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    2,000 mqtt mcu Jobs gefunden

    ...welcher mir eine App für Push Notofications erstellen kann. Diese sollte auf iOS und Android funktionieren. Funktionen der App: - Anzeige der Push Notifikationen in der App - Anzeige eines Widgets auf iOS und Android in welcher die letzten 3 Push Notifikationen angezeigt werden. (Diese sollten nach dem lesen in der App aber verschwinden) - Möglichkeit diese als gelesen zu markieren - Aufsetzen eines MQTT Server / Mosquitto Server um keine third party Lösung für die benachrichtigungen zu verwenden - Nutzer muss es möglich sein sich für verschiedene Themen per Push anzumelden. (Bsp. Störungen, News, Hinweise) - Nach Möglichkeit sollten diese Nachrichten auch unterschiedliche Töne zugewiesen werden können - Um für Push Notofic...

    €533 Average bid
    €533 Gebot i.D.
    55 Angebote

    - Entwicklung von Backends (C/C++, FastCGI) - M2M Kommunikation (MQTT) - Secure Socket Programmierung (DTLS) - Datenbankprogrammierung (MySQL) - Authentifizierungs- und Authorisationsmanagement (z.B. OAuth2)

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote
    Pyton Entwickler
    Beendet left

    Verbindungen von REST / MQTT zu OPC UA über das Edge + Funktionen einees Waagen und Mischrezept

    €53 / hr Average bid
    €53 / hr Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Hallo, ein fertiges Skript soll mit der Abfrage von 4 Tastern erweitert werden. Tastendrücke sollen an den definierten MQTT Server aus dem Skript weitergegeben werden. Skript läuft auf meinem NodeMCU V3. 4 Taster inkl. dbounce2 bibliothek. A premade script should be extended with 4 buttons. Debounce should be included, Button status should change an MQTT topic on the set webserver. Script is running on NodeMCU V4

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Guten Morgen Daniel wir möchten gerne eine einfachen Showcase aufbauen in dem wir zeigen können wie unsere Plattform per MQTT und REST mit anderen Lösungen, wie z.B. ThingsBoard, interagieren kann. Im ersten Schritt würde es uns reichen beispielsweise einen Maschinenstatus per MQTT darzustellen und eine einfache Abfrage per REST zu realisieren. Daher würden wir uns über eine kurzfristige Unterstützung von freuen. Gruß Jonas Steinfurth

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Diverse Regler und Sensoren für die Kältetechnik Entwickeln und Programieren Mit Raspi, ESP32, MQTT, SQL, ModBus .........usw.

    €1118 Average bid
    €1118 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    ...entwickelt werden. Die Seiter bietet Einstellmöglichkeiten für den externen WLAN-AP und den MQTT-Broker. Ebenso kann der DeviceName und der Name der Topics eingegeben werden. Durch speichern wir ein Restart initiiert und der ESP verbindet sich mit dem ausgewählten WLAN-AP und dem Broker. Dazu wird eine erste Anmelde Message geschickt. Der ESP wartet bis der Broker eine Start Senden Nachricht sendet. Daraufhin werden die Pakete vom Device (UART 100Byte) als MQTT Message zum Broker gesendet. Über den Broker können 3 Bytes direkt an das Device gesendet werden. Durch ein Byte aus dem Device oder aus dem Broker kann der ESP wieder auf Werkseinstellungen gesetzt werden. DEVICE --> UART --> ESP01 -----> MQTT ----> BROKER...

    €686 Average bid
    €686 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    MCU: stm32L152re Testboard: stm32L152re Nucleo 64 Toolchain: GNU ARM, Eclipse, cubeMX - Es soll ein analoges Signal für 0-200us aufgenommen werden und mit einer Referenzkurve verglichen werden. - Die Abtastrate soll maximal sein. - Vor dem Vergleich soll die digitalisierte Signalkurve mit einer math. Funktion bearbeitet werden (z.B. Quadratwurzel) - Digitale Ausgabe ob die Signalkurve zu einer gespeicherten Referenzkurve +/- 5% identisch ist. - Start/Stop Steuerung des ADC Empfangsmodus über eine Variable

