Load activex Jobs
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NUR Deutschsprachige Entwickler gesucht!! Ich brauche einen Freelancer mit Spezialisierung auf Woocommerce Custom PHP Plugin. Wir haben bereits ein Plugin entwickeln lassen und brauchen jetzt für einzelne Mini Jobs Verstärkung zur Überarbeitung und Debugging. Mini Jobs (each € 100,-): - Alle gebuchten Kunden in Custom Crewlist (Load all booked customers into custom crewlist in product backend - Das Layout der Boote im Backend Produkt verbessern (create proper layout for custom boat layout in product backend) - Weitere Boote hinzufügen create additional customs boats - Custom Order Emails von Woocommerce Debugging - Weitere Bugs ausbessern Ideal skills and experience for this job: - DEUTSCH mind. C1 - Proficiency in Woocommerce and WordPress - Strong knowl...
NUR Deutschsprachige Entwickler gesucht!! Ich brauche einen Freelancer mit Spezialisierung auf Woocommerce Custom PHP Plugin. Wir haben bereits ein Plugin entwickeln lassen und brauchen jetzt für einzelne Mini Jobs Verstärkung zur Überarbeitung und Debugging. Mini Jobs (each € 100,-): - Alle gebuchten Kunden in Custom Crewlist (Load all booked customers into custom crewlist in product backend - Das Layout der Boote im Backend Produkt verbessern (create proper layout for custom boat layout in product backend) - Weitere Boote hinzufügen create additional customs boats - Custom Order Emails von Woocommerce Debugging - Weitere Bugs ausbessern Ideal skills and experience for this job: - DEUTSCH mind. C1 - Proficiency in Woocommerce and WordPress - Strong knowl...
...to stabilize the supports. Two steel girders, which are intended as main girders, rest on these steel supports. On these main beams are wooden beams the distance and the sizes are freely selectable. The roof construction is also freely selectable. Snow loads of 2.3kn/m2 must be taken into account. Impact loads must be taken into account No wind loads All components are to be dimensioned and the load-bearing capacity and stability are to be calculated. It has been done till Saturday....
We support a client on a web project. We need to unque fonts etc which are loaded from Google to avoid the transfer of the customers IP from Germany to USA. We installad common plugins (OMGF PRO (active), Remove google fonts etc)to avoid this and load the fonts from local server, but Recaptcha and most likely google map loads the fonts even after using this plugins. So no easy way around to solve the issue. We need a solution to avoid this calls before the user consense is given or avoid this calls completely. The WP project is a property platform running with Estatik and Estatik Theme. We checked our page after adjusting few plugins and two requestes remain: Details Anzahl der Aufrufe: 2 Auflistung der Aufrufe: Font
Hallo, ich habe eine CSV Datei mit ca. 50.000 Datensätze. Diese möchte ich mit Hilfe von Load data infile in eine MYSQL Datenbank importieren. Wer ist mir dabei behilflich? Viele Grüße David
...und erweitern dann gemeinsam auf weitere Shopsysteme wie Shopify etc. Das Projekt besteht aus mehreren Punkten: -- Server einrichten: Über einen firmeneignenen Serverzugang soll das Tracking zur Verfolgung von ca. 100 Millionen Seitenaufrufen pro Monat (ggf. mehr oder weniger) o 3 x App-Server o 1 x Datenbankserver o 2 x DB-Server: zweiter repliziert und als Reader/Slave konfiguriert o 1 x Load balancer o 1 x CDN o Serverauswahl nach Absprache – wir möchten nicht den von Matomo selbst nutzen - - Matomo ohne Plugin implementieren und zu einem Server hinzufügen o Tracking von verschiedenen Seiten sollen auf unserem in getrennten Containern gesammelt werden o Screensharing und Erklärung während des Einrichtens (als Weiterbildung für unse...
...user profiles (for both property owners and potential renters) - removal of adverts - contact property owners based on adverts - analysis of site usage (e.g. which parts of the site are used most, which functionality is most desired, are calls made locally, notifications for potential attacks, etc.) Additional requirements: - dynamic web page with a light, modern, professional design - quick to load and high availability - needs to be operable entirely through platform owner, who has full ownership of the platform and its contents ...
