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Warangluk T.
English-Thai translation. Accurate and on time!
$15 USD / Stunde
Thailand (7:20 PM)
Joined on Mai 21, 2018
$15 USD / Stunde
Technical documents, instruction manual and personal letters. I help clients with a wide range of needs.
I enjoy the challenge of learning about clients industry and terminology to always ensure accurate translations.
Relevant skills
- Virtual assistant
- English-Thai editing & proofreading
- Copywriting
- Market research
- Content/Article writing
- Transcription
- Data entry
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about your needs or my services. Thank you :)
I had the challenging job as a Marketing Executive, created the strategies to promote the holiday rooms and acceding sales goals.
Sept., 2012 - Aktuell
12 Jahre, 6 Monate
Customer Service Representative
Jan., 2000 - Aug., 2012
12 Jahre, 7 Monate
Westin Grande Sukhumvit Hotel
Jan., 2000 - Aug., 2012
12 Jahre, 7 Monate
Received booking and arranged the cars for hotel’s customers, kept records and assisted clients through an accurate assessment of needs, coordinated between hotel’s customers and drivers. Westin Grand Sukhumvit Hotel located in Bangkok, starwood hotel
Jan., 2000 - Aug., 2012
12 Jahre, 7 Monate
Diploma in Administrative and Secretarial Studies
1988 - 1990
2 Jahre
1988 - 1990
2 Jahre
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