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James O.
Writer, Editor, Graphic Designer, and Researcher
$10 USD / Stunde
Kenya (5:12 PM)
Joined on August 17, 2016
$10 USD / Stunde
I am a determined, self-motivated, and dependable writer, editor, graphic designer, data researcher, and marketer with over 7 years’ experience in developing high-quality content including articles, blog posts, social media posts, press releases, SEO articles, academic papers, and technical papers, and creating visual concepts, using computer software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate the target audience.
My skills have progressively developed to include a vast niche of online-related tasks, thanks to the interrelationship of the many projects I have handled. I am organized and excel at providing extremely unique content on time and on budget. I always achieve this by adhering to strict quality assurance processes and protocols while developing any content.
Furthermore, I never share your personal information, identity, or project details with any third party. I always ensure complete confidentiality and committed to protecting the anonymity of my clients.
I hope to meet your expectations and help you realize your ultimate project goals.
He is really professional and punctual. He did his job very well. This is my first experience. He is highly recommended. I will definitely work with him in the future.