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Vikas P.
Expertise in ASP.NET & ASP.NET CORE
$35 USD / Stunde
India (3:48 PM)
Joined on August 25, 2015
$35 USD / Stunde
Thanks for stopping by.
Holding Master's and Bachelor's degree in Computer applications.
I have extensive experience in web and windows applications.
My skills- Asp.net , Asp.net Core, Microsoft Azure, C#, VB.net , MVC , WebAPI , Webforms, Angular, React , Office 365 API , Dapper , JQuery , Bootstrap , WCF , Web Services , Silverlight , IIS , Active Directory , Installer for Deploying web and windows applications , SSRS reporting , Power BI reports , MS SQL Server, JSON, XML.
Integrated many payment gateways like Stripe, GoCardless , Secure Trading,Sage Pay etc.
Will always look for long term business relationship .
Vikas P. is very professional and attentive. He met all expectations and questions at the right time and did everything quickly and effectively. I highly recommend it to the entire Freelancer community. In addition to being a professional, he understood my side and will continue to hire him for other projects. He has a great knowledge of computers and technical things and you can really count on him. I recommend it to everyone!
Vikas is one of the most knowledgeable .net developers I've worked with. Vikas always asks the right questions to make sure he comes up with the best solution to fit our needs. He takes his time to explain his approach and deliver beyond my expectations. I am looking forward to working with Vikas in the future.
Vikas is an excellent asp.net developer. He delivered exactly what I asked for and with high quality. His English is very good, which makes communication with him very easy.