Logo design bid letter sample Jobs
I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing I am testing
Ich möchte eine Pay per Bid Auktionsseite nach dem Vorbild von Swoop usw. Die Seite kann gerne identisch aufgebaut sein, sodass eigentlich nicht Viel Arbeit entsteht. Design sollte sich jedoch etwas abheben, ich würde es schön finden Wenn das Design in die Richtung von Apple IOS 7 geht also Simple Zeichen und für jedermann verständlich, Der Log-In bereich über Facebook oder normal. Ich habe mal ein paar merkmale angehängt die ich gerne in der App hätte: Der letztbietende Teilnehmer erhält den Zuschlag, wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist. Hier eine Auflistung in Stichpunkten: • Anmelden mit Bestätigungs Link • Coins kaufen im Mitglieder Bereich • Gutschein System • Integrierter Bietagent • Biete...
Hello Since the conversion of the database MySQL version 5.3 on 5.4, 5.5 , 5.6 , I ...again 100 % working. On the pages : -Registration , -Login , -New Password request I would like to headers , footers , -bar_search field , -MenuBar , logo taken out , but as I said only the three sites above . Hallo seit der Umstellung von der Datenbank mysql Version 5.3 auf 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 habe ich nur noch Fehlermeldungen und der Shop funktioniert nicht mehr richtig. Hier müssten die Fehlermeldungen behoben werden so das der Shop wieder 100% funktioniert. Auf den Seiten: -Registrierung, -Login, -Neues Passwort Anfordern hätte ich gerne den -header, -footer, -bar_search field, -MenuBar, -Logo herausgenommen, aber wie gesagt nur auf den drei...
Hallo seit der Umstellung von der Datenbank mysql Version 5.3 auf 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 habe ich nur noch Fehlermeldungen und der Shop funktioniert nicht mehr richtig. Hier müssten die Fehlermeldungen behoben werden so das der Shop wieder 100% funktioniert. Auf den Seiten: -Registrierung, -Login, -Neues Passwort...seit der Umstellung von der Datenbank mysql Version 5.3 auf 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 habe ich nur noch Fehlermeldungen und der Shop funktioniert nicht mehr richtig. Hier müssten die Fehlermeldungen behoben werden so das der Shop wieder 100% funktioniert. Auf den Seiten: -Registrierung, -Login, -Neues Passwort Anfordern hätte ich gerne den -header, -footer, -bar_search field, -MenuBar, -Logo herausgenommen, aber wie gesagt nur auf den drei o...
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! the Pictures are just a sample. ### ENGLISH ###### # 1. The website is intended to be distributed "test products" to users and to obtain a blog article in return. # 2. The user should be able to register and Login. After Login the user gets insight on the existing products and can modify their profile and password. # 3. The user can apply for products which they would like to test. # 4. Under "Applications" to see what the status of his application is the user. (Accepted / Rejected / Not Accepted) # 5. If the application has been accepted, this product should now appear under "My Products". # 6. Under "My Products" will be available as the status (not sent yet / sent) # 7. After it has been sent, is to be th...
...Postversand) Bei Kontaktaufnahme werden wir Ihnen die Anforderungen anhand konkreter Beispiele näher spezifizieren. We need to build an Escort Directory with the usual functionalities, Search Criterias, Portfolios should be easily updatable, Kill the profile automatically after a time threshold has been reached like 30,60,90 Days, Payfunctionalities, etc after getting in contact you will get sample websites which have the functionalities we need. ...
...zu beziehen. Ich denke vorprogrammiert. Deswegen bitte zuerstmal die Beispiel-Apss einsehen. Ich suche ebenso einen der nicht mit der Stechuhr abrechnet und eher unbürokratisch ist und vielleicht auch eine andere Form der Beteiligung in Betracht zieht (Geschäftspartner/beteilgung/eigene Softwarenutzung) Infoseite zur API: Beispiel Java-App: Also von deren API kann man einen Kurs-Datenstream beziehen. Sagen wir mal die Kursdaten vom DAX. Die Java-Software soll diese Daten dann nach einer bestimmten Formel (einfache Mathematik) umrechnen. Wenn dann insgesamt 5 Bedingungen eintreten, soll über die API ein Kauf gesendet werden. Treten jetzt wiederum andere Bedingungen ein soll über die API ein Verkauft gesendet werden.
