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2,000 sarah majkowski Jobs gefunden

Hallo Sarah, ich habe 162 neue Belege zu erfassen. Würden Sie das erledigen? Vielen Dank :)

€39 - €39
€39 - €39
0 Angebote

Hi Sarah Maria D., das ist das neue Lexoffice Project

€70 - €70
€70 - €70
0 Angebote

Hallo Sarah, im Rahmen meiner Bachelorthesis forsche ich mittels mehrerer Interviews zu dem Thema, wie sich Beschäftigte auf Plattformen wie etc. qualifizieren. Das Interview ist insgesamt 30 Minuten lang und besteht aus einem Fragebogen (5 Min.), den ich dir vorab per Mail zukommen lassen werde, sowie dem eigentlichen Interview (25 Min.) per Zoom. Selbstverständlich ist die Interviewzeit bezahlt. Ich würde mich sehr über deine Unterstützung freuen!

€9 Average bid
€9 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo Sarah V., mir ist Ihr Profil aufgefallen und ich möchte Ihnen mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Einzelheiten besprechen.

€115 - €115 / hr
€115 - €115 / hr
0 Angebote

Guten Tag, Ich bin Fotografin und möchte eine Kundenbroschüre analog zu dieser () erstellen. Ich suche jemanden, der mir das Template dazu erstellt, damit ich dieses nur noch füllen kann. Gerne erwarte ich Ihre Offerte. Beste Grüsse Sarah Menzi

€54 Average bid
€54 Gebot i.D.
11 Angebote

Hallo Sara, ich habe 2 Schreibprojekte wo ich Unterstützung brauche. Bitte um Rückmeldung ob du freie Kapazitäten hast. Viele Grüße Michael Hübner

€31 / hr Average bid
€31 / hr Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo Sarah H., ich habe Ihr Profil bemerkt und möchte Ihnen mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Details im Chat besprechen.

€38 Average bid
€38 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hi Sarah H., Haben sie noch Kapazität eine Arbeit für mich zu machen? Handelt sich um eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit Thema: Verlust und bindungsängste. 10 Seiten.. Ich habe schon ein wenig vorgearbeitet. Damit kann man weiter arbeiten, es gibt noch ein Inhaltsverzeichnis.

€288 Average bid
€288 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo Sarah S., ich habe Ihr Profil bemerkt und möchte Ihnen mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Details im Chat besprechen.

€20 Average bid
€20 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Es geht um ein E-Book (Schritt für Schritt Anleitung) wie man ein Online-Coaching Programm von 0,- EUR auf 6-stellig aufbaut. Du bist aber völlig frei in der Arbeit. hab ein grobes Inhaltsverzeichnis. Dient nur als Vorlage was ich gerne hätte

€480 Average bid
€480 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo, wir brauchen Unterstützung von weiteren Ghostwritern für Hausarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Masterarbeiten. Hättest du Interesse? Wir zahlen ab 15€ pro Seite Fließtext. Beste Grüße Marcel Tel. 01633784060

€239 Average bid
€239 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo, wir suchen einen Ghostwriter. Das Thema wird der Schweizer Versicherungsmarkt sein und soll den Kunden Hinweise für den Umgang mit Versicherungen in der Schweiz geben. Wenn Sie glauben, dass dies möglich ist, möchten wir Ihnen den Auftrag erteilen. Sie soll einen allgemeinen Überblick über den Versicherungsmarkt und die Funktionsweise der Produkte geben. Auch sollten wir einige Ratschläge zum Sparen von Geld haben. Wir werden an einigen Themen arbeiten, die wir gerne aufnehmen würden. - Das Ebook soll ein Ratgeber und Nachschlagewerk sein. - Es muss einen Überblick über die unterstehenden Versicherungen bieten. - Vorteile der verschiedenen Produkte sollten hervorgehoben werden. - Es soll dem Leser einen Nutzen in Form von Möglichkei...

€960 Average bid
€960 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo Sarah R., ich habe dein Profil bemerkt und möchte dir mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Details im Chat besprechen.

€575 Average bid
€575 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

...Schlangenbiss! Hast du Lust und Zeit noch einmal so einen Artikel für mich zu schreiben? Dieses mal geht es um den Flowermate Hybrid X. Die Keywords die ich brauche sind: Flowermate, Flowermate Hybrid, Flowermate Hybrid X. Hier sind ein paar hilfreiche Quellen: Ich freue mich auf deine Antwort! LG Sarah...

