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Yasser S.
Full stack Developer
$10 USD / Stunde
Morocco (11:17 PM)
Joined on Februar 27, 2023
$10 USD / Stunde
Check my portfolio, in the section below, for some examples of previous work, for custom inquiries, send me a message through chat, I would be glad to help you choosing the right technology for your project.
Not at all recommended. Be aware of unprofessionalism!!
The freelancer is a very unprofessional individual. He took the work saying he was very confident with the work and he would be able to deliver the work in 6 hours but when it came to deliver he was not responsive and he did not provide much information on the delay. Finally he did not complete the work after 48 hours of waiting and I had to cancel the work.
As an R&D professional in the field of design, my role involves conducting research and development activities aimed at improving the design process, enhancing product quality, and ensuring that design projects meet customer requirements and expectations.
Feb., 2020 - Mai, 2022
2 Jahre, 3 Monate
US English
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