Our online shop at currently has no clear URLs. So we want to solve the problem with ModRewrite and I need help with that. We have a CSV fil...f26606866477eb09362fdd968 additional url Structure "Artikelbezeichnung"/"Hersteller"-"Artikelnummer " I have a CSV file with "current url"; "article description"; "manufacturer"; "article number" The CSV file could then be used for the ModRewrite since all information is there. I would then load a CSV file with the current data onto our server every day and a script would then have to create the ModRewrite and create a new CSV file with all the URLs I created so that I could make them available to the search engines.
Our online shop at currently has no clear URLs. So we want to solve the problem with ModRewrite and I need help with that. We have a CSV file w...097f26606866477eb09362fdd968 additional url Structure "Artikelbezeichnung"/"Hersteller"-"Artikelnummer " I have a CSV file with "current url"; "article description"; "manufacturer"; "article number" The CSV file could then be used for the ModRewrite since all information is there. I would then load a CSV file with the current data onto our server every day and a script would then have to create the ModRewrite and create a new CSV file with all the URLs I created so that I could make them available to the search engines.
mehr Struktur. Drop down Menü (optisch passend) Lazy Load im Shop. Ich möchte das die Produkte sich nach und nach laden und nicht "Mehr Produkte laden" geklickt werden muss. Vorschlag Seiten Struktur und Header more structure. Drop down menu (optically matching) Lazy load in the shop. I would like the products to load gradually and not have to click "Load more products". Suggested pages structure and header
We need Plugin for Plentymarkets Marketplace. Plentymarkets is a SaaS for collect orders, different merchants use it for multichannel. We have own new marketplace for European countries. Plugin must synchronize Data from Plentymarkets Customers (Merchants) to our Marketplace. How plugin must work: 1. You load Plugin to Plentymarkets Marketplace. 2. Plentymarkets customer must be able to activate plugin in backend of Plentymarkets. 3. Merchant create API Key in backend of our Marketplace iKOOF 4. Merchant paste Keys from our Marketplace iKOOF in actived plugin on Plentymarkets. 5. All Data must be synchronised. What Data must be synchronized: 1. Inventory and prices updates for every merchant 2. Orders: Push orders from iKOOF to Plentymarkets for every merchant 3. Status update f...
Wir wollen von Standalone auf ein Multi-Server Setup umsteigen. Wir suchen Leute mit Erfahrung.
Hallo Christian Ich habe dein Profil gelesen und wollte dich um ein Angebot bitten. Ich habe 3 Mikrotik Router, welche ich per DHL zu dir senden würde. Darauf zu programmieren wäre folgendes: 1x Mikrotik: Dual WAN mit Load Balancer 2x Mikrotik: VPN PPTP Verbindung als Client herstellen. der VPN soll allerdings nur von einer bestimmten IP Range genutzt werden. Andere IP's sollen den VPN nicht benutzen und normal ins Internet. Was wäre dein Angebot? Danke & Grüße
Es muss das Sortiment eines Lieferanten per XML-Feeds in Prestashop importiert werden. Der Lieferant empfiehlt: "Die XML-Feeds können mithilfe von simple_xml_load_string () () konvertiert werden". Ich gehe davon aus, dass irgend ein Modul dafür erforderlich ist, bin auch bereit, es mir zu kaufen. Daher suche ich eine(n) Fachmann/-frau für Folgendes: 1. Kurze Erklärung zu "simple_xml_load_string ()" und Klärung, ob bzw. was dafür technisch erforderlich ist 2. ggf. Empfehlung eines entsprechenden Moduls 3. Anleitung für den Import (in verständlicher Sprache, gern auch z. B. telefonisch) 4. Korrekter Import der XML-Datei
Wir haben im IT-Umfeld jede Menge "kleinerer" Aufgaben, die wir gerne an Spezialisten outsourcen würden, die wahrscheinlich dann für die einzelnen Tasks je 1-3 Personenwochen benötigen. Die Aufgaben stecken ein breites Spektrum der IT ab: z.B. Aufsetzen eines Ceph-Clusters, Installation einer ausfallsicheren MariaDB, ELK Stack, HAProxy, Web Load Balancing, Container, Aufsetzen Monitoring, usw. Zur Vereinfachung der Kommunikation und Rechnungsstellung u.a. würden wir das gerne mit einer Firma mit Sitz in Deutschland oder innerhalb der EU abwickeln. Ob dann im Hintergrund die Arbeit sonstwo auf diesem Planeten erledigt wird, ist uns egal. (In den USA gibt es einige Firmen mit diesem Geschäftsmodell, wie z.B. die Firma 'bobcares'.) Gi...