Auf der Suche nach einem deutschen Muttersprachler eine Audio-Datei, in der alle Zahlen von 1 bis 100 sind langsam und clealry ausgeprägt zu erfassen. Beigefügt sind zwei Beispieldatei aus dem Gegenwert in Niederländisch (Nummern 27 und 43). Die Audio-Datei...langsam und clealry ausgeprägt zu erfassen. Beigefügt sind zwei Beispieldatei aus dem Gegenwert in Niederländisch (Nummern 27 und 43). Die Audio-Datei kann beispielsweise mit der kostenlosen Software Audacity aufgenommen werden. -------------------------- Looking for a native German speaker to record an audio file in which all numbers from 1 to 100 are slowly and clealry pronounced. Attached are 2 sample file from the equivalent in Dutch (numbers 27 and 43). The audio file can for example be reco...
Topic: Technical equipment Language combination: DE-PL CAT tool: yes (prefered Trados) Volume: approx. 2,700 words (11 % repetitions) Deadline for translation: 19.1.2015 9 a.m. Sample tekst: Bei ungünstigen Eingriffsverhältnissen entstehen beim nachlaufenden Abstützen manchmal Vielecke. Lassen sich diese nicht beseitigen durch Wahleines anderen Drehzahlverhältnisses zwischen Schleifscheibe und Werkstück, dann sollte der Eingriffspunkt des mittleren Backens verändert werden. Entweder durch einen Backen mit anderem Neigungswinkel, oder durch Neigen der gesamten Lünette am Sockel. Siehe auch Kapitel:Tipps zur Qualitätsverbesserung. Required software: TRADOS. Deadline: 19.1.2015 9:00
[German] [1920*1080 Auflösung] (Digital Painting) Hallo, ich suche jemanden, der für meine Website 4 Bilder malt. 4 Wirklich schnelle Bilder, es müssen keine aufwendigen Bilder sein. Meine Website ist so aufgebaut, dass sie ein "Titelbild" hat, dann eine Seite mit einem Shop (Die Icons müssen nicht gemalt werden) Daraufhin eine Hilfese...Hello, I am looking for someone who paint 4 „background images“ for my website. 4 not really complex images. My Website structur is: First a Cover, then a Page with a Shop after that a help page and at the ending a page with a blank blackboard or something like a blackboard. (Look at the Imgae) My Website is/will be a One Page Website. The 4 images should go in the dirction oft the „sample Image...
...sich damit auskennt. ich kann die Schriftart und ein bereits erstelltes Webfontkit als Vorlage zur Verfügung stellen das funktioniert. ---------- englisch ---------- hi, I need a webfontkit created from a font. the font is not supported from my webfontkit creator but I was told that you can create that by hand. I will deliver the font as well as a webfont-kit that works on my website as a sample...
Website content writing in German Language for IT Consulting Company 1. We need 130-150 words content per each service that will be provided 2. Attached is a sample content format the way we want it to be 3. You are asked to write a page title for that service that the content is for; title cannot be more than 70 characters in length 4. All service contents will be in one single word document and services will be separated with the number symbol as so: ########################### 5. List of the services are provided in a separate word document 6. Each service will have four (4) keywords at the bottom of each service content and 2 sentences or 4 phrases of description in the meta data section 7. You need to identify the most popular keywords for that service that you wri...
