Hello! I'm Avinash Chaudhari, a versatile Freelancer specializing in Graphic Design and Translation.
With over **5 years of experience** in the industry, I've developed a keen eye for creating stunning visual designs and have the ability to translate text between multiple languages with high accuracy.
As a **Graphic Designer**, I specialize in creating engaging designs that resonate with your audience's tastes and preferences. Whether it's logos, T-shirt graphics, or social media graphics, I strive to deliver designs that not only look good but also fulfil their purpose.
In the realm of **Translation**, I am proficient in [HINDI - GUJARATI - ENGLISH], and I pride myself on my ability to retain the original tone and style of the text, ensuring a seamless reading experience for the target audience.
I am known for my **attention to detail**, **creativity**, and **commitment to quality**. I believe in understanding the client's needs and delivering tailor-made solutions that exceed their expectations.
Looking forward to bringing your ideas to life and breaking language barriers for you!
Below are the skills in which I have achieved fluency:
o Translation (English - Hindi - Gujarati)
o DigitalArt and Graphic designing
o Short stories | Poetry | Singing | Songwriting
o Creative Writing | Content writing
o Editing and Proofreading
o Blogs and Article writing
o E-Books writing
o Ghostwriting
o Data Entry | Excel | Word |
Reedsy is a marketplace for writers which offers various services to its clients, such as Ghostwriting, Editing, and Publishing. I was one of their Ghostwriters. I satisfied many clients with world-class products, be it Short stories, eBooks, or Editing. Let me help you too.
Sept., 2021 - Okt., 2022
1 Jahr, 1 Monat
Gujarat Technological University (GTU)
2010 - 2015
5 Jahre
Automobile Engineering
2010 - 2015
5 Jahre
Starling and the Winter Flowers
Amazon KDP
This tale sings the adventures of young Atharva trying to solve the mystery of the ancient map of the canyon left behind purposefully for him by his Grandfather to save his town from the raiders who would come to raid his town every winter for the mysterious flowers that can heal any mortal wound.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Starling-Winter-Flowers-Avi-Chaudhari-ebook/dp/B0BHTSTY69/ref=sr_1_52?qid=1668508100&refinements=p_n_publication_date%3A2814697031&rnid=2814695031&s=digital-text&sr=1-52
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