Ziel ist es eine Kassenschublade (per USB am Computer angeschlosse...es eine Kassenschublade (per USB am Computer angeschlossen) über eine Webconsole zu öffnen. Bei der Kassenschublade wurde eine Sofware mitgeliefert über die sich die Schublade öffnen lässt. Man öffnet das Programm, stellt den Com Port ein und klickt auf einen Button. Schon öffnet die Kasse. Da man vom Webbrowser aus allerdings keinen Zugriff auf den Com Port bekommt, würde ich gerne mit ActiveX ein lokales Programm ausführen, welches die Kasse öffnet. Die Aufgabe ist also die vorhandene Software (als ZIP angehängt) so umzubauen / nachbauen, dass bei ausführen der Software die Kasse sofort geöffnet wird ohne dass man noch einen Button drü...
I need a freelancer who enters articles to online platform (eCommerce) like - - - -
Unsere eBay Artikelbeschreibungen werden anhand eines JQuery Konstrukts per Abruf von externer Quelle geladen und innerhalb eBays als Artikelbeschreibung dargestellt. Die Schnittstelle sowie das Handling der Templates inkl. allem notwendigem funktioniert einwandfrei. Zumindest ab dem 2. Laden einer Artikelbeschreibung. Beim "First Load" kommt es zu einer verfälschten Darstellung der ganzen Beschreibung. (siehe - falsche Darstellung) Dieser "First Load" Bug muss so behoben werden damit die Kunden, welche die Artikelbeschreibung das aller erste mal auf Ihren Rechnern aufrufen direkt ordentlich anzeigt. (siehe - richtige Darstellung) Innerhalb eBays wird ein Quelltext im Bereich der Artikelbeschreibung hinterlegt. (siehe ) Um den Fehler zu ...
...sein. Über diese Domain soll eine andere Storefront geladen werden. Habe es probiert, aber es hat auf die Schnelle nicht geklappt. ____________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH WORK DESCRIPTION: ____________________________________________________________________________ Our shop should be available from a second domain. From this domain he should load an other storefront. I try to configure Multistore, but it didn't work. All changes should be update resistent. Work should be done in 1 week....
Es sollen insgesamt 4 Server konfiguriert werden. 3 Server mit ZendOp Cache + Nging + Varnish Cache + APCu Diese drei Server sollen über einen Load Balancer laufen auf allen 3 Server (können auch in Zukunft mehr werden) soll alles Synchron sein. Bevorzugt BRBD für Live Synch der vierte Server soll rein Datenbankserver für Website sein und extrem schnell und gut konfiguriert werden.
Es sollen insgesamt 4 Server konfiguriert werden. 3 Server mit ZendOp Cache + Nging + Varnish Cache + APCu Diese drei Server sollen über einen Load Balancer laufen der vierte Server soll rein Datenbankserver für Website sein und extrem schnell und gut konfiguriert werden.
...hide elements on specific devices (remove div’s on small devices) see similar: 10. tooltip for specific menu items (existing in “material” but not for menu items itself) 11. tabulator position functionality to be able to separate text within left/right menu item 12. owl carousel2: (within ) 13. lazy load: 14. waypoint, see: (please advise: most likely with covered?) 15. add google analytics, but in a way to integrate the different sections/pages to avoid high bounce rate, see: or
Wir haben eine Website in Muse erstellt, die mit dem Programm Phone Gap auf einem Ipad deployed wird - wir müssen hier aufgrund zu hoher Speicherauslastunf einen Lazy Load einfügen. Das Projekt liegt vor und müsste sofort bearbeitet werden. Danke Euch!
...gerne anschauen können) und die Pages vom Ordner, Link verschlüsseln und weiteren. Zu sehen z.b einen Ordner bei Share-Links oder Link(s) cryptern: und bei Linkcrypt Ordner: und Links verschlüsseln: - URL Protection - Wenn möglich sollten Container (DLC und Click n Load) vorhanden sein, die man beim erstellen auswählen kann und die man evtl noch etwas sicherer machen kann, da man diese ja auch mit versch. Programmen entschlüsseln kann und so die Links ermitteln kann. - Es soll wie bei den o.g Diensten ein Partnerprogramm da sein , wo jeder User über seinen Account Geld verdienen kann, zb pro Impressions der Ordner einen Betrag. ( zb.
attached is a simple java jsf bean for <h:selectOneMenu value="#{}"> <f:selectItems value="#{}" var="c" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> and <h:selectOneMenu value="#{}"> <f:selectItems...itemValue="#{}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> and <h:selectOneMenu value="#{}"> <f:selectItems value="#{}" var="c" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> i need the following: DistrictList should be empty before state is chosen. when state Oberösterreich ist chosen load districts 1 when state Niederösterreich ist chosen load distric...
