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Muhammad Hammad A.
Website Dev ~ MERN | .Net, Python & Java XP
$8 USD / Stunde
Pakistan (8:25 PM)
Joined on Januar 17, 2023
$8 USD / Stunde
I am a skilled software developer with over 5+ years of experience in creating high-quality desktop management systems, console applications, and backend development using Node.js with different templates. My passion lies in delivering software projects that exceed my client's expectations. With a strong commitment to craftsmanship, I pride myself on bringing ideas to life through top-notch software solutions.
My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including:
☑️ Customer Data structures: C++, C#, Python, Java
☑️ GUI/Console business projects: .NET, Pyqt5, Javafx with scene builder
☑️ Scraping: Python with Selenium/Request
☑️ Console 2D Games: C#, C++, Python, Java
☑️ Web: MERN, SQL, Tailwind CSS
☑️ Database: Proficiency in establishing connections and query assembly using MSSQL and MongoDB
I approach every project with enthusiasm, attention to detail, and a focus on delivering exceptional results. Let's collaborate to create software solutions that not only meet your needs but also surpass your expectations.
Looking forward to working together on your next project!"
Feel free to personalize it further based on your preferences and specific experiences.
➡️ Portfolio: [login to view URL]
delivered all the project to me which has been discussed im very much satisfied with his work im very happy by his work.
i will recommend him and will again contact him if any other project is available
Really frustrated with this freelancer, just ignored everything i said repeatedly. Was happy to deliver low quality work just to get the money. Dont recommend.