Linear phease fir design using windowtrabajos
The project involves converting the attached design to HTML and embedding it within a PHP file. The editable design file in AI format will be provided, along with the necessary images exported to PNG. This project must be completed within 24 hours, and this deadline is non-negotiable. Proposals specifying more than 24 hours will not be accepted. If the project is not completed within the 24-hour timeframe, it will be considered unsuccessful. I regret the limited time available, but this is the timeframe I can offer. The project is relatively simple for someone experienced in these tasks. I will provide FTP/Cpanel credentials for the developer to work directly on the server. The design is provided in desktop format, but it should be configured to be responsive and ad...
I have my Point of Sale system and I need specific adjustments for customer charges, depending on their products. And that the calculations are generated effectively, when paying each installment, if this person has an accumulated fine that is collected immediately and then their monthly installment.
I'm seeking for a developer that can develop an app web using a service architecture using: FrontEnd: -React to construct the frontend, create some interfaces like: login user, recover password, a dashboard with some menus and submenus like Materially: - In the frontend also need that have 1 menu to create a simulation schema using REACTFLOW LIBRARY to create - The frontend receive and send querys and response to the backend Backend: - The backend need to work with an APIGATEWAY that receive all Request from the frontend and send this request using RabbitMQ service to send an receive messages, create queues to other services: - Mongodb service that receive user information, simulator information and
...Estudios universitarios Bilingüe: español e inglés Gran capacidad de comunicación y ética laboral Los candidatos seleccionados recibirán más detalles. Debe completarse en 10 días. Proporcionarás versiones en inglés y español --- Ghostwriter with superb research skills and an educated voice needed. You will write 36 pieces of content and two strong lead magnets for a luxury window treatment provider. Total words about 18,000 to 24,000. These pieces will be used for nurture email sequences and scripts for ai-generated videos. You must be able to understand our products, niche, clientele—an above all—their needs, and write the voice of the brand's owner (A middle ...
Busco un profesional para instalar BookStack en un NAS d...importante tener en cuenta que el trabajo deberá realizarse de manera remota a través de TeamViewer, ya que ni yo, el solicitante, ni nadie más está físicamente presente en la ubicación del servidor. Favor de confirmar experiencia previa con instalaciones similares en entornos NAS y Docker. I am looking for a professional to install BookStack on a Synology NAS. The installation should be done using Docker within the NAS. Please note that the work will need to be performed remotely via TeamViewer, as neither I, the requester, nor anyone else is physically present at the server location. Kindly confirm prior experience with similar installations in NAS and Docker environments. Le...
Busco a alguien que me pueda realizar una simulación de iluminación de una carretera. La carretera está dibujada en en CAD (.dwg). y consta de rectas, curvas, redondeles y partes rurales. La persona debe de conocer perfectamente todos los criterios lumínicos de carreteras, aceras peatonales, etc. Además, debe de conocer perfectamente los parámetros y criterios de valores a tomar en cuenta como por ejemplo: nivel de iluminación según norma de Estados Unidos, factores decisivos según materiales de carretera como concreto, asfalto, etc. factores de reflexión, flujos lumínicos, niveles de iluminación (m1, m2, m3, m4 y m5) y todo lo relacionado para entregar un diseño y simulación completa y profes...
Hola, tengo un emprendimiento () y estoy buscando alguien que pueda mejorar el editor que tengo actualmente. Uso TipTap La idea es que armen un editor estilo linear/notion. Que funcione rapido, tenga buena performance y ux. El usuario tiene que no solo poder escribir y agregar titulos, negritas, subrayados, etc. Sino tambien fotos (seleccionar y drag and drop), un custom block para videos de youtube (links), custom block para tweets, code block con selector de lenguaje y highlight syntax, inline code, listas, blockquote. El editor debe devolver markdown.
...one2many with CAI as a code, set the authorized range that is to follow the prefix 000-002-01 and the initial sequence 0000001 to the limit range with the same prefix and limit sequence 00200000 this should indicate the limit range. We must set the alert range at sequence number 00199500 in the one2many, and upon reaching the number 00200000, it should prevent further billing as seen in the other window with a pop-up waiting until adding a new CAI, a new range, and a new emission deadline. In the one2many, it must also allow setting an expiration date or emission limit, for example, 15/06/2024 for orders. If this is reached before the limit 00200000, the system must also block indicating that the emission deadline has been reached and be able to set a previous date 10/06/2024 thi...
