Eiffel tower guided missile culture differences Jobs
...in our respective fields - we are well-funded, highly profitable (yes, already!), and primed for significant growth. At Finixio, we Value: Entrepreneurial spirit: We take initiative and seek out new opportunity Excellence: We strive for the best in everything we do Collaboration: We believe the best ideas come from working together Innovation: We embrace new ideas and technologies Our Culture is: Diverse and Inclusive Committed to continuous learning and development Focused on work-life balance and flexibility Celebrate our success and learning from failures Fun and supportive, where everyone is genuinely encouraged to be themselves Excited about this opportunity? Apply NOW! Finixio is an equal opportunity employer and we welcome applicants from ALL backgrounds. ...
Boxgym für Wettkämpfer und Anfänger ebenso als Fitness Trainingseinheit Das Logo sollte FBT by Steven Küchler heissen. Wir suchen etwas was das gute alte Boxen mit der modernen Fitness Komponente verbindet. Steven Küchler ist mehrmaliger Weltmeister gewesen. Das Training ist nach alten und modernen Konzepten entwickelt und vereint die alte Technik mit modernen Erkenntnissen
...Cloud folgende Fehlermeldung vom IIS: : [A] cannot be cast to [B]Sagede.OfficeLine.Saip.Metrics.SystemData. Type A originates from ', Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4ad8971889b881a9' in the context 'LoadNeither' at location 'C:Webserviceframework48leer2binSagede.OfficeLine.Saip.Metrics.System.dll'. Type B originates from ', Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4ad8971889b881a9' in the context 'Default' at location 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Filesframework48leer2895461d41df78a7fassemblydl3a1f6422e00e9dca6_9137d701
Hallo, wir sind ein neues online Magazin für digitale Nomaden und Menschen die gerne steuern sparen wollen. Unsere Webseite haben wir mit Wordpress und dem Theme DIVI umgesetzt. Wir suchen nun jemanden der ein paar kleinere Anpassungen vornehmen kann und das Design anpasst. ************* No Indians or Pakistans please, we do have very bad experience with your guys! To be honest no goo...Magazin für digitale Nomaden und Menschen die gerne steuern sparen wollen. Unsere Webseite haben wir mit Wordpress und dem Theme DIVI umgesetzt. Wir suchen nun jemanden der ein paar kleinere Anpassungen vornehmen kann und das Design anpasst. ************* No Indians or Pakistans please, we do have very bad experience with your guys! To be honest no good experience and for this job is european ...
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...has used Nterminal His-tagged-gene sequence to facilitate the protein purification process. Guide Prakhar to choose the correct expression host. Which of the following features should be considered to choose the correct host? Length of gene Presence of introns Post translational modifications Toxicity to the host cells Prakhar selected E. coli system for protein expression but when he grew the culture with pET28a expression vector, he could see low growth of the bacteria. He transformed the recombinant vector in the expression host with pLysS plasmid. The transformed plates are shown in the image below. Which of the following is FALSE for the observation shown below? A is E. coli strain
Given is an existing travel booking website: Project: Expand the existing framework with 5 another theme styles. The other are, culture, individual, group.....travelling The existing color ist the first one (beach holiday) For all pages on the top left site there should be placed an topic ICON (logo). The Icon should switch per page. The second part of the project is to build a 3D cube like this one: or customize this plugin. - With "one" click on the image you should be transfered to the page of the category - It should be useful with mobile phone - it shoul be placed on top of the project framework or on a landigpage. Both options should be possible.
Wir sind ein Tanzstudio in Berlin Kreuzberg und haben ein kleines Büro mit ca 6 Rechnern. Ich bin vor 10 Jahren kurz nach Gründung in die Dropbox gerutscht und hänge da immer noch.. Tanz ist sehr abhängig von Videos - wir haben sehr viel Datenmaterial. Ich möchte gerne einen Wechsel zu einem Festplatten-Tower (Gerne mit Sicherung/Spiegelung) einleiten und die Rechner des Büros und vom Tresen dadurch entlasten. Das ganze insgesamt optimieren. Ich würde mich über ein unverbindliches Angebot freuen.