    €435 Average bid
    €435 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Entwicklung einer Prototype App für Home Appliances Kommunikation zwischen Gerät und Mobile App über Cloud Services und MQTT (AWS IoT, Cognito) Statusanzeige des Gerätezustands Steuerung des Geräts Versand von emails Anzeige von statischen Informationen Navigationsmenu Konfigurationsdaten

    €8141 Average bid
    €8141 Gebot i.D.
    58 Angebote

    Erstellen von 2 Nodes für Node Red wie in der Anlage beschrieben. Nodes sollen die Daten aus einer DB oder von einem MQTT-Broker auslesen und die entsprechenden Daten präsentieren

    €590 Average bid
    €590 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    .../ CentOS / Debian) - Database: PostgreSQL - Application Server: Apache Tomcat - Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes - Automation Tools: Ansible, Terraform - CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD - DMS: [Specify DMS – Alfresco, OpenKM, etc.] - BIM: IFC data integration, 3D visualization libraries - GeoServer: Open-source GIS platform - IoT Integration: MQTT, REST APIs for sensor data ingestion - Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack --- 6. Acceptance Criteria The project will be considered successfully completed when: - All components ( CMDBuild, OpenMAINT, DMS, BIM, GeoServer, IoT integration ) are fully functional . - Automated deployment scripts are tested and working . - IoT data is ingested and vi...

    €1988 Average bid
    €1988 Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    .../ CentOS / Debian) - Database: PostgreSQL - Application Server: Apache Tomcat - Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes - Automation Tools: Ansible, Terraform - CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD - DMS: [Specify DMS – Alfresco, OpenKM, etc.] - BIM: IFC data integration, 3D visualization libraries - GeoServer: Open-source GIS platform - IoT Integration: MQTT, REST APIs for sensor data ingestion - Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack --- 6. Acceptance Criteria The project will be considered successfully completed when: - All components ( CMDBuild, OpenMAINT, DMS, BIM, GeoServer, IoT integration ) are fully functional . - Automated deployment scripts are tested and working . - IoT data is ingested and vi...

    €1019 Average bid
    €1019 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled developer with extensive experience in React.js, Node.js, REST API, MQTT, Grafana, and PostgreSQL. The primary goal of this project is to create an interactive and comprehensive data visualization and monitoring system. Key Details: - The data sources for this project will include sensor data, database records, and API feeds. - The visualizations needed will consist of time series graphs and real-time gauges. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React.js and Node.js. - Strong understanding of REST API and MQTT. - Experienced with Grafana and PostgreSQL. - Previous work in creating time series graphs and real-time gauges is a plus. Your expertise will help in delivering a project that not only meets but exceeds expectations in data vi...

    €253 Average bid
    €253 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote
    ESP32 Code Optimization & Cleanup
    4 Tage left

    I have a project with roughly 1800 lines of code running on an ESP32. The setup includes a round LCD display using a Waveshare ESP32-S3 LCD driver board, an external Neo8M GPS module, a Waveshare CANBUS module, and an external RTC...Currently, the code is functional on both a breadboard and a prototype product, but I'm seeking a professional to help optimize and clean up the code. Key Responsibilities: - Improve code efficiency to enhance speed - Refactor and clean up the codebase - Streamline the code to reduce latency - Potentially improve readability and reduce memory usage Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with MCU programming - Familiarity with the aforementioned modules - Proven track record in code optimization and cleanup - Strong problem-solving skills and atte...

    €507 Average bid
    €507 Gebot i.D.
    60 Angebote

    I'm in the process of building a web-based IoT application on Replit, and I'm in need of a seasoned software engineer with specific experience in MQTT and web sockets. This will be an hourly-based collaboration. Key Project Requirements: - The application needs to support real-time data monitoring, automated alerts, and device control. - It should be compatible with temperature sensors, motion sensors, and humidity sensors. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MQTT and web sockets is a must. - Previous experience with IoT application development would be highly beneficial. - Knowledge of working with various sensors is a plus. Please reach out if you can assist with this project. Your expertise will be greatly appreciated.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    ...access using MCU from Microchip type PIC24FJ256DA210 We have already developed firmware locally Problem is the hardware setup to upload the firmware has been unsuccessful ,although we have already used pickit3. We have verified the connections to the microcontroller and the correct configuration pins for the device in the mplab x ide. Upon uploading the firmware it says that, “Invalid Target Device ID”, please check connections to target device. My team checked the connections to the target device with the same bad results. We have installed all necessary packages required for the microcontroller. My engineer will share configuration settings and mplab x ide setup. Requirement need a firmware developer who has specifically developed and programmed firmware for ...

