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Lucinda S.
Senior Web Developer
$20 USD / Stunde
South Africa (9:18 AM)
Joined on Februar 10, 2022
$20 USD / Stunde
A Professional Senior Web Developer & Project Manager with 19 years’ experience in the IT Industry. Ability to create websites on a multitude of platforms, and using various coding languages. A natural ability to problem solve, troubleshoot and collaborate with teams and create client solutions. Work well remotely or as part of a team. My diverse skill set and in-depth experience in web solutions, innovation, creative thinking, client services, user experience and development make me a unique asset to your company.
She has a lot of patience, and accepted the changes with grace. She has created a clean, functional website - just as we were looking for. Yes, would recommend her and work with her in the future.
• Design and build the interface, navigation, and aesthetic of websites for businesses and client
• Oversee the functionality of clients’ websites, evaluate, and manage their website performance, facilitate SEO, hosting, and server management, and develop, maintain, and update website content.
• Identify the projects goals, objectives, scope and create a project plan based on the client briefs.
• HTML Site Architecture. JavaScript, CSS and Technical Factors.
• SEO Strategies and Analysis.
Jan., 2016 - Aktuell
9 Jahre, 1 Monat
University of Cape Town
2023 - 2023
Web Design
South Africa
2023 - 2023
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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