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Muhammad N.
MQL programmer & data entry operator from Bangladesh
$17 USD / Stunde
Bangladesh (3:10 AM)
Joined on April 23, 2006
$17 USD / Stunde
I am Naeem Hasan Freelancer from Bangladesh
I am working in Forex automation and build MQL & VTL Expert Adviser for last seven years.
I already sold some full functional EA with full satisfaction of the buyer.
This is an Information Technology based organization. We provide support for server, network, software for many company in Bangladesh. I am working in IT department of a multinational bank on behalf of Thakral Information System to provide support for server, network and software.
Mai, 2005 - Aktuell
19 Jahre, 10 Monate
Software Engineer
Mai, 2002 - Aug., 2005
3 Jahre, 3 Monate
Computer Camp
Mai, 2002 - Aug., 2005
3 Jahre, 3 Monate
Develop commercial software for local customer.
Mai, 2002 - Aug., 2005
3 Jahre, 3 Monate
International Islamic University Chittagong
2008 - 2009
1 Jahr
Masters of Business Administration
2008 - 2009
1 Jahr
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
1998 - 2003
5 Jahre
1998 - 2003
5 Jahre
Windows Server 2003 Adminstration
Delta Soft Bangladesh
In this 72 hours course we have learned detail about Windows Server 2003 administration including installation, configuration for File Print, Exchange and Domain controller.
Programming of PLC for Industrial Automation
Engineering Stuff College, Dhaka
In this 40 hours course we have learned how to program a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller ) to be used in automation of industrial process.
Prospect of Wind Energy In Bangladesh a Prespective Analysis
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
In the first convocation of our university they published this article on the journal. In this article I have found that the prospect of wind energy in Bangladesh is very high. But it needs investment from private or public sector.
Basic Numeracy
Employer Orientation Exam
UK English
Freelancer Orientation
Visual Basic
US English
Foundation vWorker Member
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