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2,000 mfc dll example Jobs gefunden

...simbol (icon), kombinasi, atau lainnya. Pemilihan Warna dan Tipografi: Pilih warna yang sesuai dengan psikologi merek dan font yang relevan. 3. Eksekusi Desain Gunakan software desain profesional seperti Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, atau Canva Pro. Buat beberapa variasi desain agar klien bisa memilih. Pastikan desain fleksibel (dapat digunakan dalam ukuran besar maupun kecil, hitam-putih, dll.). 4. Feedback dan Revisi Presentasikan desain kepada klien dan kumpulkan masukan. Lakukan revisi hingga mencapai kesepakatan. 5. Finalisasi dan Penyerahan Siapkan file final dalam berbagai format (AI, EPS, PNG, JPG) dan ukuran. Berikan panduan penggunaan logo, seperti skala minimum, warna utama, dan elemen pendukung. 6. Pemasaran (Opsional) Jika diperlukan, bantu klien men...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Gebot i.D.
10 Angebote

I'm looking for an experienced developer to assist with my MFC legacy code. The project primarily involves adding new features and integrating with other systems. The new functionality will be predominantly centered around data processing and analysis. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing new functionalities within the existing MFC framework. - Ensuring smooth integration of the code with various systems. - Focusing on data processing and analysis capabilities. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have a strong background in MFC development. - Possess excellent skills in system integration. - Be proficient in data analysis and processing. - Have experience in adding features to legacy code. - Be capable of understanding and working with complex codebases. Your expertis...

€87 Average bid
€87 Gebot i.D.
3 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€2425 Average bid
€2425 Gebot i.D.
2 Angebote
logo design
Beendet left

logo design seperti logo olshop caffe dll.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Gebot i.D.
19 Angebote
desain logo
Beendet left

membuat desain logo untuk sebuah brand usaha dll The logo should have a modern minimalist style. The logo should feature a bold and vibrant color scheme. The brand is an e-commerce business. Include the initials of the brand in the logo. The brand specializes in fashion and apparel products. Please use a script font for the logo. The logo should appeal primarily to young adults. The brand initials should be centered in the logo design. The logo should be circular in shape. The logo should convey a sophisticated and elegant tone.

€539 Average bid
€539 Gebot i.D.
5 Angebote

Mendesain Differential Gear Untuk Aplikasi Stik Makanan (Konsep Dari User) Dear mekanik designer tentang project: Sy ada rencana membuat stik bbq 1. stik ini berputar otomatis 2. berputar otomatis karena digerkkan oleh beberapa gear 3. stik yg digerakkan oleh gear tipe differential. 4. contoh foto ...tentang project: Sy ada rencana membuat stik bbq 1. stik ini berputar otomatis 2. berputar otomatis karena digerkkan oleh beberapa gear 3. stik yg digerakkan oleh gear tipe differential. 4. contoh foto ada di attachment 5. Gear ini bergerak karena differential gear dan sepertinya ujung nya ada pulley dan motor 6. mengatur speed motor dari mana? Desain include 1. Material gear, motor, belt, stick dll yg bisa didapat dipasaran 2. Harga 3. kayu pencepit dan ujung nya berlubang 4. ...

€17 Average bid
€17 Gebot i.D.
6 Angebote

I'm looking for an experienced software developer to help enhance a third-party software through a small DLL project. The goal is to integrate this DLL with the software to improve its functionality. Key Responsibilities: - Development of a small DLL to enhance a third-party software. - Ensuring seamless integration of the DLL with the software. - Troubleshooting and resolving any issues that arise during the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in DLL development and integration with third-party software. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration.

€131 Average bid
€131 Gebot i.D.
27 Angebote

I'm experiencing frequent BSODs after injecting/mapping a DLL/driver made by a previous developer. This setup worked perfectly for three months without any issues but has since started causing problems. I have new version of the dll/driver but i couldnt get it injected correctly (so i am not sure if it will do bsod as the old one or no ), which is from the same developer as the original. I need an expert who can: 1. Identify and fix the BSODs issue 2. Successfully inject the new version of the driver without any issues. Please note: this work needs to be done on my computer remotely. I am unable to share files with anyone else.