€16 Average bid
€16 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hi Tom, das hat ja super einfach geklappt und der Text war gut. Hättest du Zeit und Lust noch so einen Artikel zu schreiben? Dieses mal geht es um den Flowermate V5 Pro Mini Vaporizer. Genau so einen ähnlichen Artikel, wie du dort geschrieben hast bräuchte ich. Keywords: Flowermate, Flowermate Pro Mini, tragbarer Vaporizer Freue mich auf deine Antwort :) LG Sarah

€16 Average bid
€16 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote Sarah und ich arbeite für Namaste Vapes. Wir sind ein Kanadisches Unternehmen und der Marktführer in der online Vape-Industrie. Momentan erweitern wir unseren deutschen Markt und suchen Content Writer für unseren Blog und "Review Artikel." Ähnlich wie hier: Normalerweise brauchen wir circa 850 Wörter pro Artikel. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, würde dies hoffentlich der Anfang einer längeren Freelancer Beziehung werden, da wir über 30 Seiten Content brauchen. Gerne können Sie mich auch direkt unter sarah.k@ kontaktieren, oder weitere Details per Telefon besprechen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sarah von NamasteVapes

€16 Average bid
€16 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo Helene, Mein Name ist Sarah und ich arbeite für Namaste Vapes. Wir sind ein Kanadisches Unternehmen und der Marktführer in der online Vape-Industrie. Momentan erweitern wir unseren deutschen Markt und suchen Content Writer für unseren Blog und "Review Artikel." Ähnlich wie hier: Normalerweise brauchen wir circa 850 Wörter pro Artikel. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, würde dies hoffentlich der Anfang einer längeren Freelancer Beziehung werden, da wir über 30 Seiten Content brauchen. Gerne können Sie mich auch direkt unter [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]kontaktieren, oder weitere Details per Telefon

€16 Average bid
€16 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hi Steve, Mein Name ist Sarah und ich arbeite für Namaste Vapes. Wir sind ein Kanadisches Unternehmen und der Marktführer in der online Vape-Industrie. Momentan erweitern wir unseren deutschen Markt und suchen Content Writer für unsere Produkt Seiten. Ähnlich wie hier: Normalerweise brauchen wir circa 800-1600 Wörter pro Produkt. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, würde dies hoffentlich der Anfang einer längeren Freelancer Beziehung werden, da wir über 100 Seiten Content brauchen. Gerne können Sie mich auch direkt unter sarah.k@ kontaktieren, oder weitere Details per Telefon besprechen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sarah von NamasteVapes

€191 Average bid
€191 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hey Sarah, ich hab gerade dein Profil entdeckt und find dich als Person und auch deine Fähigkeiten, wenn diese denn stimmen, interessant. Ich will auch gar nicht um den heißen Brei herum reden: Ich suche nach einer günstigen Möglichkeit unserem Shopware Shop ein erstes, aber stichhaltiges Design zu verpassen. Wir sind ein Zwei-Mann-Unternehmen, dass derzeit Studenten wie dich als Praktikanten zieht, um Kapital im Umlaufvermögen zu halten, sprich bedacht im Warenumschlag zu halten. Das Projekt wäre vielleicht eine gute Referenz. Nicht unbedingt heute. Aber sicher für die Zukunft. Quasi per One-Man-Show habe ich es in nur nur 6 Monaten geschafft einen real-kalkulatorischen Umsatz von rd. 0,5 Mio. EUR/Jahr in nur 6 Monaten herbeizuführen. Da...

€232 Average bid
€232 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hallo, ich habe drei Interview (alle Interviews ca.120 min) die abgetippt werden müssen, ich habe jedoch keine Zeit und suche jemanden, der Lust hätte schnell ein bisschen Geld zu verdienen. Viele Grüße Sarah

€179 Average bid
€179 Gebot i.D.
12 Angebote

Project Brief: Multilingual AI Sarah Desktop Assistant Overview: The goal is to build a personalized multilingual AI agent named "Sarah," designed to operate directly on my MacBook Pro as a desktop application. Sarah will serve as an interactive assistant capable of multilingual voice-based communication, AI-generated conversation, personalized interactions with emotion recognition, and practical task execution. Functional Requirements: Interactive Desktop Application: - Develop a standalone desktop application compatible with macOS. - Utilize for frontend and Node.js backend. - The assistant must always be readily accessible via voice activation. AI Integration: Leverage existing subscriptions and APIs: - OpenAI (GPT-4) for multilingual natural lang...

