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Diaa E.
AI|Machine Learning|Deep Learning|Web Scraping
$15 USD / Stunde
Egypt (4:50 PM)
Joined on September 14, 2024
$15 USD / Stunde
Hi, I’m Diaa Aldiyn Essam Zaki, a Computer Science graduate from Cairo University with a GPA of 3.76, where I ranked fourth in my class. During my academic journey, I developed a strong foundation in machine learning, deep learning, and software development.
I’m proud to have achieved the Kaggle Grand Master rank, where I created well-structured notebooks for solving problems in computer vision and natural language processing using machine learning and deep learning models.
My technical skills include Python, where I work with frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and NVIDIA NeMo for AI development. I also use C++, Java, and SQL for programming, and tools like Git, Docker, and Postman for software development. I have experience in machine learning concepts, image preprocessing, automatic speech recognition, and transfer learning.
Currently, I’m working on my graduation project at Siemens Digital Industries Software. My contribution to PhyTer, a Physical Layer Tester and Evaluator for Ethernet, includes building an AI assistant component using LangChain and Ollama to answer user queries and integrate Siemens documentation. I also designed system pages using React JS.
In addition to my academic work, I’ve developed various projects, including Arabic language models, sentiment analysis using CNNs, and performance enhancement in models through feature extraction and optimization techniques like Gray Wolf Optimizer.
Feel free to check out my projects on GitHub or connect with me on LinkedIn and Kaggle.
My contribution to PhyTer, a Physical Layer Tester and Evaluator for Ethernet, includes building an AI assistant component using LangChain and Ollama to answer user queries and integrate Siemens documentation. I also designed system pages using React JS.
Cairo, Egypt
Aug., 2023 - Juli, 2024
11 Monate
Cairo University
2020 - 2024
4 Jahre
Bachelor's degree
2020 - 2024
4 Jahre
Deep Learning Specialisation
Mastered Deep Learning through 4 courses.
Machine learning specialisation
Mastered machine learning through five courses.
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