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Nisha M.
Webflow | LandingPage | Clickfunnel | Gohighlevel
$15 USD / Stunde
India (2:19 PM)
Joined on Dezember 9, 2015
$15 USD / Stunde
We love what we do and we also make sure you love what we do for you. Designs & Codes #@!$ is what we eat, drink and sleep. Bring us your wildest dreams and we will make sure we get it turned into a top-quality product.
We stack technology within ourselves.
Technologies we are working are as follows:
Back-End Technologies : - PHP , .NET(C#) , Python, Node JS(JavaScript)
Frameworks:- Yii,CI,Laravel,Django,CodeIgniter
Front-end :- HTML5,HTML,CSS,Javascript,Angular. js,JQuery,Bootstrap,React.js, Express.js
Native Mobile App:- Objective c(ios), Java(Andriod),
Database:- SQL-MySQL,Oracle,SQLite,MongoDB
Open Source:- Wordpress, Magento, Shopify,
We also specialize in creative responsive (mobile friendly) and effective websites on HTML5/CSS3 or WordPress/Shopify/Bigcommerce platforms and more.
We always put customer service first making sure you get what you want.
Nisha is an excellent web designer, she is very knowledgeable and very professional. I like the quality of the work and she communicated with me throughout the project. what I liked most is that she is very flexible and is able to work within your budget. I highly recommend her as the most reliable, efficient and trustworthy professional here on freelancer. I will definitely contact Nisha again for future projects. Thank you Nisha and I look forward to working with you again.
Nisha did an amazing job on my website. She and her team were able to make all the revisions I asked her. Couldn't be happier with the result. Would definitely work with her again!
We stack technology within ourselves:
Technologies we are working are as follows:
Back-End Technologies : - PHP , .NET(C#) , Python, Node JS(JavaScript)
Frameworks:- Yii,CI,Laravel,Django,CodeIgniter
Front-end :- HTML5,HTML,CSS,Javascript,Angular. js,JQuery,Bootstrap,React.js,
Native Mobile App:- Objective c(ios), Java(Andriod),
Database:- SQL-MySQL,Oracle,SQLite,MongoDB
Open Source:- Wordpress, Magento, Shopify,
Jan., 2011 - Aktuell
14 Jahre, 2 Monate
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English
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