€569 Average bid
€569 Gebot i.D.
7 Angebote

I'm looking for a modern and minimalistic logo for my skin care company focused on tattoo removal. The design needs to embody a clean, sleek aesthetic without unnecessary clutter. Serenity Skin Sarah Robertson Key Requirements: - Design a 'text only' logo in neutral tones (nude, gold, white ) - Create a matching business card design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong portfolio of modern and minimalistic design - Experience in creating business branding materials Please provide examples of your previous work that aligns with this project.

€51 Average bid
804 Einträge

...• System matches expert mechanics based on: • Make & Model Specialization • Issue Type (Engine, Brakes, Electronics, etc.) • Mechanic provides: • Diagnostic response via chat or video call. • Suggested repair costs & nearest workshop (redirecting to booking system). • Mechanics earn commission per consultation. Example Flow: ? Sarah reports loss of power in Range Rover SVR. ? AI suggests Land Rover Expert Mike Smith. ? Mike diagnoses turbo issue → Sarah books an appointment at nearby garage. ? 2.4 Car Parts & Tyre Marketplace • Customers enter vehicle details → System fetches compatible parts. • API Integration with major suppliers: • Euro Car Parts, Halfords, Bosch, Local Dealers. • M...

€927 Average bid
€927 Gebot i.D.
126 Angebote

Herewith the hire me for the A4 size Backgammon illustrated and written word instructinos on how to play. Item to be folded like concertina Will be using the Urban Ranch Kenya logo + horns which i have sent to you on sepeerate email thank you Sarah

€57 Average bid
€57 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

I'm in need of a modern-styled logo for my business. The logo should incorporate typography and icons or symbols. It’s a médical clinic doing Botox and Fillers Must contain 3 items : - SBP - Clinique Médico Esthétique - Sarah B. Petrasova Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design background - Proficiency in modern design principles - Expertise in typography and icon design - Experience with monochrome / color schemes

€6 Average bid
184 Einträge

As a French Energy Coach, I am looking for a professional to create an easy-to-modify, SEO-friendly WordPress website with a logo. The site will primarily sell consultation sessions online, and I am uncertain if a booking system is necessary, so I would appreciate your advice on this matter. Key Features: - WordPress platform ...- WordPress platform for easy modification - SEO-optimized site to increase visibility - E-commerce capability to sell consultation sessions - Potential integration of a booking system - Bilingual English and French support Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - E-commerce integration - SEO expertise - Logo design - Multilingual website development Here some websites that i like :

€427 Average bid
€427 Gebot i.D.
176 Angebote

Hi Elvin, there are the files for the next Podcast: If you could finish this by the end of next week I'd appreciate it. Cheers, Juergen.

€51 Average bid
€51 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hi Sarah L., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

€232 Average bid
€232 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Hi Sarah M., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

€28 Average bid
€28 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

I am seeking a talented artist to create a large (24x36 inches) realistic oil painting of my daughter sitting with Jesus. The artwork should be in a lifelike style, capturing the warmth and love of this moment. I am providing a sample of the type of image I would like created and several pictures of our daughter. Sarah passed from Leukemia..... so it's a special piece for my wife. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert in realistic oil painting - Previous experience with large canvas - Ability to create a touching, lifelike scene - Strong understanding of proportion and perspective in figurative painting

€898 Average bid
€898 Gebot i.D.
23 Angebote

Hey there, Id Like help to write another report. Can this one please be immediate, woth my logo, border and everything. The date was 28th November, the time was 8am, and the worker was Sarah Austin. Please just have one box that states "What happened" and one other box "Corrective actions"

€15 Average bid
€15 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

...description: After leaving her abusive husband for Hollywood actor Travis Reele, Chanel begins to face new challenges. Navigating pressure from family, the unanticipated consequences of leaving and the new threat of old flames. Adjusting to her new found freedom, learning to trust and accepting her new life isn’t as easy as she had hoped. Can she really have it all? New bio: About The Author Sarah, author of “The Reele Deal” was born and raised in Toronto, where she lives with her husband and three of their six children. She graduated from the Community and Justice Services program at Centennial College and has worked in many fields, from fashion and makeup to comedy, criminal justice as well as child and youth work. However, it’s her background in jo...

