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Paula M.



Engineer/Accounting/Virtual Assistant/Data Entry

$10 USD / Stunde
Flagge von
Spain (3:00 AM)
Joined on September 23, 2019
$10 USD / Stunde
I'm a naval engineer with two masters, one in Naval Engineer and another one in Engineering for Development and Renewable Energies. Also, I have knowledge in Project Management and Accounting (Administrative work, preparation of invoices, cash flow, etc). In my working experience, I have worked in the comercial section of SENER writing and translating technical articles in english and in spanish. Also, I have been working in the initial design of ships and doing the structural and the stability calculations for several years. I have prepared several studies about the efficiency of solar systems and about the performance of them. I'm used to work with clients and to be focused on the schedule and on the goal of the project and the expectatives of the clients.
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4.6 · 6 Reviews
Paula was doing good work at the beginning of the job, then she found another full time job, didn't inform me until late and there were several tasks - including billing and invoices being sent out that I needed her to work on - it never got done because she was 'too busy'.
Adam C.
Flagge von
Astoria, United States
vor 4 Jahren
Paula is an amazing, avid freelancer who helped us bring order to chaos. Will absolutely keep working with her in the future and I highly recommend her.
Closed User
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vor 4 Jahren
Todo ok.
Closed User
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vor 5 Jahren
Avatar des Nutzers
Thanks. Great freelancer. Recommended. Best wishes.
Yousef M.
Flagge von
irbid city center, Jordan
vor 5 Jahren
Thank you for your amazing work. even with the tight schedule given. best regards
Closed User
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vor 5 Jahren
Renewable Engineer
Sept., 2018 - Sept., 2019
1 Jahr
Fundación EcoAndina
Sept., 2018 - Sept., 2019
1 Jahr
Expert in solar energy (electrical and thermal) and in energy efficiency systems. In muy job, I promote the solar systems as the only option to avoid global warming, I teach several courses about energy and energy efficiency and I have studied and analysed the performance of different systems.
Sept., 2018 - Sept., 2019
1 Jahr
Support Engineer
Jan., 2017 - Mai, 2019
2 Jahre, 4 Monate
SENER, Ingeniería y Sistemas
Jan., 2017 - Mai, 2019
2 Jahre, 4 Monate
Support in design ships projects (Basic design). Forms design, general arrangement and statutory calculations (stability in intact condition and in damage). Working with FORAN. I have been teaching formation courses in Germany, Croatia, Russia, Brazil, Spain, on-site and on-line.
Jan., 2017 - Mai, 2019
2 Jahre, 4 Monate
Comercial department
Feb., 2016 - Juni, 2016
4 Monate
SENER, Ingeniería y Sistemas
Feb., 2016 - Juni, 2016
4 Monate
Writing articles, press releases and test protocols. Translation from English to Spanish and vice-versa.
Feb., 2016 - Juni, 2016
4 Monate
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2017 - 2019
2 Jahre
Master in Strategies for Human development and Renewable energies.
Flagge von
2017 - 2019
2 Jahre
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2015 - 2017
2 Jahre
Master in Naval Engineering
Flagge von
2015 - 2017
2 Jahre
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2010 - 2015
5 Jahre
Degree in Maritime Engineering
Flagge von
2010 - 2015
5 Jahre
Certificate in Advanced English
Cambridge house
Certificate in advanced english
Solar Energy II
Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
Solar energy fields: Photovoltaic energy and thermal energy,
Project Management Professional
EIGP (international school for project management)
Formation curse in all the fields related with "Project management". Knowledge areas and PMBOK guide.
90 %
Im Budget
90 %
100 %
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