€99 Average bid
€99 Gebot i.D.
15 Angebote

I am facing challenges in encrypting my NinjaTrader strategies using Agile.NET. Although I've managed to export the compiled assemblies (.dll) and utilize for encryption, I encounter compatibility issues when trying to load these encrypted strategies back into NinjaTrader. Key Challenges: 1. Configuring Exclusion Rules: I need help setting the correct exclusion rules in to ensure the encrypted code maintains NinjaTrader functionality. 2. Balancing Encryption Levels: I require assistance in determining appropriate encryption levels that safeguard my strategy code while still ensuring compatibility with NinjaTrader. 3. Resolving Errors: I frequently encounter constructor-related errors post-encryption that need troubleshooting. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Extensive experience

€129 Average bid
€129 Gebot i.D.
12 Angebote

I need an experienced programmer to debug my Python and VB.Net code which is supposed to access a DLL written in C. This DLL was previously compatible with VB6. I've attached the DLL, a file exemple handled by the DLL and the relevant code for all languages. - **Specific Issues**: The code is throwing runtime errors when executed. - **Code Evaluation**: Both Python and VB.Net code are causing these runtime errors. - **Error Analysis**: The root cause of these runtime errors seems to be incorrect parameter passing. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficient knowledge in Python and VB.Net - Experience working with DLLs and debugging runtime errors - Understanding of parameter passing in different programming languages Please only apply if...

€27 Average bid
€27 Gebot i.D.
8 Angebote

Project Description: I am looking for a designer to create a badge/stamp based on the provided example. The stamp will be used on a website to highlight the quality and popularity of a product. Requirements: The stamp must include the following German slogan: “Empfohlen von tausenden Käufern aus Deutschland und Österreich” The design must incorporate two flags: German flag Austrian flag The badge should be visually appealing, professional, and suitable for use on a website. Final files should be delivered in the following formats: PNG (with transparency), JPG, and a vector format (e.g., SVG or AI). Additional Information: I will provide an example design for inspiration. The badge should convey professionalism and trustworthiness to website visitors....

€28 Average bid
88 Einträge

Okay don't even bid don't even look at this if you don't have a window surface laptop or a Snapdragon laptop. Okay did you read what I just wrote? You mu...Snapdragon laptop so I can help you test but you need one too. I already figured out what file this is I'm going to send it to you. It's on your Windows surface laptop under system 32. I'm paying some money for someone to get me some more information on how that works because I'm going to have future bids where we're going to put more control and apis to plug into that and possibly to shim that dll. Meaning we're going to intercept calls to it and we're going to control whether it's even those functions or even used or not so you need to know dlls you need to have the surf...

€444 Average bid
€444 Gebot i.D.
18 Angebote

thank you for being here; Here is code Would appreciate if this could be done within 2 hours, and ideally we can keep the hourly budget to a maximum of $10. I'm hoping this can be a quick task, so that we can establish a good working relationship and potentially collaborate in the future. terraform apply runs If aws vars are ready “use them” and "run code" and "proceed" if not then check If vault vars are ready “use them” ” and "run code" and "proceed" If neither vault or aws vars exist then exit Would appreciate if this could be done within 2 hours, and ideally we can keep the hourly budget to a maximum of $10. I'm hoping this can be a quick task, so that we can establish a good working relationship...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Gebot i.D.
6 Angebote

Estou com problemas em compilar o programa Open source Cantera, para conseguir utilizar como biblioteca (.so ou .dll) preciso de assistência profissional.

€28 Average bid
€28 Gebot i.D.
2 Angebote

I'm seeking a specialist who can reverse engineer a Chinese application for code extraction. The primary aim is to repurpose the code, particularly focusing on the data processing modules. Key Tasks: - Reverse engineer a Chinese application to extract its code. - Convert DLL files into a readable and usable format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in reverse engineering applications. - Excellent knowledge of DLL file conversion. - Strong understanding of data processing modules. - Ability to repurpose code effectively. The code should be repurposed into Python.