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote

    Objective: Freelancer will lead and assist in creating an iPhone (and if possible Android) iOS app that will connect to a Exor HMI Runtime running MQTT interface. The HMI Runtime is running on Windows10 and connected on LAN with Wago PLC running Codesys. The other LAN port is connected to WAN/internet gateway with Starlink. iOS App requirement is to read data values and alarms from Wago PLC. Signin or some authentication/login would be required to access PLC data.

    €589 Average bid
    €589 Gebot i.D.
    85 Angebote
    Python Flask app for fuel station
    2 Tage left

    We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Python developer who possesses expertise in connecting to RS485 devices via USB and facilitating printing to a thermal printer. Additionally, familiarity with MySQL and MQTT is essential for this role.

    €198 Average bid
    €198 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote
    Python Flask app for fuel pump
    1 Tag left

    We need an experienced and expert python developer that can connect to rs485 via usb and print to thermla printer. We mqtt and mysql.

    €169 Average bid
    €169 Gebot i.D.
    39 Angebote

    ...operation, real-time data acquisition, and fault-tolerant operation. Develop bare-metal firmware (NO RTOS) for STM32 microcontroller. Implement multiple UART sensor interfaces (data request, parsing, checksum validation). Handle analog sensors (ADC readings, conversion, scaling). Implement PWM-based control for actuators (motor, pump, or fans). Interface an NB-IoT module (AT commands, CoAP UDP or MQTT data transmission). Control and update SPI-based E-Ink display (screen refresh, low-power optimization). Develop MODBUS RTU protocol (bare-metal implementation, register mapping). (optional) Implement self-diagnostics, error handling, and watchdog management. Optimize for low power consumption and robust communication handling. Provide well-documented, structured firmware that is ea...

    €548 Average bid
    €548 Gebot i.D.
    56 Angebote

    I need a professional PCB designer for my environmental monitoring device. It will include 4 sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), an MCU, ESP32, and possibly a flash and memory module. The PCB must support a USB-C connection with a capacity of up to 3A, a battery management system (BMS), and a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a multilayer mixed signal PCB. - Select the appropriate MCU based on the project specifications. - Ensure the design supports all specified components. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in multilayer mixed signal PCB design. - Proficient in selecting suitable MCUs. - Familiar with designing for environmental monitoring devices. Timeframe: The project is time-sensitive and needs to be completed within 3 days. Further details will be provide...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote (like UFS 3.0, eMMC, or microSD slot). ✔️ Compact, Thin PCB Design • Size: As small & slim as possible while fitting all components. • Layer Count: Must be cost-efficient (preferably 4-layer PCB, unless justified for more layers). • Cost Reduction: Use alternative cost-effective components without sacrificing quality. ? Alternative Components for Cost Reduction ? Microcontroller (MCU) / AI Chip: • ESP32-WROOM-32D (Low-cost, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth enabled) • Realtek RTL8720 (Alternative, lower power) • MediaTek MT2625 (Alternative with better power efficiency) ? Flash Storage Options: • Samsung UFS 3.0 256GB/512GB/1TB • Toshiba BiCS NAND (Cheaper Alternative) • eMMC 5.1 (Budget-friendly storage alternative) • M...

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    ...Dilleri (FBD & SCL) • Veri Blokları (DB) Kullanımı: Global ve Yerel değişkenler • HMI Panel Kullanımı: Butonlar, göstergeler, alarmlar • Analog Giriş ve Çıkışlar: Sıcaklık, seviye, basınç sensörleri • PID Kontrolü: Sıcaklık ve basınç kontrolü • Modbus ve Profinet Haberleşmesi • Interlock ve Sekans Mantığı • Fonksiyon Blokları (FB) ve Fonksiyonlar (FC) • PLC ile Endüstriyel Haberleşme (OPC, MQTT, SCADA Entegrasyonu) • Yedekli Sistemler ve Yedekli PLC Kullanımı • Gelişmiş Alarm Yönetimi ve Diagnostik Sistemler • Toplu İşleme ve Reçete Yönetimi • SQL Veri Tabanı ile PLC Entegrasyonu • Endüstri 4.0 ve IoT Uygulamaları • Robot Ente...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in STM32 MCU programming, specifically in handling communication protocols such as UART, I2C, SPI, and ETH. The project also involves PCB design and creation.