PHP Pro Bid Auktion Einbinden von Google Maps im Shop, und Rückwerts-Auktion Standort und Zielort in der fertigen Anzeige Speichern lassen, und in der Datenbank ablegen. Teilweise wurde hier schon angefangen 80 % sind schon fertig. Wer bekommt zum Schluss der Auktion die Rechnung hier muss dem System gesagt werden wer die Rechnung bekommt ist auch schon angefangen worden 80 % fertig Anlegen von 4 Benutzergruppen im Admin Bereich muss noch nachgebessert werden hier stimmen die Einstellungen noch nicht einige Tabellen fehlen noch bei der Auflistung der Rechnungsseite. Ist auch schon zu 80 % fertig. Flaggen für die Länder einfügen. Dann noch eine Suche Nach: Standort und Zielort. AUKTIONFELDER VERWALTUNG hier muss in der Kategorie die Rückwer...
Ich brauche Änderungen in folgenden Modulen: google-maps-mod in diesem Modul wird der Standort des Artikels Angezeigt. Was ich hier brauche ist noch der Endpunkt und die Daten der Route. Also Standpunkt / Endpunkt Distanz Km 150 diese Funktion soll in Custom Auction Fields Management In alle Formulare Side, Shop, Rückwerts und später im fertigem Formular Angezeigt werden Von Standpunkt, Endpunkt, Distanz Km 150. Dann brauche ich in user-defined-auction-fields folgende änderung: Hier hätte ich gerne noch die Funktion das ich die Felder in die Rückwerts Auktion einfügen kann. Das Modi sollte dann die Felder in Side, Shop, Rückwerts Auktion setzen können. Dann brauche ich Anmelder in Kategorien, Standard ist Privat und eine ...
ein übersetzungsprojekt wie besprochen.
I need addresses in an excel list! Name, Address, Post zip, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail and Homepage (the list hast been to select) for this Links: http://www.kli... This should be a table in Exel. Please only offer if you are able to do this! IMPORTANT: Please send me a sample in advance! Thank`s Jules
I need addresses in an excel list! Name, Address, Post zip, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail and Homepage (the list hast been to select) for this Links: http://www.kli... This should be a table in Exel. Please only offer if you are able to do this! IMPORTANT: Please send me a sample in advance! Thank`s Jules
Für unseren exklusiven Investment Letter, pecunia roadmap24 NAVI (), suchen wir kompetente und erfahrene Partner für den deutschlandweiten Vertrieb. Bei unserem Produkt handelt es sich um ein Online-Magazin. Für jeden akquirierten Leser erhält der Vertriebspartner eine monatliche Erfolgsprovision solange dieser Leser unser Produkt bezieht in Höhe von 20% des jeweils aktuellen Verkaufspreises. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahmen unter: 069 - 87 205 508 und 069 - 872 054 99
*this position is for german-speaking freelancers only* Hi, ich suche nach jemandem, der eine Liste mit Jobs fuer Software Entwickler/Software Engineers (Fokus C++ oder Java) in Deutschland erstellt, die auf Teilzeit- oder 75%-Basis liegen (als...Contractor. Der einfachste Weg hierzu duerfte das Durchsuchen von Webseiten wie etc sein. Das ganze sollte in ein Sheet wandern mit - Firma - Office Location - Link zum Job - Gehalt (falls angegeben) - Stundenzahl (falls angegeben) Zur Verifizierung bitte bei der Gebotangabe "ich spreche deutsch" angeben. Das Sheet muss nicht alle Jobs umfassen, mir reicht ein repraesentatives Sample von ca. 50 Stellen (von mehr als einer Quelle/Jobboerse), daher habe ich es mal als Micro-Projekt eingetragen, bin aber budgetmaessig...
Suche nach eine deutsch stimme für eine circa 30sec lange online werbung. Es sind genau 5 kurze sätze. Bitte nur ernsthafte angebote!!! Budget:US $50 Maxium. Sample Links Bitte.
I need addresses in an excel list! Name, Address, Post zip, Telephone, E-Mail and Homepage (the list hast been to select) for this Links: to select) for this Links: This should be a table in Exel. Please only offer if you are able to do this! IMPORTANT: Please send me a sample in advance! Thank YOU!
