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    2,000 edi 856 guideline Jobs gefunden

    Wir suchen Grafikpower für ein neu entstehendes Onlinecasino aus Sachsen. Der...virtuellen Automatenspiel (Onlineslots). Daher spielt sich der Großteil der Kundenkontakte im digitalen Umfeld statt. Für die Realsierung des Projektes benötigen wir einen erfahrenen Grafikdesigner mit digitalem Schwerpunkt. Da es sich um ein komplett neues Angebot handelt, muss ein Großteil der Assets neu erstellt oder ins Format gebracht werden. Hierfür exisitiert bereits ein Corporate Manual mit Guideline-Vorgaben für grafische Umsetzungen. Es ist eine mittel- bis langfristige Zusammenarbeit angestrebt. Der Arbeitsaufwand würde insbesondere in den nächsten beiden Monaten (September / Oktober 2022) recht hoch sein. Danach sind ca. 2 Arbeitstage pro Woche...

    €36 / hr Average bid
    €36 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Es soll eine veloconnect Schnittstelle für Odoo (V14/15) erstellt werden. Die vollständige Beschreibung der offenen Schnittstelle kann auf der Website eingesehen werden. Über die Schnittstelle sollen u.a. Artikeldaten nach Odoo importiert werden, Bestellvorgänge mit Preisvergleich bei Lieferanten durchgeführt werden, Lagerbestände bei Lieferanten abgefragt werden, EDI ausgetauscht werden wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine. Webseite veloconnect:

    €1188 Average bid
    €1188 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote", "What are the kill zones for start-ups?" and some basic definitions like - what are digital markets, killer acquisitions, and kill zones. I will link some literature that needs to be included in this essay as well. About this essay: • Length is 3000 - 4500 words • No Footnotes - Our University wants an In-text example Chicago style for referencing Literature (I have attached our Guideline): E.g., In statistical inference, a sample is understood as a subsection of the entirety of possible observations, called population (Kmenta 2000, 3). • Every sentence must be referenced with literature (Book, Journey, etc.). • Please provide a well-structured table of Content, • A Bibliography with all the used Literature at the end is ...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Gebot i.D.
    51 Angebote

    Hallo, Wir suchen für verschiedene Anbindungslösungen Hilfe. Idealerweise haben Sie Erfahrung mit Kundenanbindungen über NTG, Iwofurn und EDI.

    €36 / hr Average bid
    €36 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hallo zusammen, im Zuge der strategischen Neuausrichtung unseres Familienunternehmens sind wir auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen Partner für die Erstellung unseres neuen Logos und dem einhergehenden Corporate Design. Ein Handbook bzw. Guideline, in welcher alle Requirements und Informationen zum Unternehmen festgeschrieben sind, besteht bereits. Nähere Infos erfolgen selbstverständlich bei Kontaktaufnahme. Wir freuen uns über eine Kontaktaufnahme, gegebenenfalls direkt mit der ein oder anderen Referenz. Beste Grüße

    €948 Average bid
    €948 Gebot i.D.
    58 Angebote

    Hallo Edi Y., mir ist Ihr Profil aufgefallen und ich möchte Ihnen mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Einzelheiten im Chat besprechen.

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...suche einen Ghostwriter für die Fertigstellung meiner Bachelorarbeit. Hintergrundinformationen: Im Rahmen eines Hochschulprojektes soll Ich eine Bachelor Arbeit zum Thema "Leben und Arbeiten in Peru" erstellen. Die Bachelorarbeit soll Studenten die ins Auslandssemester gehen als Orientierungshilfe für das jeweilige Land dienen. Neben einfachem Hintergrundwissen über Peru, soll ebenfalls eine Guideline für Behördengänge und Offizielle Handlungen geschaffen werden. Fokus: Besonderer Fokus der Bachelor Arbeit liegt bei den Kulturdimensionen, sowie der Interkulturellen Kommunikation! (punkt 4+5) Ich habe bereits eine Komplette Struktur, 30 grob verfasste Seiten, grobe Quellen und ebenfalls 4 Referenz Arbeiten die als Orientierungshilfe di...