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Gebot i.D.
    20 Angebote

    I need a skilled developer to create a GUI for a TFT display connected to a Raspberry Pi or other SBC. You will have to plot eyewear frame data. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in Python or C# or - Have knowledge of UI/UX - Need a recommendation of SBC - Good skil of calculation to plot or modify the frame shape. - Previous experience ...display connected to a Raspberry Pi or other SBC. You will have to plot eyewear frame data. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in Python or C# or - Have knowledge of UI/UX - Need a recommendation of SBC - Good skil of calculation to plot or modify the frame shape. - Previous experience with Raspberry Pi and Raspbian - Knowledge of TFT displays - Need to connect raspberry pi CM4 or SBC to MCU via UART - Need to receive data...

    €1939 Average bid
    €1939 Gebot i.D.
    67 Angebote

    Title: IoT Developer for Scalable, Multi-Tenant, Open Source Greenhouse System (OpenRemote Focus - Built-in MQTT/Auto-Provisioning/OTA) Job Description: We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated IoT developer to contribute to the development of a sophisticated, multi-tenant, open-source, self-hosted, and Docker-deployable IoT solution for greenhouse management. This project leverages OpenRemote as its core platform, utilizing its built-in MQTT broker, auto-provisioning capabilities, OTA functionalities, and robust user/tenant management features for seamless device and user administration. We aim to build a system that can efficiently serve numerous greenhouse operators, each with their own isolated data and control. If you are passionate about building scalable, secure...

    €530 Average bid
    €530 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    ... 4. Intelligent Protocol Translation & Multiplexing Seamless communication conversion between ccTalk, MDB, Pulse/Mars, SSP and Parallel. Support for multiple devices at once, allowing: A bill acceptor on ccTalk while a credit card terminal is connected on Pulse/Mars. Multiple coin acceptors running different protocols simultaneously. 5. Microcontroller & Firmware Requirements High-performance MCU (STM32, ESP32, or similar) with multiple UARTs and GPIOs. Auto-detection & configuration of connected devices. Configuration via USB, Bluetooth, or WiFi for easy setup. 6. Connectivity & Debugging USB or Serial Port for debugging and device configuration. LED Indicators for power, communication status, and errors. Technical Specifications Feature Specification Power I...

    €1197 Average bid
    €1197 Gebot i.D.
    34 Angebote

    I need an expert in IoT software development and prototype design for a smart air purifier. The project involves several components: - Prototype Development: This includes industrial design, PCB, enclosure, and sensor in...involves several components: - Prototype Development: This includes industrial design, PCB, enclosure, and sensor integration. - Voice Assistant Integration: The purifier should be compatible with Alexa. - Mobile App Development: A comprehensive iOS & Android app for remote control, real-time monitoring, and notifications for air quality. - Cloud & IoT Connectivity: The device should connect using MQTT. - AI & Sensor Data Processing: Real-time analysis of air quality data. Please provide your capabilities, estimated timeline, and pricing for a fully...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    24 Angebote

    I'm looking for an expert in software and firmware development for a Datalogger that can analyze data and support CAN FD, Flexray, SPI and I2C protocols. The Datalogger should be built on an AURIX TC3 series MCU and can leverage open-source solutions where appropriate. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in firmware development for AURIX TC3 series - Experience with CAN FD, Flexray, SPI and I2C protocols - Software development skills for creating a Datalogger - Familiarity with open-source solutions The Datalogger will need a User Interface (UI) for interaction, so a background in UI design or user-friendly software development is a plus. Please only apply if you have a strong background in these areas.