CakePHP Mentor/-in gesucht, der/die mit mir gemeinsam eine Beispielanwendung (Konzept vorhanden) programmiert und mir dabei die Programmierung mit CakePHP zeigt. Ein wichtiger Aspekt wäre für mich - neben Sicherheit und Authentifikation vor allem der Einsatz von jQuery im Framework. Kenntnisse in OOP PHP und MySQL sind vorhanden. Looking for CakePHP mentor to develop with me together a sample application and shows me the Programming with CakePHP. An important aspect for me would be - in addition to security and authentication the use of the jQuery framework. I have good Knowledge of OOP PHP and MySQL.
DotNet Tester required to test and create videos explaining ex... User emailid- userany444@gmail.c Password- kaspersky Basic functionalities of explained in below link- The work given to previous developer explained in below link videos- Sample video links explaining errors in developer's done-work is below-
I need a professional CV rewrite that is optimized for ATS. I am a senior executive targeting the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and McKinsey. I need two versions of my CV: 1. One specifically tailored for McKinsey 2. Another version for other companies which includes an extended and a short version, as well as a presentation letter. Key skills to highlight: - Leadership and management - Strategic planning - Data analysis and problem solving Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with CV writing and editing - Understanding of ATS optimization - Knowledge of the BCG application process - Excellent writing and communication skills
I’m looking for someone to create Math questions based on past papers for mock exams, as well as topic-by-topic booklets. if you feel confident with coming up with/creating questions like these, please let me know sample file is attached original sample please no copy paste or replicas. Note: You will need a basic understanding of logical statements (e.g., converse, inverse, contrapositive) Additionally, please note that ChatGPT (version 01) cannot produce questions that meet the requirements.
Get this sample code running and debugging in a Docker container using in VS Code and .NET 8, on my Mac. Will need a Docker files created which start up the .NET container and the RabbitMQ container. I may need a screenshare to help me get it up and running. I'm new to VS Code.
I'm looking for someone to apply for Data related roles on LinkedIn on my behalf, using my resume and cover letter. Key Responsibilities: - Targeting specifically Data related roles. - Utilizing my resume and cover letter for applications. - Seeking opportunities primarily in data science - No specific companies in mind, open to all. Ideal skills for this job include: - Familiarity with the Data Engineering field. - Proficiency in LinkedIn job applications. - Strong understanding of Big Data processing. - Excellent communication skills to represent me effectively.
...worksheet within the spreadsheet. - Type of Data: The extraction will only pertain to text data. - Structure: The text data in the PDFs is well-organized with clear sections, making the extraction process straightforward. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficient in data entry and spreadsheet management - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with PDF data extraction I have attached a sample PDF document and Spreadsheet with the first section of data already extracted from the PDF into the relevant worksheet. I have also created a video demonstrating what is required: :v:/g/personal/ceo_kurrajongnursinghome_com/EWhs_Gxl8zFIn42gq0CSv18BnrEmd1xb1HHyr2P8vA5eBg?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzI
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...started with having my ADA Rights and Civil Rights violated by a Hilton hotel. I have the legal justification for a federal claim but have past the statute of limitations because of trying to settle outside of court. My original demand letter was for $195k and I signed a contract at the last minute to settle for just $3k, which doesn't cover the $10k in legal fees I have already paid. The hotel has 7 days to pay me in September and to date hasn't. I received email confirmation that they were going to pay but they never did. I wrote a new demand letter informing them of my intent to file for $12,500 for breech of contract and emotional distress for the whole situation. I originally was denied access to PAY for an upgrade from a pet friendly room to a suite s...
(Lowest bid with Highest rating will get project) I'm looking for a professional WordPress developer to create a static website for my home improvement business. Key Features: - The website's primary function will be to showcase our services, which include kitchen remodeling, roof repairs, and other related offerings. - It should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and responsive to different devices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in WordPress development - Strong understanding of website design principles - Previous work with similar service-oriented websites is a plus.
