (top left) SET-UP EXAMPLE #3 Change the image to Show a EERO PRO6e unit Change color only on EERO POE WIRING DIAGRAM - Color should be light orange Update the diagram with the attached version #3 Thank you
We need to take the attached existing thumbnail and adjust it with the following details: Update to text (top left) SET-UP EXAMPLE #2 Change the image to Show a Trendnet POE Switch, replacing the current EERO switch (White EERO unit Stays) Change color only on EERO POE WIRING DIAGRAM - Color should be light green Update the diagram with the attached version #2 Thank you
More details: Which aspect of the economy are you most interested in analyzing? GDP growth Which specific impacts on the travel industry are you interested in? Tourism activities What type of dataset do you have available for the analysis? Economic indicators
I'm looking for an expert CAD designer with experience in HVAC systems to create a detailed underfloor heating layout for a commercial office building. The design should primarily focus on the open office areas. Key Responsibilities: - Create a comprehensive CAD layout for the underfloor heating system. - Include heat output tables to ensure optimal heating coverage. - Design should be suitable for a commercial office space. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in CAD software - Previous experience with underfloor heating systems design - Knowledge of heat distribution calculations - Understanding of commercial office space design requirements.
I have a wordpress website and need someone to add a top menu, i need to be able to change link or add item in top menu anytime i want
I need to convert data from XML to Excel. I've got an example XML file that can be used as a reference for the conversion. Ideal Skills: - XML - Excel - Data Conversion - Attention to Detail Please ensure that the conversion is precise and matches the structure of the example XML.
I'm in need of a sample code in REach and .NET Core that takes a single input (a name) and calls an API to pass this name. The primary focus of this project is to implement robust security measures so that the API can only be accessed via login and is protected from hacking attempts or manipulation via tools like Postman. Key Requirements: - Development of a sample .NET Core and REach code - The API should accept one input: a name - Robust security implementation to prevent unauthorized access To be considered for this project, please specify in your bid how you plan to secure the API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in .NET Core and REach - Extensive experience with API security implementation - Familiarity with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) - Understanding of HTT...
I'm looking for a talented designer to improve the visual design of the example pages in CanvasXpress, specifically focusing on the layout structure. The primary objective is to enhance the overall design aesthetic of these pages. I recently redesigned the home page and now I need help with the example pages. I need only one page so I can computationally create the rest of the pages. I would like to maintain the home page design and use elements of it to match the example pages. Here is the link to the home page: And here is the link to one of the example pages:
Create online universities website () Here is the example only information website, .no lms or enrolment options only form Use WordPress only
Project Overview This project involves modifying Python widgets and adapting them a bit Candidates will have the opportunity for weekly collaborations over the coming months, with contact ranging from 0 to 4 hours per week. Pleese apply to this job with a direct message to me explaining me your experience with python Thank you
This is to bring attention to my programming CONTEST at: So do not BID here, instead GO TO the CONTEST at:
The basic example app is simple, just include several small binaries of Hello-World compiled/built with Rust/C/C++/golang and the app must execute them and display the app message in an activity or 'view'. So you will need to use JNI or ffi or channels or bridges if using flutter etc. You can use whatever cross-platform method you prefer. You must provide all sources and binary for Android and one other platform. Clear? The app will simply call several versions of "Hello World!" binaries (one in C, C++, Rust..) inside the "Apk" for example, and display the Hello World output in some GUI (graphical view/user interface) of the app. You can post just the BINARIES and provide the Source Code "after" you are AWARDED the contest. THAT...
More details: What type of items will the CNC machinist primarily work on? Metal components - mostly stainless steel parts Which machining operations are required for these metal components? Turning, Milling, Drilling - none but he needs to have the understanding to see whats invoved in the job to order material. What kind of drawing formats will the CNC machinist be working with? DXF files - and pdf drawings.
I am seeking a talented Web Developer to assist in completing my career guidance website project. The UI design has been created in Figma, and the Machine Learning models have been developed - all resources will be provided. Your role will be to integrate three pre-built Machine Learning models into the site, develop and finalize the website according to the provided UI interface and models, and ensure the entire project runs smoothly and offers a user-friendly experience. Ideal candidates should be proficient in both front-end and back-end web development, have experience integrating Machine Learning models into web applications, and possess a strong understanding of responsive design and user experience.
I'm looking for a developer experienced with Eclipse Theia to create a project navigator application based on a JSON feed tree. Key Features: - A detailed page with multiple tabs similar to Eclipse's development interface. - A tree navigator which displays JSON data. Right-clicking on a tree object brings up a context menu to draw a simple circular layout network diagram. - When a node of the diagram is clicked, the node's properties are shown in a property table and help information is displayed in a right pane. - The ability to print the diagram from a top menu print tool. - A three-pane layout consisting of a diagram pane, a detail information pane and a help pane. Data and Implementation: - The application will source its JSON feed from local files. - The netwo...
make 3D rendering to plastic bag,
I need an experienced developer to help migrate my web application's UI components from RichFaces 3.3 to Angular. RichFaces experience is mandatory.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to create a project similar to the example video provided here: Here’s what I’ll provide: - The lyrics for the video. - Video clips to be used. - Background music. Your role would be to: - Edit the video by combining the clips, music, and lyrics so they sync seamlessly. - Ensure the final product has a style and feel similar to the example video. If you can replicate this style and bring the project to life, I’d love to work with you! Please share examples of similar work if available. We would start with this project. From there, I would want you to create between 1 - 5 videos monthly.
I'm in need of a service that can provide an image, a definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and rel...
This is for a food catering service. Looking at the logo should evoke a craving and create an irresistible urge to order the food. I want the logo to look very similar to the example provided. The main difference is that instead of "YummyPella," it needs to say "YummyPaella" with an "a" between P and e. Maintain the current look and feel. Additionally, create a version of the logo that includes only the letter "Y" and the shrimp on top. The deliverables include both logos in HD, in photoshop with layers and a version in black and another in white.
I'm looking for a website designer who can create a multi-page layout similar to Example A, specifically incorporating its layout structure. Key Requirements: - Ability to mimic the layout structure of Example A - Expertise in multi-page website design - Familiarity with responsive design principles to ensure the site is mobile-friendly Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of website design - Strong understanding of layout structures and design principles - Ability to deliver high-quality, visually appealing designs
I want to create a few lines of code related to a PineScript TradingView strategy based on one TradingView indicator. Basically, I need the and the based on conditions that I will provide. Please, only answer if you have experience in TradingView and PineScript.
Need to create a new website this is my current website and this is example I want the same Quality like example all graphics needs to be like the example as well write " GREEN " in your bid if u can do
I'm in need of a specialist who can integrate PayPal for marketplaces into my website or app. Your expertise should not just be in PayPal Business, but specifically in the intricacies of PayPal for Marketplace. I will need to see an example in your proposal where you have done this, otherwise please don’t apply I will not reply to your proposal.
Project Description: I am looking for a designer to create a badge/stamp based on the provided example. The stamp will be used on a website to highlight the quality and popularity of a product. Requirements: The stamp must include the following German slogan: “Empfohlen von tausenden Käufern aus Deutschland und Österreich” The design must incorporate two flags: German flag Austrian flag The badge should be visually appealing, professional, and suitable for use on a website. Final files should be delivered in the following formats: PNG (with transparency), JPG, and a vector format (e.g., SVG or AI). Additional Information: I will provide an example design for inspiration. The badge should convey professionalism and trustworthiness to website vi...