    €540 Average bid
    €540 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote
    Trophy icon Edi Projekt
    Beendet left

    Ich brauche ein Logo für eine Reinigung & Renovation Firma. Im Logo sollen die Buchstaben EHR stehen und am besten mit einem Symbol das zur Tätigkeit passt Edi Hauswartungen & Renovationen

    €185 Average bid
    Dringend Garantiert
    250 Einträge

    Unser ERP System ist Microsoft Dynamics GP, gehostet in Australien bei unserem Mutterkonzern. Wir wollen eine EDI Schnittstelle zu unserem Logistiker aufbauen, sodass die Aufträge/Bestellungen automatisch in sein System übermittelt werden und bearbeitet werden können. Auch ein der Import von Aufträgen über den Webshop und andere Marktplätze soll automatisiert werden.

    €2605 Average bid
    €2605 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote
    Trophy icon Guideline für Thriller verfassen
    Beendet left

    Bitte verfassen sie eine Guideline aller Kapitel für einen Ghostwriter. (roter Faden) Genre ist Psycho-Thriller. Kleiner Tipp, umso krasser die Idee mit unvorhergesehenen Wendungen werden bevorzugt in der Auswahl. Garantierter Gewinner

    €120 Average bid
    Featured Garantiert
    3 Einträge

    Hi, Mein Name ist Jan, ich arbeite im Großhandel für Drucker und Zubehör, nutze JTL wawi. Derzeit habe ich ein paar leere Domains, zu deren Füllung (JTL-Shop / Multishop oder was auch immer) ich DICH suche! Auch Amz/eBy soll angekickt werden. Bin direkter Amz Vendor, evtl hast du da auch Erfahrung (edi aus jtl zu AVC, Workflows einrichten uvm.) Da das Projekt in sich wächst, ist es für mich schwer, in Arbeitszeit oder in „Projektpreis“ zu rechnen. Würde dir vorschlagen, definierte Ziele entsprechend zu vergüten. Kannst du Rechnungen (USt) erstellen? Wenn du Interesse an diesen geilen Projekten hast (no rocket-science, aber solides geiles aufbauen), gib mir eine Nachricht. Wir sollten dann mal telefonieren ;-) Viele Grüsse ...

    €504 Average bid
    €504 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote
    Logo Design
    Beendet left

    Hallo, welcher kreative Kopf möchte sich für mich und mein Unternehmen ein originelles, ansprechendes aber auch seriös wirkendes Logo ausdenken? Ich bin freiberuflicher EDI Consultant. Schwerpunkt Schnittstellen- , Mapping und Prozessentwicklung auf den Systemen Lobster _data und Seeburger BIS 5.x und allgemeine Consultingtätigkeiten im Bereich EDV, EDI, EAI, Schnittstellen und Datenformate. Firmenname = "easy2edi Schäfer". Mein Sternzeichen ist Wassermann, das chinesische ist der Drache. Nach dem Logo steht dann ggf. noch das Entwerfen eines Webauftritts an...aktuelle Seite ist ein Baukasten..kann aber gerne gesichtet werden. Das Logo sollte nicht zu bunt sein. Ich mag Kombinationen aus Grau- und Schwarztönen, Türkis, Weiß u...

    €320 Average bid
    €320 Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    hi, project is postboned, sorry for any inconvenience?! benötige EDI daten aus meinem ERP system, muss rechnungen, auftragsbestätigungen, etc invoice EDI konform abbilden können. diese EDI daten werden für die anbindung an sportgrosshändler benötigt.

    €29 - €238
    €29 - €238
    0 Angebote

    Wir suchen einen Senior SAP EDI Manager mit Erfahrung in großen Transformationsprojekten, und möglichst mit Personalführung. Wichtig ist auch die SAP PI/PO Hands on Erfahrung, idealerweise auf eine PI/PO Rel. 7. Der Kandidat soll - eine ab Februar eintretende Vakanz - auf der Stelle des Kunden Service Managers EDI Services abfedern, sowie im Schwerpunkt seine temporäre Nachfolge als Überbrückungsprojektmanager des laufenden EDI Migrationsprojektes antreten. Einsatzort Köln/Bonn

    €561 Average bid
    €561 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    benötige EDI daten aus meinem ERP system, muss rechnungen, auftragsbestätigungen, etc invoice EDI konform abbilden können. diese EDI daten werden für die anbindung an sportgrosshändler benötigt.