I need a seasoned legal professional to draft a job offer letter for a role in our UK private equity firm. The letter should be comprehensive, legally compliant, and tailored to our firm's standards. Key aspects to include: - Understanding of and adherence to UK employment law - Incorporation of non-compete clauses, termination conditions, and confidentiality agreements - No reference to probationary period terms Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in legal drafting, particularly with employment contracts - In-depth knowledge of the private equity sector in the UK - Exceptional attention to detail and ability to customize the letter based on our firm's standards
...transaction process, addressing any issues or delays promptly. Maintain meticulous records and follow up to ensure smooth deal closures. What We’re Looking For We value creativity, organization, and professionalism. The ideal candidate will: Have excellent communication skills (both written and verbal). Be confident making outbound calls and thrive on building connections. Possess a knack for design and marketing (experience with Canva and Constant Contact is a plus). Demonstrate exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail, especially when coordinating transactions. Be self-motivated and excel in a remote environment. Have interest or experience in real estate (wholesaling or transaction coordination experience is a bonus!). Why Join Us? Flexible, Remote Posi...
I'm starting a clothing line, "Zero Losses Clothing", which embodies the philosophy that we never truly lose, only win or gain lessons from our experiences.I need a modern, simple yet striking logo that features a two letter representation of this philosophy - 'ZL'. The logo should predominantly reflect a bold, impactful and sophisticated style, with a dash of elegance. Key Requirements: - Design a two letter logo (ZL) - Style: Bold, impactful, elegant, sophisticated - Color: Bright and vibrant colors - Primary Use: Printed merchandise Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Logo creation - Understanding of brand philosophy - Experience with designs for printed merchandise
...energy. 2. Tagline Integration: • Include the phrase “Who Will You TAG?” in smaller, sleek text, positioned creatively beneath or beside the logo to emphasize the community aspect. • Use a contrasting but complementary font for the tagline to distinguish it without overpowering the main logo. 3. Total Access Golf: • Spell out “Total Access Golf” clearly beneath or integrated with “TAG.” • Use clean, minimalist typography to balance out the boldness of “TAG.” • Explore a different texture, like a metallic or brushed steel look, for added depth. Design Style: 1. Golf Element Integration: • Subtle icons: A golf ball or tee could replace a letter or be subtly incorporated into...
I require a seasoned React.js developer to enhance the user interface of my existing application, focusing specifically on improving its responsive design. You're welcome to join as a developer, and you can work part-time or full time, all remotely. MVP v1 project on here: Once you've had a chance to check the project out, please apply with the letter of "Connect Wallet" button's color at the project. Thank you.
I am looking for a talented artist to create a digital mural for a wallpaper. The mural should feature phrases that encourage imagination and reading. Examples of message for the mural are attached. Example phrases - "A book is a dream that you hold in your h...Heroic – Heroico 7. Thrilling – Apasionante 8. Imaginative – Imaginativo 9. Inspire – Inspirar 10. Adventure – Aventura 11. Enchanting – Encantador 12. Funny – Divertido 13. Whimsical - Caprichoso 14. Heartwarming - Reconfortante 15. Mischievous - Travieso 16. Silly - Tonto / Chistoso 17. Colorful - Colorido in the upper left corner of the mural it must have a signature with the font matched to the sample provided - "Mimi's Corner" Mural dimensions are: 8.5 fe...
I am seeking a professional query letter writer with experience in the fiction and fantasy genre. My manuscript targets adult readers and is ready for submission to literary agents. - Ideal Skills: Exceptional writing, understanding of query letters, knowledge of the fantasy genre, experience with adult fiction - Requirements: A well-crafted query letter that showcases the manuscript's appeal to agents and its potential in the market.
I am seeking a professional query letter writer with experience in the fiction and fantasy genre. My manuscript targets adult readers and is ready for submission to literary agents. - Ideal Skills: Exceptional writing, understanding of query letters, knowledge of the fantasy genre, experience with adult fiction - Requirements: A well-crafted query letter that showcases the manuscript's appeal to agents and its potential in the market.
...Must be customizable for different employee names, phone numbers, and other contact details. Should reflect EB Profix LLC’s branding: professionalism, trustworthiness, and expertise in dental equipment repair. Include space for logo, tagline, and contact information. Flyers Template A versatile design for advertising promotions, services, or seasonal offers. Editable sections for images, headings, text, and call-to-action buttons (for example: "Call Today for a Free Consultation!" or "Expert Dental Equipment Repair"). Should fit both print and digital formats (A4 or letter size). Social Media Templates (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) At least 3 different designs per platform (cover photos, posts, and story templates). Customizable text la...
I have a 9-second MP4 video clip that requires a face swap and some text to be added. The face of Wonder Woman in the clip, needs to be replaced with the new face. The new face belongs to a woman ...be added. The face of Wonder Woman in the clip, needs to be replaced with the new face. The new face belongs to a woman who wears glasses, and it's crucial that the glasses remain on her face when the face replacement is completed. I want the face swap to be highly realistic. The text needs to be plain and correctly positioned to match the perspective of the briefcase, according to a provided sample mock-up. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in video editing software - Experience with realistic face swapping - Ability to match text perspective accurately - Previous work...
I'm seeking a graphic designer who can create an elegant and classic logo for my serviced accommodation business 'Signature Lodgings'. The logo should be suitable for various applications such as letter headings, leaflets, social media and other advertising means Key Requirements: - Modern, minimalist, classic and elegant design approach. - Use of colours. - Incorporation of the company name into the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and logo creation. - Strong understanding of color theory, particularly with pastel shades. - Experience in designing classic and elegant logos. - Portfolio showcasing modern and minimalist design styles.
The service catalog A corresponding bid proposal template 3 fold brochure
Hi Developers, Please read this carefully before sending...Branch User app (to manage orders and operations). o Delivery app (for drivers). 6. UI/UX Design: o A clean, modern, and user-friendly design is required. o Mobile Friendly 7. WordPress-Based Solution: o Use WordPress as the base platform, with easy-to-manage CMS features and a page builder for quick, code-free edits. o Hybrid Apps Important: Please confirm the following in your proposal: • Your ability to meet the $500 budget. • A detailed list of functionalities you will include. • The estimated timeline for delivery. • Samples of your previous work using WordPress or similar solutions. Thank you for understanding the importance of adhering to the budget. I look forward to seeing your proposal a...
...highlight product features, how to use the product, and included items. Create visually appealing composite images showcasing all product variants. Ensure all images are engaging, informative, and aligned with branding guidelines. Collaborate with the team to understand product details and specific image requirements. Requirements: Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for e-commerce platforms like Amazon. Proficiency in design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or equivalent software. Strong understanding of Amazon's image requirements (e.g., white background, image size, and format). Ability to add text, icons, and graphic elements to images in a way that enhances their appeal and clarity. Attention to detail and ability to produce high-quality...
We are seeking skilled Greek voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 3 hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and ...artists who can meet the above-mentioned technical standards. Usage Rights: The recorded samples will be used exclusively to train and improve our AI model. They will not be used for commercial audio reproduction, distribution, or as standalone copyrighted content. This project focuses solely on developing a high-quality AI model, ensuring your voice is only used for training. PLEASE PROVIDE SAMPLE RECORDINGS THAT MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS ALONG WITH YOUR APPLICATION. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING...
I'm looking for a talented professional who can convert my ready 3D models, available in formats like 3ds or sat, to .glb format for interactive 3D display on my website (for example by Visody). The ideal candidate should be skilled in both photo rendering and 3D model conversion - the product models are mainly made of stainless steel. Key r...Convert high-quality, detailed 3D models into .glb format. - Apply realistic textures to the models. - Ensure the models are of high detail for close-up views. Experience with creating interactive 3D displays and applying realistic textures is crucial. The goal is to have these models ready for close-up viewing on my website, so attention to detail and a commitment to quality are essential. A sample of the attached model can be sent to...