    €343 Average bid
    €343 Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    I'm seeking an expert in ICSP programming to help install the built binaries onto PIC18xx target MCUs. The project includes two possible controllers for this purpose. The first and preferred option is using a Raspberry Pi 5 to program the target MCUs. The second option is using a PIC18F57Q84 MCU to program the target MCUs. Last but not desired using another MCU for this purpose. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Python for Raspberry Pi 5 and C for the PIC18F57Q84, as these will be the primary languages used for development. Key Requirements: * Extensive experience with PIC18 microcontrollers and ICSP programming * Strong proficiency in Python, with a focus on embedded systems programming * Strong proficiency in C, with a focus on embedded systems programming ...

    €424 Average bid
    €424 Gebot i.D.
    62 Angebote

    ...interface interactions and database structures. Later phases will involve code refinement for unit-testability and comprehensive unit testing. The Python program, while relatively simple, interacts with numerous interfaces, so clean coding and error resolution is key. Required Expertise: - Proficient in Postgres databases - Familiar with Prometheus or other timeseries databases - Experienced with MQTT interfaces - Knowledgeable in HTTP interfaces / Flask - Docker and Docker compose for deployment Communication Skills: - Excellent command of English, both written and spoken - Comfortable with live discussions and video calls, with a switched on camera Your role will evolve as the project progresses, requiring strong coding skills, and an ability to enhance interface reliabili...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gebot i.D.
    76 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a datalogger primarily focused on the Flexray, CAN FD, SPI and I2C communication protocol. This device will be crucial for monitoring and recording vehicle performance data. Key Requirements: - PCB schematic and layout - Main MCU Infineon AURIX TC3 seriess - Proficient in Flexray, CAN FD, SPI and I2C - Experience in designing dataloggers - Understanding of vehicle performance parameters - Ability to implement data monitoring and recording features Ideal candidates will have a strong background in automotive engineering and data logging technology.

    €465 Average bid
    €465 Gebot i.D.
    23 Angebote have experience with Modbus, RS485 communication, IoT, or energy management systems and want to be part of an ambitious and forward-thinking project, we’d love to hear from you! Let’s build the future of smart solar energy together. ? Bascially we are interested in hearing about your experiences and how/what you can offer to the team Looking forward to hear from u :) Required experiences: MQTT DATABASE (SUPABASE) MODBUS/RS485 FLUTTER C++ DART Bonus if you have experience with: Solar inverters General Energy infrastructure. We are looking to hire passionated staff for long time corporation....

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    We are a small MSP with our own Datacenter. We want to offer IOT solutions based on TTN (open-source Version), LoRA, and Home Assistant. We currently have TTN installed as a container and are receiving data from some test ...TTN server via the pre-built HA service. You must be fluent in English and able to work with our data centre engineer in the New Zealand time zone. We require help completing the setup of TTN and Home Assistant so that sensor data can flow and we understand how to configure instances in the future. Completion of this project: 1. Home Assistant can receive LoRa data from TTN via the pre-built MQTT integration. 2. Home Assistant dynamically adds new sensors as they become available from the TTN open-source server. 3. We understand how to configure additional...

    €340 Average bid
    €340 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    I'm looking for a programmer who can develop code for the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor using the CH32V003 MCU. The motor needs to turn +90 degrees at a speed of 15 RPM with a 2-second delay. Key Requirements: - The motor should be triggered by a button press. - If the button is pressed again while the motor is running, the press should be ignored. - The code should be written in C. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with C programming, particularly in embedded systems. - Knowledge of stepper motors, specifically the 28BYJ-48. - Familiarity with the CH32V003 MCU. - Ability to write efficient and reliable control code.

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    ...devices to the internet for real-time monitoring, automation, and data collection. Responsibilities: ? IIoT System Design & Development – Connect industrial devices via MQTT, Modbus, OPC-UA. ? Data Integration & Analytics – Ensure smooth data flow, collection, and analysis for optimization. ? Network Management – Configure and troubleshoot Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and cloud connectivity. ? Security & Automation – Implement cybersecurity best practices and automation solutions. ? Troubleshooting & Support – Provide technical assistance for hardware/software issues. Required Skills: ? IIoT Protocols & Cloud Platforms – AWS, Azure, MQTT, OPC-UA. ? Programming – Python, C++, Java for IoT applications. ? Embedded S...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    I'm...firmware developer with vast experience in optimizing IoT devices and enhancing features. The task involves working with a fully operational firmware along with complete source code. Key responsibilities: - Optimize battery usage and geolocation accuracy - Add new work modes and AT commands - Improve memory utilization Ideal candidate's expertise: - Advanced knowledge of ARM Cortex M0 and M3 MCU - Expert-level proficiency with Quectel modules: EG91, EG915, and BG95 - Experience with GNSS L76 module integration - Expertise in BLE and WiFi communication protocols This is an ongoing project, aimed at continually improving the current firmware while developing new features and functionalities. Payment will be milestone-based. Please only apply if you meet all the spe...

