Insulation heat loss calculator Jobs
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...Region Theme: Chaos, danger, and transformation. Visual Design: Volcanic landscapes with lava rivers and burning forests. Magma pits with spiraling flows, creating high-risk traversal zones. Smoky atmosphere with glowing embers floating in the air. Gameplay Objectives: Combat challenges: Feuerelementare, fire-resistant creatures, and environmental hazards. Introduce environmental mechanics: heat zones, requiring fire-resistant gear. Rare fire-based crafting materials and puzzles involving lava flow manipulation. Key Locations: Volcano Core: A dungeon-like area with high-level enemies and rare loot. Forgotten City: Lava-covered ruins hiding ancient artifacts. Elemental Forge: Allows crafting of fire-based weapons or tools. Zone Size: ~5-7 tiles, visually intimidat...
...inventory loss, and provide a clear, visual dashboard for efficient tracking and decision-making. Each module should be detailed, reliable, and user-friendly, with real-time data updates. Since there is already a cash management system (implented with javascript) that covers certain requirements mentioned above, it can be used to implement the missing functionalities. Key Modules and Requirements: 1. Inventory Management and Loss Detection Inventory Tracking: Track and log all inventory entries and exits. Include a user-friendly interface for inputting items received from suppliers and monitoring stock. Loss Detection: Implement automated analysis to flag losses and irregularities. For example, items that go missing without proper removal documentation should be...
Zu einem definierten Zeitpunkt wird über den Fractals Indikator eine Range gebildet. Danach werden an der Unter- und Oberseite der Range (+ variabler Sicherheitsabstand) automatisch Stop-Order (Stop Buy, Stop Sell) platziert, die aktiv werden, wenn der Kurs aus dieser Range ausbricht. Weiterhin werden ein Stop Loss, Take Profit, Nachziehen des Stop Loss auf Break Even sowie ein Trailing Stop benötigt. Gehandelt werden sollen Indizes. Im Anhang gibt es eine Video-Aufzeichnung dieser Strategie. Falls etwas unklar sein sollte, bitte melden.
...simultaneously. **Student Registration and Login** - Students do not register individually; they use accounts created by their parents. - Parents initiate game sessions by selecting their child's name after logging in. **Gameplay** - Students view random multiplication questions on the game screen. - They earn points by selecting correct answers within a limited time. - Incorrect answers result in point loss. **Scores and Statistics** - Students view their scores and rankings at the end of the game. - They can review incorrect attempts and correct answers on their panel. - Parents and teachers can view detailed performance graphs and scores of their children/students. - Administrators can view statistics for all users in the system. #### Database Design - **Users:** user...
...Slack. 5. **Real-time Monitoring Dashboard**: - Develop a user-friendly dashboard to display current prices, detected opportunities, executed trades, and account balances. - Provide real-time updates and logs for transparency and debugging. 6. **Performance Summaries**: - Send periodic performance summaries daily and weekly. - Summaries should include the number of trades, total profit/loss, and any issues encountered. #### Technical Requirements: 1. **Environment and Deployment**: - Use environment variables for storing API keys securely. - Ensure the bot is deployable on cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. - Implement automatic resumption of trading after exchange downtime. 2. **Scalability and Maintenance**: - Write scalable an...
Hallo zusammen: Wir benötigen ein Kosten Kalkulator Script. Nichts aufregendes, insofern man für die verschiedensten CMS (z.B. WordPress) auch Plugins mit Kalkulator Funktion bekommen kann. Beispielsweise Calculated Fields Form oder Cost Calculator von StylemixThemes. Diese Plugins sind schon super für unsere Zwecke, aber wir benötigen da dann doch etwas add-on. Funktionen: Das Script bzw. "Plugin" sollte einen Zeitrahmen (d.h. Datum + Uhrzeit = Zeitraum) einstellen lassen können. Die Zeiträume müssen definierten Regeln folgen. Diese wären: - Datumszeiträume müssen tageweise kalkuliert werden (Anteil - wie viele - Montage, Dienstage, Mittwoche usw. in dem angegebenen Zeitraum) - Stundenzeiträume müssen anteil...
ECXEL Calculator Sheet for Science questionaire calculation AntiSocial Behavior Für eine Tabelle suche ich einen Freelancer, welcher diese fertigstellt. Die Logik dazu ist vorhanden. Die Formeln einmalig getestet. Es handelt sich lediglich um das Abarbeiten von Eingaben (Kaffeejob). Die Tabelle unterliegt dem Copyright, der Beauftragte verpflichtet sich zur Verschwiegenheit. Es handelt sich um einen standardisierten Fragebogen DISYPS III, welcher mittels Eingabe in Excel auszuwerten ist. In diesem Fragebogenverbund gibt es ca. 10 verschiedene Fragebögen, von welchen mir 5 Stück zur Auswertung wichtig wären und ich für diese jeweils eine Auswertungstabelle benötige.
...zeichnen kann und daraus ein vollwertiges Logo erstellen kann. Die vorgaben: - das Unternehmen heißt: Heat -bevorzugt sind die Farben Rot für die Schriftart (nicht zwingend) - am besten wäre eine per hand gezeichnete version von dem Namen "Heat" der Kreativität sind keine grenzen gesetzt - gerne kann man sich am Unternehmen "Virgin" und an dem Logo orientieren - das HEAT soll einmal als einzelnes Logo fungieren und anschließend soll der Zusatz "Studios" eingesetzt werden, denn es ist für das Unternehmen wichtig, dass das Logo einmal als einzelnes Herausstechen soll und dann immer mit dem Zusatz ergänzt wird z.B. "Heat Studios" "Heat Records" &qu...
I have created a keynote and exported it as a PDF document. The document should be optimized for e-mailing to customers. The file size is currently 20 Megabyte, which is clearly too much. To do: The PDF file should be reduced to 2 megabyte without quality loss, so that it can be sent quickly by e-mail.
Hallo CRSO Ich suche jemanden für den Unterhalt meiner Website Diese Website beinhaltet auch einen Shop. Nach folgendem Link finden Sie diesen Shop: Die Kalkulation habe ich auf excel gemacht und mittels "woo price calculator" auf die Website einbinden lassen. Sind Sie interessiert in Zukunft diverse Arbeiten für meine Website zu erledigen? Freundliche Grüsse, Simon Lang Ps: Der Preis von 10 USD ist nur proforma. Natürlich werden wir je nach Arbeiten einen fairen Lohn einrechnen.
...themselves to better understand what is required. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- For an online shop website (electronic cigarettes & liquid sales) we need a liquid calculator (nicotine calculator). Many customers who use an e-cigarette, mix their own liquid. To calculate the correct mixing ratio (liquid base, nicotine shots, flavor = finished liquid), this website requires a liquid calculator (nicotine calculator). The online shop website is based on the shop system of Shopware and the liquid calculator (nicotine calculator) must be 100% integrated! There are 4 input fields required, as can be seen on this website: 1. Desired amount of liquid in milliliters (ml) 2. Desired aroma perc...
Hallo Ich möchte eine versteckte Webbrowser-Anwendung in der Taschenrechneransicht haben. Beispielanwendung verfügbar.
Global warming is a major atmospheric issue all over the world. Our earth’s surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the sun’s heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The bad effects of it increasing day by day and causing major problems to the living of human being. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save German Language Die globale Erwärmung ist weltweit ein wichtiges Thema für die Atmosphäre. Unsere Erdoberfläche wird von Tag zu Tag heiß, indem die Sonnenwärme eingefan...
I need calculations of cooling times of two materials in three different thicknesses in a defined environment but under three different conditions: 1. Without active cooling 2. Air blower 3. Cooling chamber (including calculation of the necessary energy). wants to buy cheap e-cigarettes. The e-cigarette is also called electronic cigarette and is a very popular tobacco set. It is also used as a complete alternative to the conventional cigarette. We have an offline store, as well as an online shop at We need a "nicotine shot liquid calculator" for our website so that the customer can calculate his mixing ratio. The following website serves as an example: A 1 to 1 copy of this calculator must be installed on our website: (CMS / Onlineshop = Shopware / HTML integration possible) A description / explanation is available here as an excel file for download. ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
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For a jimdo-page I need short javascript for a calculator: Input: "Anzahl Personen": P Dropdown: - "Gäste stehen" S - "Gäste sitzen" U - "Gäste sitzen an Biertischen" B - "Gäste sitzen an Esstischen" E Submitbutton "Party berechnen" Calculate: IF S: A = P*0,5 IF U: A = P*0,7 IF B: A = P*0,8 IF E: A = P*1,1 Sie müssen (round to 2 digits after comma A) qm überdachen. Sie brauchen also (round up to next full number(A/24)) Partyzelte oder (round up to next full number(A/9)) Pavillions. Zum Trinken sollten Sie rund (round up to next full number(P*0,15)) Kästen Bier, Säfte und Wasser einplanen und zusätzlich etwa (P*0,5) Liter Wein. Ausserdem brauchen Sie etwa ...
Hi Leute, es geht darum ein bestehendes Plugin für WordPress zu erweitern. Es dreht sich um folgendes Plugin : Dieses Plugin ermöglicht das Zusammenstellen eines Menüs anhand von Zutaten und rechnet dann die Inhaltsstoffe zusammen. Ich habe das Plugin bereits um weitere Inhaltsstoffe (z.B. Vitamingehalt) erweitert und eine Excel-Tabelle der Zutaten erstellt, leider bietet Office for Mac nicht die Möglichkeit das ganze als XML zu exportieren weshalb diese Tabelle entsprechend konvertiert werden muss. In der aktuellen Form (könnt ihr auf dem Link ausprobieren) kann man die Zutaten nur mit +1 bzw. -1 zusammenstellen, da meine Tabelle jedoch (aktuell) auf 100g Angaben basiert reicht dies
Benötigt wird ein Wordpress Plugin wie der Keto Calculator () - allerdings auf deutsch - und ohne, dass er mir das Template zerschießt.
...von Berechnung Punkt 1 und Punkt 2 Punkt 4.) Ergebnis von Rechnungsbetrag (Punkt 1) /100 * 3.5 Punkt 5.) Ergebnis von Rechnungsbetrag (Punkt 1) / 100 * 2 Punkt 6.) Summe von Punkt 1 + Punkt 4 + Punkt 5 Punkt 6 sollte dann auf in den Warenkorb gelegt werden und mittels PayPal bezahlt werden können. --------------------------------- Hello I need a calculator for my Website i build on The calculator should be like this: 1.) Emtiy Field for Invoice Amount (the costumer can put here a invoice amount inside) Punkt 2.) Dropdown list with 6 fields. the 6 fields have a function. (Invoice Amount (Point 1) / 2 * fieldfunction Fieldfunction's 1. x1 2. x1.25 3. x 1 4. x 1.5 5. x 1 6. x 2 Punkt 3.) Result of Point 1 und Point 2 ...
Ich benötige Änderungen zu einer vorhandenen Website Wir haben vor einen elo boosting service für league of legends anzubieten leider fehlt und der preis calculator wir würden uns freuen wenn uns einer dabei aushelfen kann Unsere webseite: So sollte es in der art aussehen:
...1/1/2 - i hope i was able to make clear what i wanted to say with this...) - i think of a SQL-Database in the background to maintain the objects for rent (i'd like to do this in a entry form if possible) - special features are: dynamic displaying of objects for rent depending on the position of the sliding controller ("Objektübersicht" in the PDF-File), Picture-Galleries and a special price calculator. - it should be possible for the editor to edit titles, url, metatagsby himself I'm just asking for the Webdevelopment. All content and the design will be done by myself. ...
Wir benötigen ein ähnliches Rechen-Formular wie dieses hier, nur dass wir mit dem Brutto-Volumen eine Empfehlung zur Leuchtstärke ausgeben wollen, nachdem ausgewählt wurden, welchen Aquarium-Typ verwendet wird, so dass man sagen kann, es werden .... Watt für Ihr Aquarium benötigt.
In Arzt-Praxen, Spas, Fitness und Physio Therapie Centren anrufen und Interesse fuer ein Therapie Conzept erhalten- Wir senden spaeter auch Patienten zu diesen Partnern.
Auf beiliegender Excel Tabelle jeweils Höchst / Tiefstwerte automatisch erfassen, so, dass der Höchstwert -10% ein Verkaufssignal abgibt respektive dass der Tiefstwert +10% ein Kaufsignal automatisch abgibt. Hier wird das so beschrieben Trailing Stop Using our example, the trailing stop would kick in at $34.20 per share ($38 x 10% = $3.80; $38 - $3.80 = $34.20). If the stock keeps moving up, so will the trailing stop. For example: At $39 per share, the trailing stop is $35.51 At $40 per share, the trailing stop is $36.00 At $41 per share, the trailing stop is $36.90 At $42 per share, the trailing stop is $37.80 und natürlich umgekehrt auch. D.h. wenn der Tiefstwert um 10% zugelegt hat erfolgt automatisch ein Kaufsignal. In beiliegende...