    €263 Average bid
    €263 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Es gilt basierend auf einer Unternehmens CI/CD Guideline ein Favoriten Icon für eine App sowie ein iOS App Icon zu entwerfen und zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    €88 Average bid
    €88 Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    ...aufzustellen, indem alle Forschungseinrichtungen und Hersteller untereinander Informationen zu diversen Forschungstests teilen können. Da ich das Projekt noch Anonym halten möchte, will ich die Projektbeschreibung noch nicht senden. Das kann ich erst dann, wenn ich mich vergewissert habe, dass sich Ihr Autor in diesem Bereich SEHR gut auskennt. Einen Inhaltsverzeichnis gibt es nicht, eine guideline auch nicht. Um inhaltlich und preislich etwas beizutragen, kann ich eine Liste mit allen Forschungsinstituten (der einen Branche) erstellen. Gerne kann ich nach Absprache mit dem Autor auch an Informationen gelangen, welche für den Autor unzugänglich bzw nicht zu finden sind, da ich in einem der Forschungsinstitute als studentische Hilfskraft arbeite. De...

    €8 - €29
    €8 - €29
    0 Angebote

    Für eine Hausverwaltungsgesellschaft (2-4 Mitarbeiter) soll eine Corporate ID erstellt werden. Dazu gehören: - Logo Vektor-Zeichnung (Grobentwurf bereits vorhanden) - Corporate Design (Unternehmensfarben stehen ebenfalls fest) - PowerPoint Entwurf - Visitenkarten - Briefschaften (Rechnungs- und Briefpapier) - Guideline Ein Grobentwurf des Logo's und Firmenfarben stehen bereits fest. Referenzmaterialien (Broschüren, Visitenkarten,...) an dem man sich orientieren kann werden auch bereitgestellt. Bei erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit werden im Weiteren folgende Aufträge folgen: - Vorlage und Konzept für Web-Auftritt - Broschüre (Inhalte werden bereitgestellt) - Flyer

    €172 Average bid
    €172 Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote

    Wir suchen aktuell nach einen „Freelancer“ der uns bei Entwicklungsarbeiten im Integrationsbereich eines neues Produktes unterstütz. Grundsätzlich sollte eine Verfügbarkeit von mind 2 Tagen in der Woche gegeben sein. Geplant wäre aktuell der Einsatz bereits ab sofort (falls verfügbar) bis Jänner 2016. Möglicherweise auch darüber hinaus – da sind wir eher flexibel. Von den Anforderungen sollte folgende Grundkenntnisse vorhanden sein: - Grundkenntnisse in der Programmierung (C#,Java,Php,…) und mit Datenbanksystemen (Oracle, MS-SQL,MySql,…) - Grundkenntnisse in SOAP/REST WebServices - Datenbank Grundkenntnisse (Oracle, MS-SQL,MySql,…) - Grundkenntnisse in der Netzwerktechnik von Vorteil - Technisches Verst&a...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Hallo, ich suche mehrere Übersetzer für einen Reisekatalog. Der Katalog wird in englischer Sprache geliefert und muss in das Deutsche übersetzt werden. Es gibt eine Guideline und es wiederholen sich auch viele Phrasen. Dies ist ein Auftrag für professionelle Übersetzer. Ich erwarte bei der Bewerbung einen Stundenlohn anzugeben, denn mit einem Wortcount geht es hier nicht aufgrund der Wiederholungen. Ich freue mich auf deine Bewerbung. Optimal für proffesionelle Übersetzer mir SDL Trados oder ähnlicher Software.

    €158 Average bid
    €158 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    ..."". Of course the logo can be designed with icons, pictures or graphics. The design / color / font is up to you. You can design our logo however you want. It should match with our electronic online-department store. The logo should be displayed on the internet (Website, Banner, etc.) and on paper (invoices, letters, flayer, brochures, etc.). Our target price is considered as a guideline and may be increased - of course - with excellent work....

    €81 Average bid
    €81 Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    I'm in need of a creative graphic designer to design a couple of marketing materials for me. I specifically need posters and brochures. - You should be able to follow a preferred style that I will provide, which is not as strict as a brand guideline but still needs to be adhered to. - The designs should be visually appealing, engaging, and effectively communicate the intended message. Ideal candidates would have a strong portfolio of similar work, excellent attention to detail, and the ability to translate a style guide into effective design. Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign is a must. Experience in designing for print is particularly beneficial.

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    ...We are not a fly by night company, and we been spending on for a long time. We have attached some of our payment released to translators whom we have worked with before for your consideration. *Our transacted currency is in SGD. Do not provide your quotation in USD or any other currency. *We will not consider those who do not provide the quotation in word/pdf format. A simple guideline as to our rates received thus far:- 1) Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) - S$0.01/source word 2) *German - S$4/page 3) *Thai - S$4/page 4) *Vietnamese - S$4/page 5) *Bengali - S$4/page 6) *Tamil - S$4/page 7) *Korean - S$4/page 8) *Japanese - S$4/page 9) *Burmese - S$4/page *Minimum word count for page count price is 300 words. If you are able to match the above or give a ...

    €395 Average bid
    €395 Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    ...We are not a fly by night company, and we been spending on for a long time. We have attached some of our payment released to translators whom we have worked with before for your consideration. *Our transacted currency is in SGD. Do not provide your quotation in USD or any other currency. *We will not consider those who do not provide the quotation in word/pdf format. A simple guideline as to our rates received thus far:- 1) Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) - S$0.01/source word 2) *German - S$4/page 3) *Thai - S$4/page 4) *Vietnamese - S$4/page 5) *Bengali - S$4/page 6) *Tamil - S$4/page 7) *Korean - S$4/page 8) *Japanese - S$4/page 9) *Burmese - S$4/page *Minimum word count for page count price is 300 words. If you are able to match the above or give a ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented video editor with experience in creating animated educational explainer videos. The primary goal of t...working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in each of the video ---- Please check in this google sheet, send me draft version of video 24 edited video according to the step in tab 'Standard Guideline', if you can do it accordingly, then I will send award to you for the rest of the other videos : ; ----------

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Gebot i.D.
    23 Angebote

    I run a Financial educational YouTube channel and I'm in need of a creative professional who can help with crafting engaging scripts and designing eye-catching thumbnails. Key Responsibilities: - Develop informal, yet educational scripts for my YouTube videos. - Create visually appealing thumbnails that align with the channel's tone. - Follow the steps and process guideline to achieve the goals Ideal Skills: - Expertise in YouTube scriptwriting with a focus on education. - Graphic design skills, particularly in creating YouTube thumbnails. - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and viewer engagement strategies. If you don't know any of that, it's fine, because the steps and process is easy to learn. We do everything with AI and free online softwares. Go...

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote
    4 Tage left

    ...We are not a fly by night company, and we been spending on for a long time. We have attached some of our payment released to translators whom we have worked with before for your consideration. *Our transacted currency is in SGD. Do not provide your quotation in USD or any other currency. *We will not consider those who do not provide the quotation in word/pdf format. A simple guideline as to our rates received thus far:- 1) Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) - S$0.01/source word 2) *German - S$4/page 3) *Thai - S$4/page 4) *Vietnamese - S$4/page 5) *Bengali - S$4/page 6) *Tamil - S$4/page 7) *Korean - S$4/page 8) *Japanese - S$4/page 9) *Burmese - S$4/page *Minimum word count for page count price is 300 words. If you are able to match the above or give a ...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gebot i.D.
    76 Angebote

    I'm in need of a seasoned React Native developer who can enhance, finalize, and publish a mobile app for iOS. Key R...seasoned React Native developer who can enhance, finalize, and publish a mobile app for iOS. Key Responsibilities: * Complete and enhance existing app features. * Ensure the app runs smoothly across all iOS devices. * Optimize UI/UX in accordance with provided design specifications. * Manage the app's submission process to the Apple App Store, ensuring it meets all necessary compliance and guideline standards. Ideal Candidate: * Demonstrated experience in React Native development. * Prior experience with deploying apps on the App Store. * Knowledge of app performance optimization techniques. * Excellent communication skills and a track record of meetin...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Gebot i.D.
    30 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled video creator who can craft a casual-styled app preview video for my iOS application. The primary aim of this video is to showcase the features of the app in an engaging and accessible manner. You must follow Apple's guideline for making the app preview video: Key Requirements: - Experience in creating app preview videos - Ability to convey information in a casual, relatable style - Proficiency with video editing software - Understanding of iOS app features and user interface - Creative mindset to effectively showcase app features Please provide examples of similar videos you've created in the past.

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Gebot i.D.
    20 Angebote

    I'm looking for a freelancer with experience in the Android publish console. The project involves a utility app that is already developed and ready to be published. Key Requirements: - Prior experience with the Android publish console. - Knowledge about the publishing process for utility apps. - Understanding of compliance and guideline checks for Google Play Store. Please note, assistance with App Store Optimization (ASO) is not required for this project. Your expertise will primarily focus on the app's publication.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    I'm looking for a freelancer with experience in the Android publish console. The project involves a utility app that is already developed and ready to be published. Key Requirements: - Prior experience with the Android publish console. - Knowledge about the publishing process for utility apps. - Understanding of compliance and guideline checks for Google Play Store. Please note, assistance with App Store Optimization (ASO) is not required for this project. Your expertise will primarily focus on the app's publication.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    ... Key Features: - Company History and Mission: The website should effectively communicate our journey and our goals. - Team Member Bios: A dedicated section for introducing our team, showcasing their expertise and contributions. - Client Testimonials and Case Studies: A space for sharing our success stories and client feedback, enhancing our credibility. Branding: I have a complete branding guideline that includes logos, color schemes, and fonts. The chosen freelancer will need to adhere to these guidelines meticulously. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Proven experience in creating corporate websites. - UX/UI Design: Ability to create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces. - Brand Compliance: Experience in adhering to strict branding guidelines. T...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Gebot i.D.
    95 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional who can create an exhaustive set of brand guidelines for my business. The guidelines should cover logo usage, color palette, and typography. - Logo Usage: Clear instructions on how to use the logo across various mediums and formats. - Color Palette: A defined color scheme that aligns...that aligns with our brand identity. - Typography: A set of fonts that represent our brand voice. I already have a brand logo, but I need expert guidance on how to utilize it effectively. I'm open to suggestions for defining my brand values and attributes, so a professional with a background in brand strategy would be highly beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in brand guideline creation, with a keen eye for design and a deep understandin...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Gebot i.D.
    109 Angebote

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a minimalist style create a minimalist style logo for my company. The logo should be bright and bold, utilizing a vibrant color palette to stand out. Key Requirements: -Design for me two logos along with social media kits for two different companies . - Incorporate the company's name into the logo design. - Maintain a minimalist aesthetic, focusing on simplicity and clean lines. - Use existing concept as guideline to create . Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software. - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalist design principles. - Prior experience designing logos is a must. Please, submit your portfolio demonstrating your experience with similar projects. I look forward to seeing your...

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    ... Payment Terms: o 50% upfront payment: Payable before the commencement of the project. o 50% upon completion: Payable once the project has been finalized and approved. o If payment defaults occur, the developer reserves the right to suspend work or revoke access to deliverables until payments are resolved. 3. Scope of Work and Revisions: o The website design brief serves as a guideline for the development process. Pages, features, and elements may be added, removed, or modified at any stage to align with evolving project requirements. o An allowance for revisions is provided within the additional 1-week period, limited to adjustments within the original scope. New requests beyond the scope will incur additional charges. 4. Costing Clause: o The client ackn...

    €1244 Average bid
    €1244 Gebot i.D.
    154 Angebote
    Brand guideline
    Beendet left

    I am looking for a brand guideline for BREEZ Salon | صالون إبريز. The logo already exists but needs refinement and integration into a comprehensive brand guideline with detailed elements. Project Overview: Focus: Hair and Nail Styling Slogan: "Your Beauty Starts Here" Concept: BREEZ Salon represents luxury, elegance, and sophistication, offering a refreshing and premium experience for clients. Required Brand Guideline Elements: Logo refinement Slogan: "Your Beauty Starts Here" Color Palette (Herbal Green, Gold, Latte, and Black) Typography (Arabic and English fonts) Brand applications (Shop signboard, employee uniforms, shopping bags, beverage cups, business cards, social media templates, and packaging) Milestones and 5-Day Timeline: Day 1: Ini...