    €1040 Average bid
    €1040 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    ...Implemented block optimization to group consecutive registers, reducing Modbus requests by 65%. Resolved edge cases (e.g., 32-bit float parsing from two 16-bit registers, handling device timeouts). 2. Java Development Built a multi-threaded polling engine using Java Concurrency (Executors, CompletableFuture) for parallel register analysis. Integrated Apache Camel components for routing data flows (HTTP, MQTT) and handling Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs). Developed a custom Protocol Buffers schema for compact data serialization (50% smaller than JSON). 3. Apache Camel Integration Created Camel routes for dynamic polling configuration updates using BeanIO and Timer components. Implemented error handling with Dead Letter Channel and retry policies for Modbus communication f...

    €2333 Average bid
    €2333 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote

    Project: I have a device that uses an RF FG23 module from Silicon Labs, which transmits an FSK message at a frequency of 868MHz to a receiver that uses an si4463 module to receive the messages. I used a logic analyzer to connect to the SPI bus of the si4463 and intercepted the data transmitted by the si4463 to the MCU, including the device's shutdown command. This led to intercepting registers such as Frequency, Sync word, Bandwidth, etc. This information is necessary to create an over-the-air sniffer. What I expect from you is to create a sniffer with an si4463 receiver, such as (HC-12 si4463, E10-443MD-SMA, or even a CC1101 if you prefer), connected to an Arduino or an ESP32. This sniffer will need to be configured with the intercepted registers from the si4463. After the...

    €201 Average bid
    €201 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    We are looking for an experienced Kubernetes and MQTT expert to help us deploy a robust Mosquitto MQTT broker solution in our Kubernetes environment. The project involves the following key requirements: Key Deliverables: Deploy Mosquitto MQTT Broker Pods: Set up multiple Mosquitto MQTT pods in a Kubernetes cluster. Ensure scalability and high availability. Message Routing Application: Develop or integrate an application to handle message routing when the publisher and subscriber are connected to different pods. Guarantee that the message sequencing (order of messages) is preserved from publishing to subscription. Message Storage Pod: Deploy another set of pods responsible for storing MQTT messages in a database. Supp...

    €339 Average bid
    €339 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    ...checks scanned tags against color-specific JSON databases, and publishes results to a local MQTT broker (ioBroker). The system must include secure admin controls for tag management and run headlessly on Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit. Scope of Work 1. RFID Integration Read RFID tags via USB/UART at 115200 baud using the libmagicrf library or equivalent. Handle real-time tag scanning without blocking other processes. 2. JSON Tag Management Maintain separate JSON files for each color (e.g., , ). Example structure: json Copy { "tags": ["ABCD1234", "EFGH5678"], "last_updated": "2024-02-20" } Auto-update JSON files on Raspberry Pi startup. 3. MQTT Communication Publish to ioBroker MQTT broker (local IP) with payload: ...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    Overview: • Setup the Arduino framework for the py32f003 MCU. • Integrate and test the nRF24L01 module with the MCU. • Develop and build a working example program demonstrating communication via the nRF24L01. • Provide basic overview documentation of the setup and testing process. • Skills required: Embedded C Programming, Arduino IDE. • Timeline: Complete within one week. Published py32F003 nRF24L01 with RF24 library avilable. Link will be shared Deliverable: that the freelancer should either perform a remote setup of the final working project environment or provide a virtual image of the IDE environment with the working project.