€55 Average bid
497 Einträge

...Jack McVea, Slim Gaillard, The Honeydrippers, Lionel Hampton and his Orchestra, and Louis Armstrong were also on the program. He performed for the third Cavalcade of Jazz concert held in the same location on September 7, 1947, along with Woody Herman as Emcee, The Valdez Orchestra, The Blenders, The Honeydrippers, Slim Gaillard, Johnny Otis and his Orchestra, Toni Harper, The Three Blazers, and Sarah Vaughan. Much of his output was recorded from 1946 to 1948 for Black & White Records, including his most famous song, "Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just as Bad)" (1947). Other notable songs he recorded during this period were "Bobby Sox Blues" (a number 3 R&B hit in 1947) and "West Side Baby" (number 8 on the R&B singles chart in 19...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Gebot i.D.
14 Angebote
Trophy icon Logo Design for "Sarah Cullen Cuts"
Beendet left

I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my ladies hair salon, "Sarah Cullen Cuts". The logo should be a combination mark, incorporating both text and a symbol. Key Requirements: - Design should be modern and sleek - Use of a hair strand or style as the symbol - Combination of text ("Sarah Cullen Cuts") and the symbol in the logo - Primary color: purple, with possible use of light or faded purple Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, especially for salons or similar businesses - Strong understanding of modern and sleek design principles - Ability to creatively incorporate a hair strand or style into a logo - Excellent color coordination skills

€19 Average bid
447 Einträge

...History in Documents. Oxford University Press. Brooks, Christopher. 2020. “Chapter 3: Political Ideologies and Movements.” Pressbooks. January 6, 2020. Covington, Richard. 2006. “Marie Antoinette.” Smithsonian Magazine, November 2006. Doyle, William. 1999. The Oxford History of the French Revolution. Oxford University Press. Hanley, Sarah. 2006. “Configuring the Authority of Queens in the French Monarchy, 1600s-1840s.” Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques 32, no. 2: 453–64. Hosford, Desmond. 2004. “The Queen’s Hair: Marie-Antoinette, Politics, and DNA.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 38, no. 1: 183–200. Mark, Harrison W. 2022. “Trial and Execution

€198 Average bid
€198 Gebot i.D.
90 Angebote

...production process. Strong attention to detail and understanding of video editing techniques. Own video equipment (camera, microphones, lighting) required for professional-quality filming. Experience filming events in a dynamic environment, ensuring quality sound and visuals. Availability to work on-site in Toronto on Thursday, September 26th, from 6-9 p.m. EDT. Event Team: University Relations: Sarah Kupoluyi (University Relations Event Lead) Digital Marketing: Corinne Dorsey (Event co-Lead + Content Lead) Logistics Strategy: Colleen Yoo Stakeholders: Duncan Moss, Sasha Ramani Incentives & Audience: This event will provide students with career coaching opportunities, access to graduate school application waivers, and the chance to win prizes, further emphasizing the importa...

€3063 Average bid
€3063 Gebot i.D.
23 Angebote

...match, we’d love to hear from you! **How to Apply:** Send us an example itinerary of a trip to Marbella. Along with a resume, along with a short description of your favorite hidden gem you’ve discovered while traveling. Tell us what made it special and why you think others would love it too. ???????????????????????? **Custom Travel Itinerary Form** ### **Personal Information** - **Full Name:** Sarah Thompson - **Email Address:** - **Phone Number:** ….. - **Preferred Contact Method:** Email --- ### **Travel Dates and Destination** - **Planned Travel Dates:** - **Start Date:** October 10, 2024 - **End Date:** October 15, 2024 - **Primary Destination(s):** Marbella, Spain - **Are your travel dates flexible?** No --- ### **Travel Purpose ...