Es un proyecto en codigo ensamblador en MSP430, se requiere solo el código
Crear un modelo reusable (usando fuzzy logic) el modelo debe tener capacidad de usar hasta 30 variables y sugerir cuál es la mejor opción, pero que sugiera el mejor resultado ( fácil de entender la solución óptima) el resultado debe ser dirigido a una persona con educación media o universidad. Yo no tengo acceso a Python o Matlab.
The project involves developing a mobile application using Android Studio that can display Bravais lattices by reworking a previous project, which will be provided. The application should allow choosing between two modes: quiz mode and creative mode. In creative mode, the application should display controls on a part of the screen to modify the values of sides a, b, c, and angles α, β, and γ. When these values change, the displayed lattice drawing should also change, showing the name of the lattice corresponding to one of the 14 possible options. Additionally, there should be an explanation to the user of why that lattice is formed with those specific values. All of this should be within the same window. In quiz mode, the application presents 10 questions. Ea...
The creation of a complete API for integration with Whatsapp Web using web scraping and other techniques is required to finally achieve a system like the one Green API has The programming language will preferably be Node.js In addition to the Green API functionalities and endpoints, it is necessary to add the following: 1. Delete chats messages 3. Receive notifications to the webhook of the other person editing messages Typing signal the development must be implemented in a docker with a Linux operating system. We need the code to be developed in the framework and the messages must be handled in a queue An admin interface is required to manage the instances (servers) through the API of our data center in Oracle. This is
Hola Muhammad Usman A., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles. easily access this information without returning to the home page. Clicking on these buttons should open a popup window where the salesperson can make payments or cancellations. Upon completing a payment, it should automatically print a receipt and open the cash drawer. Include a button to manually open the cash drawer, requiring an administrator's password. When editing a quote, adjust the screen layout in the POS to match the sales screen, including all electronic billing functionalities. Implement expense tracking, adjust the corresponding lines, and print and open the cash drawer upon saving. Configure and enable multiple currencies in the system. I am currently using the Costa Rican colón; however, I also want the option to use US dollars. The currency ...
...easily access this information without returning to the homepage. Clicking on these buttons should open a pop-up window where the salesperson can make payments or cancellations. When a payment is completed, it should automatically print a receipt and open the cash drawer. Include a button to manually open the cash drawer, requiring an administrator's password. When editing a quotation, adjust the screen layout in the POS to match the sales screen, including all the features of electronic invoicing. Implement expense tracking, adjust the lines accordingly, and print and open the cash drawer upon saving. Configure and enable multiple currencies in the system. I am currently using the Costa Rican colón; however, I also want to have the option to use US dollars. Th...
...conveying both the elegance and modernity that define our brand. Furthermore, we want to ensure that the new design resonates particularly well with our target audience, consisting of individuals from the upper-middle and upper classes who value quality and contemporary style. ? DESIRED EXPERIENCE: I am looking for a professional with proven experience in designing WordPress websites, especially using Divi and creating custom child themes. ? WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT: The selected designer will develop the new website in a subdomain dedicated solely to the redesign process. Once completed and approved, the new site will be migrated to the main domain. The website will be built using a custom child theme of Divi, fully utilizing the potential of Divi's page build...
I want to develop an API service that queries a Google Docs sheet and returns the data in JSON format using .NET 7. Aim: The goal of this project is to create an API service that integrates with a Google Docs sheet and extracts the data needed to provide a response in JSON format. This will allow the data to be accessible programmatically and can be used in different applications. This api will be published on a web server and must be accessible to anyone who has the url
Hola, Me esta dando problema la instalación del siguiente código Lo compre original a través del link, el soporte es lento necesito ayuda. Puedo levantar una vps window o linux .... Escucho sus ofertas lo necesito para ahora mismo
Hola, necesito una aplicación Cliente-Servidor para mantenerme informado sobre el estado de los distitnos servidores que administro. CARACTERISTICAS DE LA APLICACION: 1- Aplicacion Web para el Panel de Control 1- Aplicacion cliente que se instalar con un código unico en cada servidor de window server 2- Panel de control en donde se registra cada codigo de las Aplicaciones Clientes instaladas EVENTOS DE ALERTAS A REGISTRAR DE CADA SERVIDOR: 1- Reinicio o apagado del servidor 2- Espacio en Discos Duros superando el 80% 3- Consumo de Memoria Excesivo por encima del 80% 4- Caducidad de la licencia del servidor de Windows server 5- Intentos de inicio de sesión fallidos MANEJO DE ALERTAS: - Las alertas se recibiran en el panel de control de la aplicacion - Las ale...
