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Anwar H.
Working till perfection
$30 USD / Stunde
Bangladesh (10:53 PM)
Joined on Februar 15, 2011
$30 USD / Stunde
✓ PSD to WordPress
✓ PSD to Joomla
✓ PSD to OpenCart
✓ HTML to WordPress
✓ Wix to WordPress
✓ Shopify to WordPress
✓ Squarespace to WordPress
✓ BigCommerce to WordPress
✓ Joomla to WordPress
✓ Drupal to WordPress
✓ OpenCart to WordPress.
✓ OsCommerce to WordPress.
✓ Magento to WordPress.
✓ WordPress customization.
✓ Website transfer /migrate from old host to new host for $30 only in few hours.
✓ Web hosting on dedicated Linux server for $10 / month
✓ Product upload on any eCommerce platform
✓ Data entry 100% accuracy
✓ Clipping path
✓ Background removing/changing/deep etching
✓ Image editing
✓ Image optimization for web
✓ Image enhancement
✓ Portrait retouching
✓ Image manipulation
✓ Photo restoration
✓ Photo Retouch
✓ Hair masking
✓ Color correction
✓ Creating vector image
✓ Flyer/Brochure design
✓ Business card
✓ Banner design
✓ Label Design
✓ Invitation Design