€168 Average bid
€168 Gebot i.D.
23 Angebote

Use supplied footage to create a clip between 30 seconds and 1 minute. The end result should convey a sad but ironic feeling for the vehicles in the footage, and the message should be that they can be saved with likes and subscribes on YouTube. The result should be in the style of the Sarah McLaughlin save the animals commercials.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

I need a captivating cover for my first self-published novel, a journey of the soul through self-discovery and travel. T...adventure, getting to grips with the past and learning to look to the future. - Tone/Mood: The cover should convey an inspiring, adventurous, and reflective tone. It tells a story of meeting different people along the journey. - Key Elements: The design should incorporate both symbolic imagery (like a path or road representing the journey to the soul) and character illustrations. The character is Sarah, a mid 30 something, green eyes, dark brown hair, medium length and built. Ideal skills include graphic design, an understanding of book cover trends in the fiction genre, and the ability to portray complex themes visually. Experience with self-published novels ...

€21 Average bid
€21 Gebot i.D.
52 Angebote

...production process. Strong attention to detail and understanding of video editing techniques. Own video equipment (camera, microphones, lighting) required for professional-quality filming. Experience filming events in a dynamic environment, ensuring quality sound and visuals. Availability to work on-site in Toronto on Thursday, September 26th, from 6-9 p.m. EDT. Event Team: University Relations: Sarah Kupoluyi (University Relations Event Lead) Digital Marketing: Corinne Dorsey (Event co-Lead + Content Lead) Logistics Strategy: Colleen Yoo Stakeholders: Duncan Moss, Sasha Ramani Incentives & Audience: This event will provide students with career coaching opportunities, access to graduate school application waivers, and the chance to win prizes, further emphasizing the importa...

€232 - €696
Lokal Featured
€232 - €696
0 Angebote
Trophy icon Cartoon-Style E-book Cover Design
Beendet left

I'm looking for a talented designer to create a cartoon-style ebook cover for my children's non-fiction e-book. The cover needs to be colorful (like red heart color and green color) and convey a riddle, playful, happy and fun vibe that will appeal to kids and also attract their parents. Avoid using dull and black colors. Use question mark signs to give this ebook a riddle vibe because with...1687464?psc=1 No.2) Ebook Cover Size: 6x9 inch Title of the ebook: Riddle Book for Smart Kids. Subtitle of the ebook: 300 Riddles and Brain Teasers that Help Kids Learn to Think Creatively, Solve Problems, and Reduce Digital Distractions while Playing. Author Name...

€50 Average bid
291 Einträge

I have two separate but related issues causing trouble for my website. DNS EMAIL ISSUE: - Currently, my emails are not being received properly. There is a glitch in my DNS configuration that is causing them to be undelivered. - The problem with the email delivery is also leading to some messages being routed to my users' spam folders, which is far from ideal. - I need an expert who can ...experience with DNS configurations, particularly with GoDaddy. - A strong understanding of email delivery systems and how to troubleshoot and fix issues. - Experience in working with currency conversion systems and APIs. - A meticulous and detail-oriented approach to ensure that the issues are resolved comprehensively and my website is functioning harmoniously. I require this fixed by Monday . T...

€59 Average bid
€59 Gebot i.D.
7 Angebote

...cardiovascular health. "Enhanced circulation from sauna sessions benefits heart health and overall energy levels." - Dr. Emily White, Cardiologist 4. Skin Health: Icon of a face with the description "Cleanses pores for healthier skin." Skin Health: Saunas cleanse pores, leading to clearer and healthier skin. "Sweating in saunas helps clear out impurities, contributing to better skin health." - Dr. Sarah Green, Dermatologist 5. Pain Relief: Icon of a muscle with the description "Alleviates muscle and joint pain." Pain Relief: Alleviate muscle and joint pain with consistent heat therapy. "Heat therapy from saunas is effective in reducing muscle and joint pain." - Dr. Mike Brown, Physical Therapist 6. Weight Loss: Icon of a sca...

€28 Average bid
29 Einträge

I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an e-commerce website that will primarily host preaching videos. Key Requirements: - Ability to showcase these preaching videos prominently. - The design should incorporate a specific photo and template, which I will provide. These should be the focus of the website design. - The website should allow for video upload and playback.... However, this picture is just a template as I would like to find or have one designed that has a light blue sky rather than a dark blue sky. Then I have a template of fonts with video titles that I want to link to videos uploaded to my website. I am looking for a company that will design the website and store the videos on a server for a decade. Thank you for your assistance! Sincerely, Sa...

