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Balvir S.
Expert - MARN || Flutter || CodeIgniter || WP
$20 USD / Stunde
India (11:05 AM)
Joined on Dezember 9, 2014
$20 USD / Stunde
I am Balvir Sah, an experienced web designer and developer with extensive skills in smart design for both web and mobile applications. My expertise includes technologies such as MARN, Flutter, PHP, CodeIgniter, WordPress, Magento, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and more.
I am ready to start your project immediately and can adjust my schedule to match your timezone, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration. Over the past two years, I have developed and designed over 100 websites.
Services Offered:
Free Quality Testing
Website Development as per SEO Standards
Regular Project Updates
Competitive Rates
On-Time Delivery
Expertise in .Net Technologies
Extended Support Post Delivery
Areas of Expertise:
CMS (Content Management Systems)
eCommerce Solutions
PHP, C# Based Development
Customized Website Development
Payment Gateway Integration
WordPress Development
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or additional concerns.
All the best,
Balvir Sah
He is always reachable and responsive even during the public holidays and this is a very GOOD and EXPECTED character for a professional freelancer. Keep it up!
I worked with a internation UK base company in Agaara Limited here is my role to maintain all website and develop website in PHP, Magneto and WordPress and last my post was team manager but i want to do some different for my life so i was left that company and now i am doing full time freelancer job.
Mai, 2005 - Nov., 2014
9 Jahre, 6 Monate
2012 - 2014
2 Jahre
2012 - 2014
2 Jahre
Karmick Institute
I have learn here PHP, MySQL, Wordpress mainly 3 category was in my syllabus and other then i will learn Magneto and other web related language by using Internet because i have got all concept from Karmick Institute now just i have to understand that how is running all language.
Seeman Advisior
Seeman Advisior
Firstly i have done my brother business website (Broking Firm) in php and mysql.
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