Web based rma Jobs
Benötige Unterstützung bei der Shopmigration zu Shopware im Omnichannel Kontext, auch Design Anforderungen und Zendesk Integration und Zapier Nutzung sollten vorkenntniss vorhanden sein, Starte die Interaktion mit GELESEN
What I would need are 200 targets in a Excel Spreadsheet that are German and are based in Germany. I would need "first name," "last name," "Profession" (freelancing marketer/ freelancing sales agent,...), "Phone number," "email address," and "Website" as headers in the datasheet. I would need the first 100 targets by today.
Wir freuen uns, Dich für unsere Online-Plattform für Dienstleister einzuladen! In unserer Beta-Phase bieten wir Dir die Möglichkeit, unser Service kostenlos und unverbindlich für die ersten 3 Monate zu nutzen bzw. zu testen (kein automatisches Abo, kein Vertrag und es müssen auch keine Zahlungsarten hinterlegt werden). Ideal für alle Freelancer, die einen Stundenlohn haben. Web Design, Übersetzungen, Anwaltsdienste, etc. Wir zahlen 3€, um Dich als Freelancer bei uns anzumelden. Also nicht nur kostenlos, Du kannst unseren Service nutzen, Wir machen für deinen Service ein 2 wöchiges kostenloses Marketing auf Social Media, etc. Wenn Du Interesse hast, einfach mal eine Nachricht schreiben :-)
Als Softwarehersteller aus Dänemark () suchen wir nach einem erfahrenen Projektmanager, der in Deutschland oder in der Nähe wohnt. Der ideale Kandidat sollte umfassende Erfahrungen mit DATEV und ITSG haben und auch Kenntnisse über eAUB besitzen. Hauptaufgaben: • Die regelmäßige Übertragung von Lohn-, Mitarbeiter- und eAUB-Daten zwischen unserer Software und DATEV ermöglichen • Das Gesamtmanagement des Projekts, um eine reibungslose Integration sicherzustellen. Unverzichtbare Fähigkeiten: • Du solltest ein umfangreiches Wissen über die Arbeitsmechanismen von DATEV/ITSG haben • Kenntnisse über eAUB sind von Vorteil • Du solltest nachweisbare Erfolge im Projektmanagement vorweisen können, insbesond...
Unser Kunde entwickelt Rohre und Formteile in hoher Qualität um die Wasser und Abwasserherausforderungen weltweit zu lösen und wächst kontinuierlich an internationalen Standorten und sucht einen International SENIOR SAP LOGISTICS MODUL MANAGER (mwd)-für Digitale Nomad*innen und oder Kärnten Heimkehrer*innen/Fans in Europa (Für den Schnellleser ;)- Sie übernehmen den weltweiten SAP Second Level Support für alle Tochterfirmen (Deutschland, Norwegen, Rumänien, Polen, Spanien, u.s.w) im Bereich Logistik und verstärken das Team mit Ihrer Expertise im Bereich Logistik (vor allem MM-PUR, SCM, MM, WM, TM). Aktuell wird ECC 6.0 gearbeitet, die Zukunft wird SAP S/4HANA?. Der gesamte Second Level Support umfasst sowohl kleinere als auch grö&s...
We are looking for an expert who will create an Excel-based file for us for invoicing subscriptions, including printing in PDF and outputting all invoices for a period as .csv for uploading to DATEV
Wir wollen unsere Arbeitsplätze in die Cloud verlagern. Dazu werden 10 Arbeitsplätze auf einem Debian-Server mit Proxmox eingerichtet, die über NoMachine gesteuert werden sollen.
We, m.i.k. IT GmbH, are looking for a proof of concept on whether it is possible to develop an Android app that is suitable to track the location of small devices via Bluetooth Low Energy in combination with the GPS of the smartphone. ------------------------------------------------ Wir, m.i.k. IT GmbH, sind auf der Suche nach einem Proof of Concept darüber, ob es möglich ist eine Android App zu entwickeln die sich dafür eignet, den Standort von Kleingeräten über Bluetooth Low Energy in Kombination mit dem GPS des Smartphones zu erfassen.
Wordpress-Redesign (Bootstrap) based on existing HTML-Page (PN 2021041201) The hard skills required are: PHP, Wordpress, JQuery, CSS, HTML5, AJAX. Furthermore, you should have a sense for accurate, design-technically balanced and legally clean work. Should be technical well done, working perfect on smartphone and loading quickly. Project Description: The project is to convert an old site to wordpress. For this purpose, a few sub-items are to be added to the main menu. The page is to be converted so far that this is then to be maintained by Wordpress. The content to the subpages will be delivered separately. The rough design direction remains about the same to the existing site otherwise. Unfortunately, the overall design is not so nice. So this should be improved. Technical thi...
Wir suchen eine/n erfahrene/n TexterIn / Content Writer • Überarbeitung der SeminarDesk-Startseite • Texte für auf Deutsch schreiben: Nicht-technisch, sondern eher marketing/verkaufs-bezogen; z.B. die Vorteile von Funktionen von SeminarDesk für unsere Zielgruppen (Seminarhäuser, Retreat-Zentren, SeminarleiterInnen, Unternehmen, die In-House und/oder Public Events veranstalten) beschreiben • Beispiele für Texte: Startseite (die Feature-Blog-Einträge auf sind eher technisch; diese sind nicht gemeint) • Aus Produkt-Updates-Posts, nicht-technische marketing/verkaufs-orientierte Texte erstellen • Website kontinuierlich erweitern (z.B. mit Über uns, Team, spezielle Landingpages für o.g. Zielgruppen) Voraussetzungen &b...
Hallo, ich habe mir eine App mit "openasapp" erstellt mit der ich eine Rendite/Cashflow/Darlehensraten berechnen kann. Die Daten werden einfach über eine ExcelDatei eingegeben und mit den Grundfunktionen berechnet. Die App hätte ich gern auf meinem Telefon ohne das ich "openasapp" nutzen muss. Wer kann mir helfen? Grüße Sebastian
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Create a website based on wordpress for fleetmanagement software'
...Komponententests mit PHPUnit mit hoher Testabdeckung - MySQL oder PostgreSQL-Datenbank - Bootstrap4 als CSS-Framework - Nein (!) JQuery, reines Javascript (ES6) mit Babel, - Reagieren Sie bei Bedarf - Frontend Builder mit Webpack und Sass Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Angebot! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ENGLISH We are planning a comparison portal and need a system based on Symfony 4 (four), which offers the following features: - Responsive layout optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop - The products are delivered via 3rd-part APIs such as ebay - Product list with customizable categories - Home page with list view for products - Detail view for product - User registration, with profile picture upload. Nickname, e-mail, first and last name - Re...
You have to create 350 sentences or posts for a blog. The text limit is 120 letters. The existing words are following: #Vector-Days - 04/05.11.2017 in der Stadthalle Grafing bei München - #Vectorworks live - für Schreiner, Tischler, Möbelbauer...- für Messebauer, Ladenbauer, Innenausbauer... - für Planer, Architekten... - für Anwender und Neulinge des CAD-Programms #Vectorworks - gratis Tagungsunterlagen - 50% Rabatt Aktion - zahlreiche Fachvorträge - Kabarett mit Stefan Kröll - profitieren Sie von unseren Erfahrungen aus 20 Jahren #Vectorworks - Vortrag von Stefan Suchanek - netzwerken Sie mit anderen Anwendern - Early-Bird Tickets, VIP-Tickets, Gruppentickets #Vector-Days - 04/ 2017 in München - live #Vectorworks erleben - fü...
Eine html-Website ohne cms responsive machen inkl. bildern. und eine scrollbar entfernen. ggf. folgen Projektaufgaben bei guter Aufgabenerfüllung,
Ich bin benötige dringend eine, um es mal so zu formulieren "Erweitertes RMA-Modul" für Prestashop. Meine Anforderungen für dieses Modul können die Kauf-Module "Merchandise Returns" leider nicht erfüllen.
Ich bin benötige dringend eine, um es mal so zu formulieren "Erweitertes RMA-Modul" für Prestashop. Meine Anforderungen für dieses Modul können die Kauf-Module "Merchandise Returns" leider nicht erfüllen.
Ich benötige Änderungen zu einer vorhandenen Website Wir haben vor einen elo boosting service für league of legends anzubieten leider fehlt und der preis calculator wir würden uns freuen wenn uns einer dabei aushelfen kann Unsere webseite: So sollte es in der art aussehen:
Translate my curriculum vitae from german into English You have to speak with me in German and English bevor i assign the project to you. Übersetzen meines...Implementierung und Überwachung der IT Infrastruktur Test und Einführung von Software Tools für den Support 12/2006 – 12/2009 Logistik GmbH, München / Deutschland Systemadministrator 34 Server, 87 Arbeitsplätze, 3 Außenstellen, 10 Home Office Planung, Implementierung, Wartung und Überwachung der IT Infrastruktur Einkauf von Hard und Software, Preisverhandlungen mit Lieferanten, RMA Abwicklung Störungsannahme, Endnutzer Support, Dokumentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Wir erstellen einen kleinen Strompreisrechner. Dafür benötigen wir Unterstützung im PHP Bereich.
Bei der App soll es sich um einen Location Based Chat handeln. Dieser soll jedoch nur bei gleichem Bewegungsmuster (gleiche Bewegungsrichtung) in einem Umkreis von max. 200m funktionieren. Eine Registrierung ist Pflicht. (Möglichkeit sich über Facebook anzumelden) Eine Bildhintelegung möglich (automatisch anonymisiertes Bild) mit der Option das Bild "normal" anzuzeigen. Öffentlicher Chatraum und Möglichkeit einzelnen Nutzer aus Liste (mit Bild und Nickname sowie Alter und Geschlecht) - ähnlich zu whoshere - direkt anzuschreiben.
Es gibt ein englisches Buch, welches wir übersetzt aus englisch nach deutsch und auf unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst haben möchten. Es handelt sich um einen Business Guide. Es besteht aus ~170 Seite. There is an English book, which we would like to have translated from English to German and adapted to our needs. There is a Business Guide. It consists of ~ 170 pages.
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...Keine Vorauszahlung o Bezahlung nach festgelegten Milestones • Interview / Briefing • Umsetzungsdauer ca. 2-3 Monate • Festgelegte Deadline • Vertrag mit NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are a midsize company, that develops web-based applications and we are looking for a developer as soon as possible for a project (web-based seating-modul) with the JavaScript –Framework GoJS. Skills - Excellent knowledge of JavaScript - GoJS - - Experience to handle REST interfaces Requirements - Contract with NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) - Interlocution / interview / briefing - Fixed rate - No prepayment (Pa...
I need a software generated automatically based keyworder pages. It must be addressed seo. Here is an example: ://
I need a software generated automatically based keyworder pages. It must be addressed seo. Here is an example: ://
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten, die sich auf unser letztes Projekt beziehen 'Responsive Drupal Theme Creation (based on Bootstrap) -- 2'
Ergebnisse aus Befragungen liegen momentan in Excel Tabellen vor und werden mit Hilfe von einfacher VBA Programmierung in PPT-Grafiken übertragen. Anschließend Ergebnisse an Kunden per E-Mail verschickt. Offen für innovativere und modernere Lösung (PHP Anwendungen und ähnliches). Weitere Informationen auf Anfrage.
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten, die sich auf unser letztes Projekt beziehen 'Design and functional Design of a Company Website CMS based'
Wir haben mehrere Excel Dateien die für Amazon Upload (csv datafeed) mittels Formeln miteinander verbunden werden müssen. Je nach sprache müssen hier versch. Versionen angelegt werden. Als Start würden wir zunächst mit 2 deutschen Dateien Starten.
English: We are loogking for support to develop our new api. We want to offer our calculations online by an API to our customers. Therefore the customers information should be stored in a MySQL database and the connections to the calculations should be verified and stored for the billing process. As well we need a demo and test client for all calculations. For more information please check the attached file. It is a first idea, how the api should work and gives you an idea of the project size. We are open for new ideas! The project should be finished and tested until end of february 2015. Please contact us when you are interessted in the project. With kind regards André Schallöhr ############################################## Deutsch: Wir suchen Unterst&u...
Hallo könnten wir darüber sprechen?
#German speaking freelancers are preferred. I'm looking for a experienced webdesigner who is familiar with wordpress. The task is to create 3 websites for technical companies: - The websites should be based on wordpress - The websites should be hosted on one single AWS EC2 Micro Instance using multiple wordpress installations. - The webdesign can be template based, but should be customized to fit the companies mission and should feature a responsive design. - At least one website will How the project will be mangaged: The project will be split in 4 sub projects: 1) Installation of LAMP and Wordpress. 2) 3 single webdesign projects each consisting of: 2a) Mockups 2b) Logo Design (for some websites) 2c) Implementation Please pr...
Projektbeschreibung: Das Unternehmen ist : Erste Eindrücke können Sie hier einsehen Capsuling Video: Video: TOA Derzeit suchen wir externe Partner zur Entwicklung unserer App. Entwicklungsstand: Wir haben bereits: - Designs - Produktspekifikationen ( Können wir Ihnen auf Anfrage zukommen lassen) - BackEnd Programmmierer: Aufbau der Server mit Scala - Ein Alpha Prototyp ist mit Angular, JS und Phonegap Wir würden prinzipiell gerne über den Vorhandenen Code gehen, um festzustellen, was davon verwertbar sein kann und den Prozess evtl. beschleunigen. Ebenso suchen wir vorzugsweise Programierer in Deutschland bzw. Berlin. The Product: The Company is First impressions you can get from: Capsuling Video: Video: TOA Current...
...exciting new subscription-based website. The site will offer engaging content and will need to cater to several subscription models. Key Aspects of the Project: - **Content**: The website will have a variety of content, making it appealing to a broad audience. - **Subscription Models**: The site will have flexible subscription options - monthly, quarterly, and yearly. - **Key Functionalities**: - **User Account Management**: A seamless registration and login process, with options for user profiles. - **Payment Processing**: Secure, reliable, and easy-to-navigate payment systems. - **Content Access Control**: A robust system to manage what content is available to which users based on their subscription level. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in web d...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android application and a corresponding web application for user enrollment and management in an academy setting. Android App Functionalities: - Aadhar Verification: The app will need to verify users through their Aadhar numbers. - Form Filling: Users should be able to fill out necessary forms within the app. - Photo Capture: The app needs functionality for capturing user photographs. Web App Features: - User Management: The web app will need to have features for managing users enrolled through the Android app. - Enrollment Data Management: The web app should be capable of handling and organizing enrollment data. Additional Authentication: - The system will require a standard username and password setup al...
...hierarchical structure, formatted as follows: H2: Topic 1 H3: Subtopic 1.1 H4: Detail 1.1.1 H4: Detail 1.1.2 H3: Subtopic 1.2 H3: Subtopic 1.3 H2: Topic 2 H2: Topic 3 H3: Subtopic 3.1 H3: Subtopic 3.2 H3: Subtopic 3.3 H4: Detail 3.1.1 H4: Detail 3.1.2 H4: Detail 3.1.3 - Each H2 represents a primary topic. - Subheadings (H3, H4, H5, etc.) are nested under their respective H2 headings. 2. Group-Based Article Generation: - Each H2 and its corresponding subheadings (if any) are treated as a single group. - Groups are sent to the OpenRouter API for generating content in Markdown format. - If an H2 has no subheadings, it is processed as an independent group. Problem Statement: While the script generates the outline correctly, the looping mechanism introduces errors during group proc...
I'm in search of a Logistics Coordinator based in the Philippines for an Australian food delivery app. This role encompasses a broad range of responsibilities, all of which are pivotal to the smooth operation of our service. Key Responsibilities: - Manage delivery schedules: You'll need to ensure that all deliveries are on time and efficiently planned. - Coordinate with delivery drivers: Your role will involve liaising with our team of delivery drivers, making sure they have the information they need and are following their routes efficiently. - Resolve customer inquiries: Handling customer queries is a vital part of this role. Your excellent communication skills will be put to the test as you interact with our clients, addressing their concerns and queries in a professio...
I'm looking to develop a Laravel-based e-commerce application aimed at selling medicines wholesale to pharmacies. This project involves creating a user-friendly interface and robust backend to handle the complexities of medicine wholesale. Key Features: - User Authentication and Profiles: The application should allow secure sign-up and login processes for pharmacies, creating individual profiles for order histories and preferences. - Product Catalog with Search: A comprehensive, easily navigable product catalog is essential, with a powerful search function to help pharmacies find what they need quickly. - Order Processing and Management: The application must include a seamless order processing system, with features for tracking and managing orders. Ideal Skills and Experience...
I'm in need of a market researcher situated in Houston, Texas, with a focus on the retail sector. The primary objective of this project is to analyze current and emerging trends within the retail market. Ideal Candidate: - Based in Houston, Texas - Proven experience in market research, particularly within the retail sector - Strong analytical skills to interpret market data - Proficient in identifying and predicting market trends - Excellent communication skills for presenting findings
I'm in need of a skilled developer with expertise in Laravel to craft a service-oriented e-commerce marketplace. The project entails not just building a new platform, but also upgrading and redesigning an existing site. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Laravel-based marketplace for services. - Upgrade and redesign an existing e-commerce platform. - Enhance the user interface (UI) design. - Improve the user experience (UX) flow. - Optimize site performance and speed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel with a portfolio of e-commerce marketplaces. - Strong skills in UI/UX design. - Experience with improving site performance and speed. - Ability to upgrade and redesign existing platforms. I'm looking for someone who can deliver a top-notch, efficient an...
Seeking Full Stack Developer with React, Node.js and AI Expertise Project Description: Upgrade and integration project of an existing App +ML models, including development of new interfaces and integration of AI models for image processing. Technical Requirements: Proven experience in React and Node.js development Experience working with AI models for image processing Deep understanding of image processing and manipulation Experience in client-server integration Ability to work with existing code and system upgrades Scope of Work: Infrastructure Preparation Phase: Development of mechanism for converting and saving data to image format Integration with AI models for removing backgrounds from model photos Interface Development Phase: Upgrade of existing interface to display multiple i...
I'm looking to convert a custom Woocommerce Plugin to work as a Shopify Plugin. I have used this custom plugin for years. The functionality was original developed for X-Cart. It was converted to ProductCart a few years later. In 2017-18 it was made into a Magento Plugin. In 2019 it was converted to a Woocommerce Plugin that I have been using ever since. I am considering moving to Shopify and wanted to see if the Plugin could be converted to work with that platform. The plugin is for only my site. In the previous conversions the developers have been able to use most of the code that has already been completed. Key Requirements: - I have attached a detailed document with images and links to show how the Woocommerce Plugin works. I would want similar functionality in a Shopify Plugi...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based document signing software. This platform will allow users to sign PDF files, Word documents and plain text files. Key features include: - Support for multiple signers - Document tracking - Signature templates Ideal candidates should have experience in software development, particularly with creating web-based applications. Experience with developing document management systems and knowledge of security protocols for document signing are a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...curriculum for 1st to 8th grade. This curriculum should cover Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts, and align with a project-based learning approach. Key Requirements: - Development of a curriculum covering Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts for grades 1-8. - Adoption of a project-based learning approach, with engaging and interactive projects at every grade level. - Inclusion of assessment materials, such as tests and quizzes, within the curriculum. - Ability to deliver a curriculum that is not only educational, but also enjoyable for students. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in education curriculum development. - Experience with project-based learning methodologies. - Proficient in creating age-appropriate and subject-relevant assessments. ...
I'm looking for a highly skilled graphic designer with proven experience in the advertising agency . The designer will need to create various types of graphics like: Printing Material of Institution, Flyer, Bookelt, Paper ads, News Paper Design, Event / Activity print materials. Key Responsibilities: - Create a diverse range of ad designs including banner ads, social media ads, and print ads The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio showcasing their graphic design work, particularly within an advertising agency context. Excellent understanding of brand consistency across various platforms and mediums is crucial.
I'm a professor developing an online course for my school. I need a series of short (max 5-minute) video tutorials in Italian that demonstrate various AI applications and websites useful for teaching. The videos should be screen-recorded with voice-over explanations covering only the main features of each tool. Ideal ski...(max 5-minute) video tutorials in Italian that demonstrate various AI applications and websites useful for teaching. The videos should be screen-recorded with voice-over explanations covering only the main features of each tool. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Italian and ability to explain concepts clearly - Experience with screen recording and video editing - Familiarity with AI-based educational tools - Ability to create engaging and info...
We are currently seeking an experienced freelancer to utilize Tekla software for the detailed preparation of fabrication drawings for a foot over bridge (FOB). The specific deliverables include: 1. Detailed Fabrication Drawings with Bill of Materials (BOM) 2. Material Indent List with Optimized Cutting Plan Project Specifications: Software Requirement: All work must be completed using Tekla software. Documentation Provided: Client-approved General Arrangement Drawings (GAD) will be supplied. Final Deliverable: Along with the above mentioned deliverables, soft copy of the autocad and Tekla save file upon project completion. We want to start with calculation of one FOB to check your work quality. If we like your work and price we have a lot of work which we will want to get done in the f...
I am currently working on a research project focused on developing a Predictive Modeling-Based Non-Invasive System for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Detection via Peripheral Blood Sampling. I have a CSV dataset containing 412 samples of healthy individuals and MPN patients, including gene expression data, sex, and age. I am seeking your expertise to assist with the following tasks: 1. Organizing and Harmonizing the Data: - Ensure all gene identifiers under the ID_ref column, such as (1007_s_at) and (TC04002953.hg.1), are consistent and harmonized across the dataset, and document each gene’s actual meaning before harmonizing them, I need to know what each new gene identifier reference to. - Properly label and organize the dataset to distinguish healthy samples from MPN p...
I'm looking for a Python Developer who can help me create a minimal web-based AI Backlink Tool. This tool should be able to: - Conduct automated backlink analysis - suggest backlinks - Monitor competitor backlinks - suggest sites with their respective price. The tool should have a minimal user interface (UI) – nothing overly complicated, but enough to allow for easy navigation and usage. Ideal candidates should be well-versed in Python and have experience in web development, specifically creating minimal UIs. Familiarity with AI and SEO tools will be a significant advantage. Your ability to understand and implement these functionalities will be key to the success of this project.