€2024 Average bid
€2024 Gebot i.D.
107 Angebote

Hello! We are seeking some freelance designers for long-term collaboration. The projects involve creating designs for social media and websites (such as posters, banners, simple animations, etc) across multiple brands. Each design project is fixed budgeted at 10 USD , and we need also: 1. Source file 2. Resize (if need) 3. Simple animation (if need) We hope you are a person...project is fixed budgeted at 10 USD , and we need also: 1. Source file 2. Resize (if need) 3. Simple animation (if need) We hope you are a person: ✅ Responsible to the job ✅ Willingness to improve your design skill ✅ Good communication skill (We can accept both of English, Malay & Chinese) If you are interested in this opportunity, kindly contact us and send us your Portfolio, thanks! Best, Sarah ...

€19 Average bid
€19 Gebot i.D.
77 Angebote

Hi Guys, I am looking for an album artwork design for an upcoming release. The song is called "Take Things Slow" by the artists "JustG, Paul Finnin, and Sarah Mulcahy". There are three artists on this track. It is a Dance/Pop track, which is just oosing summer vibes. It's the type of song you would have blasting out of your car, with the roof down, driving by the coast. The lyrics themselves are about being in a fresh new relationship with someone, and not wanting to make any quick decisions. Wanting to take things slow and live in the moment. I have attached some reference ideas that I found, that I think would give some ideas as to the type of vibe I am looking for on the artwork. If you have any questions or anything please just let me know.

€30 Average bid
115 Einträge

...the session. - **Client Agreement Form:** A mandatory signature should be required. - **Payment Integration:** The system should allow for both one-time payments per appointment and monthly subscriptions. Mandatory for clients to pay in advance of their appointment. - **Monthly Subscription Service:** Implement a subscription service for client to have option receive daily or weekly actions from sarah via Instagram private message or sms - **Appointment Reminders:** Provide a reminder for both clients and myself as the appointment approaches. - **Cancel & Reschedule Options:** Clients should have the ability to cancel or reschedule appointments. Cancellation policy if cancel within 24 hours 100 % charged - **Video Call for Coaching:** A video call option with a 45-minute ti...

€707 Average bid
€707 Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

Hello! We are seeking some freelance designers for long-term collaboration. The projects involve creating designs for social media and websites (such as posters, banners, simple animations, etc) across multiple brands. Each design project is fixed budgeted at 10 USD , and we need also: 1. Source file 2. Resize (if need) 3. Simple animation (if need) We hope you are a person...project is fixed budgeted at 10 USD , and we need also: 1. Source file 2. Resize (if need) 3. Simple animation (if need) We hope you are a person: ✅ Responsible to the job ✅ Willingness to improve your design skill ✅ Good communication skill (We can accept both of English, Malay & Chinese) If you are interested in this opportunity, kindly contact us and send us your Portfolio, thanks! Best, Sarah ...

€19 Average bid
€19 Gebot i.D.
38 Angebote

I need a proficient designer to create an eye-catching and bold flyer for an upcoming armwrestling tournament. The flyer should incorporate the tournament theme colors. Key information to include is the date and time of the event, the venue, registration contact information, a picture of the host, and the prize money details. ...details. I appreciate a design that attracts attention while effectively conveying all necessary event details. A background in sports-related design projects would be particularly beneficial. Strong skills in graphic design and an understanding of effective visual communication are crucial for this task. The picture attached is the current flier. Tournament is sponsored by Harley Davidson, but Sarah Backman is the front figure of the event. Would love to di...

€69 Average bid
€69 Gebot i.D.
109 Angebote

PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING PROPOSAL OR WE WILL REJECT I'm seeking to hire a highly-skilled designer that is adept in creating unique, creative and abstract logos and branding material. The main objective of this project is three-fold: 1. Establish Brand Identity - Create a fresh, innovative emblem that will stand out and make the business recognizable. 2. Attract Target Audience - The d...ENGLISH FLUENTLY (EXCEPTIONS APPLIED TO THOSE WHOM ARE TRUE PROFESSIONALS IN THE FIELDS NOTED). AND WHERE THEIR DEGREES ARE FROM ENGLISH BASED INSTITUTIONS AND PREFERABLY FROM ENGLISH BASED COUNTRIES! The key word to include in order to bid on this project will be SARAH2024. Please include this in your proposal so that I know you have read the details and your proposal is authentic. Thanks, ...

€144 Average bid
€144 Gebot i.D.
154 Angebote