€11 Average bid
€11 Gebot i.D.
4 Angebote

...sosial (durasi pendek dan menengah, 15 detik hingga 5 menit). Menambahkan animasi teks, transisi, dan efek menarik sesuai kebutuhan. Memastikan video memiliki resolusi dan kualitas yang optimal untuk platform digital. Berpengalaman dengan tools seperti Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, atau software sejenis. Desain Grafis: Membuat desain untuk keperluan promosi (poster, feed Instagram, banner, dll.). Mendesain elemen grafis sesuai dengan branding perusahaan. Berpengalaman menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, atau Canva. Revisi: Bersedia melakukan revisi jika diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil terbaik. Requirements: Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang editing desain dan video. Memiliki portofolio yang relevan untuk ditinjau. Komunikatif dan mampu bekerja sesuai deadline. ...

€270 Average bid
€270 Gebot i.D.
32 Angebote

I need one Page in Wordpress to be created from an example ! Urgent work only under 12 Hours , please dont bid when you can make it in this time ! Requirements: Rearranging content based on the provided template Adjusting font sizes and colors according to specific instructions Familiarity with web design platforms Elementor Effective communication and adherence to deadlines If you are interested and have the necessary skills, please send me a message with your portfolio and an estimate of the time required for completion. I look forward to your proposals! Price and Time !

€28 Average bid
€28 Gebot i.D.
97 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gebot i.D.
7 Angebote
desain logo -- 2
Beendet left

membuat desain logo untuk sebuah brand usaha dll

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gebot i.D.
14 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gebot i.D.
5 Angebote

I'm in need of a C# DLL that opens a form with an interactive HTML page. This page is designed with external CSS/JS and has various fields and checkboxes to be filled out. Key functionalities of the DLL include: 1. A "Save" button on the form that: - Stores the current progress in a new HTML file - Converts and saves the progress in a PDF as an audit trail, using WkHtmlToPdf 2. The ability for the saved HTML file to automatically load the last saved version for the user to continue from. The ideal freelancer for this project will have extensive experience with C#, DLL creation, and handling dynamic HTML pages with external CSS/JS. A strong understanding and prior use of the WkHtmlToPdf library for PDF generation is also crucial.

€177 Average bid
€177 Gebot i.D.
56 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€384 Average bid
€384 Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

I'm looking for a professional with DLL coding experience or someone who is skilled in modifying hardcoded game client .exe files. The task involves making a PC Gamebyro engine-based game client accept Chinese language input. Key Responsibilities: - Alter both text input and user interface to support Chinese language. - Implement changes in a way that allows for direct input into the game. - Ensure modifications are seamless and do not affect overall game performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in coding DLLs. - Extensive experience with modifying hardcoded game client .exe files. - Deep understanding of the Gamebyro engine. - Previous experience with PC game client modifications. - Knowledgeable about Chinese language input methods. - Strong problem-solving s...

€145 Average bid
€145 Gebot i.D.
7 Angebote

Membuat analisa engineeering untuk tiang monopole yang bisa di tilt down dengan beban diatas tiag monopole 50Kg, tolong buatkan perhitungan teknis, diameter pipa bagian, wind load dll.

€293 Average bid
€293 Gebot i.D.
4 Angebote

Project for YouTube Video Editing

€48 Average bid
€48 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Gebot i.D.
2 Angebote

Tiger logo like example with KUWA back of it The handle of the Kuwa will be in a reflective silver or silver. The handle tan or light gray. The head of the lion is similar to the picture- reflective black so to stand out on a black t-shirt.

€74 Average bid
€74 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Candidate must be very experienced in Windows MFC C++ programming in Visual Studio 2019. The project is to develop existing MFC data logging visualisation app 'DeltaLog' to update it and bug fix issues, including implementation of BCGControlBar Pro. List of requirements: • Use BCGControlBar Pro (provided) to replace MFC classes and update look and feel of windows/frames/borders and to enable tabbed windows • Activate track map window and plot GPS track bitmap • Allow mixing of y-axis for channels with same scaling • Add function to change plot order • Fix X-Y plot conditioning • Fix bug when some channels are not plotted  • Save/open desktop layout  • Fix maths wizard • Add sort by name/date etc. to open...

€1463 Average bid
€1463 Gebot i.D.
15 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

roblem Statement for a Manual Coffee Grinder Hario Skerton Plus Ceramic Coffee Grinder is designed for coffee enthusiasts who value the freshness of hand-ground beans, especially in outdoor settings like camping or hiking. While it is admired for its portable size and manual operation, eliminating the need for electricity, the grinder has several design vulnerabilities when it comes to outdoor utility. Key components of Hario Skerton Plus are displayed in Figure 1, showcasing its current design. It features a cylindrical body made from materials like ceramic for the burrs and a combination of steel and glass for the rest of the structure. Despite these sturdy materials, the grinder’s construction presents issues during transport; its components are sensitive to damage, and the ...

€68 Average bid
€68 Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

Create an original graphic design based on the provided reference image, featuring a wine bottle and glass silhouette. The design will be cut out of metal and must meet specific aesthetic and technical requirements. Shape: The design should closely resemble a wine bottle and glass with accurate proportions and a refined silhouette. Line Weight: Lines must be bold and consistent, suitable for metal cutting. Intersections: Slight radius or curves at line intersections to ensure durability and manufacturing feasibility. Dimensions: Maximum width of 16 inches, with height proportionally scaled to match. Final graphic is delivered as a PDF file. The design should be black on a white background for easy CAD integration.

€18 Average bid
82 Einträge

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€21 Average bid
€21 Gebot i.D.
12 Angebote

Experienced MFC c++ programmer only - remote work on my computer - I have sources but I can't share them, - best today - today 1-2h What is the task: I add a third-party MW UI window to my program, which is displayed in modal mode, and it has various buttons that can hide it and control can temporarily return to the main window, unfortunately the main window is frozen and control does not return to it. I know how to make the MW UI window disappear, but I don't know how to return to the main window control, when it is created it passes the handle to the parent: int Lesson07::Start(mwCurvArray curveArray, mwSurfArray surfArray, CWnd* pParentWnd) - we can try to determine at the beginning whether the MW UI window can be created in non-modal mode, then try to close it, and w...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gebot i.D.
16 Angebote

...custom virtual OPOS driver. Configure the file to match the scale's settings: Port: COM2 Baud Rate: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 2. Middleware Development: Develop middleware to read data from the scale (serial communication). Ensure proper parsing of weight data from the scale's output. 3. Driver Registration: Register the compiled virtual OPOS driver (DLL) with Windows using the registry: Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREOLEforRetailServiceOPOSControlAssemblies 4. Integration with LS Retail: Configure LS Retail to use the virtual OPOS driver as a scale device. Perform tests to ensure the scale inputs are processed correctly by the POS. 5. Deployment: Convert the middleware into a Windows Service for continuous operation. ...

€148 Average bid
€148 Gebot i.D.
16 Angebote

I need an experienced MFC c++ programmer to adapt my application to use an external library provided by an external MW UI provider. My program is based on OpenCascade, i.e. 3D graphic operations, but that is not important here. The application has a menu, and after pressing the button void COCCViewerDoc::OnModuleMW() I create a class and in it the class of the MW UI graphic interface window. This class of theirs uses the Visitors programming pattern. This MW UI class has various parameters and also registers internal event handlers, e.g. it also has its own buttons and you can attach certain classes to them that inherit class SampleInteractor : public mwParamInteractor - and e.g. in this I inserted displaying a message: ::MessageBoxA(NULL, "Edit Drive ...", "Edit ...

€148 Average bid
€148 Gebot i.D.
18 Angebote

...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...

€37 / hr Average bid
€37 / hr Gebot i.D.
9 Angebote

Hello, i need to translate a IDA Pseudocode / ASM from IDA to Python from a dll function to python. Its a function, that decrypt some date from an encoded input file. Attached is the Pseudocode and ASM from IDA, the original DLL and a python file where I tryed to convert the function myself and 4 other functions that are used bei the mein decryption funcion (4 other works 99% correctly). Also attached an encrypted xml file for working with this to decrypt. I have no sample decrypted file, because the function in DLL hidden exists, but is never used by any program.