I would like to develop a small autocad LISP application that does the following - At the beginning I will have selected a part of the elements of the drawing. - I want the program to detect which are linear text objects and join in a multiline text object those texts that are at a smaller distance requested by console. - Remove the old texts and leave only the multiline texts.
Hola buenas noches. Quiero clonar mi voz en castellano para crear contenido de YouTube. Por lo que he mirado se puede hacer con Python y yo quisiera que instalando anaconda o el programa que me digas y metiendo en una carpeta en una dirección fiia del disco duro todos los archivos necesarios con un solo script se instale el clonador de voces. Si alguien sabe hacerlo y me quiere dar precio es lo que estoy buscando.
Relizar las panbtallas para consumir api de creacion de encuestas en angular
Description: FIRST: It is required to correct the erro...parameters in each field, which does not give rise to errors, allowing typing only within the range of parameters of each drop-down list. Allow negative and positive values to be entered. 3. Point of sale buttons: “Select Glasses”, “Prescription”, “Prescription History” and “Cliente”: Change the entire point of sale module to Spanish. Change to Spanish language the texts that are shown in the window that opens when pressing each button: SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHED FILE. Category: Programming and Technology Subcategory: Web Programming What is the scope of the project?: Big or small change Is it a project or a position?: A project I currently have: I have an idea Availability requ... cart - an option to proceed with the purchase - an information window, in which the different materials and information about the options to be configured will be explained In addition, the calculator must be able to give recommendations to the user in the case of certain configurations, which will be opened to him when configuring them (for example: if he selects an unsuitable material in particular for a large part, explain to him that it is better to select another) As an example you can see the following calculators: -Shapeways: -Craftcloud: - Sculpteo: To visualize the design line that we want, see our website:
Hola tengo problemas con un windose server 2016. Necesito un especialista urgente para ver el error
Necesito un bot en twitter que baja datos, producir un graphico y publicarlo, como cada dia o cada semana. Y despues yo lo manejo, uso python en un nivel basico....
Develop a stochastic model in Python to determine the behavior and charging habits of electric vehicles, and forecast their electricity demand through Montecarlo SMC simulations.
Se trata de una aplicación de reconocimiento facial que por exigencias de los reguladores (NIST) debe de estar en C++ y debe de usar Tensorflow.
Hola Matias Gaston P., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
Hemos publicado un proyecto ASP.NET en IIS el cual no se puede ver correctamente.
...the topic of conversation. Each pin has an icon, a text of up to 500 characters, and a duration of 24 hours. The user can fix the pin for 7 days by purchasing an "Echo", which is a €1 / $1 payment through Google Play. Tapping on each pin opens a popup with the text of the pinned message. LIST A list of nearby pinned messages is displayed. The radius is 5km. Tapping on each pin opens a new window with the text of the pinned message with the icon and the information of the user who posted it. PUBLISH Gets the user's current location and asks for an icon (image from a list), a text of up to 500 characters, and the duration: 24 hours for free, or 7 days for a fee. MESSAGING It is a message center where users can communicate with each other. It is a si...
Hola, Necesito convertir un texto de word o html a PDF con datos que el cliente tiene que llenar en un formulario.
...mostrada. El incumplimiento de las metas mínimas trimestrales será causa de la aplicación de penas convencionales conforme al modelo de contrato. EL equipo administrará y operará las diferentes campañas, concentrando las actividades para cada una en: ● Identificación de audiencias ● Desarrollo de arquetipos ● Identificación de audiencias similares (look a like) ● Identificación de look back window ● Optimización de inversión ● Realizar y/o modificar los creativos, imágenes, anuncios de texto y lo necesario (temporalidad, y medio) para alcanzar las metas colocadas en el modelo económico y resultados periódicos. ● Para lo anterior debe utilizar: Google Adwords, Facebook Ads...
