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Juan Daniel P.
$15 USD / Stunde
United States (1:50 AM)
Joined on März 5, 2023
$15 USD / Stunde
I am a versatile, self-taught FULLSTACK programmer, results oriented and motivated to hone my skills. With extensive knowledge in web programming and databases.
- results
- consistency
- versatile
- creative
- Git
- Figma
- VS
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Working with Juan was like pulling teeth. He seems knowledgable however, communication was a massive issue. He attempted to deliver what I needed, however, fell short. Then he said he really needs money and if I could release the milestone upon delivery of the "latest" scripts. I did and that is when I became less of a priority for him. He would tell me, I will get an update to you tonight, only to go a week of ghosting me and never communicating. I am sure he will blame me though.
Contratar a Juan es una experiencia que destaca por su conocimiento y profesionalismo. Cuenta con conocimiento en el desarrollo, ademas cuenta con un buen enfoque y eficiencia. Demuestra eficiencia para cumplir los plazos establecidos, garantizando resultados de alta calidad en cada proyecto. Su paciencia en explicar los detalles y necesidaes es completamente bueno, por ultimo es gratificante trabajar con el para cualquier trabajo o proyecto.