Hallo, wir suchen für die weitere Ergänzung unseres Teams einen Freelancer im Rahmen eines mittelgroße...Zufriedenheit Interesse an einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit. Es geht im Wesentlichen um folgende Tätigkeiten/Aufgabengebiete, zu denen wir uns bei Interesse auch noch näher austauschen können: - API/Schnittstelle mit Servicepartner zum Austausch von Daten via XML - Verknüpfung von Front- und Backend - Erstellung Nutzer-Konto - Erstellung von Shopfunktionalitäten (Timeslot-Buchung, Price-Calculator, Gutschein-Logik, PSP Anbindung Stripe, Erstellung von automatisierten Kundenmails, Login-Bereich) Das Frontend ist bereits erstellt. Auch zu den erwähnten Tätigkeiten gibt es bereits Vorarbeiten, die im Team abzuarbeit...
...features. 3. Model Selection: • Use a hybrid model combining: • A convolutional neural network (CNN) for image analysis (chart patterns). • A recurrent neural network (RNN) or transformer for sequential numerical data. 4. Training: • Feed the “before” data (images + numbers) as input. • Use the “after” data (movement labels or price changes) as the target output. • Train the model using a loss function like mean squared error (regression) or cross-entropy (classification). 5. Evaluation: • Test the model on unseen chart data to ensure accuracy and robustness. • Use metrics like precision, recall, and F1-score (classification) or RMSE (regression). 6. Prediction: • Develop an interface to input real-...
I'm looking to have a WordPress eCommerce website developed for selling physical products. The design should be modern and sleek, with a focus on smooth usability and contemporary aesthetics. Key Features: - Inventory Management: The site should be capable of keeping track of stock levels, with alerts for low inventory. - Shipping Calculator: An integrated shipping calculator is needed to provide customers with accurate shipping costs based on their location. - Product Customization Options: Some of the products will require customization by the customer, so functionality for this is necessary. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with WordPress and WooCommerce - Strong background in eCommerce website development - Excellent understanding of modern web desi...
I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a dedicated team to create a dynamic Carbon Calculator website on a service-oriented model. This platform will empower users to compute their carbon emissions (CO₂, CH₄, N₂O) on a global scale utilizing emission factors. The site needs to be developed with: - React.js for the frontend - Node.js for the backend - MySQL as the database Incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as , TypeScript, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and JWT-based authentication to ensure a modern, scalable, and secure solution. Key Features of the Website: - User registration, login, and subscription plans based on different tiers. - Advanced carbon calculation mechanisms influenced by distance-based methods and EF databases. - Data visualization primarily using ...
Badger Couriers, a motorcycle parcel delivery business is looking for a developer to create a parcel delivery webpage focused o...for a developer to create a parcel delivery webpage focused on local deliveries in Weston Syndey, to & from Airport with Express Same day delivery. The primary function of the site is to allow users to book deliveries by filling out a form. Key Features: - A user-friendly interface that guides users through the booking process - A form for users to fill out with their delivery details Cost calculator- size, weight, distance Online payment option Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - Experience creating e-commerce or booking websites - Understanding of UI/UX principles The aim is to have a seamless system for users to book their local parc...
...I need a chemist to send over two formulation of a hair serum that can be done simply at home OR with simple chemical equipment for blends that can be applied on the scalp tropically with a derma roller to help absorption. The purpose is to add natural ingredients that effectively and scientifically block DHT with established safety profiles. this product is intended hair growth and reduce hair loss triggered by androgenic alopecia. i need you to tell me where to buy the ingredients and how to mix them and the specific ratios I need you to also mention if this formulation can be saftely mixed with minoxidil or not I need two formulation: 1- is water soluble and non greasing, doesn't weigh down the hair and is derma roller safe 2- the other formulation cab be oil based...
... iron condors and other option spreads. - Ability to deliver a comprehensive backtest strategy. Deliver backtesting script at the end of the project. final payment after approval of the script working as expected Initial Project description: Global requirements: All options expirations on Fridays Abbreviations: BTC Buy to Close BTO Buy to Open STO Sell to Open STC Sell to Close P/L profit/Loss Required index: SPY Options index: SPX Parameters (with example values): lowVIX (15) highVIX (20) trade time (1pm) longhigh (10) longlow (10) shorthigh (5) shortlow(5) start date (1/1/2022) end date (1/1/2024) LEAP Date (400 days DTE) Near DTE (14 days) Manage DTE (1 days) Correction DTE (5 days) ITM value (10) From “start date” check daily till “LEAP Date&rdqu...
I bought a house sight unseen, and I don't have the time to fix a couple urgent issues. I also don't have the funds to pay a licensed contractor $400 for an hour of work. I'd like to offer this gig to someone that wants to make $20/hr and knows how to do wiring and carpentry. It appears someone cut the power wire to my heat pump so it likely won't take much to get that going. The window is the bigger issue. The window itself looks salvageable, but it started leaking which caused the studs and sheetrock to rot. The window will need reframed, and the rotten studs in the wall replaced. The wall is load bearing. It will need supported while reframing the window and replacing wall studs. The plywood under the siding under the window outside will almost certainly need ...
I urgently need someone skilled in wiring and carpentry to help me with two pressing issues in my recently purchased house. - The first task is to fix the power wire to my heat pump. Someone has cut the wire and I'm hoping it won't take much to get it going again. I have not identified the exact spot where the wire was cut, nor do I have any detailed diagrams or schematics of the heat pump wiring. - The second task is to repair a leaking window. The window itself appears salvageable, however, the leak has caused some damage to the studs and sheetrock. This task will involve reframing the window and replacing the rotten wall studs. Please note that the wall is load-bearing, so it will need to be supported while the work is being done. Additionally, the plywood u...
I'm seeking a professional to create blackline drawings for a patent application for a specialized frying pan. This will involve creating 6 specific drawings: an isometric view, a top view, two side views and a cross-sectional ...and a cross-sectional view. Requirements: - The final drawings need to be delivered in PDF format. - I can provide hand-drawn sketches of the frying pan design, which will need to be translated into technical drawings. - The drawings will need to be detailed with annotations. Ideal Candidate: - Experience with kitchenware or similar mechanical devices is a plus. - Knowledge of how metal conducts heat is essential. - Proficiency in creating detailed, patent-ready blackline drawings. - Ability to interpret and translate hand-drawn sketches into profess...
I have approximately five years' worth of bank account data from an old business that I need converted into a Google Sheets spreadsheet. The purpose of this project is to generate a clear view of monthly and yearly profit/loss. Key Requirements: - Transform raw bank data into a well-organized Google Sheets spreadsheet. - Create a user-friendly format for analyzing monthly and yearly profit/loss. - Focus exclusively on revenue and expenses for the profit/loss analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets is a must. - Experience in bookkeeping and financial analysis. - Ability to create clear and concise spreadsheets.
I'm looking for a developer to create a drag-and-drop overlay for my React-based trading system, integrated with TradingView. Key Features: - The overlay should enable users to adjust stop loss and take profit limits by simply clicking and dragging lines. - It should also allow for the placing of new orders and modifying of existing ones through the same intuitive interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js - Experience working with TradingView API - Knowledge of trading systems and order modification processes This project is aimed at enhancing user interactivity and overall trading experience. Please include relevant past experience in your bid.
I'm seeking a finance expert to prepare a comprehensive financial model for my metal can manufacturing project. The model should assess the feasibility of the project, with a focus on several specific financial outputs. Key Deliverables: - Cash flow projections - Profit and loss statements - Break-even analysis - Financial Ratios - Market Research I have some existing financial data and projections available for this project, which I'll share with the successful freelancer. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in finance and financial modeling - Experience in the manufacturing sector, particularly with metal can production - Excellent analytical skills - Proficient in market research and financial ratio analysis A deep understanding of the manufacturing industry and fina...
I'm looking for an expert to help me design and implement an RFID system. The primary purpose of this system will be managing inventory in...primary purpose of this system will be managing inventory in a warehouse. Key Requirements: - The RFID tags will need to be placed on individual items. Therefore, experience with both RFID technology and warehouse management systems is essential. - You should be capable of designing a system that can effectively track warehouse goods at the item level, ensuring accurate inventory counts and reducing loss or misplacement. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in RFID technology - Experience in inventory management systems - Knowledge of warehouse operations - Strong problem-solving skills Please provide examples of similar projects you've com...
...permitted." Private key and seed confirmation: Ask question "Confirm whether you have securely saved the privatekey and seed for the above Harmony address?" Provide two radio buttons: a) "Confirmed, I have securely stored the private key and seed and it is accessible at will." b) "Declined, I have not stored the private key and seed." If "Declined" is selected, display: "Loss of private key and seed will result in permanent loss of tokens with no recourse. Only use an address where the private key and seed are securely saved/stored." Make all fields mandatory. Referral System Implement a dynamic URL structure: draw_entry.html/ref=0 Allow users to replace '0' with their HarmonyOne address for referrals. Val...
I require a simple, yet precise, 3D model of an advanced jacket featuring air purifiers. This model will serve as a manufacturing prototype, and must clearly showcase different material layers of the jacket, including the outer fabric, insulation layer, and inner lining. The basic design of the jacket is available, and the project has a tight timeline of 2 days. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating manufacturing prototypes - Ability to depict intricate design details - Understanding of different material layers in garment design Please provide relevant past experience
I need my current Drupal 7 site upgraded to Drupal 10, with the Bootstrap theme rebuilt. The project does not require the addition of new features, just the upgrade of existing ones. However, it's crucial that all third-party integrations present in the Drupal 7 site are retained in the upgraded version. It's...with 3 rooms to book. The booking process is done via Webform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Drupal, specifically upgrading from Drupal 7 to 10. - Proficiency in Bootstrap theme development and customization. - Familiarity with integrating and maintaining third-party integrations within Drupal. - Strong problem-solving skills to ensure a seamless transition with no loss of functionality. - Excellent communication skills for updates...
...technical inspection d) Report for US Vehicles -Verify the vehicle’s technical data -Verify the history of issued titles -Verify if the vehicle has administrative records on titles (individual records can limit the possibility of registering the vehicle in the EU) -Check details of archived sales offers -Check dismantling center records for the vehicle -Verify if the insurance company reported a total loss for the vehicle -Check mileage counter queries -Find special uses (rentals, fleet, or taxi) -Obtain the complete history e) Report for Estonian Vehicles -Access detailed registration data provided by the Estonian Road Administration -Verify the vehicle’s use and modifications -Find out about engine parameters, weights, dimensions, number of seats, and axles -Discove...
My friend Dhabal Sinhav has encountered an unfortunate situation where his Freelancer account has been unexpectedly blocked this morning, resulting in a loss of contact with Kumar P. from New Zealand. I am reaching out for your assistance in finding and contacting Kumar P. as soon as possible. Details: - I have a link to Kumar P.'s profile: - I prefer to contact him via email. - I am willing to compensate for any help provided in getting in touch with Kumar P. I appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this issue. Thank you.
...valor da 1ª Entrada, 2ª Entrada e 3º Entrada Exemplo.: Inicio.: 08:00 Termino.: 22:00 Máximo de Entrada Hoje.: 4 Estratégia Pares Início.: 16 ( ou seja, quando o Robô identificar 15 repetições de números impares, ele entra apostando em números Pares ) 1º Entrada.: Repetição.: 16º Valor.: 10,00 Win.: Robô Para Loss.: Vai pra 2ª Entrada 2ª Entrada.: Repetição.: 17º Valor.: 15,00 Win.: Robô Para Loss.: Vai pra 3ª Entrada 3ª Entrada Repetição.: 18º Valor.: 20,00 Win.: Robô Para Loss.: Robô Para Para cada estratégia e um configuração de repetição e valor...
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I'm looking for an expert to help me with migrating my Moodle site to a shared hosting server. Key requirements: - Complete setup of the new server environment. - Retaining all current user data during the migration. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Moodle. - Experience with shared hosting server setups. - Data m...setup of the new server environment. - Retaining all current user data during the migration. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Moodle. - Experience with shared hosting server setups. - Data migration expertise. - Server configuration skills. I will provide access to the current server and the new shared hosting account. Your task will be to ensure a smooth transition without data loss, and to set up the new server for optimal performan...
Project Details $750.00 – 1,500.00 USD Design and Develop a Brand Website for “sellama” with Amazon Integration Project Description: We are looking for a highly skilled freelancer or team to design ...existing hosting and media assets. * Strong communication skills and attention to detail. * Flexible communication and open to feedback and changes when needed We look forward to reviewing your proposals and working with a talented professional who can bring Seallama to life online! : Seallama. Stainless Steel Wide Mouth Water Bottle - 2 Lids (Flex Straw Lid) and Double-Wall Vacuum Insulation - Leak Proof, BPA-Free, for Travel, Sports, School, and Car (Clay, 32 oz) : Sports & Outdoors ——————————&mdash...
...effectively. • Features: • Embedded lead forms on multiple pages. • Customizable fields (e.g., name, email, phone number, and additional questions). • Integration with GoHighLevel CRM for automatic data collection and follow-ups. • Include a thank-you page or confirmation message after form submission. 2. Calculator • Purpose: Provide users with an interactive tool to calculate [specific use case, e.g., cost estimates, savings, ROI]. • Features: • A responsive, easy-to-use calculator embedded into a dedicated page. • Custom formulas and logic (to be provided or discussed). • Results displayed instantly with an option to capture user information (e.g., email) to download results or receive further details. •...