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Tafadzwa C.
Business Consultant ★Risk ★Finance★ Project Mgt
$80 USD / Stunde
Zimbabwe (6:36 AM)
Joined on Mai 16, 2019
$80 USD / Stunde
#11 years of experience in Business Consulting.
—Financial Advisory
—Strategy, & Business Proposals
—Policies & Procedures
—Training Content
#11 years of experience in Risk Management and Safety across various sectors including Insurance, Banking, Construction, Real estate, Aviation, Energy and Manufacturing.
✅Professional Risk Manager- designation
✅Certified Risk & Compliance Management Professional
✅Certified Risk Specialist.
✅Bachelor's Degree in Risk Management
✅MBA - Finance degree.
#10 years of experience in project management.
—Managed a portfolio of USD12 billion worth of projects.
—Expert in pre-award and post-award contract management including EPC Contracts.
—Strong skills in FIDIC contracts.
—Highly adept in project finance & expertly skilled in project proposals.
✅Certified Project Director
✅PRINCE 2 - Practitioner
✅MSc in Engineering Project Management
Leading and coordinating the success of a USD1.5 billion power construction project with operations in South America, China, Europe and Southern Africa
Juli, 2018 - Aktuell
6 Jahre, 7 Monate
Head Strategy & Risk Advisory
Juni, 2012 - Aktuell
12 Jahre, 8 Monate
Starz Risk Solutions, UK
Juni, 2012 - Aktuell
12 Jahre, 8 Monate
Advisory to Fortune 100 firms.
Juni, 2012 - Aktuell
12 Jahre, 8 Monate
Executive Director
Jan., 2012 - Aktuell
13 Jahre, 1 Monat
Charis Occassions
Jan., 2012 - Aktuell
13 Jahre, 1 Monat
Executive Consultancy in areas of Strategy, Project Management, Risk Management, HSE, Technology, Cyber, Legal Advisory, Agile delivery, Market Analytics and Customer Management across diverse sectors around the globe.
Jan., 2012 - Aktuell
13 Jahre, 1 Monat
University of Chichester
2019 - 2020
1 Jahr
Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership