Use measure current microcontroller Jobs
...once programmed a time tracking tool. Now I would need a rights setting in this tool. In the tool you can register users, transport them every hour (a ranking system) Internal access for users is also possible. Now would need an extra page in the tool, which can only visit a certain group of rights, this page should do the following: - Search registered users with a search box and display the current rank...
...above (mouse over effect or whatever) 2. he can choose the dates he wants to book 3. and he can choose between 2 different kind of bookings (simply 2 prices. e.g. 1 Euro per day for booking A. 2 Euros a day for booking B) Usually the customer will book many places. Not only one. So there should be a little summary (kind of window or popup), where he can see, what the actual price for his current shopping cart is. from this point he can go to the shopping cart. Maybe I will need some more help in the payment section but right now I don´t think so....
English: We are looking for an illustrator who creates an ornament for our label. The attached file "Vorlage Illustrator ohne Verzierung" shows the label in its current form. The file "Vorlage Illustrator mit Verzierungsbeispiel" is intended to give an impression of which direction to go. Task: We would like to have an ornament around our family crest. The decoration should be monochrome (will be a gold stamp on the label) and we would need these in the formats ".ai" and ".pdf". Deutsch: Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Illustrator, der eine Verzierung für unser Etikett kreiert. Die Angehängte Datei „Vorlage Illustrator ohne Verzierung“ zeigt das Etikett in seiner jetzigen Form. Die Datei „Vorlage Illustrator...
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..."spice up" our "exterior appearance". In the first step, designs for the redesign of the logo and the company logo are to be created. These are then included in the website, business cards, stationery, lettering of company vehicles, etc. It is important to us that nothing has to be taken over from the existing ones, so neither the logo nor the colors are given. To get a first impression of the current design, you can see here our company page and in addition attached some pictures of vehicles, print pieces and promotional materials....
the homepage would be taken over by you and would have to be looked at by you if you can continue with the current state. Scheduled updates: 1. Switching to https (secured page, green lock icon in the address bar) Second Pagespeed improvement (measured by GTMetrix before and after the update) Third Lighthouse score improvement (measured by Lighthouse before and after the update) 4th Mobile tweaks in order to make the page render better 5th Perfect fit on smartphones Other updates (Show Updates, Release Updates) in the tables of the page we have always done ourselves.
Hi, ich suche nach jemanden der mir ein Template für die aktuellen Magento 2 Version installieren kann. Ich wollte es erst selber machen, aber bekomme leider diese Fehlermeldung angezeigt: Please upgrade your database: Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade" from the Magento root directory. The following modules are outdated: Magento_Integration schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.2.0 Magento_Integration data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.2.0 Das Template sollte sehr leicht zu installieren sein, da es dafür extra einen Quickstart Import gibt. Die Seite läuft auf einem Server mit Plesk. Bitte nur fix Angebote, keine auf Stunden Basis. Danke
MCU: stm32L152re Testboard: stm32L152re Nucleo 64 Toolchain: GNU ARM, Eclipse, cubeMX - Es soll ein analoges Signal für 0-200us aufgenommen werden und mit einer Referenzkurve verglichen werden. - Die Abtastrate soll maximal sein. - Vor dem Vergleich soll die digitalisierte Signalkurve mit einer math. Funktion bearbeitet werden (z.B. Quadratwurzel) - Digitale Ausgabe ob die Signalkurve zu einer gespeicherten Referenzkurve +/- 5% identisch ist. - Start/Stop Steuerung des ADC Empfangsmodus über eine Variable
Doku über Ansteuerung von chinesischen BLDC Motoren 36V für Hoverboards: Lieferanten für Treiber inkl. Hallsensorik, Ansteuerung der Treiber via Microcontroller (vorläufig Arduino), Doku kritische Zustände (minimale Spannung, Motorüberhitzung etc. etc.): Vorläufig NICHT einbinden: Rekuperation beim Bremsen. Ziel: Beschaffung der Teile und die Montage / Test muss aufgrund der Doku einfach möglich sein.
...fades can be selected from predetermined times (e.g., from 0.001 seconds to 10 seconds). He must select the desired time before starting the series. In addition to the pictures, keywords are arranged as buttons. The user has to click the right button with the right keyword (which he sees in the picture), so that he can go to the next picture. Among the pictures, buttons for repeating the current picture as well as 3 slower times are arranged as buttons. At the end of the sequence, the result is displayed (5 right of 5/3 with x seconds, 1 with Y seconds, 1 with Z seconds) The admin has access to the user data and can edit, disable and delete it. The admin can create, delete and edit topics The admin upload pictures to corresponding topics and up to 10 button names (wh...
Ich suche Unterstützung bei Fehlersuche an einem fast fertigen Produkt. Wir sind eine kleine Elektronikfirma in Lüdenscheid und haben auf diesem Gebiet zwar Erfahrung. Leider bringt uns diese Fehlersuche an unserer Grenzen und ich wäre für Unterstützung sehr dankbar. Anwendungsinfos: * GSM / GPRS Funkmelder. * Gerät befindet sich fast immer im Ruhezustand und wacht nur seltene Events und Lebendmeldungen auf. * Nutzt Atmel Prozsssor Atmel ATMega 32 8P und Quectel Funkchip * Der Atmel kommuniziert über eine UARTA Schnittstelle mit einem Quectel GSM Chip Problem: * Der Atmel startet (sehr sporadisch) ungewollt und ohne erkennbaren Grund neu. * Dieses Verhalten tritt willkürlich auf bei ca. 1% aller Sendevorgänge. * Vermeintlich währen...
Hallo Freelancer, zur Anpassung eines Joomla 3.5 Templates benötige ich von euch Hilfe! Wie das aktuelle Template jetzt aussieht, ist hier zu sehen: Es muss exakt wie in ...Freelancer, zur Anpassung eines Joomla 3.5 Templates benötige ich von euch Hilfe! Wie das aktuelle Template jetzt aussieht, ist hier zu sehen: Es muss exakt wie in den Vorlagen sein s. Zip. Hier sind alle Daten (Bilder, Fonts, PDF etc.) Weitere Infos gerne dann im Chat oder Telefon. Gerne deutsche Freenlancer, da es einfacher zum Besprechen :-) Dear Freelancers, my current Jommla 3 template is here avalible . It has to look exactly like in the ZIP s. attachment) All files are like images, fonts and PDF are in the ZIP file -. Who can help me out?
Hallo Freelancer, zur CSS Anpassung eines Joomla 3.5 Templates benötige ich von euch Hilfe! Wie das aktuelle Template jetzt aussieht, ist hier zu sehen: Es muss exakt wie in der PDF () aussehen, das ist alles. Im der Zip sind alle Daten (Bilder, Fonts, PDF etc.) Dear Freelancers, my current Jommla 3 template is here avalible . It has to look exactly like in the PDF - (s. attachment) All files are like images, fonts and PDF are in the ZIP file -. Who can help me out?
...neues Design, einige Content Seiten, Kontaktformular und die Möglichkeit weitere Abschnitte/Seiten in Wordpress hinzuzufügen. We are an early-stage start-up based in Berlin and we print handwritten documents and letters with our robots. We want to relaunch our company website It should be based on Wordpress, we have the content ready, the scope will be as it is on our current website. Basically we need a new design, our existing content pages and a contact form, as well as the ability to add new content over time in Wordpress....
...drei Tagenn postenn kann. Sie müssen sehr gutee deutschee Erkenntnis verfügenn Gebenn Siee mir einn Paar Beispiele wann Sie wollen Social Media marketing Facebook <<<<<<<<<< # 3x Weekly Posting # Increase Facebook Likes # Increase Facebook Share # Increase Facebook Followers # Increase FB Post Likes # Increase FB Post Share # Engagement and Interaction # Create and Maintain Company Page # Measure and Provide Reports for Weekly Blogging a good way to generate traffic on our website and aware people regarding our product and services. Excellent skills and good command over german for writing content. good knowledge of Photoshop is a plus,work very well on famous photo-sharing websites too. create top notch banners to post on social media...
Hallo, ich möchte einen Futterautomat für Hausschweine bauen. Die Steuerung der Futterfreigabe soll mit einem Arduino oder einem Raspberry Pi erfolgen. Es sind 9 Futterkammern geplant mit jeweils einer Klappe, die durch je ein Hubmagnet geöffnet wird. (z.B. ebay: 331694620102) Mit einem einfachen Interface soll man einstellen können, wann in den folgenden Tagen die Hubmagnete betätigt werden. Ein mögliches Schema wäre z.B.: heute: 12 Uhr, 18 Uhr morgen: 9 Uhr, 12 Uhr, 18 Uhr übermorgen: 9 Uhr, 12 Uhr, 18 Uhr in drei Tagen: 9 Uhr Stromversorgung: 12 V (ggf. kommt eine Autobatterie zum Einsatz) Ihre Aufgaben: - Vorschlag für ein Interface, gerne mechanisch, optional ohne Interface, wenn zu aufwendig. Dann werden die Zeiten fest in ...
...Sie müssenn sehrr gutee deutschee Erkenntnis verfügenn Gebenn Siee mir einn Paar Beispiele wann Sie wollen Social Media marketing Facebook<<<<<<<<<<< # Daily Posting # Increase Facebook Likes # Increase Facebook Share # Increase Facebook Followers # Increase FB Post Likes # Increase FB Post Share # Engagement and Interaction # Create and Maintain Company Page # Measure and Provide Reports for Weekly Blogging a good way to generate traffic on our website and aware people regarding our product and services. Excellent skills and good command over English for writing content. I have impeccable grammatical skills to write top notch description for our apps. As I have good knowledge of Photoshop, I can work...
Magento Onlineshop frontend so einstellen, dass wenn Verfügbarkeit eines Artikels "0" ist, dass die Lieferzeit statt "Ab Lager lieferbar" folgenden Text anzeigt= "7-14 Arbeitstage" Magento Onlineshop frontend need some changes in the Availability Text: If a Product with Inventory qty is "0" the current text shows "Ab Lager lieferbar" it needs to be changed into "7-14 Arbeitstage"
Take pictures of shoes for webshop and catalog use (14 pairs of flip flops). We will ship the items to your destination. Produktfotografie für Webshopaufnahmen und Katalog von 14 Paar Zehentrennern als interessante Einzelaufnahmen. Die Produkte werden zugesendet.
Ich suche einen Wordpress- Spezialisten, der einen kleinen WordPress-Blog mit Version 3.4.1 auf Version 4.3.1 updaten kann. Derzeit wird das Template ...aktuelle Template an das Wordpress- Theme „_tk“ (oder „Twenty Thirteen“) an. Die Ausführung sollte möglichst bis zum 2.12.2015 abgeschlossen sein. ---------------------- I'm looking for a WordPress specialist who can update a small WordPress blog with version 3.4.1 to 4.3.1. Currently we use the template 'Twenty Ten' in version 1.1. The blog contains 33 sites and a WP e-Commerce - Plugin with 10 products. The developer performs the update on a local test environment and updated the current template to the Wordpress theme '_tk' (or 'Twenty ...
We are looking for a / an experienced / efahrener WordPress ProgrammierIn . requirement : - Theme customizations , extensions, and development - Plugin Development and Adaptation - Solution-oriented thinking - introducing new ideas / other solutions are welcome - Development according to current web standards especially responsive design should be taken for granted . - Compliance with deadlines - Experience with the WP plugin " Toolset " / " wp -types " would be beneficial . Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem/einer erfahrenen/efahrener WordPress ProgrammierIn. Anforderung: - Themeanpassungen, -erweiterungen sowie Entwicklung - Pluginentwicklung und -anpassung - Lösungsorientiertes Denken - Einbringung neuer Ideen/anderer Lösungsans&a...
Suche nach potentiellen Neukunden aus dem Bereich "Fensterhersteller", "Einrichtungs-Grosshandel" für den Vertrieb von Fenstersonnenschutz made-to-measure (Plissee, Jalousie, Rollo etc.) in Europa ausser Deutschland
I need a program that provides the possibility to set a second layer over the current used program (on WIN/MAC) and show this layer for about a half of 1 second or even less time. If possible the time should be able to be set for testing the results (between 1 second down to 1/60 second). This second layer should show a picture or a text (black or white) on a background color set by user. Both in fullscreen.
...result incl upload on our server and implementation off all current content. That means to have a ready website ready to replace to current one without that we have to implement the images, content and so. As you might have recognized this project is now the second time on air. The reason for that is that I got in conflict with the hired freelancer who promissed me to follow my requests but did not. Here you can see the result what they have sold me as the completed job (). Before you make your quote please make sure you really understand the request. Please also have in mind that we are not experts and simply want to have a working website which is 100% filled with the current content. We can not make 20 open point lists which indicates
One of our client is an insurance company in Germany. We have modernize their current application and convert it from Small Talk to JAVA J2EE. We expect you to give us some input on their weaknesses of the architecture, techniques, use of databases, interfaces, release issues. You have to demonstrate these through a workshop with duration of half or one day. Based on this information, we will make the final offer with proposals, where to check the current situation and develop the road-map for the client. You should have good skills in NATURAL and Small Talk.
...zweiten Teil, hier besteht die Möglichkeit weiter zusammen zu arbeiten... Sie sollten insbesondere JavaScript und CSS3 beherrschen (jquery). Bitte pdf öffnen, da es übersichtlicher ist. Copy of attached pdf: ======================================= Programming Job (HTML5, JS, CSS) This is more or less pure programming (js/css) job, as you need to combine different frameworks/modules: • use: • • and add 1. to be able to scroll content pages vertically 2. possibility (please advise) a) to see specific content pages (sections) going down, but not going upwards (skip defined pages) b) and give the possibility to hide specific content (e.g. via js-button event), example: show section “content overview”
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten, die sich auf unser letztes Projekt beziehen 'Expand current website to two more languages - content translations available'
...images, add text, add opening times and additional options. Advertising: All registered user can easily advertise on the website. Choose Advertise position, image upload, insert titles and text, and the destination path. Is paid by impressions example per 1000 impressions 12, 15 or 20 francs, depending on the position. Statistics: The statistics on the homepage needs to be adapted to the current visitors or offers request. It has to work all automatically. Newsletter: The member should have the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter. All entries in the directory are autmatically receive the newsletter until you log out. I want to choose - all kitchen supplier of the directory, only registered or not registered provider. Partners are: I want a page where all the...
...--------------------------- We are looking for a MODx pro who will make the following modifications to an existing MODx website: - Update from MODx 2.2.10 to the latest version on website and blog - Embedding of 7 commercial videos (stream), linked by screenshot - Creation of 11 Russian pages containing only texts - including a "choose language" banner on a certain position (same structure as the current pages in German & English) Realization of this project should be completed as soon as possible, but until March 11, 2015 latest....
...images, add text, add opening times and additional options. Advertising: All registered user can easily advertise on the website. Choose Advertise position, image upload, insert titles and text, and the destination path. Is paid by impressions example per 1000 impressions 12, 15 or 20 francs, depending on the position. Statistics: The statistics on the homepage needs to be adapted to the current visitors or offers request. It has to work all automatically. Newsletter: The member should have the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter. All entries in the directory are autmatically receive the newsletter until you log out. I want to choose - all kitchen supplier of the directory, only registered or not registered provider. Partners are: I want a page where all the...
Die E.S.R. Labs GmbH ist ein IT-Unternehmen im Bereich Embedded Software Development im Automotiveumfeld mit Sitz in München und einer Niederlassung in Kulmbach. Wir suchen aktuell Low Level Developer, die mit Bolero oder Calypso arbeiten und sich mit PowerPC-Architekturen (32 Bit Control) beschäftigen möchten. Die E.S.R. Labs arbeitet direkt mit dem Microcontrolling-Hersteller Freescale zusammen. Bei dem Projekt geht es nicht darum, Low Level Treiber, die es am Markt schon gibt, zu verwenden, sondern diese selbst zu schreiben, weil wir spezifische und komplexe Anforderungen haben. Die Programmiersprache ist C++. Die Freelancer-Tätigkeit soll 40 Wochenstunden umfassen. Wir wünschen uns einen technisch kompetenten Freelancer im Low Level Umfeld, der sich ein la...
The current webpage has to become a new design. It's joomla based and should stay on joomla. The new template is ready (the grafic is done). The page should now be adjusted to new design with slight adjustments. Die bestehende Webpage soll ein neues Design erhalten. Diese ist joomla basiert und sollte es auch bleiben. Das neue Template ist grafisch erstellt. Es geht nun darum die page mit dem neuen Design zu versehen und leichte Anpassungen zu machen.
Hallo, in zwei Wochen startet ein Projekt welches das Programmieren eines Fujitsu Mikroc umfasst. Es handelt sich um einen Fujitsu FR50 MB91360. Dieser soll dann z.B, einen Motor über PWM steuern. Das Programm soll z.B. folgendes beinhalten; Manueller / Auto Betrieb, LED Anzeige, A/D Wandlung Die genaue Aufgabe wird in 2 Wochen feststehen. Wären sie interessiert und haben sie dann Zeit ? Aufwand würde ich auf 1-2 Tage schätzen.
...following Wordpress theme: I also created some entries (each of them includes title, description text, GPS coordinations, pictures, etc.) Now I want to change to another template () without loosing the existing entries. Job for the developer: 1. Activate the new Wordpress theme 2. Make sure that all current entries will be available & running on the new template. => All in all: Merge the existing database entries into new template...
...penninsula and how it led to the seperation from the Ukraine. It has to finished by the 8th of May 2014. It should contain: -the mix of the different ethnics (How they came onto the island) -the change of the occupant of the penninsula -especially the time since 1933 -the influence of the Maidan protests on the locals Please also include: -The Russian economic influence on the Ukraine -The current events in the east of the Ukraine...
We need a mobile website to compare local products. The products should be detected by photo of the bar code with the smartphone camera. In addition to the current location on google maps are stored using GPS. The price and any other information to a user input still be possible. When you scan the barcode to the previously recognized product the product information, including price will be displayed. If the implementation is not possible on a mobile website is also an app is possible. Auf Deutsch: Wir benötigen eine mobile Webseite zum Vergleich von lokalen Produkten. Die Produkte sollen mittels Foto des Barcodes über die Kamera des Smartphones erfasst werden können. Des Weiteren soll der aktuelle Ort über google maps mittels GPS abgespeichert wer...
We need a mobile website to compare local products. The products should be detected by photo of the bar code with the smartphone camera. In addition to the current location on google maps are stored using GPS. The price and any other information to a user input still be possible. When you scan the barcode to the previously recognized product the product information, including price will be displayed. If the implementation is not possible on a mobile website is also an app is possible. Auf Deutsch: Wir benötigen eine mobile Webseite zum Vergleich von lokalen Produkten. Die Produkte sollen mittels Foto des Barcodes über die Kamera des Smartphones erfasst werden können. Des Weiteren soll der aktuelle Ort über google maps mittels GPS abgespeichert wer...
I'm seeking a cold cal...cold calling professional for my website design agency. The primary goal of this campaign is to set appointments with potential clients. Target Audience - Small businesses. These are my primary prospects as they often need assistance with establishing or enhancing their online presence. Information Gathering - During the calls, I would like the professional to collect contact details, identify current website issues these businesses may have, and gauge their interest in a potential website redesign. Ideal Skills - Experience in cold calling, particularly with small businesses, is crucial. - Excellent communication skills and a persuasive approach. - Ability to gather and report relevant information during calls. - Understanding of website design conc...
My project seeks a skilled photographer with a focus on outdoor portrait photography. The primary goal is to create striking images that can be utilized for commercial purposes. Key Requirements: - Proficient in outdoor portrait photography - Experience with commercial photography - Ability to capture compelling and unique images Ideal Skills: - Excellent understanding of lighting, composition, and perspective - Highly creative with a keen eye for detail - Technical mastery in transforming ordinary scenes into breathtaking visuals Your role would be to capture portraits in outdoor settings that not only tell a story but also appeal to a commercial audience. Each image should be able to reflect emotion, depth, and artistry, ensuring its uniqueness and timelessness. If you are passionat...
...and improve the SEO structure** by ensuring: ✅ **The `/tours/` archive page lists only Destinations instead of all Tours.** ✅ **Each `/tours/destination-name/` page lists Subcategories before Tours (if applicable).** ✅ **URL structures follow a clean, hierarchical SEO-friendly format.** ✅ **A child theme is used for customization to avoid breaking changes in future updates.** --- ## **? Current Issues & Required Customizations** ### **? Issues:** - `/tours/` **lists all tours**, leading to an **unorganized structure** and SEO inefficiencies. - **Each destination archive (`/tours/destination-name/`) does not prioritize subcategories.** - **Permalinks for Tours do not follow an SEO-friendly hierarchical structure.** ### **✅ Required Modifications:** 1️⃣ **Create ...
...content calendar, including blogs, videos, whitepapers, and infographics. Ensure content is optimized for SEO and aligned with the company’s brand voice. Lead Generation & Sales Support Develop and execute both inbound and outbound lead generation strategies. Collaborate with the business development team to convert leads into sales. Implement marketing automation and CRM tools to track leads and measure campaign performance. Advertising & Event Marketing Plan and manage advertising campaigns across digital and traditional channels. Identify and coordinate participation in industry publications and trade shows (e.g. Architectural Digest). Develop relationships with key industry influencers and partners. Analytics & ROI Tracking Monitor and analyze campaign pe...
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I am seeking a seasoned SEO professional with a proven track record in elevating domain ratings, specifically for WordPress/WooCommerce platforms. My current domain rating is 12, and I aim to reach 75+ within a tight timeframe of less than 6 weeks. Key Requirements: - Expertise in off-page and technical SEO, with a demonstrated capacity to implement effective strategies for an e-commerce site. - Proficiency in utilizing SEO tools and platforms to monitor progress and optimize strategies. - Strong understanding of WordPress/WooCommerce and its SEO capabilities. - Ability to develop and execute a robust link-building strategy tailored for e-commerce. - Expertise in optimizing content for SEO, including meta tags, headers, and keyword usage. - Skills in conducting in-depth competitor ..., I am looking to enhance our online visibility and lead generation through expert SEO and Google My Business (GMB) optimization. Key Objectives: - The primary goal of our SEO efforts is to generate more leads. We aim to convert our online traffic into potential customers. - We need to optimize our GMB profile information to better showcase our business and services to local customers. Current SEO Techniques: - We are already implementing several SEO techniques, including content creation, backlink building, and keyword optimization. - Additionally, we are focusing on increasing our local business ranking on GMB. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in SEO with a focus on lead generation. - Expertise in optimizing GMB profiles for businesses. - Familiarity...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to revamp a logo for my client, A61. The current design features two mountain tops with the number '61' nestled within. I have attached the initial concept, but I'm eager to see your creativity come into play. Key Aspects: - The logo should communicate the themes of 'Innovation and Modernity'. - Although I've indicated 'Modern' as a preferred style, I'm open to all possibilities. - Color-wise, I'm receptive to any suggestions you may have. - Ultimately, I want the logo to be a fresh take on the existing design, appealing and resonant with the intended message. - Ensure the logo is delivered in a scalable vector format such as SVG or AI. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in graphic design wit...