Hola Jahanzeb N., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
Hola Jahanzeb N., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
...need to include a spatial display and selection feature. Need to display spatial information in 2D to show the location of sampling points in non-urban areas. The application must display previously defined points, lines and polygons (geojson) and allow the user to select map background layers that they want to display, as well as the selection of coordinate points in a specific area (ideally using a polygon) in order to assign attributes on a form. When you save the form, you must generate a JSON format that delivers the captured information for each of the selected points. It is not necessary to make a saving of these, they can be printed by console. Your app must be able to synchronize the background map layers from internet-facing Azure Maps and save them to disk so that...
Hola Jahanzeb N., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
Hola Misfits T., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
Hola Misfits T., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
Necesito un logo, minimalista, mono lineal pero llamativo que haga referencia a Alejandro Magno. El nombre de la empresa Alejandro & Co. Les adjunto uno que había hecho yo, pero espero que ustedes puedan hacer un mejor trabajo. I need a logo, minimalist, mono linear but striking that refers to Alexander the Great. The company name Alejandro & Co. I enclose one that I had made, but I hope you can do a better job.
Necesito que desarrollen dos api con toda la estructura de proyecto net core y buenas prácticas que me permitan utilizarlas como base para próximos desarrollos link, every user’s window (or html video element) will launch an animation of that emoji. That animation will be made on CSS / javascript. Here ́s an example of the animation: - The animation should also work in full screen mode (optional, bonus +50€) What we provide: - A wordpress site and admin Access to it. - A set of social media icons - A UI document showing the place where the buttons will be positioned What you should develop: - The insertion of the social media buttons according to the UI document (TBD) - The buttons animation on mouse over - The websocket communication between every user to get the reaction on real time - The emojis animation over the video html element that will be launched on every users’ window whenever one user click...
Necesito que desarrollen un software para mí. Me gustaría que este software sea desarrollado para Windows utilizando PHP. Hace varios meses desarrollamos un código para iniciar sesión en una web externa, ahora la web realizó algun cambio y dejo de funcionar el código. El código que tenemos será compartido para ayudar a resolver el problema.
I need someone with experience in the Kajabi platform, and with experience in WEB design to develop a home page on that platform about some of the services I offer, it will be in my name (Andy Quintana), and some additional pages as a welcome page and thank you, and of some services that I describe below. Among the services I offer is that of 1: 1 Coaching, I will also offer a free video course that is currently in editing, which I will offer at no cost for interested people to register and stay in my database, to eventually offer them a subscription program (2nd phase later) I already have an initial graphic line (logo, graphic image, etc.) and I would need someone to be in charge of assembling this, initially quite basic as I explain here, and then over time if we are both s...
Necesito una app para Android. Me gustaría que la diseñen y la creen.
Alguien que conozca MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS y pueda ayudarme con un trabajo de esa índole. Debe conocer a cabalidad regresión linear, matemáticas, y específicamente mercado de regulaciones en el gobierno.
Deben tener vasto conocimiento en el tema de Regresión linear Simple. Deben estar dispuestos a hablar por teléfono y/o video-llamada. Son dos preguntas que tengo que contestar, pero no entiendo bien los conceptos y quisiera pasar la clase conociendo y sabiendo hacer dichas preguntas sin ayuda, una próxima vez.
...documentos igualmente para ver video o fotos aparte de la principal puede ser la misma clave Necesitamos que al compartir por Whatsapp el link de cada página se visualice una miniatura de la imagen correspondiente a la página compartida y que en la pestaña del navegador muestre el logo de nuestra empresa. Las imágenes adjuntan detalla que debe contener cada página. Es importante que exista un pop window que invite a las personas a vender su negocio con nosotros luego de 30 segundo de estar en la página y que tengamos la opción de poder modificar el tiempo de ser posible y la cantidad de veces que deseamos que aparezca (o puede ser predefinido a 1 visualización luego de 30 segundos en la página si es primera vez que...