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Mazbaul H.
Adobe Ai & PS Expert/Professional Tshirt designer
$20 USD / Stunde
Bangladesh (9:43 PM)
Joined on Juni 26, 2019
$20 USD / Stunde
As a graphic T-shirt designer for over 6 years, the finest moments in my professional life come when, after collaborating with my clients, I craft them a singularly unique, stunningly vibrant badass retro vintage T-shirt . For something as visual and personal as the art/graphics on the clothes you wear, I would immediately direct your attention down to my portfolio. If any of these mellow, checkered, or ocean-blue designs catch your eye, I may be the perfect graphic designer for you!
Groups and companies make special T-shirts all the time to commemorate the most important events in their lives. With my services, you receive a beautiful, elegant, professionally crafted design, ready to print on a T-shirt after T-shirt. Fun fact – it’ll be for a fee that makes big brand designers like Abercrombie blush. Consider the payoff you get for having such an original design catch fire with the audience; it’s worth your time and money to show you want to make the moment a special one! My team and I will strive to set the table for your big moment – with the perfect original T-shirt for the occasion!
Note: I make use of Adobe Workshop (Photoshop & Illustrator) for my projects!