Short Educational Video Clip Editing
- Estado: Closed
- Premio: $20
- Propuestas recibidas: 27
- Ganador: rajibhasankhan
Resumen del concurso
I'm seeking a seasoned video editor to modify a 7 or 8 second video clip found from 3:07 to 3:14 on the video link attached. The only think I want you to do on the entire video is to modify the 7 to 8 second clip. Try to create a similar 7 to 8 second spot with the same message (Bible story of David and Goliath) with your design for the spot. If you can't come up with your own version, then simply use the graphics already on the video, but modify the clip so the red circle with the words "One Nation Under Medication" moves on the screen "smoothly" (no jerky movement) and have the circle move above (not over) the young man with the sword. Please send me your idea for the clip and I will determine if I want to award you the project. The editing style should be straightforward, involving simple cuts and transitions.
Habilidades recomendadas
Comentarios del empleador
“He is very pleasant to work with and did an amazing job! Very professional.”
drj1220, United States.
Principales propuestas de este concurso
rajibhasankhan Bangladesh
rycaat Indonesia
medyalaptop Greece
Diwakar1144 India
vinaysharmaynr India
thesecret1611 Vietnam
adhiaksa1 Indonesia
medyalaptop Greece
medyalaptop Greece
adhiaksa1 Indonesia
nusaiba69 Bangladesh
rajibhasankhan Bangladesh
HassanSaqib29 Pakistan
Diwakar1144 India
Jacquelinev21 Mexico
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