€390 Average bid
€390 Gebot i.D.
14 Angebote
Rejo makmor
Beendet left

Jual material untuk rumah:pasir,batubata,gendeng,dll

€231 Average bid
€231 Gebot i.D.
1 Angebote

Saya sedang membangun website media nasional. Sedang mencari bagian seo spesialis Fokus utama: 1. Membantu menaikkan artikel masuk ke discover/google news 2. Memasukkan peta ...share artikel ke seluruh sosial media untuk jadi trending/fyp 5. Meningkatkan ranking website dengan konten yang sudah kami sediakan Fokus dasar/basic 1. Paham SOAP SEO Terkini, Paham Membaca Algoritma Google 2. Melakukan Keyword Research 3. Mengoptimalkan Struktur Website 4. Bisa Membuat Backlink 5. Paham menggunakan alat-alat seo seperti kw finder, ahref, ubbersuggest, semrush, dll 6. Pengetahuan tentang SILO SEO 7. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang HTML, CSS dan Javascript Jika berminat silahkan langsung hubungi kontak = enol delapan sembilan lima - tiga dua enam lima - empat empat dua...

€45 Average bid
€45 Gebot i.D.
20 Angebote

Saya mencari pengembang Frontend dan Backend penuh waktu yang berdedikasi untuk membuat situs jejaring sosial yang dinam...Autentikasi pengguna terutama akan dilakukan melalui email dan kata sandi. Oleh karena itu, pengalaman dalam mengembangkan sistem otentikasi yang aman dan andal sangat penting. Keterampilan dan pengalaman yang ideal: - Pengalaman yang terbukti dalam pengembangan full-stack, terutama dalam membuat situs jejaring sosial - Kemahiran dalam teknologi frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, dll.) dan teknologi backend (Node.js, Python, Ruby, dll.) - Pengalaman dalam membangun sistem otentikasi pengguna - Keterampilan pemecahan masalah yang sangat baik dan perhatian terhadap detail - Kemampuan untuk bekerja penuh waktu dan memenuhi tenggat waktu proyek Saya menantik...

€40 Average bid
€40 Gebot i.D.
10 Angebote

I'm looking for a skilled developer to complete a VC++ project that involves both audio and video processing. The primary focus is on ensuring high-quality output. The project will be developed as a Windows application, so expertise in this area is crucial. Key Requirements: - Proficient in VC++, with extensive experience in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Skilled in using Visual Studio and MFC - Familiarity with ffmpeg is a must - Prior experience in audio and video processing is preferred - Able to deliver high-quality output consistently - Knowledge of DirectShow or Media Foundation for multimedia applications. The expected timeline for completion is 1 month. The project is intended to be used as a component in a media player application.

€295 Average bid
€295 Gebot i.D.
5 Angebote

I need help creating written examples in the format of an informative report. Ideal candidates should have experience in report writing and can create engaging, informative content. Please note, I will provide a perfect example and you will learn from it. Your task will be to: - Generate written examples in the format of an informative report - Ensure the examples are not similar to AI generated content Skills Required: - Excellent written communication - Report writing experience - Ability to create engaging content

€224 Average bid
€224 Gebot i.D.
28 Angebote

We need the attached 8 decal images put into a photo collage, like the one we had previously created (image attached) Simple Project.

€9 Average bid
78 Einträge

I'm seeking a professional who can conduct both static and dynamic analysis on a DLL file to detect malicious strings. Key Responsibilities: - Perform both static and dynamic analyses on the DLL file to detect any malicious activities. - Specifically check for keyloggers and ransomware. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using disassemblers and Hex Editors for static analysis. - Experience in dynamic analysis. - In-depth understanding of keyloggers and ransomware signatures. - Previous experience working with DLL files. Please ensure to provide a detailed report of your findings.

€161 Average bid
€161 Gebot i.D.
16 Angebote

I'm facing a critical issue on my Windows Server 2012. I cannot load the resource dll: Replres.RLL. Furthermore, my local PC is unable to connect to the server. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in troubleshooting Windows Server 2012 issues - Familiarity with and its usage - Experience in fixing server connectivity problems - Knowledge in using and repairing Windows Server 2012 features and applications - Skills in optimizing server performance and reliability Timely resolution of this issue is important to minimize downtime. Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can provide a quick solution. No recent changes or updates were made to the server. I have already attempted basic troubleshooting steps with no success.

€39 Average bid
€39 Gebot i.D.
6 Angebote

interior design untuk hotel tersebut akan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan keinginan si pembeli dll

€417 Average bid
€417 Gebot i.D.
6 Angebote