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Pratibha M.
PHP || Laravel || NodeJs || ReactJS
$15 USD / Stunde
India (12:19 AM)
Joined on November 28, 2010
$15 USD / Stunde
Over the last 11 years, I have designed and developed a wide range of websites using Dreamweaver, responsive, Java script, WordPress, Custom CMS, Nodejs, ReactJs and PHP . Over the last few years, I’ve had the opportunity of working for several web development companies as well as freelancers. This has given me extensive web development knowledge and technical skills and all applied in my successfully projects.
To view my professional work please pls see my previous projects:
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I possess good interpersonal and communication skills which enable me to work effectively with clients.
My specialties are: * 100% availability * Professional Unique Designs & customized web programming *Committed to finish projects in agreed deadline * Flexible working Hours as per customized client Timings * Satisfied clients all over the world * Excellent Written and Spoken English Skills.
He is not able to done the job requested and accepted from him. He takes 3 days for study the project and, after it and after a first deposit, he tell me that he don't find a way to make it.
Is crasy how he accept the work without know how do it and I loose 3 days of time waiting for his project done.
Over the last 10 years, I have designed and developed a wide range of websites using Dreamweaver, responsive, Java script, WordPress, Custom CMS and PHP .
I possess good interpersonal and communication skills which enable me to work effectively with clients.
Capabilities * PHP / Wordpress / NodeJS / ReactJS / Angular * Dreamweaver * Flash * Illustrator * PSD to XHTML * XHTML / CSS / PHP / MySQL
Juni, 2010 - Aktuell
14 Jahre, 8 Monate
Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
2006 - 2010
4 Jahre
2006 - 2010
4 Jahre
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