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Suche Unterstützung bei Konfiguration von Webserver // Suse Linux. Es scheint hier Probleme mit Postfix zu geben. Hoher Server-Load durch "bounce, smtp, cleanup, etc". Würde gerne verstehen was genau das Problem ist und wie man es lösen kann - sprich gerne über die Schulter schauen.
wir suchen nach einem Entwickler, der eine App für iOS und android programmieren kann. Die App sollte folgende Funktionen beinhalten: Facebook-Integration (Login with FB, Load data from Facebook) GPS (Locate phone and show some 'points' on a map) Server - Data Storage (Save users account data on a server) In App Purchase (e.g "remove ads") In App Advertising (e.g banner) Rating System (Rate something on a scale from 1 to 5) CMS Wir brauchen ein backend bzw cms um die Inhalte der App, Accounts, und push-notifications bearbeiten zu können (e.g ) Es wäre super wenn du bereits Erfahrungen mit Facebook SDK/API oder parse hättest. Preis ist der Gesamtpreis für beide Platformen (iOS / android)
Meine Website zeigt den folgenden Fehler: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list': SELECT AS fid, AS uid, AS filename, AS uri, AS filemime, AS filesize, AS status, base.timestam...base WHERE ( IN (:db_condition_placeholder_0, :db_condition_placeholder_1, :db_condition_placeholder_2, :db_condition_placeholder_3, :db_condition_placeholder_4)) ; Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 903 [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 904 [:db_condition_placeholder_2] => 905 [:db_condition_placeholder_3] => 906 [:db_condition_placeholder_4] => 908 ) in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (Zeile 196 von /home/web/1444381325146584093198/htdocs/includes/).
I need a comprehensive structural survey of a residential building. The main purpose is to conduct a general check of the property's condition. The survey should specifically focus on assessing the walls and load-bearing structures. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in structural engineering - Extensive experience in residential property surveys - Excellent attention to detail - Strong understanding of safety compliance regulations - Ability to provide clear, comprehensive reports.
Hide JavaScript and Load from an External Domain Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled web developer to help me implement a mechanism that hides a JavaScript file's source code from the browser and loads it from an external domain. The goal is to prevent the exposure of sensitive JavaScript code and improve security by offloading it to a secure external server. Project Requirements: JavaScript Obfuscation: The JavaScript file should be obfuscated or minified to make it harder to reverse-engineer. Use appropriate tools such as UglifyJS, Terser, or other obfuscation techniques. Load JavaScript from an External Domain: The JavaScript file should be loaded dynamically from a different domain, not directly from the origin domain. Set up cross-origin resource sharing...
...Graphs: Build intuitive and detailed visualizations for key metrics. Dashboards: Design sleek, professional dashboards for a clear overview of server health. Discovery Rules: Automate the detection of hosts, services, and metrics. Templates: Create reusable templates optimized for cPanel and DirectAdmin environments. Monitoring Requirements Host-Level Metrics Ping and availability CPU usage (load averages, per-core utilization) Memory usage (RAM, swap) Disk activity (IOPS, free space, read/write operations) Network traffic (bandwidth usage, errors, dropped packets) Service uptime Service-Level Metrics Web services (HTTP/HTTPS status, performance, visitor statistics) Database performance (MySQL/MariaDB with query statistics) Mail servers (queues, processed/deferred emails, e...
I'm looking for a website developer to improve our booking services site for me. The site should be efficient and user-friendly. I need someone who can not only develop the site but also improve its performance. Key features I want: - Enhanced site performance Regarding performance, I'm primarily focused on: - Page Load Speed: It should load quickly to avoid losing potential customers. - Mobile Responsiveness: The site should work seamlessly across all devices. - Server Response Time: It should be quick and efficient in communication with the server. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing booking services sites - Strong knowledge of performance optimization - Expertise in enhancing mobile responsiveness - Proficiency in improving server response time P...
...transitions. Advanced AI for move selection, combos, reactive blocks. Multi-Sensor Feedback: IMU (accelerometer, gyroscope) for balance/detecting hits. Possibly a micro-camera or time-of-flight (ToF) sensor for environment perception. 2. Parts & Materials Actuators (Servos or Custom Mini Actuators): Robotis Dynamixel XL-320 or XL-330 Series: Key Features: High precision, feedback on position, speed, load, temperature. Daisy-chain wiring. Pros: Great for advanced control and “smooth” motion. Feedback loops help for dynamic movements. Cons: Possibly larger than typical micro servos, but still relatively small. Cost per unit: $40–$80 each LewanSoul (Lobot) LX-16A Smart Servos: Key Features: Serial bus interface, position/voltage/current feedback, metal gear. C...
...thermal analyses on fiberglass building skin panels. The primary goal is to determine stress distribution, deformation, and thermal impacts on these panels based on provided load cases. Key Responsibilities: • Perform comprehensive structural analysis to evaluate stress and deformation under various provided load cases. • Conduct thermal analysis to determine deformation and resultant stresses due to thermal loads. • Deliver a detailed report with visual aids illustrating stress distribution, deformation, and key findings. What We Provide: • Material properties and solid models in STEP format. • Defined constraints and load cases for the analysis. Ideal Candidate Profile: • Extensive experience with Abaqus/CAE or equivalent sof...
I'm in need of a structural engineer to carry out calculations for load-bearing walls in a new construction project. The walls are made of wood. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in structural engineering - Experienced in new construction projects - Knowledgeable about wooden structures - Able to perform load-bearing wall calculations
...high-performance search functionality. Responsibilities: * Develop and customize a WordPress site to serve as a cruise travel search engine. * Integrate third-party APIs for cruise inventory, pricing, and booking. * Design a responsive, user-friendly interface for searching cruises by destination, duration, stateroom type, and pricing. * Optimize the platform for performance, ensuring fast search and load times. * Implement secure payment gateways and ensure compliance with relevant data privacy standards. * Create an admin dashboard for managing inventory and bookings. * Test the platform rigorously to ensure functionality across devices and browsers. * Requirements: * Proven experience in WordPress development with a portfolio of custom themes/plugins. * Expertise in integrat...
I am seeking an Experienced Automation Engineer to implement a PLC-based load management system for a commercial building. This system will integrate with an existing Energy Management System using Modbus communication. Key responsibilities include PLC programming, Modbus integration, implementing load shedding strategies based on EMS events (e.g., energy consumption thresholds, time-of-use pricing signals, peak demand alerts), and ensuring seamless integration with the EMS. Required skills: PLC programming (Siemens/Allen-Bradley/Schneider), Modbus communication, building automation, EMS integration. Experience in load management strategies and energy efficiency systems is a plus. Budget: $300-$900 Timeline: 7 days
...not have experience with both plugins and if you can't start right away. Only quotes with "I can do it!" will be considered. Important: I DO NOT need any other plugin, i need someone to figure out why dynamic content for elementor address field is not working. The problem: On my site, I have a quote form that contains an address autocomplete field (from dynamic content for elementor). On initial load, the field works fine (I type and the address autocompletes). However, after I refresh an error is thrown into the console: :2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Autocomplete') at initializeAutocompleteFields (:2:188) at autocompleteCallback (
Looking for an experienced WordPress developer to optimize our existing website and make it lightweight, fast, and efficient. The site currently uses Slider Revolution, and we need someone with expertise in handling this plugin to ensure smooth performance without compromising quality. Key Responsibilities: Optimize the overall performance of the WordPress website, including page load speed and responsiveness. Minimize unnecessary scripts, plugins, and code to reduce website weight. Fine-tune and optimize Slider Revolution for better performance while maintaining design quality. Improve the website's Core Web Vitals and ensure it meets Google PageSpeed Insights standards. Optimize images, scripts, CSS, and other assets to enhance speed. Ensure the site remains fully functiona...
I'm in need of an experienced structural engineer or a qualified professional to assess two walls in my multi-story, wood frame home. The objective is to determine if these walls are bearing walls for the upstairs. - Assessment of two specific walls - Determination of wall load-bearing capacity - Experience with multi-story, wood frame homes - Ability to provide a detailed report of findings Please note, I do not have access to the original architectural plans of the home. Therefore, your expertise and experience are crucial to this project.
...automation to develop a fully functional robotic arm system. The objective is to automate the handling process of 10 Bambu Lab P1S 3D printers placed on a rack. The robotic arm should be capable of the following: Retrieve the print plate: Safely remove the print plate with the completed parts from the printer. Store the print plate: Place the retrieved plate on a designated shelf or storage area. Load a new print plate: Pick up a clean print plate and insert it into the printer to initiate the next print job. Like: This solution needs to operate seamlessly with the 10 Bambu Lab P1S printers, managing them efficiently in a rack system. Key Requirements: Robotic Arm Design and Programming: The arm must be precise
...improve the website speed, and enhance its SEO-friendliness. Key Responsibilities: - Theme Customization: While I haven't specified the exact aspects of the theme I want to customize, I need an expert who can suggest and implement necessary changes to improve the site's overall layout, design, navigation, and functionality. - Speed Optimization: The primary focus will be on improving the page load time and server response time. I need a professional who can diagnose speed issues and implement effective solutions to enhance overall performance. - SEO Enhancements: I require comprehensive SEO-friendly optimizations. This includes, but is not limited to, meta tags optimization, XML sitemap creation, and setting up SEO-friendly URLs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exten...
I'm in need of a seasoned professional with extensive experience in Testing, Quality Assurance (QA) and Automation to thoroughly test my project from end to end. ...seasoned professional with extensive experience in Testing, Quality Assurance (QA) and Automation to thoroughly test my project from end to end. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct Functional Testing to ensure all features work as intended. - Perform various types of Performance Testing, specifically Load Testing, Stress Testing and Scalability Testing. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Testing, QA and Automation. - Experience with Functional, Performance and Security Testing. - Familiarity with Load, Stress and Scalability Testing. Please bid only if you have the relevant experience and can provide a comprehens...
...of map options (Google map, Google satellite, Google hybrid). • Dashboard • Graphical summaries of fleet performance. • Custom Reports • Drag-and-drop widgets for personalized views. 5. Platform Server Architecture Backend Architecture 1. Server Type: Cloud-based (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). 2. APIs: REST and GraphQL for integration. 3. Database: PostgreSQL/MongoDB for flexible data handling. 4. Load Balancer: For traffic management. Frontend Technology 1. Framework: React.js or Angular. 2. Real-Time Features: WebSocket for instant updates. Security Measures 1. Encryption: End-to-end with TLS 1.3. 2. Authentication: Multi-factor authentication and OAuth 2.0. Server Hosting For hosting the server platform for a vehicle tracking and monitoring system, a Linux-b...
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I have a serious issue with my home's block foundation. It's currently set on top of stones and dirt...professional who can lift the house, replace the eroded foundation, and ensure both structural stability and aesthetic improvement. Key Components of the Project: - Lift the house and replace the existing foundation with reinforced concrete. - Repair the middle load-bearing beam, which has pipes running through it. - Ensure the repairs enhance the home's aesthetic appearance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in foundation repair and home lifting. - Proficient in working with reinforced concrete. - Skilled in repairing load-bearing beams. - Background in plumbing is a plus. - Prior work that demonstrates the ability to blend structural repa...
I'm looking for an experienced structural engineer to design a steel catwalk in an existing PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) structure. This catwalk will primarily support equipment and needs to be able to handle both static and dynamic loads. Key responsibilities: - Design a catwalk that meets the requireme...both static and dynamic loads. Key responsibilities: - Design a catwalk that meets the requirement for equipment support. - Ensure the design can support both static and dynamic loads. - Work with the existing PEB structure. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in structural design, specifically with steel. - Familiarity with PEB structures. - Understanding of both static and dynamic load considerations. - Ability to create designs that are practical for equ...
I need to manage a free script, because I need to implement a check point. Only use old/standard javascript code (v.1.0) to be compatible with older browsers. No jQuery. The script is this It works. Click on ‘n...javascript code (v.1.0) to be compatible with older browsers. No jQuery. The script is this It works. Click on ‘next’ to go to the next screen. On the first <fieldset>, when user click on NEXT, I need to - check if all field (or one) is empty - if is empty, stop the animation When issue is solved, clicking again on NEXT second <fieldset> could be load. No upfront. No payment before successful completion of all tests. Source-code required for test. Very low available budget (10 euro)