## Wer wir sind Wir sind der am schnellsten wachsende Marktplatz für er...Gebrauchtprodukten. Und das – dank refurbed Sorglos-Paket – ohne jedes Risiko für unsere Kunden. Unser Ziel ist es, den refurbed-Gedanken in ganz Europa bekannt zu machen und dadurch zu einer nachhaltigeren Welt beizutragen. Please write 5 different paragraphs of 30 to 50 words each to explain the different parts of a laptop in order for our customers to make an informed purchase: - What are the differences between a SSD and HDD Festplatte? - Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: What is it and how do I know what I need? - Arbeitsspeicher Größe: What is it and how do I know what I need? - Prozessor: What is it and how does it impact my laptop purchase? - Graphikkarte: What is it and ho...
Wir suchen einen Entwickler, der uns hilft spezielle Funktionen in 3DVista einzubauen, oder Funktionen in 3DVista zu optimieren. Aktuell: Wir brauchen einen Videochat, der besser funktioniert als die integrierte "Live Guided Tour". - Die Inhalte die der Moderator teilt, müssen für die Gäste sichtbar sein (In der LGT werden bestimmte Aktivitäten wie das scrollen auf einer Website nicht angezeigt) - Externe Seiten müssen teilbar sein (shareable screen) - Die Größe der Videofenster sollen in der Größe skalierbar sein. Wir würden uns freuen, bei einem Gepräch mehr Details zu besprechen. Bevorzugt deutsche Sprache Bevorzugt Raum München Wir finden den persönlichen Kontakt sehr wichtig. Wir strebe...
...of Career Partner GmbH, and both companies currently employ around 1,500 people. about the project We are looking for an external partner who processes a defined number of open contracts and data records as part of a work contract and stores and checks them in the ERP system. Scope: - Review and process 570 cases from the backlog - 3,200 cases that have to be checked and processed due to differences Activity: Comparison / review of contracts in Care & Workday (retool if necessary): - Check and maintain contract sums - Check and maintain discounts (e.g. recognition discounts) - Check contract terms and billing periods Make adjustments to contracts in Workday: - Create / edit contract lines - Create / edit billing schedules - Edit line details / notes - If necess...
Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem deutschsprachigem Ghostwriter der mich bei meiner Bachelor Arbeit unterstützen kann. Es geht um das Thema Hofstedes Culture Value survey module von Gert Hofstede und wie darauf der CVSCALE Test entstanden ist. Gerne mehr darüber im Chat.
Meine Name Gerhard Häusler, Unternehmen VEDA Sportpark International Sports Health Culture Projektentwicklung, Lübeck- Schleswig-Holstein -Germany - . Wir planen einen Freizeit- und Erholungspark und Gesundheitsresort für Schleswig-Holstein. Wir benötigen eine Illustration des Parks mit Sport Gesundheit und Kultur. Gesundheitsregion - Tourismus. Illustration soll Vernetzung der aktiven Anwendungen mit Sport(zb Radfahren) Gesundheit(zb Yoga) und Kultur(zb Themenpark-Multimedia) mit spielerischen Motiven darstellen. Danke und beste Grüße aus Lübeck Gerhard Häusler
I have several texts (guided mediations, guided hypnosis, podcast) simply to read out accent-free authentic in High-German on different MP3 files. Also Deutsch als Muttersprache (bin Schweizer), wäre super wenn mir jemand diese Meditationen und Podcast einfach in guter Qualität auf eine MP3 vorlesen, besprechen könnte. Zeitlich hätte ich keinen Stress. 8 Meditationen / 17 Selbsthypnosen / 13 Podcast (alle zwischen 5 bis 10 Minuten Laufzeit) - Wenns geht, möglichst authentisch besprechen. :-)
...with WORDPRESS & WooCommerce as soon as possible. You are welcome to send me a first offer (hourly rate). The place of work will be here in Frankfurt. If you are good, you could finish our launch within 7 days, because of the advanced progress. The launch of the webshops is now, if needed we would also like to call on you to tackle other interesting projects. Look forward to an international culture in a dynamic medium-sized company in Frankfurt ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wir würden gerne einen Webshop für unsere verschiedenen Kunden, Partnerschaften und Angebote starten. Wir haben viel vorbereitet und brauchen einen Programmierer, um unseren Webshop mit WORDPRESS & WooCommer...
...Luftfahrzeugen, Übersicht oder Tabelle habe ich parat. English: I need an extension of an existing illustration or diagram that shows savings in travel time (airline, business jet, own aircraft and car) for a business trip. Picture or rendering of the own aircraft can be provided. Own illustrations desired. Picture (I can send an example) should show the differences with symbols. As well as a graphic representation of price differences to various aircraft, overview or table I have ready. Translated with (free version)...
Hallo Ioana D.! Hallo! Wir sind auf Ihr Profil gestoßen und würden gerne mit dir in Kontakt treten. Wir bieten folgende Stelle an: Star Entertainment GmbH Wir suchen ab sofort einen Social Media Manager für Star Entertainment - The World of Culture, Music and Film Ihr Aufgabenbereich: Die Aufbereitung/Überarbeitung und Positionierung der Webseite Sie entwickeln und realisieren Social-Media-Advertising-Kampagnen einschließlich Audience Development, Erfolgsmessung, Reporting und Optimierung aller Social-Media-Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Zielvorgaben Erstellung und Pflege der Content- und Redaktionsplanung für verschiedene Kanäle sowie das Aufsetzen neuer Content-Formate Community Management sowie Influencer- und Blogger-Relations Das Monit...
Lieber Niclas N.! Wir sind auf dein Profil gestoßen und würden gerne mit dir in Kontakt treten. Wir bieten folgende Stelle an: Star Entertainment GmbH Wir suchen ab sofort einen Social Media Manager für Star Entertainment - The World of Culture, Music and Film Ihr Aufgabenbereich: Die Aufbereitung/Überarbeitung und Positionierung der Webseite Sie entwickeln und realisieren Social-Media-Advertising-Kampagnen einschließlich Audience Development, Erfolgsmessung, Reporting und Optimierung aller Social-Media-Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Zielvorgaben Erstellung und Pflege der Content- und Redaktionsplanung für verschiedene Kanäle sowie das Aufsetzen neuer Content-Formate Community Management sowie Influencer- und Blogger-Relations Das Monitor...
Hallo Dennis M.! Wir sind auf dein Profil gestoßen und würden gerne mit dir in Kontakt treten. Wir bieten folgende Stelle an: Star Entertainment GmbH Wir suchen ab sofort einen Social Media Manager für Star Entertainment - The World of Culture, Music and Film Ihr Aufgabenbereich: Die Aufbereitung/Überarbeitung und Positionierung der Webseite Sie entwickeln und realisieren Social-Media-Advertising-Kampagnen einschließlich Audience Development, Erfolgsmessung, Reporting und Optimierung aller Social-Media-Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Zielvorgaben Erstellung und Pflege der Content- und Redaktionsplanung für verschiedene Kanäle sowie das Aufsetzen neuer Content-Formate Community Management sowie Influencer- und Blogger-Relations Das Monitorin...
Wir suchen eine/n erfahrenen Copywriter/in für das Schreiben der Copies von Facebook Werbeanzeigen und Landing Pages zur Lead Generierung für Coaches/Consultants und für Ecommerce Stores. Wir sind eine Agentur aus München mit remote work culture. Das Ganze wäre eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit, sollte sich zeigen, dass wir gut zusammenpassen und /-arbeiten.
...etc. zu optimieren benötigen wir eine effiziente Software, die einige bereits genutzte Programme von uns vereint. Als beste Lösung erscheint uns dafür Salesforce. Mehrere Prozesse müssten in Salesforce integriert werden, unter anderem: - Leadprozess (Leadformular, Konvertierung) - Oppurtunityprozess (Automaten, Retail, Wholesale) inkl. Anpassungen (Layouts, Felder, Listenansichten, Prozess - Guided Selling) - Standortverwaltungsprozess (Siehe Dokument Checkliste ) - Reklamationsprozess (Basisausführung e-Mail als Channel bzw. manuelle Erfassung von telefonischen Reklamationen) - Bewerbeprozess für Franchisepartner (Abbildung des Bewerbungsprozesses eines möglichen Franchisepartners inkl. Abbildung der geforderten Unterlagen als Dokument bzw...
Ich brauche einige grafische Designs Culture and arts association. Name "KuK Freunde Graz".
...WC auf der einen und die Dusche auf der anderen Seite eingezeichnet ist. - Der Treppenaufgang ist im Plan falsch eingezeichnet. Er ist 315x105cm gross und es ist eine gerade Treppe. (siehe Plan mit korrigierter Treppe) - Der Boden wird Parkett, Eiche dunkel; die Wände/Dachschrägen sind weiss (Fermacell mit weissem Abrieb) Folgendes möchten wir drin haben: - Doppelbett - 2 Laufbänder + 1 Fitness-Tower - 2 Relaxliegen - WC, Lavabo - Doppelwaschtisch mit Spiegelschrank - Walk-Through-Dusche mit Glaswand, beidseitig offen, min. 2.3x1m - freistehende Badewanne - Dampfdusche, min. 2x1m - Fertig-Sauna, min. 1.8x1.8m Stilrichtung der Objekte: - Dusche: ) - freistehende Badewanne (
Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times. It&rsq...
...not asked. 2. Ideal: combination of two (opposing) topics (eg sports & literature, or typical women's issues with typical men's themes, pop culture and high culture) -> Questions Ex. see below 3. Entertaining, positive topics, not negative topics like terror, illnesses or accidents (unless there are funny accidents;)) 4. No pure query questions of numerical values or data. 5. Questions for Swiss / International (no German topics such as politics and in-depth geography questions) Assignment: Create 5 questions for a moderated quiz: Combine the areas of culture (literature, poetry, painting, religion, music, history, science) with everyday / pop culture topics (memes, youth language, fast food, social media, smartphones, Stars, film and tele...
Titel: Afroamerikanisc...Sprache: Deutsch Typ der Arbeit: Hausarbeit Akademisches Level: Hauptstudium Literaturverzeichnis (als Hilfestellung und bitte noch mehr): Abodunrin, F., 2008. Blackness: Culture, Ideology and Discourse. Dokun Publishing House, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ferguson, R., Gever, M., Minh-ha, T.T., West, C. (Eds.), 1992. Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Culture, Reprint edition. ed. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Kerry James Marshall: Who’s Afraid of Red, Black and Green, 2012. . Berlin. Powell, R.J., 2003. Black Art: A Cultural History, 2 edition. ed. Thames & Hudson, London. Wallace, M., 1992. Black Popular Culture. Bay Pr, Seattle. Sonstiges: Eine Arbeit von mir zwecks meines Schreib-Styles kann geliefert werden nachdem der...
Guten Tag, wir suchen einen Freelancer, der für uns einen 3D animierten Film eines Gebäude-Refurbishments realisiert. Wir möchten die gesamte Neuplanung des Gebäudes in dem 3D animierten Film zeigen. Es handelt sich um ein Bestandsgebäude aus den 60er Jahr...Ergebnisse in den Showreels sehr ansprechend. Für Printmarketing bräuchten wir auch Stills/Renderings in druckfähiger Auflösung aus dem Film. Photographie der beeindruckenden Aussichten aus dem Gebäude müssten integriert werden . Wir bräuchten vor einer Beauftragung bitte Referenzprojekte, die Sie gemacht haben. Beispiele, was wir uns in etwa vorstellen in auf Vimeo: 3D Animation zum Refurbisment Oval Tower, Amsterdam oder Animationsfilm von der Firma Cadman, Projekt ...
Für einen Kundenauftrag suche wir einen versierten Techniker auf Rechnungsbasis im Bereich Mariendorf / Tempelhof. Im Rahmen der Modernisierung der Leitstelle unseres Kunden, sollen mindestens 15-20 "Server" die derzeit auf Tower PCs laufen virtualisiert und durch 1-2 Leistungsstarke Nodes ersetzt werden. Ihr Aufgabengebiet - Planung der nötigen Hardware nach Kundenwünschen (Erweiterungs-Karten, RAM, CPU etc) - Realisierung der VM Umgebung nach Kundenanforderung - Migration der Daten - Installation der Hardware - auftreten als unser Mitarbeiter beim Kunden Vergütung - 20€ netto / Stunde VHB vor Ort - Planungsphase nach Vereinbarung - Versicherungsschutz durch unsere Unternehmenshaftpflicht als Subunternehmer gegeben. Voraussetzung - Nachweislic...
Ich suche jemanden der mir das Logo des Vereins Turm Deifel Ehingen e.V. erneuert. Das alte Logo soll prinzipiell erhalten bleiben, allerdings ist das viel zu verpixelt und unscharf. Es handelt sich um einen alten zerfallenen Turm mit Flammen im ...grüne Hand mit Krallen, welche den Turm hält. Eine Schriftzug ums Logo lautet: Turm Deifel Ehingen e.V. 1998. Der Hintergrund sollte transparent sein. ------ Seeking someone who renew the logo of the club Turm Deifel Ehingen e.V. for me. The old logo is to be retained in principle, but it is way too pixelated and blurry. It is an old ruined tower with flames in the background. Under the tower is a green hand with claws, holding the tower. A lettering around the logo reads: Turm Deifel Ehingen e.V. 1998. B...
I have had a freelancer create a website for me with some technology plugged in and several subpages but I need a high-end rework of the page from a design and user experience point of view. The page is for online patient/doctor network with video-conferencing built in. So people need to become a) informed of what the service is b) feel safe and home c) be guided and able to go from 1st page to actual video-session and follow-up including sign-up and providing payment details. You will also need to test the existing pages for bugs. I will add another job to have someone support me in the content creation of some background research to make people more comfortable around the topic and to create a "test" people can take online to see if the service is suitable for them...
Money simply by that directs traffic to a website. And that $ 1,000 per sale deserve. That's the goal and works demonstrably. A Facebook group shows get your commissions almost daily as the members. I want real traffic (75-80% US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, IE) are guided on my affiliate link and pay for each registered Optin when are achieved in 1000. So I expect 1000 unique Optin and this would be repeated monthly, if your list (s) is so great that whatever other recipients are reached. However, I also need a statistic as to the conduct or similar most traffic to check. Geld verdienen einfach dadurch dass man Traffic auf eine Webseite lenkt. Und damit 1000 USD pro Verkauf verdienen. Das ist das Ziel und klappt nachweislich. Eine Facebookgruppe zeigt nahezu täglich wie die M...
wer kann mir meinen pc in ein neues gehäuse umbauen, in wien, sollte am montag fertig sein....big tower in big tower
Arab Des...expectations, the selected designer will also be tasked with: Complete branding (colors, typography, visual style). Design of printed and digital menus. Design of food packaging and boxes. Creation of digital menus for restaurant screens. Essential Requirements: Being from an Arab country. This is a non-negotiable requirement, as I am looking for a genuine connection with the culture to inspire the design. Proven experience in branding and graphic design. Clear communication and availability to work collaboratively. If you meet these requirements, please share your portfolio and briefly explain your prior experience with similar projects. I am excited to find a designer who can capture an authentic Arab essence in every aspect of my busines...
I'm in need of a t-shirt logo that embodies the theme "celebrate autism, celebrate our differences". The logo should be playful and colorful, reflecting a sense of joy and acceptance. Key Components: - The design should include symbols related to autism and illustrations of diverse people. It should promote inclusivity and acceptance. - The color scheme should be rainbow colors. This not only ties in with the theme of diversity but also adds a bright, cheerful aspect to the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experience with designing for social causes - Understanding of autism symbols and imagery - Ability to create playful, colorful designs
As the owner of a new clothing line, I need a logo that embodies midwestern values. Key Aspects: - The logo should reflect elements of our Midwestern roots. This includes incorporating farm imagery, wildlife elements, and traditional Midwestern symbols. - The color schemes are open to interpretation. - We want the logo to create a connection between the buyer and our midwestern values
...icons. Style and Aesthetic: • Theme: Sophisticated, premium, and mysterious, reflecting the “secret” element of the brand. • Color Palette: Deep browns, blacks, and gold tones, with accents of cream or white for contrast. • Typography: Modern and elegant fonts that convey luxury and quality. • Imagery: High-resolution visuals of coffee beans, cups, and lifestyle elements related to coffee culture. Requirements: • Proven experience in designing interactive and visually engaging websites. • Strong portfolio showcasing similar projects, preferably for luxury or food & beverage brands. • Expertise in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or similar. • Ability to provide guidance on best practices for interactivity and an...
I am looking for an architect to develop a modern style, two-story floor plan for a plot measuring 12m × 26m located in Saudi Arabia. The design needs to be innovative and efficient, making optimal use of the ava...looking for an architect to develop a modern style, two-story floor plan for a plot measuring 12m × 26m located in Saudi Arabia. The design needs to be innovative and efficient, making optimal use of the available space. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern architecture - Experience in designing two-story buildings - Understanding of floor plan design suitable for Saudi Arabia's climate and culture Please note, the specific types and number of rooms have not been predetermined and are open for discussion. Your creativity and expertise in this area wi...
I'm looking for a talented artist to illustrate less than 20 watercolor images for a children's book I wrote about Native Americans and totem poles. The illustrations should be in color and encapsulate the beauty, values, and vibrancy of Native American culture and traditions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with watercolor illustrations - Ability to create vivid, colorful illustrations - Understanding or willingness to learn about Native American culture - Prior experience illustrating children's books is a plus Please reach out if you're passionate about these topics and believe you could bring my story to life through your artistry.
I'm in search of a dynamic graphic designer with a flair for turning ideas into trendy, streetwear-inspired designs. The target audience for these designs spans from teens to millennials, but they should be eye-catching enough to appeal to all ages. The primary f...A bustling crowd The overarching theme of the design is "WHERE LEGENDS WERE BORN BLACK HISTORY". Key requirements for this project: - Mastery in urban hip hop design aesthetic - Ability to use bold and vibrant color schemes - Skill in depicting intricate scenes with multiple elements The ideal candidate for this project will have a deep understanding of streetwear trends and urban hip hop culture, with the ability to adapt designs as trends evolve. Strong experience in graphic design, particularly for ...
I'm in need of a skilled video editor for my English Gaming Youtube channel. The focus will primarily be on editing gameplay highlights. Requirements: - The editing style should be humorous, with meme edits sprinkled throughout. - Experience with Adobe Premiere Pro is a must, as this is the software I'll be using. - A sense of timing, rhythm and understanding of gaming culture and memes will be crucial. Ideal Skills: - Video editing and post-production - Familiarity with gaming content - Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro - Ability to create humorous, meme-based edits
I'm seeking a designer to create a series of minimalist-style BJJ rash guard designs. The designs should incorporate logos/brands, geometric patterns, and text/slogans. Key Requirements: - Experience in minimalist design - Understanding of BJJ culture and aesthetics - Strong graphic design skills to create geometric patterns - Ability to creatively incorporate logos/brands and text/slogans into the designs Color Scheme: - The designs should be able to accommodate many colours, not restricted to one specific palette. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brand Integration - Pattern Creation - Text Incorporation - Minimalist Design Understanding Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past. I am looking for a long-term collaboration if the first set of de...
...KAFCO’s Training & Development Project for 2024/2025. It includes detailed guidelines and processes for every section, covering induction for Unit Directors, Graded Employees, Contractors, and interns.” Text on screen: • Step-by-step onboarding guidance • Duration and topics per section • Tailored for all employees and interns [Scene 3: Why This Initiative?] (Footage of a new employee being guided by a mentor) Voiceover: “This initiative addresses the need for a structured induction process. Previously, lack of clarity led to confusion. The new e-booklet ensures consistency, boosts confidence, and fosters better engagement among new hires.” [Scene 4: Project Team and Leadership] (Photo montage of the project team with titles on scr...
I'm looking for a creative and professional logo for my basketball team. The logo should incorporate: - Team name - Basketball image - Our team mascot or symbol The color scheme of the logo should align with our team colors. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in sports logo design, and experience with team branding. Creativity, understanding of sports culture, and commitment to deliver a high quality design are essential.
I'm looking for a manual data entry freelancer to fetch data from few different websites according to the specified guided steps from me. Key Responsibilities: - Follow the guided steps instruction carefully and perfectly - Make at least 15 full flow steps a week. Ideal Skills: - Strong in learning and understanding in SOP (standard operation procedure) - Excellent reporting skills - Proficiency in AI software tool like chatGPT - Ability to use canvas and VidIq (or willing to learn it) Experience: - The past experience and ability to learn new SOP, skills and software is a must - Prior experience in using SEO & AI softwares is a plus - Experience with YouTube content creation is a plus This is a great opportunity for those with a passion for finance and content ...
I want a website designed for Newrad which is an organisation formed to encourage people to find their authentic selves and to support them to remain that way. Society has decided for us what is acceptable to...different looking clothes, speak in different ways, laugh at different things. But who are we to judge? Society is shaped through a media that is carefully controlled. Good or bad, there is room to allow people their rights to expression and certainly not lock them away in mental institutions for being 'different'. I think we are looking at the biggest failing in society today. Differences start wars, differences maintained keep people starving and without clean water. It is the art of observing without analysing that when learnt as common nature will set...
...Influencer (Priya): (dressed up in flashy clothes) "Hey guys! Main hoon Priya, aapki favorite influencer! Aaj mai aapko bataungi kaise ek cheap moisturizer ko luxury product banate hain." Raj: (awed) "Priya didi! Aap toh meri inspiration ho!" Simran: "Priya, tumhe pata hai na log tumhare fake reviews dekhke paise barbaad karte hain?" Priya: "Toh kya? Paisa toh aa raha hai na!" --- (Scene 3: Troll Culture) Troll (Aman): (typing furiously on his phone) "Arey, ek aur celebrity ki post pe gaali deni hai. Mazza aata hai bhai!" Simran: "Arre Aman, ye trolling kyu? Kisi ki izzat ka kya?" Aman: "Izzat? Internet pe toh sab allowed hai, yaar!" Simran: "Allowed hai, par sahi nahi hai. Thoda toh soch, kisi k...
...international market trends - Strong portfolio in logo design and color scheme development - Creative and able to offer unique design solutions The style of the logo is open-ended, hence you have the freedom to explore traditional, modern, or minimalistic designs. Although there are no specific elements that must be incorporated into the logo, the use of tea-related imagery, subtle nods to Japanese culture, and a balance of simplicity and sophistication could be beneficial. Ultimately, the logo should encapsulate the essence of our green tea and matcha, without being overly complicated. It should be able to convey key brand values such as calmness, health, and authenticity. Please note, I am acting as a consultant on this project, therefore, regular communication and update...
...Couples and Families Age: 30–50 years old. Demographics: Affluent couples celebrating milestones or families planning exclusive vacations. Parents seeking safe yet unique experiences for kids. Psychographics: Prioritize convenience and comfort over spontaneity. Seek destinations and activities with high-quality service and exclusivity. Interested in private, curated experiences like villa stays, guided cultural tours, and wellness retreats. Behavior: Book well in advance for high-end accommodations or activities. Spend significantly on add-ons like private chefs, chauffeurs, and personalized itineraries. Elite Business Travelers and Experience Collectors Age: 35–55 years old. Demographics: CXOs, senior executives, and business owners who combine work trips with l...
Looking for an A...expectations, the selected designer will also be tasked with: Complete branding (colors, typography, visual style). Design of printed and digital menus. Design of food packaging and boxes. Creation of digital menus for restaurant screens. Essential Requirements: Being from an Arab country. This is a non-negotiable requirement, as I am looking for a genuine connection with the culture to inspire the design. Proven experience in branding and graphic design. Clear communication and availability to work collaboratively. If you meet these requirements, please share your portfolio and briefly explain your prior experience with similar projects. I am excited to find a designer who can capture an authentic Arab essence in every aspect of my...