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Gebot i.D.
    189 Angebote

    I run a Financial educational YouTube channel and I'm in need of a creative professional who can help with crafting engaging scripts and designing eye-catching thumbnails. Key Responsibilities: - Develop informal, yet educational scripts for my YouTube videos. - Create visually appealing thumbnails that align with the channel's tone. - Follow the steps and process guideline to achieve the goals Ideal Skills: - Expertise in YouTube scriptwriting with a focus on education. - Graphic design skills, particularly in creating YouTube thumbnails. - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and viewer engagement strategies. If you don't know any of that, it's fine, because the steps and process is easy to learn. We do everything with AI and free online softwares. Go...

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Gebot i.D.
    100 Angebote

    I'm looking for a dynamic and driven Loan Sales Officer with over a year ...of experience, particularly in the BFSI industry dealing with unsecured loans. The ideal candidate will have a minimum HSC qualification, a valid driving license, and access to a bike. Key Responsibilities: - Actively sell small-ticket business loans to merchants. - Manage end-to-end loan processing and ensure timely disbursements. - Follow up on daily collections for Equated Daily Instalments (EDI). - Build and maintain strong relationships with merchants and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. Essential Skills: - Strong communication and interpersonal skills are crucial. - Proven ability to meet and exceed sales targets. Mobility: This is a field sales role, and mobility is a must. Loc...

    €242 Average bid
    €242 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    I'm looking for a designer to create a 12-page marketing brochure for an upcoming drone exhibition. The style should be modern, professional, and creative to appeal to a diverse audience. Content: The brochure will include a mix of text descriptions, high-resolution images, and charts and diagrams. Your abilit... Content: The brochure will include a mix of text descriptions, high-resolution images, and charts and diagrams. Your ability to visually represent complex information will be key. Branding: I have established brand guidelines which you will need to adhere to. A keen eye for detail and understanding of brand consistency is essential. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Brand Guideline Adherence - Visual Information Representation - Modern and Creative ...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Gebot i.D.
    180 Angebote

    ...options. Please incorporate the brand colors and logo in the design. * Inspirations: Burberry’s Beloved Gift Bag, Chanel’s Irreplaceable Parisian Packaging, Tiffany’s Iconic Blue Box. 3. Brand Identity: * Objective: The swimwear designs, logo, and packaging should all reflect the same brand identity: modern, luxurious, body-positive, and stylish. * Deliverables: We would like a simple brand guideline document with the following: * Logo specifications and usage guidelines. * Color palette, typography, and any other visual brand elements. * A brief description of the brand identity. What We’re Looking For: * Experience: Previous experience with fashion, swimwear, and branding design is a plus. A portfolio showcasing work in high-end fashion and...

    €740 Average bid
    €740 Gebot i.D.
    40 Angebote

    ...logos to business cards, and from comprehensive branding guidelines to a fully designed website in Figma. This will be an on-going job for multiple clients of mine. I run a branding design agency and need an overflow designer. Key Responsibilities: - Design a unique and memorable logos - Create a cohesive set of branding materials including business cards, stationery, and a complete branding guideline - Design a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website in Figma Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Illustrator for logo and branding materials design - Experienced in Figma for website/ui design - Strong understanding of branding principles and guidelines - Able to deliver high-quality work within a budget of $8/hour If you're a team of designers or a single freelancer with ...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Gebot i.D.
    150 Angebote

    My WordPress/WooCommerce site is currentl... The specific plugins causing problems are unknown to me, but the site is experiencing a range of issues, from loading problems to checkout process hitches. Key tasks: - Troubleshoot and fix plugin conflicts/errors on the site - Update the integration between SparkShipping EDI software and our drop shipping vendor - Reupdate product listings from our vendor using EDI/API integration with SparkShipping addon - Integrate the website onto Google Shopping The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in EDI integration and dropshipping software, with a solid understanding of WordPress/WooCommerce. Experience with troubleshooting plugin conflicts is crucial. Your role will be pivotal in ensuring the smooth operatio...

    €526 Average bid
    €526 Gebot i.D.
    334 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented video editor with experience in creating animated educational explainer videos. The primary goal of t...working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in each of the video ---- Please check in this google sheet, send me draft version of video 24 edited video according to the step in tab 'Standard Guideline', if you can do it accordingly, then I will send award to you for the rest of the other videos : ; ----------

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gebot i.D.
    36 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented video editor with experience in creating animated educational explainer videos. The primary goal of t...working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in each of the video ---- Please check in this google sheet, send me draft version of video 24 edited video according to the step in tab 'Standard Guideline', if you can do it accordingly, then I will send award to you for the rest of the other videos : ; ----------

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gebot i.D.
    67 Angebote

    Hello Designers! We are looking for a talented graphic designer to create a modern, professional logo and a comprehensive brand guideline for Shortcut : GTP Company name : Global Tech Projects In Arabic : العالمية للمشاريع التقنية ((( Golden Ratio Logo ))) Our company is at the forefront of technology innovation, providing cutting-edge solutions and services across various industries. What We’re Looking For: Logo: A sleek, minimalistic, and memorable logo that conveys innovation, professionalism, and trust. Versatility to work across digital platforms, print materials, signage, and merchandise. Consider using a professional and modern color palette that aligns with a tech-forward brand image. Brand Guidelines: Clear instructions on logo usage, spacing, and scaling. D...

    €144 Average bid
    1164 Einträge

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create 3 eBooks for my coaching brand. The content is already prewritten, so your main task will be to transform the text into visually appealing, professional-style eBooks that align with my brand. Key Requirements: - Design 3 eBooks based on prewritten content - Adhere to provided brand guideline document - Deliver final product in PDF format Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Familiarity with eBook formatting - Ability to interpret and implement brand guidelines If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating professional, visually appealing eBooks, I'd love to hear from you.

    €237 Average bid
    €237 Gebot i.D.
    170 Angebote

    I am looking for visual identity for brand guideline Project Description Project Name: BREEZ Salon صالون إبريز Focus: Hair and Nail Styling Visual Identity Elements: Logo Slogan Color Palette Typography (Fonts) Shop Signboard Design Employee Uniforms Bags (Shopping Bags) Cups (For Beverages) Business Cards Social Media Templates Packaging (Tissue Paper & Wrappers) Concept and Vision: BREEZ Salon represents luxury, elegance, and sophistication. The name BREEZ signifies a refreshing, premium experience for clients, with an emphasis on beauty that shines like pure gold. Core Elements for the Logo Design: Primary Colors: Herbal Green GOLD , Off-white ) لاتيه) AND black Iconic elements that symbolize gold and luxury, such as a golden jar, coin, or pendant. A modern, minim...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Gebot i.D.
    120 Angebote

    ...looking for a skilled designer to create a minimalistic, modern logo for my brand. The logo should be a combination of text and an icon. It needs to be delivered in high-resolution, with a 3D mockup, the source files included, and a full brand guideline. Key Requirements: - A modern, minimalistic design approach. - Incorporation of elements in blue, white, black, purple, and light blue. - A combination of text and an icon in the logo. - Delivery of high-quality files, including a 3D mockup and source files. - Creation of a comprehensive brand guideline. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Strong understanding of minimalistic design principles. - Ability to create high-quality, print-ready files. - Experience in ...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Gebot i.D.
    131 Angebote

    ...designer to help create a comprehensive, professional and corporate styled UX portfolio for me. The portfolio will highlight my experience with a range of web and mobile app projects, and it needs to be designed in Figma. Key components of the portfolio: - Case studies from my 3 web portal projects, 4 websites and 6 mobile apps - An engaging 'About Me' page Every Project have a specific branding guideline that needs to be adhered to throughout the design process. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Extensive skills in creating UX Portfolios with different case studies - Extensive experience with Figma - A strong understanding of professional and corporate design aesthetics - Proven skills in crafting compelling UX case studies - Ability to interpret ...

    €138 Average bid
    €138 Gebot i.D.
    147 Angebote