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Karina M.
Data Encoding
$5 USD / Stunde
Philippines (3:21 PM)
Joined on Mai 25, 2021
$5 USD / Stunde
I am passionate about my work.
I am ambitious and driven.
I am highly organized.
I'm a people-person.
I'm a natural leader.
I am results-oriented.
I am an excellent communicator.
remote system to fix the problem in computer, encode details about the product or item, reformat cpu, transfer files to another cpu.
Sept., 2013 - Dez., 2013
3 Monate, 1 Tag
La Consolacion College Manila
2010 - 2014
4 Jahre
bachelor of science in information of technology
2010 - 2014
4 Jahre
Bachelor of Information Technology
* Have knowledge in Programming ( Visual basic 6.0,, HTML, Web Designer, Photoshop CS5, Macromedia Flash Pro 8, MySQL)
* Familiarity with Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 Applications (Word and PowerPoint)
* Can work well with others
* Fast learner and willing to undergo different trainings to enhance my knowledge for the benefit of the company
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