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    I need a professional firmware developer who can create firmware for an ST8500 chip that communicates over Power Line Communication (PLC). The ST8500 will be interfacing with an ESP32-S3 MCU using UART. The primary objective of this firmware is to facilitate file transfer for initial boot. Therefore, the firmware should be capable of managing the transfer of PE and RTE image files, along with intercommunication with ESP32 for MQTT over IPV6 The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in firmware development, particularly for ST8500 chips. - In-depth understanding of PLC communication and UART interfacing. - Proficiency in managing file transfers within firmware. - Capability to support specific file formats, namely PE and RTE images. - Famili...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Gebot i.D.
    26 Angebote

    The specialist we are looking for is typically referred to as an IoT Solutions Architect or IoT Developer. This person would have expertise in customizing IoT platforms like ThingsBoard, configuring s...thresholds - ○ Overview tab: ■ Sensors map - ■ Sensors list (table + assign/unassign device functionality + search device) - ■ Alarms widget - ■ Temperature/moisture/humidity info cards - ○ Alarms tab: ■ Alarms list - ○ Analytics tab: ■ Charts - ■ Alarms tab: ● Alarms table - ■ Users tab: ● Users list (table + CRUD) - ● Devices list (table) - Farmer dashboard: ● Setup farmer dashboard - BE Total - ● MQTT integration - ● Create alarms by thresholds - ● Calculate alarms count for fields - ● Notification ○ SMS - ○ Email - ● Aggregate data for fields -

    €471 Average bid
    €471 Gebot i.D.
    61 Angebote

    I am looking for a freelancer with experience in working with the AC6955F audio chip to perform the following tasks: Design a PCB for the module, optimized for voice recording ... Test the module to ensure it functions correctly. Program the chip for voice recording and playback according to specific requirements. Provide the necessary firmware and software for operation. Deliver schematics, PCB design files, documentation, and support for programming and integration with other projects. Requirements: Experience with AC6955F or similar audio chips. Strong background in MCU programming and digital audio processing. Proficiency in PCB design using tools like Altium, KiCad, or Eagle. Ability to write clean, well-documented code. Preferably, experience in developing embedded audio app...

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    I'm in need of an experienced Embedded C/C++ Programmer to create an API for my Teltonika RUT956 4G router. The task involves taking binary data from the COM port, re-framing it and transmitting over two VPNs using the MQTT protocol. Key Requirements: - Familiarity with the Teltonika RUT956 4G router - Proficient in Embedded C/C++ - Experience with API development - Knowledgeable in using MQTT protocol for data transmission The serial data is binary and needs to be re-framed before transmission. The ideal candidate for this job should be able to work efficiently and deliver high-quality results. Looking forward to your bids.

    €4727 Average bid
    €4727 Gebot i.D.
    33 Angebote

    ...The current PCB measures 220mm x 152mm; the target size is 170mm x 90mm. The design should have more efficient signal flow while maintaining signal integrity. Key Requirements: - Removal of unused ICs, modules, and redundant power supply sections from the current PCB design - Redesigning the layout and routing to fit the new size and to enhance signal integrity - Maintaining sections for FPGA, MCU, ADC, Optical Laser, Photodiodes, and a connection to a 5-inch display in the simplified version - Keeping power supply sections intact Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PCB design software (e.g., Altium Designer, Eagle, KiCAD) - Extensive experience in reducing and simplifying PCB designs - Strong understanding of signal integrity and PCB layout design - Previous work with mult...

    €1239 Average bid
    €1239 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    I need a personal tutor to help me with my dissertation report which is focused on the following: 1) OpenHAB - How to add “Things” using the MQTT Broker 2) Mosquitto - Make sure it’s running properly 3) ESP32 Microcontroller - Connect it to OpenHAB 4) Arduino IDE - configuration of ESP32 to perform different functions It’s completely practical but can be done online thru a Zoom or Teams meeting. You need to have experience with Windows (NOT LINUX OR MAC). Thank you.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Gebot i.D.
    27 Angebote

    I need assistance configuring my Pi Pico W using C++. The primary goal is enabling Wi-Fi communication via the MQTT protocol with the Mosquitto broker with Node Red Interface. Key requirements: - Expertise in C++ programming, particularly for the Pi Pico W. - Proficient in setting up Wi-Fi communication on microcontrollers. - In-depth knowledge of the MQTT protocol. - Experience with the Mosquitto broker / Eclipse Mosquitto Please, only bid if you can fulfill these requirements, and I have really tight budget as I am a student. T_T

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote