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Vitalii S.
React | React Native | Mobile Development
$20 USD / Stunde
Ukraine (5:10 AM)
Joined on Juni 26, 2024
$20 USD / Stunde
Hello, everyone.
I am a professional web/app engineer with 10+ years of experience in Javascript and PHP frameworks. I have already developed many web and app projects with React, Node, Vue, Angular and PHP, CI, Laravel, and Python.
I am familiar with Android/iOS app development using react native and ionic.
Also, I am an expert in web scrapping with Python and PHP, Node.js.
I have strong experience in developing blockchain projects including smart contract development and front-end development using Solidity, Web3.js, etc.
My main skills are following:
- Frontend:
React/Redux.js, Redux-Saga, Redux-Thunk, React-Bootstrap, Material-UI
Typescript, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Django, Golang
Vue.js/VueX, Vuetify
Angular 1-10
PSD to HTML && Figma to HTML && XD to HTML, Bootstrap 4, Tailwind CSS, LESS/SASS/SCSS, Responsive UI
- Backend:
PHP, CI, Laravel, Cake PHP
Python, Django
C#, C programming, C++
- Mobile App:
Android, iOS
React Native, react native cli, expo cli
Ionic, Flutter
- Web Scrapping:
Python/Selenium, Node.js, PHP
- Database:
SQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, NoSQL
I can work over 40+ hours per week and if you want more, I can work in full time without weekend rest. Also my communication is very quick so that I can reply your message in short time.
I hope I work with all clients in long term.
If you are looking for senior web and app developer,
please contact me anytime.
I am always ready for you