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Md A.



A Copywriter That Captures Your Essence

$20 USD / Stunde
Flagge von
Bangladesh (2:06 AM)
Joined on April 27, 2012
$20 USD / Stunde
Hi I'm Mark D. Andrews, a seasoned native English copywriter with over ten years of experiences. I enjoy offering a variety of services and delivering results that best reflect the client’s wishes and requirements. I enjoy the process of information gathering and producing copy from listening, discussing, sensing, drafting and creating. Writing of any style encompasses these aspects of process and justly deserves that attention. If you want to grow your business you need to use the right words. I'm fascinated by the different environments, applications and dynamic effects of copy and editing. Constantly evolving and changing, there's far more to it than meets the eye. Yes, I write copy that resonates with people your customers and compels them to act. However big or small your business, if you’re ready to take it to the next level and create greater business success in ways that you enjoy, Let me help you. I am flexible, fun and versatile and able to move quickly between projects.
99 %
Im Budget
100 %
72 %
Wiederholungsquote beim Engagieren
17 %



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4.8 · 145 Reviews
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This project wasn't get completed as requested.
Richard R.
Flagge von
Brooklyn, United States
vor 5 Jahren
Overall I found this contractor to be dishonest, rude and unprofessional. But in fairness there were positives and negatives: Positives: Mark delivered on time, within budget and was prompt with communication. he also attempted revisions when requested. The writing itself and research was passable after extensive editing. Negatives: Unfortunately some of the work included plagiarised sections and I have reason to believe Mark subcontracted this work to an agency using non-native English writers (at a guess, Content Development Pros). This was after I had specifically requested original work and that it NOT be outsourced. This led to a dispute which I instigated. Mark took critical feedback personally and behaved rudely and aggressively during the dispute, calling me a 'moron'. Whatever issues there were with the work (nothing unusual on this site unfortunately), my biggest concern was the contractor's lack of professional courtesy and integrity.
David W.
Flagge von
Keyworth, United Kingdom
vor 7 Jahren
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Well done job, on time and on budget. Will hire again
Hany E.
Flagge von
peterborough, United Kingdom
vor 7 Jahren
Closed User
Flagge von
vor 7 Jahren
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I had a great experience with this freelancer, the quality of work was outstanding and timely. Would definitely like to work with him again!
Leeann S.
Flagge von
Omaha, United States
vor 8 Jahren
Research Manager
Jan., 2007 - Apr., 2008
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
Jan., 2007 - Apr., 2008
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
I worked at D-Link ltd, as Research and communication manager for about an year.
Jan., 2007 - Apr., 2008
1 Jahr, 3 Monate
Aston University
2010 - 2013
3 Jahre
Flagge von
United Kingdom
2010 - 2013
3 Jahre
Research in communication
D-Link ltd
I worked at D-Link ltd, as Research and communication manager for about an year.
5 Geeky Ways to Make Money That You've Never Heard Of
I have put together a quick list of 5 ways to make money that could actually work but are just a little geeky. Enjoy :)
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English - Level 1
US English
UK English - Level 1
UK English
Freelancer Orientation
Freelancer Orientation
Employer Orientation Exam
Make Your Content Useful
Make Your Content Useful
22. November 2017
You might notice the reaction to your new post to be completely different from the first version. That happened to me again, just last week.
Write Quality Content And Get Repeat Clients
Write Quality Content And Get Repeat Clients
22. November 2017
If your reader can’t understand the words you use to explain what you have on your mind, there is no way they could understand your idea nevertheless.
Web Content Optimized for Best Results
12. März 2015
Five copywriting tips for better results
How to be a Successful Property Investor
12. März 2015
Things to consider when investing in property.
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