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Haris A.
Expert Web Dev with E-com and Technical Skills
$20 USD / Stunde
Pakistan (7:11 AM)
Joined on November 3, 2021
$20 USD / Stunde
As a software engineer and web developer with a passion for delivering exceptional results, I have the skills and experience to help you bring your online vision to life. With expertise in front-end technologies such as React, React Native, Vue.js, and JavaScript, as well as back-end technologies like PHP, Laravel, and Node.js, I'm equipped to handle all aspects of web development. I also have extensive experience in e-commerce development, utilizing platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce, as well as developing custom solutions such as MLM, CRM, POS, and ERP systems.
My personal approach to web development is centred around building solutions that are not just functional, but also visually appealing and easy to use. I believe that great design and user experience are just as important as technical excellence, and I bring this philosophy to every project I work on. One project I'm particularly proud of is a custom e-commerce platform I developed for a clothing retailer. The platform not only streamlined their operations and increased sales but also provided a seamless shopping experience for their customers.
My commitment to providing top-notch customer service is reflected in my strong communication skills and ability to effectively manage projects and meet deadlines. I bring a unique perspective to web development, combining my technical skills with a creative eye for design to deliver visually appealing and functional websites that meet the unique needs of each client.
Whether you need help with troubleshooting, a custom e-commerce platform, or a complete website solution, I have the skills and experience to bring your vision to life. Let's chat about how I can help make your web dreams a reality with my premium web development services.
#WebDevelopment #WebDesign #E-commerce #SoftwareEngineering #React #ReactNative #Vuejs #Node #PHP #Laravel #MLM #CRM #POS #ERP #ExcellentCommunication #TimeManagement #PremiumWebDevelopment #ExceptionalCustomerService #Python
If anybody is looking for a freelancer I can't imagine going to anyone else this freelancer is by far without a shadow of a doubt not just here on freelancer but on any platform the best programmer I have ever worked with great personality absolutely positively the fastest I've ever worked with and a fantastic happy positive personality I have to work with him again that is a must I will be working with him probably as long as he will allow me to.
Hired as an Ecommerce Specialist. Handling there multiple ecommerce websites with different strategies of digital marketing.
März, 2020 - Aktuell
4 Jahre, 11 Monate
Sr. Web Developer
Dez., 2018 - März, 2020
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
Dez., 2018 - März, 2020
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
Hired as a Production team lead in this company. I was taking care of production team and handle complex projects.
Dez., 2018 - März, 2020
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
Web Developer
Feb., 2017 - Nov., 2018
1 Jahr, 9 Monate
Feb., 2017 - Nov., 2018
1 Jahr, 9 Monate
I was working as Sr.web developer in ReemsDigital. I developed different kind of websites like Ecommerce, MLM, Digital Marketing and Blogging Websites on multi programming languages.
Feb., 2017 - Nov., 2018
1 Jahr, 9 Monate
Karachi University
2016 - 2020
4 Jahre
2016 - 2020
4 Jahre
Aptech Computer Certified Professional - ACCP
Aptech Learning
I joined Aptech to improve my technical skills on different programming languages including web and mobile.
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